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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 290 KB, 1819x630, DeepinScreenshot_select-area_20180112151848.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9731720 No.9731720 [Reply] [Original]

EOS is nothing more than a huge cash grab. They raised 4 fucking billion at ICO, FOR LITERALLY NOTHING.
That 4 billion doesn't even go towards running EOS!

People will call EOS a scam, but it's nothing on the Arisebank shit he was involved with a few months ago.

Now this is less well known, but Dan Larimer has been involved in -an actual real life straight up fucking scam-

>Teams up with a con-artist
>Creates a fake bank
>Raises tonnes of funds

I'm not fucking making this up, will post pics explaining it all from a thread I made a few months ago, BEFORE Arisebank blew up and Dan Larimer ran off with the money. I didn't indict Larimer in my posts so much, but with all the hype EOS is getting recently I figured it'd be good to inform my bizzyboys about this nonsense.

Let's expose this cunt.

>> No.9731730
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>> No.9731732

How does an erc20 token with no development raise 4 billion?

What kind of accounting magic is that?

>> No.9731761
File: 147 KB, 1165x419, pedo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pedo faggot coin

inb4 eostards calling me a pajeet fudder.

>> No.9731771

Greentext version:

>Dan Larimer runs and promotes AriseBank
>Dan Larimer sets up Arisebank with a proven scammer
>Arisebank, surprise surprise, is a scam
>Arisebank and Dan Larimer run off with the money
>No one knows about this
>EOS is the biggest ICO in history, shamelessly grabbing 4 billion FOR NO REASON OTHER THAN TO GRAB 4 BILLION

Some of you are alright, stay away from Dan Larimer.

>> No.9731826
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>he produced its first show, a pilot for gay teenagers called Chad's World.

>> No.9731888
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>founder of EOS is a former dot com bubble scamming paedophile

>> No.9731935

>larimer creates DPoS and a fast blockchain called Steemit
>larimer crossed paths with some people who had bad intentions
>larimer uses his experience to create a new, fast blockhain that will be a platform for other new blockchains.

EOS will make cryptocurrencies that have no inherent value go to $0. Something like Bitcoin, that has no inherent value, but it has some favorable characteristics that are better than fiat currencies, will hit $0 except for the people that will hold their BTC just as a novelty coin.

Thing long term. currencies that cannot interact with smart contracts HAVE NO INTRINSIC VALUE. Something like EOS or ETH, that pays for fees or permission to use its blockchain, does have intrinsic value.

>> No.9731943

Also raised $600MM in a fake bank ICO, kek. And people still trust this guy! He stinks like shit and I wouldn't touch him with a ten foot poll.

>> No.9731944

that sounds pretty serious, how come nobody made it known earlier?

>> No.9731952

>a pilot for gay teenagers called "chad's world"
wtf am i reading?

>> No.9731956

All valid points, just don't get your money involved in anything Larimer touches. EOS is a bad idea at the moment.

>> No.9731981

I've posted about it on here several times, but the EOS shills are strong anon. It honestly still shocks me people aren't wise to this yet. It's not even baseless FUD, it's an actual thing that happened. It's so brazen and insane it sounds like FUD, but just do a couple of quick google searches and you'll see it's all true.

>> No.9731999
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Some of us bought EOS in every fud period for cheap. We are sitting in a mountain of gold that will just grow month after month sucking Ethereum dry and killing any new blockchain platform candidate even before they launch. And there is nothing you can do about it.

>> No.9732102

Good for you anon, that's cool. You made money and that's good. If you bought EOS at ICO you've also contributed to what is essentially a money making scam run by a known scammer. I'm just saying it's probably best to avoid anything this man touches in the future.

That aside, I hope the launch is shorter than the ICO and I hope the process of setting up the network (which Dan sure as fuck isn't doing, even with his 4billion EOS dollars, lol) goes smoothly.

>> No.9732127

thanks, bought 100k

>> No.9732129

Real fugly, head shaped like a rugby ball, fake tits, vienna lips, no style. No wonder you buy EOS anon.

>> No.9732158

The point is, dear anon, that I consider Dan Larimer a genius of software architecture. And I bought EOS based on it being the best blockchain platform - a place to invest in money and time, where I want to use stuff and create as well. The hours and millions of lines of code in the repo are not a scam: they are free for everybody to see. I have build and run every major release, played with the examples, learn its intricacies, and I never gave a fuck of how many billions they get: I support the superior project and I know for a fact it will give me profit for years.

>> No.9732162
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This will be fun

>> No.9732191

best timeline

>> No.9732253

Dan Larimer runs and promotes Arise bank

Show me a single piece of evidence that Dan so much as said Arise bank is alright

Also, Arise bank did not run off with customer funds, they were shut down by the SEC and the funds were seized by the do gooders

>> No.9732345

How about backing up even one of your claims
>Dan ran Arise bank
>Dan promoted
>Dan partnered with
>Dan endorsed

Seriously, wtf are you even talking about?

