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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 65 KB, 696x449, NKN-696x449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9734157 No.9734157 [Reply] [Original]

It's a US project (Cali) backed by Chinese actors (NEO), it's not "china decentralized internet", it's the first actual non deluded shot at the next step towards a distributed internet, they're not deluded like SKY and HOLO, they're not trying to build a completely new world, they're building the next logical step in the internet and using existing infrastructure (in talks with 2 top cable providers in the US). Their solution, unlike SUB, SKY, HOLO etc.. will be used by existing companies. And they have way more legitimacy than any other internet project so far, the NEO/Onchain backing is huge, because it makes it a much safer investment than any of the independent coins you've named.

>> No.9734169

The only white dude is an onlooker, not buying it

>> No.9735131

lmao you retard, you dont build roads upon roads.

You cant build a distributed internet on a central one, why is it so hard for you NKN faggots to understand it

>> No.9735179

Boom done

This one internet anon solved the entire dilemma.

We should let the NKN team and Diffie know.

>> No.9735371

VPN works through public (unsafe) networks. How is this any different? How do you explain how VPLS or core hiding work?

>> No.9735480

VPNs can still suffer from throttling or censorship, just because you jump hoops to another ISP doesnt mean that ISP will be better, and you're not exactly fixing the problem either.

Also an ISP can just throttle you for using a VPN if they want, and this is the fucking problem, they have so much control.

>> No.9735742

This is the third pillar of the onchain ecosystem

>> No.9735752

How much more time do I have to accumulate anons? The fucking 2 BTC Binance withdraw limit is killing me

>> No.9735761

why not KYC, lol... wtf...

next exchange this week, maybe in 8 hours binance, who knows.

>> No.9735779
File: 7 KB, 250x231, let.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he trusts Chinks with his identity

>> No.9735791

imagine being this deluded

>NEO is supported by Chink government
>Chink government wouldn't support decentralized internet
>Chinks trying to market their chinknet to americans

>> No.9735878

HOLO is the shit. They just don't have developers making any DApps yet. Go look at the reviews of the code if you haven't. It's not pumping so it's a scam right?

>> No.9735884


imagine missing this opportunity for wealth-creation because you refuse to see reality.

> China's largest state-owned enterprise Fosun fills Onchain seed round
> Onchain founder creates NKN
> salty member of /biz/ forgets China makes free-trade zones and that Fosun and Onchain creator are not smart enough to work with the Chinese government to incubate an unstoppable new internet

>> No.9735999

Lol this fucking guy

>”China’s largest state-owned enterprise” supports the project
>”Onchain creator are not smart enough to work with the Chinese government”
>simultaneously affiliated with NEO as every shill points out
>NEO is chink government backed
>Chink government-backed network is trying to startup in USA

You must be a complete pajeet to think you’ll get rich off of chinknet. Nobody is going to use this shit especially when they find out its chink government backed

>> No.9736011

stay poor :D:D:D:d:D:D

but we all know that you're accumulating, otherwise u wouldnt waste time answering here and fudding. see you on the moon, bro

>> No.9736020

Please keep fudding anons. Need a 2 more days to accumulate

>> No.9736063

Disgusting pajeets.... literally supporting a government backed shitcoin that wants to create a “decentralized internet” kek. All while simultaneously militarizing the South China Sea. Chinks and their schemes. I’m not buying this shif

>> No.9736073

thanks for a nice pitch, I'm going all in now unironically... currently waiting for my eth deposit on gate.io to get 12 confirmations.

>> No.9736106

Enjoy your bags. Once you go chink stay there you stink

>> No.9736131

enjoy being poor and your 10k dollars.

>> No.9736182

Pajeet my son!!! 60 rupees to 1 dollar chinklover hahaha

>> No.9736197

im holding bags of 300k nkn, sorry, man... European rich fag here.

>> No.9736198

Im all in, safe gainer this one, won't dump will only rise once it gets listed on a exchange that is American and Canadian friendly.

