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9726614 No.9726614 [Reply] [Original]

why does our generation MILLENNIAL'S look down on manual labor jobs even when it pays more than the comfy office jobs

>> No.9726633

Because they spent 5 years being ignored in daycare by someone without an education and 13 being taught by college graduates who majored in education.

>> No.9726650

This, trades people scare me desu

>> No.9726667

Looks hard

>> No.9726716

Because you have to actually work for 8-12 hours and not just sit around browsing meme's

>> No.9726847

Because they have been brainwashed by thier boomer parents because they want to live vicariously through thier children and show them off to others as a trophy "my son is an unemployed engineer!". When really companies want people with experience cause boomer fucks are greedy as fuck and care about how much you can make them in a minimal amount of time

>> No.9726879

>tfw have worked in chicken sheds just like this one

i do not recommend, that smell is unbearable, especially during the summer

>> No.9726888

I doubt cleaning up chicken shit pays more than $100k

>> No.9726904

i am currently setting up a poultry farm and already ran the number $ and it will make more than i ever worked for asked a friend to come in it with me and he scuffed at it even when i showed him the earnings

>> No.9726920

Enjoy your bird flu you gook piece of shit. Godzirra!

>> No.9726938

tv mostly

>> No.9726940

Enjoy waiting for your shitcoin to rise while contemplating if today is the day you KILL YOUR SELF

>> No.9726954


>> No.9727099
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If you want to live in the middle of mother fucking nowhere working 10 hours a day with an hour long commute sure why not

>> No.9727106

fpbp also nice digis.

>> No.9727155
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Unclog this, tradie.

>> No.9727164


They have been looked down on since the 70's, it's just that education saturation is fully coming through now and the reality is kicking in: that having a degree can mean you get a McD job for the rest of your life.

As a proces operator getting paid more than what most bachelor positions can generate, I have mixed feelings.
At my job the ratio of brains to brawns is abysmal, which means the quality of my work makes me shine and got me promoted to team leader. Maybe I will be proces manager within 5-10 years if I put myself on the line. But I prefer not to. My job is comfy and partially physically hard and I go to work everyday making better product than 90% of my collegues. Really strokes my ego.
If we had an influx of bright kids my starpower would be dimmed.
On the other hand, on a patriotic scale, it's sad that manufacturing and construction and smithing is filled with less-bright and thus less skilled people, decreasing productivity and quality. So there is that.

TL;DR if you have a good brain you would kill it in the trades if you could manage a good work ethic

>> No.9727293

You mean millenials, 's is possesive.
Possessive form of plural would be millenials'
Contextually you do not imply possesive but maybe you are simply from the third world.
In any case, here are some reasons
Trades are not intellectually stimulating, this is a major deterrent for me. I like to work to be a puzzle, not a grind.
Most people fancy themselves good at something; girls might say their skills are in communicating, or fashion, or marketing, sales or art. Guys most might say the last 3, but also math, physics, coding, you get the point. Waging lets people do what they intellectually enjoy, even if it gets ruined by the job (Take gynecologist as a humorous example)
Next, earning statistics pretty convincingly assert that a degree in a good field is worth it over the trades, the top paying trades were not advertised to me, and are honestly hard to find.
Looking back, I would have considered a trade if I knew there was a market opportunity for a niche to start a business, but I didn't develop that mentality until college so it wasn't meant to be.

>> No.9727309


This, being a dumb oaf, you can make money in trades but being smart will make you excel there. If you've ever read Atlas Shrugged, despite what people say about it, Rearden is a good character who demonstrates this (maybe to a slightly exaggerated degree, but the point is made)

>> No.9727332

>Trades are not intellectually stimulating, this is a major deterrent for me. I like to work to be a puzzle, not a grind.

You are ignorant and have too high an opinion of yourself. My guess is literally autistic. If you are saying trades cannot be puzzling or intellectually stimulating, you have the mindset of trades being "duh me put two pipes togethur duuurrr" and have not done the smallest modicum of research on what trades actually are.

