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File: 276 KB, 1200x1600, s-l1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9731660 No.9731660 [Reply] [Original]

People speak about MTG but the Pokemon market is much more bigger.

I made more money with Pokemon than cryptos.

I bought PSA 9-10 cards (1st edition) 3 years ago @ 80-100$ each.

They are now at around $500-$900 each

>> No.9731701

>pokemon greater than MTG

Nigger, have you been to a nerd store in the last 10 years? Arbitrage from MTG trades is a source of actual income to some people

Also, that card value pales on comparison to the power 9s

>> No.9731703

wow, a x9 in only 3 years, that never happens in crypto

>> No.9731734

That happens everyday, every hour. I hold PKMN, but it's not gonna moon for 10 years.

>> No.9731742
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>tfw lost my first edition mint charizard in a flood 10 years ago

>> No.9731748

x9 in 3 years by storing them in a closet and not spending a single second on a chart :)

BOOM killed

>> No.9731795

Does anyone actually buy these though?

I have a psa 10 1st charizatd, but no one has ever made a serious bid on it for $500

I've had a couple of obvious poojet scammers try to buy it but I refused to sell it to them.

>> No.9731827


What % of the population knows Magic ?
What % of the population knows Pokemon ?

Imagine this figure overtime, Market supply and demand, Pokemon wins.

>> No.9731878

Wait i can sell my charizard for 900?
Might have to go back and search for my stash at parents home. Had Charizard and other first edition in mint condition. Are they all that much? What about second edition? Had the first rare of that, don't even remember what it was.

>> No.9731931


Normies don't care about the TCG. And the old TCG cards are worthless 99% of the time. MTG consistently goes up in value. Alpha-Revised sees a 30% increase every year for the major money cards. Fucking revised Underground Seas are $700 now. I bought my playset when they were $80 5 or so years ago.

>> No.9731945


It is a specific charizard barely anyone has. It looks just like the ones you had. Normies get blown out by this meme so often.

>> No.9731950

That's obviously fake anyway. It's in some kind of lorem ipsum placeholder language.

>> No.9731976

If its actually a PSA 10 first ed base set zard you could get 20k for it any day of the week on ebay. So either you dont know what you actually have or you haven't tried to sell it in the past few years.

>> No.9731985


It's french morron lol

>> No.9731988

The bull run is over lmao.

>> No.9732000

So you agree?

>> No.9732007


It's not. Pokemon Go increased the price and it didnt drop since

>> No.9732011
File: 18 KB, 620x478, llll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> mfw I had a dragonite holo from it's first edition and exchanged it for some shitty sticker
at least I was happy back then

>> No.9732024


This particular one is not shadowless. The only one worth actual money. So this is just the undesireable one in a PSA shell.

>> No.9732027


What blows my mimd about MTG and Yugioh is that the majority of the highest priced cards are not meta and most have never been meta.

Why are people paying this for shit that isn't playable in the tcg

>> No.9732035


No worries. I gave all my pokemon cards when I was 10-13.

I bought back all the cards I never saw in my life like: Charizard, Tortoise etc... It was not an investment at the beginning. Was just for my happiness.

>> No.9732051


1 ed French cards are actually rarer that Shadowless but the demand is smaller so the price is smaller.

>> No.9732061


No idea about Yugioh, but all of the old cards worth serious money in MtG are the best cards ever made and see play in vintage. Where super rich nerds show off their pocketbooks while playing a card game. Otherwise, the oldest mtg cards had very limited print runs so even shitty cards from those 24 year old sets are difficult to find.

>> No.9732086
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lmao, pleb

>> No.9732119

i've got a 4/130 holo charizard near mint/mint condition
how much is it worth?

>> No.9732149

Not just GO. Nintendo executed a fucking earth shattering ad campaign for the franchises 20th anniversary, which GO essentially was apart of. Not to mention it coincided perfectly with the time frame in which people who grew up with the franchise during pokemania for the first time had disposable income to dish out on vintage tcg. Everything they've been doing since 2016 has been right on the fucking money and with the new switch game they just announced I think it's just going to keep fucking exploding. They have the perfect mix of new games/merchandise for children while being able to pander to nostalgia fags in their 30s.