While you are at it, let me know one thing one thing Arise bank that actually caused harm

>> No.9732349


If that doesn't sway you, you deserve to lose all your money.

>> No.9732384

It sways me that they are smart and that they don't need banks to create the new decentralized internet because they have the biggest war chest in history

All of Dan's projects are SUCESSES

Bitshares - still doing more transactions than bitcoin and eth combined
Steem - the first killer app of blockchain tech, proved free transactions
EOS- normies will actually be using it without even knowing it

>> No.9732419

wtf i've heard this DEN story before I can't remember in what context though. Maybe just general dot-com VC fuckery.

>> No.9732488

This is Dan's third app in the space. It's his masterpiece. That's why I bought at 0.81 and why EOS is part of my 5 year hold along with IOTA and NANO.

>> No.9732630

Look it up you fucking brainlet. I don't get why you'd defend this obviously crooked man. Arisebank was promoted heavily by bitshares (one of Dan's projects). Dan Larimer worked with the Arisebank team. Don't act ignorant like Dan Larimer didn't know what was going on.

>> No.9732669

>Seriously, wtf are you even talking about?
Idiot. Read the thread. Arisebank ICO was a scam. There's no arguing against that.

>While you are at it, let me know one thing one thing Arise bank that actually caused harm
He dindunuffin! That's not the point you dumb cunt, he teamed up with a person who has a long and dirty history in scamming, to go and promote a scam. I don't know whether I can express it in a more basic manner than this.

>> No.9732680

Larimer left bitshares years ago brainlet

You also failed to mention what Arise bank actually did wrong besides not being allowed to compete with Jews without proper Jew clearance from the government

>> No.9732689

>dont get involved with anything larimer touches
> Bitshares and Steemit didnt make people money

>> No.9732695

he never "teamed up" with Arise bank

Arise Bank was in no way proven to be a scam - just do gooders "saving" the public from "harm"

Show me even one piece of evidence linking Dan Larimer to Arise Bank...

>> No.9732772

Larimer is an absolute piece of shit and I would much rather back skelly than that scamming fag. EOS cucks deserve to be rekt, you are as stupid as the people who bought bitconnect

>> No.9732780

>You also failed to mention what Arise bank actually did wrong besides not being allowed to compete with Jews without proper Jew clearance from the government

My bad. They fabricated the existence of an ownership of a bank(!!) which would give them a banking license as well as lying about having a stake in another bank, which they did not. There's a fucking good reason they got shut down. If you think them getting shut down was a "bad thing down to the jews!!!" then I don't really know what to say to you.

>> No.9732794
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>Arise Bank was in no way proven to be a scam

Does your wife not even believe in you? mm mm? no no no?

>> No.9732811 [DELETED] 


AriseBank was shut down by the SEC. One of its founders was Stanley Ford, who founded BitShares along with Dan Latriner.

>> No.9732829

the sec are fucking goofballs, i asked what they did to harm anyone besides pissing of jews and making do gooders swoop in

that's one way to put it

How is this connected to Dan Larimer again?

>> No.9732863

>the sec are fucking goofballs, i asked what they did to harm anyone besides pissing of jews and making do gooders swoop in

They didn't get to harm anyone because they were shut down before they could take people's money. But yeah you're right I guess at the end of the day there's nothing wrong with unregulated bank, run by a proven serial scammer (Jared Rice). Damn the jews!

>> No.9732879



Stan Larimer = founder of BitShares along with Dan.
Michael Taggart = Well known scammer, also behind BitShares

People forget that Bittrex delisted Bitshares last year due to pressure from the SEC.

>> No.9732924

>Stan Larimer
Yep, Stan Larimer is Dan Larimer's father. Shady as all fuck.

>> No.9732937

More scams.

>> No.9733033

Yeah bro this shit's insane. I don't think anyone does their own research. Within 10 minutes of reading it's clear that Dan and all of his projects are very, very shady.

>> No.9733116
File: 107 KB, 1280x720, kidneys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone pro-EOS please address the wash trading allegations? I read somewhere there will be a public audit after the presale ends.. is that still happening?

>> No.9733209

200,000 ETH was sent to bitfinex from EOS just a few days ago... then the pump happened.

>> No.9733323

Holy shit I knew that I remembered that name from somewhere and was confused as to why it was called a PedoCoin.
Anon did you by any chance see a documentary about pedophiles in Hollywood?
They focused on Digital Entertainment Network for a portion, and talked about Brock Pierce. Theres a famous Hollywood Director named Bryan Singer who supposedly had all of these gay pedophile orgies at his home. Would get all these kids in his hot tub liquored up, give them some ecstacy and shit, and rape them.
Holy shit. I'll try and find the documentary, it was actually pretty interesting about the abuse in Hollywood.