>> No.9727337

Because blockchain shud do it for me

>> No.9727341
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I dont know what company you work in. But as a process operator (Refinery), you gotta have critical thinking and be able to troubleshoot issues when unit upsets happen, thing go wromg etc etc. The skill ceiling goes even higher when you're the console boardman basically piloting the process unit. Before that you actually have to understand how the process unit and their control systems work in the first place, which normies probably would find too complicated.

>> No.9727400


Thing is that you have a lot of lifelines, there's always someone you can call for advice or for an electrician to come solve issues that arise from neglected and old hardware. Lots of our stuff is a mishmash of relays and programs some of which are +25 years old an finicky as fuck (example, you had to force a machine to operate by inserting a screwdriver into the motor control in the electrical cabinet, stuff like that) Also reset buttons that are hidden all over the factory, one production line having resets and controls in five different locations, and so on and so forth)

If we were a refinery we would have had major accidents twice a year at least, but here it just means that production is interrupted for a longer time when things go sideways.
I have good memory and curiosity, so I know the location of practically all the small nifty electrical stuff you need to restart a certain machine. Some of my collegues, with 25 years experience, have a hard time restarting stuff that can be restarted from just the computers.

>> No.9727516

that might be the case in the US, but it's not like that in Europe.

manual labor jobs pay less, unless it's some dangerous job that few people are willing to do, like for example asbestos removal.

>> No.9727561

Because I like to sit on my ass and eat chips

>> No.9727783

Because back when the boomers were just out of school they could work a menial job and be almost middle-lower class, or among the lower 70%, but this is /biz/rael and people are too stupid to understand a basic concept such as median vs average.

>> No.9727858

show computations pls

>> No.9728703

desu all manual labour jobs earn heaps if u own them

>> No.9729303 [DELETED] 

Can confirm poultry farming is fucking booming especially freerange.
>100k chickens
>$.80 per chicken
>3 month turn around.

>> No.9729308

Can confirm poultry farming is fucking booming especially freerange.
>100k chickens
>$.80 per chicken
>3 month turn around.

>> No.9729345

And by freerange i mean standard chicken shed with a few holes in the sides so they can (but mostley dont) go outside

>> No.9729398

Country commutes are better than city commutes.

>> No.9729431

if you are living in the cancer its hard to leave it

>> No.9729443

haha depends

>> No.9729486

Enjoy your destroyed body

>> No.9729520

i sat in a room behind a computer for for last 7 years that shit was hell doing psychical labor will be heaven sitting on my ass destroyed my body & my mind

>> No.9729533

Owning a poultry farm you can expect to work a fuck ton of hours sometimes, and fuck all hours other times no such thing as public holidays and a fair bit of physical labour and a bit more solitary than other jobs but you can expect to pay at least 100k income tax so yes you will make it

>> No.9729538

As for traditional trades pretty much this unless you are an electrician

>> No.9729597

i don't understand the fascination channers have for larping for someone older than they are
it's pretty obvious the vast majority of us are between age 18 and 38... ergo millenials

this is the only valid answer
trades pay because after 40 you feel the pain

>> No.9729617

Which is why you do them for a few years for experience and move on. I did it with HVAC and make far more in my current position than I was, more than several of my college degree friends, and zero debt.

>> No.9729677
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a few years of this and i wont need to do much work

>> No.9729720

More numbers anon. I wanna make it too.

>> No.9729734

>trade/blue collar, actually have to work, if you slack off you get in trouble with boss

>office/white colour, nothing expected of you, since theres alot of you at the office, can browse reddit all day and your boss is younger than you and just as incompetent

desu, both are terrible, i tried both

>> No.9729740


>> No.9729770

Because modern society is decadent.
Most millenials care for nothing but their social media platforms and want instant gratification for the least amount of effort.
Most males today are so drugged down on estrogen from consuming shittier food that they have become litteral s-o-y-b-o-y-s

>> No.9729792

Idk but I'm content getting paid well to sit in AC and browse the internet

>> No.9729803


>> No.9729944

My uncle's an electrician who fucked his shoulders up from always working with his hands above his head.