Only FUD that is created is from North Americans that are blocked from buying due to gate.io.

won't moon, but easy 3x

>> No.9736226

No we don’t want your chink coin. The fucking nerve of chinks, thinking in the first place they can startup in silicon valley, scam a few pajeets for funding, and develop a chink government backed internet, all while cucking north americans on gate io. Very unprofessional but i wouldnt expect professionality from chinks

>> No.9736235

u basically said guy without whom you're safely browsing the internet, is a scammer and then that NEO and ONT is scam.... you're just a meme of Americuck who cant buy. And u know your currency well I see, so ill give u 100 rupees for this fud.

>> No.9736246

there's no other reason why would anyone waste his time writing fud other than so he could buy cheap.

>> No.9736283

all these coins are chink coins and have zero usability. the underlying technology will just be used in the future by enterprises by duplicating the open source code and creating new coins that are controlled by the company that wants to use it.

we are only here for quick gains by using the greater fool method.

NKN will rise, I don't care about the tech, only care about 3x and then I leave. which will happen. then im on to the next shit coin.

If you want to talk about "muh technology" , "muh use cases", "muh white paper" you on the wrong board.

>> No.9736284

Hes just advising and i dont think NEO/ONT are scams, only NKN. It has shit written all over it and they market it to you as oooh next antshares and pajeets go wild

>> No.9736297

the same people who are behind NKN are behidn NEO and ONT.. u said it... top kek americuck, why wasting time? you can do something meaningful :D:D:D;D./

>> No.9736316
File: 82 KB, 512x494, F37B8BD9-3985-43F6-BF3A-EC598FE71376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea because chink scamming is the new norm for business. Lol “don’t spread fud but lets chink people and leave them holding our bags” fucking kek. Pajeets everywhere

>> No.9736336

Pajeet you are deluded and fucking annoying. Anyone reading your responses knows you reek of chink and pajeet, a horrible stench. Do i have to explain to you that NEO and ONT have use cases which drive the hype and value behind them? NKN has nothing but a scam idea behind it and fishy connections

>> No.9736345

Why are you on biz? wealth is not created out of nothing.
Wealth is created by taking money from someone else, no matter what you do.. for you to make money you have to take money from someone else.

its fucken sad that for you to be better off someone else has to be worse off, but thats the society we live in.

the only reason why there is rich people is because their is dumb poor people who have shit spending habits, same in crypto.

only reason there is whales is cause we have ppl in biz that buy high sell low.

>> No.9736453

Wealth isnt stolen. You provide a product or services in exchange for it. In this case the product has scam written all over it. And even if companies make their own coins they raise just as much as startups. Telegram 1.7 billion, eos 1 billion, tezos maybe a billion as well

>> No.9736604


wealth is always stolen, just depends on how removed from the chain you are. even if you provide a service to someone, and that person uses that to provide a service to someone else the money keeps being taken from someone else until there is one sucker that gives up the cash when they shouldn't have, or couldn't afford to.

Like in Australia, a live band for instance.. in a bar/pub making music.. seems innocent.. they provide a nice service to let people enjoy themselves.

reality is, only reason why they are there and getting paid is because there is some poor soul in the other room throwing coins down a pokies/slot machine.

everything Is the same, you want money, you cannot get it without someone being left holding bags or being worse off.

>> No.9736726
File: 7 KB, 227x222, 446825E2-9481-462D-9A0C-23580FB73BDD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9736767

Is that you? Or your brother?

>> No.9736789

Talkin all this ching chang chong, i cant under stand you

>> No.9736866
File: 43 KB, 300x387, 1523982242480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't invest in a project that uses an acronym that doesn't stand for anything

>> No.9736885

regardless, will 3x over next 2 weeks.
Im just trying to help some inexperienced ppl on here make some money.
take the advice or don't. if we all helped each other out and actually gave solid advice instead of shilling, memeing and funding we would all make it.

Everyday there are coins that gain by 15 percent and drop by 15 percent, I wouldn't advise anyone to chase these as you'll lose more then you gain in long run, keep it safe with coins like NKN