>> No.9733448

Documentary is called An Open Secret.
Go to about 30 minutes in for the section on DEN.

This shit is unbelievable.

>> No.9733505

>Bitcoin will go to 0 because of my shitcoin
this is how you know you're either dealing with a delusional cultist or a scammer

>> No.9733546

>Bitshares and Steemit didnt make people money

umm Yeah 20 grand personally at ATH. 11 grand now. But thats just whats up there now. I cashed out a couple grand before that.

Sorry to say your guys FUD is just as flat as you heavy ass ETH bags.

>> No.9733570

>Can someone pro-EOS please address the wash trading allegations?

Everyone fucking knows that Bitcoin is wash traded because of bots that value sats over USD. The best performing coins will be wash traded against BTC. Its why all coins follow BTC market movement.

>> No.9733574

For the record I hold neither ETH or EOS.

But just watch what I just posted. The people running EOS are known pedophiles and scammers.
You can not refute this.

>> No.9733610

>If you bought EOS at ICO you've also contributed to what is essentially a money making scam run by a known scammer.

So if I make a shit ton of money I am being scammed right? So I should be super mad about all of this money I am making with a superior product?

>> No.9733628

This shit isnt going to work man. You are fucked. Do you understand me? Nothing is going to change the fact that ETH is a worthless shitcoin now. So is BTC. It cant hold up and you got scammed super hard.

>> No.9733672

Oh by the way Vitalik is ok with child porn. You are aware of that right?

>> No.9733708

I said I don't have EITHER ETH OR EOS you fucking retard.
Watch that documentary I just posted.
go to 30 minutes in and you'll see what myself and the other anon I replied to are talking about.
scammers and pedos man

>> No.9733717

>I said I don't have EITHER ETH OR EOS you fucking retard.

Yes you do shut the fuck up.

>> No.9733732

Vitalik is a pedo too.

>> No.9733767

Enjoy your money anon (: I'm cool with that. I'm simply of the opinion that shady scumbags like Larimer should be exposed. It's good to be cautious around scammers, after all.

>> No.9733799

You're just proving my point that you're actually fucking retarded.

Go watch that documentary, look at that Wikipedia, and pull your fucking head out of your ass.

>> No.9733853

>Enjoy your money anon (: I'm cool with that. I'm simply of the opinion that shady scumbags like Larimer should be exposed. It's good to be cautious around scammers, after all.

Hes not though. You are though.

> Go watch that documentary, look at that Wikipedia, and pull your fucking head out of your ass.

*yawn* all I see is desperation that some random made up bullshit sticks. What is this the fucking 90s? *GASP* IS THIS A SCANDLE!!??

You guys are doing the same playbook as you did with Roger Veer and its old hat. Been there seen that. It was all bullshit. Anyone with half a brain sees right through all of this crap.

You should really KYS though you fucking scumbag.

>> No.9733905

-anon is trying to educate you on what brock pierce actually is and his history
-anon is trying to educate you on the history of dan larimer and the projects he involves himself in

-You refuse to even look at a link or read on your own, and call anon a scumbag

>The fucking density of this board

>> No.9733933

>>The fucking density of this board

main net is going live. Suddenly everyone cares about child porn.

All of you fucking KYS. Just do it.

>> No.9733980

I especially love how

> dan larimer and the projects he involves himself in

ooohhh sounds spooky! He must be one shady fellow. Nobody is falling for this shit. Just dump your ETH bags or stop whining.

>> No.9733991

I have nothing to profit from this.
I simply saw a correlation when someone mentioned Brock pierce and DEN.
Are you actually 12 years old?
Your only retort is to tell people Kys.
Jesus I hope you are. Because if you're that fucking dense and you're an adult, I'm just going to assume you'll never move out of mother's basement. >>9733905
Thanks anon.

>> No.9734006

Why all the interest in EOS and Dan suddenly? It's in the top #10 for over a year now.

>> No.9734010

you fucking idiot

>> No.9734017

>I have nothing to profit from this.

Thanks for your fake ass benevolence. Nobody, I repeat ZERO FUCKING PEOPLE are going to fall for this random shit.

>> No.9734045

Its because of mainnet going live. They are desperate as fuck because everyone knows ETH is garbage.

Its boring, they have nothing but hot air.

>> No.9734139

Pearls to swine. Faggots are going to be butthurt but at least some smart anons with take heed.

>> No.9734201

There's nothing to "fall for". There's empirical evidence for all of these claims.

>> No.9734218
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>Dan Larimer about to get exposed

>> No.9734331

> There's empirical evidence that Dan is secretly old man whithers from the haunted amusement park!

And he would have gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for you meddling kids.