>> No.9730461

As a millenial who did both menial and intellectual jobs: most menial non-skilled jobs are handled via agencies and zero-hour contracts are the fucking worst thing ever, it's like you're perpetually stuck in a summer part time job where you're not earning enough to break out of it since on top of taxes the agency also takes a cut from your hourly wage. It might work if you want to leave after a year and enjoy extra money back in your shithole country, but it isn't gonna cut it if you want to start a family. I was born in a culture where there's no such thing as a shameful job, but it comes as no surprise that people don't want to be treated like disposable niggers and actually earn below the supposed legal minimum.

>> No.9730500

working for people

>> No.9730541

There are way more single moms rasing kids. Single moms raise anxious beta males. Beta males never work trades.

>> No.9730543

Huh, I thought farmers operated on miniscule profit margins

>> No.9730687


The cost for the purchase of poultry feed and poultry medication – $35,000.
The operational cost for the first 3 months (salaries of employees, payments of bills et al) – $60,000.
The cost for insurance (general liability, theft, workers’ compensation and property casualty) coverage at a total premium – $30,400.
-The cost for acquiring the required working tools and equipment, machines, hatchery et al– $100,000.

>> No.9730735

Randomly I can comment on this one. My family from my grandfather down are pretty big ranchers in US with about 10 million chickens total on about half a dozen different ranches. Most are large automated factory style and that is still where real money still is. We are converting to some free range and demand is still not that high but growing. But it is twice as stinky and ten times the labor. Margins are tiny (historically about $1-2/year per bird) but sometimes great years yield $10/ bird a year and usually those are followed by minus years.

Btw I didn’t want to work as farmer because thought was lame and free up doing it so now I have a cushy desk job and it sucks and I kind of wish I was farming but lost my spot in family hierarchy and cousins etc who stuck with it way richer than my poor ass trying to make up for it with cryptos...

but man that smell and flies and dust can get to you! And mostly working with Mexicans all day.

>> No.9730781

Farmer Ger.>>9729486
How does using your body destroy it? I work in the trades. I don't work myself like a slave. My body is in great condtion. Mostly due to my physical job.

>> No.9730837

because you are probably somewhere between 18 and 25 years old..

Just wait another 10 years..

>> No.9730870


>> No.9730888

also there is a reason you hardly see any top athletes above the age of 30/35 (while they are in top condition )

>> No.9730955

Electricians pull miles of cable too

>> No.9730976

my dad fucked up his ears because he was an electrician in a factory with loud machinery.

>> No.9731027

why use social web site when you can actually bets on forex and make money? social website only profit their CEO and enslave the users.
wake up millennials.

>> No.9731347

I often post in these threads.

Im 29 years old and Im a red seal journeyman sprinkler fitter making 44 dollars an hour on residential sites and 46 on industrial.

If i end up on a job with 4+ men under me ill be making 54 bucks an hour.

- double time on weekends
- time and a half after 9 hours a day
- benefits comparable to teachers
- pension

I went to a high end private school during high school and theres alot of people who are doing better than me financially and theres alot who aren't. One thing i have noticed though is that almost none of these people are off work at 2pm everyday and dont have to take their work home with them after.

>> No.9731409

The argument about the physical side of things is valid though, but preventable.

Gone are the days of ripping on guys for wearing their full PPE on the job site. And truthfully if you wear your PPE and follow the rules theres a low chance of bad injury in my opinion.

Im interested to see what my generation of trades looks like at retirement because the old school look like a bunch of broken men who used to think theyre hardcore. (Its tough to watch these old dogs still smoking a pack of cigs a day not wearing dust masks and hacking up their lung).

