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9728946 No.9728946 [Reply] [Original]

Unironically, I want to know of any genuine criticisms surrounding Holo as an investment.

>> No.9728974

as an investment - holofuel
as the future of tech - nothing that i know of

>> No.9729026

Whats wrong with Holofuel as an investment?

>> No.9729043

>Not Link

>> No.9729061

all i knows is that the reason we are here to buy crypto is due to its speculatory nature that causes it to increase in value significantly over a short period of time. holofuel is non-speculatory so its different than what we are used to.

also, the exact mechanism of its valuation has not been well defined by the team.

>> No.9729107

didn’t the lead dev say it’s possible for the price to stabilise around $1? that’d be a 95000% increase from here which is enough speculation for me

>> No.9729178

Source for him saying that? I’ve only heard that soeculated by anons here on biz

>> No.9729195

Yeah if HOLO works, and gets adopted by the crypto community. It is $1 minimum.

>> No.9729198

Yes it has idiot.

Set amount of computation per holofuel. It has nothing to do with the USD price. I answered you last time faggot. Fuck off with the copy pasta fud

No he said they don’t fix USD prices at all.
Basically they are going to take the 2k nodes and how much compute/bandwidth they offer and divide the holofuel into that amount and that will give the fixed amount of “gas” each holofuel will be

>> No.9729204

Yes but even a more realistic price of .01 - .10 cents is insane to think about.

Here's whats important to understand about HoloChain:

>HoloChain is a protocol that anyone can freely use to develop any sort distributed dapp system you would want. Anyone can use it and run their own network and user base that isn't tied to holofuel.
>Holo is the Organization that will run the HoloFuel and Holo Hosting platform where people can host their dApps/Sites on the Distributed Network that Holo is creating with the HoloPorts and Holo App.

They are giving the tech free to the world. It's going to catch like wildfire. And yes, many will not use HoloFuel... But even if 10% of the dApps that are made using this tech decide to use the Holo Hosting Network... We will be talking huge use case for HoloFuel.

>> No.9729209

That being said, it will probably at the very least be the next vaporwave coin, kind of like EOS or TRON. Except it has a more credible team behind it. I'd be surprised if it doesn't hit 15 cents. You are a brainlet if you aren't buying now.

>> No.9729224

nah, it was post by Arthur Brock from reddit where he said that. Don't have it, but it's true.

Anyway, I want to gas every pajeet that repeats the bullshit about "muh holo can't moon". At this point i'm pretty sure it's just shitskins that are FUDing because this topic has been debated countless times here. Only a complete imbecile or a pajeet would still talk about this. Hope they crawl back in their shitholes and stop polluting these threads.

>> No.9729239

>No he said they don’t fix USD prices at all.
yes, but he also said he wouldn't be surprised to see Holofuel reach 1$

>> No.9729485


This post on reddit has done the math and predicts $1 per holofuel.

>> No.9729573

Well its clear to me now... Not a single person on Biz could explain themselves as to why this project won't succeed.

Holo is the real deal. BOOMER FUD IS ALL YOU GOT.

>> No.9729610


>> No.9729791

yeh I noticed this too. HOT and ARK are the only two I've found that /biz can't fund other than muh potheads and muh boomers respectively.

>> No.9729870
File: 26 KB, 572x496, 1525759427927.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I'm balls deep in both ARK and Holo

>> No.9730377
File: 53 KB, 640x518, 1527305123693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>didn’t the lead dev say it’s possible for the price to stabilise around $1?
do you have any backup for these ridiculous claims?

>> No.9730519

I have seen the screenshot floating on biz before. It was a reddit post by artbrock account. There is validity, trying to find it again.

>> No.9730532
File: 286 KB, 1080x1600, Screenshot_20180604-000835_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here it is everyone.

>> No.9730539

Why does holo need a music producer? Why didnt they just use their money to pay Odesza to bring cultural awareness to the project

>> No.9730554

Nobody is using it
If nobody uses it it has no worth, doesnt matter if it's better or not

>> No.9730584

Nobody is using it? It's only 1 month out of ICO. It's alpha stage and they are running hackathons to create a community around it.

>> No.9730616

What on earth are you talking about lol

>> No.9730635

yeah in the future maybe but not right now compared to ethereum or eos for example

>> No.9730667

Oh shit i thought this was holochain. Wtf is up with 3 projects all using HO prefix

>> No.9730686

Lol what exactly are people using Eos or Ethereum for right now? Eth had Crypto kitties and Eos hasn't launched anything yet (which could take months)? Of course these will all be used more in the future. Your criticism is not valid at all.

>> No.9730698

This is Holo, built on HOLOCHAIN. Holochain is the open source pattern they have developed and Holo is the bridge between the current Web and the distributed web.

>> No.9730827

no one is actually using EOS, it's just the worlds biggest pump and dump

>> No.9730844

Okay well if you look at their team, they have a designated music producer and a culture director.... why not just pay odesza or some musician famous to the youths to bring culture to this project

>> No.9731005

What would you say is a reasonable timeframe for HOT going to $1.00? I need to structure my trades for tax purposes.

