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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9729021 No.9729021 [Reply] [Original]

Wasn't the mainnet of EOS supposed to be launched yesterday?
Where is the wallet then?
Or is it still an ERC20?
Will all the airdrops happen while still ERC20?

>> No.9729040

Lol mainnet

You fool. There is no one mainnet
The code was released. It is up to the community to build the "mainnet".

Different versions of EOS will arise and people will claim their EOS is the real EOS

>> No.9729051
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>> No.9729065
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>> No.9729075
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>> No.9729089


>> No.9729113

>Wasn't the mainnet of EOS supposed to be launched yesterday?
Did they died?

>> No.9729130

EOS newb here. What are the EOS coins themselves going to be used for?

>> No.9729147

It's like owning digital real estate.

'Owning EOS coins is a claim on server resources. A developer needs to have EOS coins to use the EOS blockchain. Developers will not spend the coins to use the server resources, s/he just need to prove they hold them.

Overview - Table of Contents
What Is EOS?
Getting Started With EOS
How To Get An EOS Wallet?
EOS Resources
How To Buy EOS?
How To Earn EOS?
What Is EOS Mining?
Latest EOS News
This operating system will be hosted on servers (data centres) which in return will also be block producers. Block rewards in EOS are the incentive for these servers to host EOS applications.'

>> No.9729148

You idiot you got scammed

>> No.9729155

Apparently I'm retarded. Here's the actual context:

Owning EOS coins is a claim on server resources. A developer needs to have EOS coins to use the EOS blockchain. Developers will not spend the coins to use the server resources, s/he just need to prove they hold them

This operating system will be hosted on servers (data centres) which in return will also be block producers. Block rewards in EOS are the incentive for these servers to host EOS applications.


>> No.9729194

Not retarded compared to the average EOS thread contributor.

>> No.9729276

There are people who understand the tech and then there are people who understand money. Can't make money in crypto if the tech won't survive.

>> No.9729311


>> No.9729760
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>Lol mainnet

current state of real mainnet launch

>> No.9730488

i thought this was a joke. holy fuck its real
>EOS won't launch it because they don't want to be a security, it's only an exit scam, they don't want to be held accountable by the SEC

>> No.9730494


>> No.9730511
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this cant be real

>> No.9730533

Have I been fooled? WHAT THE FUCK

>> No.9730560

>It is very interesting to think that all of the money Block.One has raised will not be used to run what it built. The ETH that Block.One raised will not go to fund Block Producers. Instead, the EOS token holders have purchased the right to govern themselves.

So they received 4 billion USD from ICO and just keep it?

>> No.9730573


check it


>> No.9730590
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Stop losses going higher and higher. Feel sorry for those who bought into the dump meme.

>> No.9730608
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never was into eos too bad the zergs pump all the scam coins

>> No.9730699

>So they received 4 billion USD from ICO and just keep it?
Yes and they were always open about this. That's why eos ico made so many people mad, it's the most blatant money grab in crypto history.

>> No.9730712

So what did you fags even buy? You bought a token that does what?

>> No.9730717

not anymore than BITCONNECT about the same

It's just weird people fall for schemes over actual products

even john oliver had a show about how terrible EOS is and people still put more money into it

>> No.9730720
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>> No.9730799

>even john oliver had a show about how terrible EOS is and people still put more money into it

John Oliver didn't even know what the fucking coin does.

>> No.9730807
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they need the 4billion to pay the developers

>> No.9730823


>even john oliver had a show about how terrible EOS is and people still put more money into it

The absolute state of noeosers. Sorry this kike neoliberal cost you your last chance to make it in crypto

>> No.9730851

>John Oliver didn't even know what the fucking coin does.

Because it doesn't do anything

>billions of dollars for a whitepaper

>> No.9730876

it's not even a whitepaper. it's a link to their github about page full of lawyer jargon.
larimer has done this 3 times before and it seems he's perfected the art of pumping and dumping projects

>> No.9730928

apparently there are now 6 different main nets. Holy fuck. AAAAHHHHHH hahaha!!

>> No.9730937

holy fuck what if this is like powh3d or some shit was? There will be like 100 EOS clones trying to be the real one, lmfao this is a gem. god I love crypto.

>> No.9730951

> Because it doesn't do anything
By that logic ETH doesn't do anything either. Cant use it as money, cant use it for dapps. Just cant use it for anything it seems.

>> No.9730964

It may take awhile for shit to settle down but for some reason this seems more entertaining than scary.

>> No.9730965

There will never be a real EOS. There will be a million clones. It'll dump as people get exit scammed and eventually even pajeets will be running their own scam EOSnets.

>> No.9730983

>Cant use it as money
ETH clearly works as platform for ICOs, as evidenced by EOS itself. Therefore, it's used as money.
>cant use it for dapps
idex is a dapp, it's pretty popular.
The best thing is, sooner or later people will realize they can just ignore eos (token) distribution and launch networks with new ownership.

>> No.9731096

Liar liar pants on fire.
There is 1 main net backed by dozens of block producer. There are chinese who wants their own but doesn't have enough support. And there is the Evolution side chain that will be airdropped and was announced as a separate project a month ago. So in summary: we will get EOS next week plus extra tokens.

>> No.9731166

>ETH clearly works as platform for ICOs, as evidenced by EOS itself. Therefore, it's used as money.

Its not worth 600 dollars for that though.
its worse than most coins that does the same thing. SO I say 30 dallar ETH sounds about right.

> idex is a dapp, it's pretty popular.
Hey remember that cat breeding dapp that drove the price of transactions to 30 dollars each?
That must sting man. Sorry about that.

> The best thing is, sooner or later people will realize they can just ignore eos (token) distribution and launch networks with new ownership.

