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File: 9 KB, 365x283, avocado-img-9583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9730826 No.9730826 [Reply] [Original]

*blocks homeownership's path*

>> No.9730852
File: 134 KB, 500x397, bernankenkrugman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So is avocado toast supposed to be good or what? I do enjoy eating guacamole, so I guess I'll stay homeless forever if I ever try the toast version?

Anyone try any good recipes for it?

>> No.9730855

>basedboy cuck products everywhere you look
>lets demonize one the few things that are actually beneficial

must be amerifat hour

>> No.9730894

whoosh you or me?

>> No.9730922
File: 187 KB, 1137x1137, 1518330907579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not Avocado toast that's blocking millennials from home ownership, it's:

1. Being brainwashed into taking on student loan debts for worthless degrees
2. Baby Boomer parents who are reverse mortgaging their houses to fund their retirements instead of passing it down to their kids
3. Millennials grew up soft and have no work ethic
4. Belief that capitalism is a system of oppression

The west is completely fucked and there's no going back now. I blame the boomers for how the millennials got raised though.

>> No.9730924

mash half of the avocado on a slice of toast each with a fork, add a little fresh lemon juice and sea salt on top, that's the most basic option. From there ou can whatever you like, sesame or hemp seeds for example

>> No.9730943

Cilantro, diced red onion, cracked black pep, kosher salt, lime, jalapeno, cumin, garlic powder or fresh mashed garlic, mix together with avocado
Perfect guac

>> No.9730950

> brainwashed into taking on student loan debts for worthless degrees
>capitalism is a system of oppression

it is tho

>> No.9730973

Waaaa waaaa waaaa blame the Boomers! You lazy millennials sicken me. Why don't you apply for a job instead of crying on biz?

>> No.9730989

and the boomers blame millenials and avocados

>> No.9730992

I already have a job and I'm lucky to be in the position I'm in in my life. Other people my age are absolutely fucked though. Millennials suffer from both lack of opportunity and lack of motivation / fire in the belly. That's why we are sad sacks of shit most of the time.

>> No.9731006

/fit/ here

I eat two avocados a day, no toast, just plain or with mustard. I get bags from sams cuck for 5$ for 5. only fucking retards buy pre-prepared guac or fucking toast.

>> No.9731019

>waits for Boomer die-off to collapse inflated real estate market
>buys rural land and builds own home with wife
I'm not buying your $300,000 suburban cuckshack that you paid $23,000 for in 1972.

>> No.9731056

I always thought this was so stupid, especially since my home is made out of avocados.

>> No.9731115

I wouldn't say most people are sad I'd say they are empty

>> No.9731131

That's a good price but just mustard and avocado together doesn't sound especially appetizing. We talking dijon or brown?

>> No.9731141

Ah so it's like quac spread. I'm gonna put pepper on it too then! Thanks bud

>> No.9731338

How much avocado to make it

>> No.9732195

just put tajin spice on it.
sometimes with cream cheese

>> No.9732395
File: 139 KB, 1024x575, CuckShack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You still haven't explained why it is that I should pay $200,000 for pic related and spend fifteen years paying $50,000 atop that to the kikes at the bank

>> No.9732464

Millenials do spend money on stupid shit, but it is mostly an added standard of living that is weighing them down.
bills we have that boomers didn't, and these are bills that add up
>Cell phone
>Cable (being very expensive)
>college (30%) more
>Lower wages
>Higher health insurance
>Higher taxes
Some choices though
>Wanting to move out earlier
>Less likely to take uncomfortable jobs (Prison Guard, Plumber, Truck Drivers, Electrician)

>> No.9732576
File: 1010 KB, 2853x1506, 20160301_obama_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

great but you forgot to mention any this stuff:

>> No.9732641

>stagnating wages for over 40 years
>cost of living soaring in every department, utilities, food, gas/petrol, education etc
>housing prices increased by a factor of 10x or more over 40 years, foreign investment encouraged by every boomer that bought his house for 4 years salary
>job market the worst it has ever been with big business flooding countries with cheap labour

But its dem smashed avocados LMAO
Fucking retarded boomer meme.
fun fact: boomers also wasted far more money than millenials did in their youth.

>> No.9732651

Sounds like too much work. I'd rather just eat an avocado and a slice of bread.

>> No.9732685

avacados with sardines and onions sauce is patrician tier

>> No.9733322

Great graphs, but Money Printing should be in its own category at the very top. This is the source of all other graphs - inflation destroyed the normal economy and moved the west into short boom and bust cycles.

>> No.9733792

You really are that degenerate that you wouldn't sacrifice 2.5 minutes of playing vidya or watching Netflix to make yourself a basic, but respectable meal? I mean come on now if you treat yourself like a farm animal, throwing a bunch of leftover shit into a trough, how can you respect yourself and hold yourself to a high standard?

Not to be preachy here, but this is a self improvement board just like /fit/. Simple things like actually spending 10 minutes to cook yourself a meal are concrete ways to improve character and build self respect.