>> No.9732156


>> No.9732205

I gave away a black lotus in kindergarten to an older guy. I knew the other guy was sheming but not how much :/

>> No.9732242
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Barley a 5x for over 3 years...

>> No.9732260

I got scammed by my cousin for all my holo’s back in the day. Had multiple charizards 1st edition mint condition but I was a kid and didn’t know.
>tfw you have a family and hear kids selling Pokémon cards in your neighborhood
>tfw they have multiple charizards and you buy all of them for $50
>tfw you made 20k easy from scamming kids

>> No.9732284

PSA 7-10 only Guys!

Non rated cards, I personally dont give a fuck and will never buy something not certified.

>> No.9732357
File: 1.07 MB, 1793x1269, the bullrun to end all bullruns.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this. Pokemon is totally pleb tier, it's baby investment, while MTG Chad is in a giant infinite bullrun.

>> No.9732376

Boom virgin!

>> No.9732382
File: 60 KB, 525x432, DSC_0378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mtg is too autistic for normen
pokemon, thats something they think they understand and reminiscence about when playing nintendo while their wives and girlfriends are out with their bfs

>> No.9732386

pokemon cards are a thing still? how is that when the bottom dropped out of the sports card market?

>> No.9732401
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>> No.9732454

Autistic manchildren use the excuse of "My Pokemon card will be worth more one day I swear" (and it probably will, I'm not saying it won't) as an excuse, but the reality is these people just want to play with toys. They didn't grow up. Same people who spend hours upon hours playing video games. They're games. Made for children. Life isn't supposed to be fun all day as much as possible. It is damaging to everyone involved.

It's like those dads who buy their kids huge Lego sets, etc, when the kid isn't even that interested... it's just an excuse to relive their childhood because they had no strong male role model growing up and literally don't know how to be a man. It's literally like Hockey dads except for a "geek" product instead of sports. The irony being these people probably mock 'Hockey dads', etc.

Watch them on YouTube if you don't believe me. Some of them are very passionate due to intense autism and years of social isolation (it will do that to you), but you can LITERALLY see that their obsession with the card game is result of some other deep trauma in their life, and it's their escapism.. It's probably quite unhealthy to not recognise it.

It's very similar to r9k style of group-think wherein they all sheild each other and point fingers, but in reality it's themselves who are damaged.

And obviously you get some who are still 17-18, late bloomers, which is acceptable... but if I see you playing Pokemon at 40, I'm going to want to knock you the fuck out on principle. It's just human nature

>> No.9732496

>kids like pizza. A lot of kids didn't get to eat pizza growing up
>it's childish if they eat pizza as a grown up
Replying to pasta with a food analogy. Sue. Me

>> No.9732507

Manchildren with simple wage slave jobs care about Pokemon.
Sophisticated autists that have an engineering, compsci, science, or any other high degree care about magic.

>> No.9732508

It wasn't pasta. Learn how to use 4chan and a search engine.

>> No.9732542

Seems like you care too much about what other people do. Maybe play a game and calm down? I hear pokemon is fun.

>> No.9732575

And just to add: I've watched a few of them because some really do have an intense passion for it which is admirable, but even then they would often describe like, uh, how they were "taken back to my high school years whenever I smell the fresh cards from a new pack opening", and that sentence alone maybe isn't enough to illustrate my point by itself, but alongside other things like certain gestures, the look in their eyes, general 'vibe' and so on, you can just sense that they are literally stuck in their youth in some bizarre way due to some mental issue they experience/d. They never grew up. It's like the 4chan meme "You're here forever", only it's not quick and up to date information that they are addicted to, it's literally pure nostalgia. And nostalgia is always sad, kids.