>> No.9731039

Saw some FUD that actually worked on me yesterday, what do you think?

> Great project, honestly one of a kind.
Shit economic prospects, HoloFuel is too different from classic cryptos.
Example => HoloFuel will have a circulating supply of 0 since it's a mutual credit currency. The supply will also be "breathing", meaning that it's not static, which is too scary for potential investors (even if they won't use it to scam you, it's still a problem).

It's too different and there aren't enough guaranties around the speculative aspect of it, unfortunately that's what drives crypto valuation.

> It's a bit like Modum, good project, their product will be used, but you won't make any money buying their tokens.

>This is assuming heavy demand, I could build the best computing system in the world, if there's somehow no demand for it, it's a beautiful turd.

HoloFuel is the same, competitive formula for distributed/high performance data storage, but if the demand isn't anywhere near Holofuel offer, it's not worth shit.

It might reach this level of demand, and 1 Holofuel = 1 euro, but to reach this theoretical price, you'd need basically the whole marketshare of AWS

>> No.9731042

dude 1 dollar is like 3 years from now

>> No.9731067

It would be 0.99$ if it had exact same market cap as BTC so this will never happen

>> No.9731128

Holochain is so efficient that there are no transaction fees. Holofuel will be used to pay hosting companies for app developers that want to tap the larger network for data storage. The amount of holofuel in existence is not fixed and will be created and destroyed to maintain stability. + You can make your own currencies on holochain so One of those may have better economics and replace holofuel over time.

Holochain the network though is super solid, I have used it and built small apps and that shit is revolutionary.

>> No.9731129

Do you think that bitcoin will stay on the same mc for eternity you moron?

>> No.9731142

No, but shitcoins will not reach this high. Stop with your malicious shills.

>> No.9731150

Looks like this thread totally delivered...
What a waste of time biz is now.

>> No.9731158

That's okay. Long-term Cap gains is still a lot better than normie taxes. I can wait 3 years

it only has to reach a tenth of that for me to be dementedly in the money. Still unlisted on Binance or Kucoin. There's hope that I might hit a sell target within a year and be able to buy back in for maximum gains. Please do not poo on my hopes of making it.

>> No.9731170

Well no one answered this >>9731039

>> No.9731191

I'll take a shot at answering this.

>> No.9731198

It doesn't do anything as of now

>> No.9731230

I meant to reply to you, and then talk about >>9731039

This part of Holo actually attracts me. It is essentially a system like the USD for ready manipulation as a response to market changes, it's just transparent about this manipulation through blockchain explorers and overt market cap.

Yes, HOT is an unusual crypto and it has none of the promises which made BTC great. But it's not just a distributed ledger project. It is such an unusual fusion that market evaluation is difficult, which has always been true of tech. The harder it is to evaluate, the more potential I see for a truly disruptive, volatile, and profitable investment.

>> No.9731281
File: 47 KB, 429x640, 0TgHns8l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What none of you is considering is that 1 Holofuel will equal 1 dollar in few years because the dollar will collapse due hyperinflation will holo will remain the current marketcap. You are welcome.

>> No.9731292

Oh yeah bitcoin could also go back down to 1k. Brainlet detected

>> No.9731322

So it's just a gamble?
It's got some stuff going for it but a lot against it, I have trouble seeing how this could increase in value if there's so much unknown surrounding how the currency works (breathing supply, mutual credit, debt etc..)

I think i'll keep an eye on it because it's interesting but investing in this seems like a gamble and a pretty uninformed one desu

>> No.9731504

Well if you think investing in this is a gamble. That same mantra could be applied to the entire crypto market. Of course, there is risk involved with an investment of any kind - even stocks.

>> No.9731543

all I know is 1 holo worth is 1 euro as base price. worst case it will hit 1$ by 2020. anything more is bonus.

>> No.9731566

Thank you for this answer. Definitely valid points and a perspective I hadn't considered.

It all comes down to adoption. The same can be said about a majority of the crypto market.

>> No.9731640

See you on the moon, anon
I'm all in on Holo.

>> No.9731753
File: 213 KB, 641x401, 1428254927303.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

itt: people that are not investing in Holo because it's hard to reach 1$ and x1000 in price.
Do you morons even hear yourselves? Yes, it's hard for it to reach 1$. It could happen or it couldn't, but sure as shit this will go another x100 until we'll have a reasonable discussion if it can reach 1$ or not.

>> No.9731836

They don't have to. It's the shill's (your) responsibility to explain why it would succeed. Same standard for all new speculative tech.

>> No.9731846

MFW i made a biz thread that delivered.

>> No.9731892

I've only got 500,000
could this save me from an atl of .5k?

>> No.9732504

There will be fees of about 1% used to finance the foundation

The foundation is controlled by those hippies and "plan" to give the community more power but that sounds awful to me

They want to to create a decentralized internet controlled by sjws as an alternative to the oligarchy controlled one we use today, i'd rather use the latter

It's a shame they wasted such a good tech with shit ideology

>> No.9732954

I think art brock said eventually everyone would run their own holochains, once the tech is completely adopted by people. So once everyone uses it holo will be obsolete but thats way into the future