Weren't you fuckers complaining about how centralized this shit is. Now that you lost your biggest argument is gone its being used for fud?

Anyway, this also means multiple mainnets can go live that DON'T ignore distribution. Which would be kinda cool.

>> No.9731183


They will only be able to launch if 15% of the networks total volume is staked and that probably will be hard to convince them to do without using the genesis block it will simply not be adopted by the community

>> No.9731201
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>> No.9731214

Oh I was going off of this headline

> Consensus Reached Across 6 Independent Snapshots - readying for next stage

am I misinterpreting?

>> No.9731239

Code is open source, it can be edited out.
>simply not be adopted by the community
is r/eos 'community' really worth that much?

>> No.9731240
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>ETH has value because you can buy ICOs with it
>But I also think ICOs are valueless because they are vapourware

>> No.9731256

Nothing on reddit is worth anything honestly.

>> No.9731263
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>But I also think ICOs are valueless

>> No.9731319

That's snapshots for 6 different airdrops.

>> No.9731336

No it are 6 BP's who run and check the data

>> No.9731342

ok cool I am an idiot. Thanks for correcting me.

>> No.9731349

I just feel so stupid for letting Kraken handle the swap and missing so many air drops because I can't take it out anymore.

>> No.9731442

Missing out on the opportunity of a life time to buy digital real estate.

Keep denying it doesn't exist it's only a matter of time before this becomes the most adopted blockchain technology in the entire world.


>> No.9731457

Just remember that owning a share of EOS means you own a portion of the entire EOS Platform.

>> No.9731483

Price is kind of irrelevant right now by the way

>> No.9731499

Absolutely. It's all about what Block.one has worked on for over a year and when the community will reach consensus for launch.

> $2B+ ICO

"With this kind of money on the books, the best of the best, in employees, partners, developers, influencers, and just about anyone else that can add value to EOS can be very well compensated and incentivized to work for Block.one and on EOS. This gives them tremendous power in the block chain market and the potential to pull solid talent from other, undercapitalized, projects. They’ve already hired Richard Jung, former CEO of Bithump and a former senior executive at Alibaba to lead development in Korea. They’ve partnered with Mike Novogratz and Eric Schmidt to invest in promising DApps and ventures and bring them, exclusively, to the EOS platform. They’ve also, through Galaxy, invested $30 million in Everipedia. All this, and the EOS platform has not even launched yet. Think about what will happen when the platform launches in June and does everything they said it was going to do. It’s going to be explosive growth and announcement after announcement, after announcement."

>> No.9731553

"Soon, the daily dilution of existing token holders will end; on June 1st to be exact. Right now, two million EOS tokens are being added to the market every 23 hours via their auctions. This is not the same as inflation because the existing token holders receive no benefit; they are just diluted. After June 1st, if you want to buy EOS tokens, you will have to buy them from an existing token holder on an exchange. If demand stays the same, then the price will have to go up; simple supply and demand.

So, I have read posts about Block.one just running with the money. This is absurd! Block.one owns 100,000,000 million EOS tokens so they have a vested interest in EOS’s success. Their interests are aligned with the token holders and they have already invested in high profile employees, partnerships and DApp developers. The higher the price of the EOS token, the more their 100,000,000.00 tokens are worth. Plus, I get the impression they all have something to prove. A lot of mud gets thrown around in the crypto world and I think they would like nothing better than to knock one out of the park. Nothing like success to send out a big, fuck you!"

Nobody in the cryptoworld has been due justice than Dan Larimer. Everyone laughed at Bitshares. Everyone laughed at Steemit. Fuck you here's EOS and many of the problems Ethereum is currently running into.

Dan even stated that because these other platforms weren't fast enough he would just create his own platform that IS fast enough.

You can bet your sweet ass that Steem 2.0 and Bitshares will move onto the EOS Network.

DYOR but you'd be stupid not to buy EOS.

>> No.9731565

>many of the problems Ethereum is currently running into

has been solved by EOS.

> Mike Novagratz
This guy also invested into Ethereum and pushed its success as well.

>> No.9731577

Back at it with this shit, are we?

>> No.9731820

When you produce actual content. /biz/tards run away from conversations.

>> No.9731896

Nah, i went all in end of march. Just not sure what will happen now. Probably wait a month

>> No.9732018

My actual problem with all this dPoS shit

> Fellow white person buys a bazillion tokens/shares/votes
> Fellow white person proceeds to stake on their own nodes/vote on their own BP accounts
> Fellow white person shorts or buys a put option to manage their risk for price drops they will cause (if they want, their motivation could not be profit)
> Fellow white person attacks network

Fellow white person could have been able to accumulate without leverage for years or just use leverage at the end, with nothing at stake through 26874852 wallets. That's for EOS, for ETH, for XLM, for LINK... and then it's like, what do we want to run on that shit?

>> No.9732143

>Thanks for the 4 gorillions retards you've purchased the rights to "govern yourselves" aka fight a cartel war over who gets to be the real mainnet

>> No.9732170

It'll be ok guys


>> No.9732246

lol I'm a dev and been coding on ETH and EOS for a year.

EOS mainnet is launching 100% and EOS will replace ETH as the #1 dapp platform.

All the noeoser don't understand blockchain tech and have never coded on eth/eos in their life.

They will come to see not buying EOS as the worst mistake of their life.

>> No.9732330

Nice larp, mate!

>> No.9732352

KEK larpilicious

>> No.9732374
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>> No.9732399

Very true

>> No.9732989


>> No.9733015

cool, hosted in data centers so when the first controversial dapp comes out, the government can shut down the network. awesome.

>> No.9733499

mainnet is launched apparently. You guys can now KYS

>> No.9733865

epic pasta

>> No.9733985
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