No I just find people interesting regardless of how autistic they are

>> No.9732610

normen don't spend 50k on a card nigger, only autistic rich neckbeards

>> No.9732627

The only nostalgia I have is for the pokemon I used to play with your mom when your dad went to work. She would pikachu on my charizard and I would collect em all.

>> No.9732654

MTG is in a bubble. PKMN is a good investment but it still needs wealthy pokemon fanatics which will come around in ~10 years.

>> No.9732682

I played Pokemon too as a kid, don't get me wrong. I just grew out.
I don't think it can be excused just because its escapism though. Many of them are far worse off because of their 'addiction' that they pretend is a hobby, and some of them are quite literally the '40 year old virgin' LARP type guys when they probably don't need to be. Their magic shiny cards literally fucked their life in the ass until it violently prolapsed and their organs fell out in one fell swoop.

Like some 4chan users and cartoons.. something carried over, and it definitely isn't a good thing but nevermind that for now

>> No.9732691

Singularity in 10 years. Strap in and practice pokemon, it will become our national sport.

>> No.9732704
File: 249 KB, 1024x768, 1-ZcII6h8JU_8opL6e73bYzQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never played pokemon. I played magic with my wife and beat her in 3 turns with my goblin deck. Bitch never saw it coming.

>> No.9732771

True though don't know how much longer. I haven't kept up with MTG since entering university but i heard they went SJW / inclusive. If they dumb it down for the new customers the original fans will run away.

>> No.9732781

already basically a pro at pkmn. come at me.

>> No.9732808

nah they're both for manchildren. Also a shitty investment. I'll buy 100k worth of shitcoins but putting that on pokemon cards is insane.

>> No.9732809

It's still the same game with a few usability issues addressed.
Lands do damage now and they removed instants and creatures.
There can be multiple winners if the players use the 'collaborate' ability on lands.

>> No.9732919
File: 51 KB, 312x445, 155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Normies virgin walletlet maybe know pokemon because it's easy to play and normie friendly but they work at mcdonald and must pay their bills and take loans to barely survive, they can't invest in a TCG and even less pump it.

AutistChads neckbeard knows magic because magic is made for autists who love infinite contradictory ruling, pile triggers and overcomplexified things. The kind of person you will probably hate to party or fuck with, but definitely the kind of person making tons of cash once they are manchildren because they work at the NSA, IBM or are analysts for bigcorps. They don't mind wasting thousands in a card they will probably never look at again or maybe put in the bin directly.

Thats why i would put a dime on pokenormie but go all in on MTG. Almost all the ex magic players i know have now high positions in big corps or have their own business (but me, but thats because i'm 2autistic2normielife)

I mean comon, look at pic related, could you imagine the amount of pure autism needed by a child interested in this kind of shit?
The art look like shit, the textbox is full with a wall of text, it reads like a fucking enactment of legislation on tax cuts during the civil war, it doesnt even make sense until the TCG company provide an oracle text changing the wording so you have both to know the card but also the post-oracle wall text edited by the company from fucking mind.

Concentrated autism at its finest.

>> No.9732992

Thanks, bought 100k.

>> No.9733117

>this pic...
You alrdy know their life story in 2sec.

>the ones over 35
divorcees, used their ex-husband money they won from the court ruling to waste on random shitcoin thinking this way they will impress Chad/the neighbor/their friend during cocktail parties, basically they ant to virtue signaling. They are a lil bit worried about losing it all tho, they are old enough to know they are worthless on the dating market.

>the ones under 35 :
daddy-girls, waste their parent money on random shitcoin because it's the new hype thing they read on social media, they think they will live the dream and wont have to suck cocks nor work to make it, basically it's virtue signaling with stupid hopes. If they lose it all it's not a problem either, since its daddy money and they don't have any empathy nor respect for him. The back up plan is still ok since they didnt hit the wall yet : suck cocks and enslave a beta provider.

Chances of success : 0%

>> No.9733438

uh, I bought Bitcoin 3 years ago, stored em in a wallet and didn't look at a chart. 30x, after the bubble

I mean, I'm happy for you, but don't pretend like Bitcoin didn't perform 10 times as well