>> No.9734332

Theres no getting through to people like that.
I know we all joke about the autists on this board but Jesus christ, that guy. Well I'm going to assume he's on the spectrum.

>> No.9734398

I'm dumping 5-20k XRB every day

940k left...

Thank you sir

>> No.9734405

It would be absurd for them to exit scam $4 billion. With such an ambitious project, they now have a massive war chest with their funds. So, what are they going to do — exit scam or take over the entire blockchain space which would be 10x more lucrative for them even if they were just in it for the money.

Personally, I think their inflated ICO will give them enough wealth and influence to takeover the whole space.

>> No.9734413

>Theres no getting through to people like that.
>I know we all joke about the autists on this board but Jesus christ, that guy. Well I'm going to assume he's on the spectrum.

I am so glad you guys are super concerned for everyone's safety. No seriously, the sudden benevolence is so fucking endearing. You guys knew about child porn and scam allegations for months and months and ever reported this to anyone! Or wait, let me guess, you are just now fucking discovering this and you are super SHOCKED.

If anyone listens to any of this shit you deserve to be poor.

>> No.9734464
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>You guys knew about child porn and scam allegations for months and months and ever reported this to anyone!
Apologize right now

>> No.9734600

Did mommy forget to give you your meds today?

>> No.9734718

Dan ripped the codebase off of bitshares and used it for EOS. It's the same but you wouldn't know because you can't code. He could've kept building on top of bitshares but instead decided to launch an ico and raise 4 billion fucking dollars

>> No.9734787

>How does an erc20 token with no development raise 4 billion?
>What kind of accounting magic is that?
lol EOS has the best finished software in crypto right now.

DYOR god damn brainlet. All EOSers will be rich and you will stay poor.

>> No.9734791

Woah holy shit, Thats exactly what Roger Veer did with BTC! This is definitely a jew conspiracy, George Soros IS SO FUCKING INVOLVED IT AMAZING!!!

This is an attack on cryptocurrency guys!! Make sure to buy Bitcoin in support of block stream because block stream is 100% not jewish!!

Roger Veer and Dan Larimer are not even white people!!!

>> No.9734821

EOS is going to ZERO BECAUSE CHILD PORN!!!! Very scary investment everyone! Very scary!

>> No.9734822

Dan made bitshare you god damn retard. You can't steal something you made.

EOS is a better version of bitshare and steem, based on Dan's experience and mistake at both.

>> No.9734840

>Dan made bitshare you god damn retard. You can't steal something you made.

He also stole from steem too! Then sold it for stacks of child porn magazines!

>> No.9734900

John Oliver is the only white person we should trust here on /biz/ because he is 100% not owned by jews!!! Apologize to the ONE WHITE PERSON WE SHOULD TRUST!!!

>> No.9734926

Sounds like we need to follow dan to his next investment as well. Hopefully he starts another coin up.

>> No.9734937
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>> No.9734961

did anyone even see the EOS launch presentation yesterday? the one with brock pierce at an LA theater. it was a fucking joke. people in the crowd were jeering and taunting him about his christopher columbus looking outfit. he couldnt even answer some basic questions about the block producers and inflation.

>> No.9734973

I went to eos.io site and checked their video. Both of the guys (the fat retarded autist and the scam artist) give off very bad vibes. Checked some of their stuff on github, whoever is coding it their understanding of C++14 is elementary

>> No.9734984

Honestly guys, do you know how EOS works and will boot up?

>> No.9735014

What? I'm trying to help you guys out man!

Oh wait this just in, I just found out that Dan Larimer is actually a black jew. Oh snap! That's going to be super crushing news for /biz/ and /pol/

Damn guys, dropping the truth bombs.

>> No.9735099


Is that you Dan?


You do know that guy was also defending EOS right? You're so butthurt & defensive you're now trolling other EOS shills kek.

>> No.9735140

>You're so butthurt & defensive you're now trolling other EOS shills kek.

All I know is that I am super glad that Vitalik has never once discussed the topic of pedophilia.

Close call for us ETH people am I right guys?

>> No.9735274

Lol you EOS fudders are no different than those saying we should lock up Hilary. If Dan is so bad, why isnt he in jail???? Hmmmmmmm..... I ONO

>> No.9735318


>> No.9735357

Dan is Always men behind all scams

>> No.9735400

>Dan is Always men behind all scams

Yeah, he is behind every single scam ever since the dawn of man kind.

>> No.9735415


>> No.9735490

Babby's first emotional investment

>> No.9735580

Bump the fycck out of Dan scammer

>> No.9735587

Also, A big wig MIC cunt from lockheed/northrop grumman. The fucker made a career of death, why expect any different now?

>> No.9735612

>I'm cool with that. I'm simply of the opinion that shady scumbags like Larimer should be exposed.
You should just stop buying cryptos.

>> No.9735795
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Thanks for reminding me