>> No.9731412
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> 2 hours a day max for work
> Trading crypto, biz, reddit
> sex
> video games
> updating skills for when you're fired for a higher paying job

No need to waste your time showering, shaving, commuting back and forth, bullshit chit chat at the office

>> No.9731482

>As for traditional trades pretty much this unless you are an electrician

Have any of you actually met a laborer? No family or anything?

Older Electricians bitch constantly about their knees, their back. Fuck man that shit is depressing.

>> No.9731503
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>having blue pissbottles

>> No.9731580


i wfh too, except i get uber eats + 16 hours of rpgs a day

literally havent gone out my apartment in 3 months

>> No.9731606

You know the sun is healthy for you.
Hope you're taking some vitamins at least.

>> No.9731607

When you dont eat right and exercise beyond what your job requires of you this is absolutely the result.

I have a feeling that this might be the same for office workers, but far more severe for tradesman.

The "labourers"(crackheads, drunks, morons, young guys, esl) you speak of are living a lifestyle that can't be maintained no matter what job you're doing. They are unskilled and if their doing it into their 30s its generally because theres something fucked up with them.

>> No.9731768

my office is near a window so i think i get enough sun

no health problems yet

>> No.9731913

Lmao what do you think that stands for

>> No.9732183

I'm a programmer at a startup. Imo programming is pretty much a trade, and the nature of a startup means I actually have a lot of work to do. Since I'm 21 I actually want to learn, and it's been a great experience so far. Not to mention the excitement of getting (possibly worthless albeit) equity is very motivating and the people that I meet/receive mentoring from are top notch.
Every millennial in this thread needs to seriously consider being a programmer imo. Come to Austin, too

>> No.9732225

they don't know how to work.

>> No.9732275
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>be young kid
>spend years learning how to code
>student loans
>in debt before finding a job
>lose job to type writer monkeys (pakis)

>be me
>be portuguese
>work labour job
>get contract with major retailer
>make more than computer programmer doing easy labour
>spend extra cash on crypto

>> No.9732340

get your computer off of your desk, manchild

>> No.9732390

I work in construction,and you really need to have a trade and qualifications behind you to be making decent money,I don't.. So I do skilled labor for 120€ a day while my mate gets double that as a qualified electrician. Love my work though and am always learning new skills,it keeps me fit and brown in the summer working outside. 600e a week cash and my rent is cheap in France,thinking of doing a plumbing course in the uk and coming back and charging good money

>> No.9732408

>being this mad

>> No.9732572
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Don't know why people jelly of tech people and programmers working at home doing nothing 80% of the time.

You don't even have to be technical. Worked at a major bank and other financial services companies. Tons of young girls that are Project Managers and Business Analysts working with tech teams who know nothing about technology, development or the domain they are working with. They just get their foot in the door and learn the basic language of PMs/BAs and they bullshit their way through a career.

$95 - $120K, at least 7-10%401K matching, HSA, $20K bonuses and every time you're in their cube they browsing hand bags and shoes.

>> No.9733397

Amber bitchdet from clovr is the definition of this. Tehheehee tech girl

>> No.9733576
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>not wearing ppe
>what are ear plugs?

I bet he was the same type of guy who wouldn’t wear knee pads because he was such a manly man

>> No.9733678

>letting your computer sit on the floor where possible spillage can occur and dust immediately flies into your case

>> No.9733737
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Because we know how things are "supposed" to be and how much better previous generations had it. Expecting us to submit to kike slavery is totally laughable and unrealistic

>> No.9733859

thats because europe is still full of pretentious "intellectuals" who regulate the market through, so their pretentious asses get money for doing nothing. int freer markets, actually doing work pays more.

>> No.9734021
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>get a job at warehouse driving forklift and sorting boxes
>impress my supervisors as much as possible, lick ass, work hard, get to know as many people as possible
>work there for only 2 weeks, see an opening as facility manager
>know im really underqualified but still apply
>get an interview, they call me 2 days later and hire me
>earn 30% more, job is easier and more fun

Im feeling smug bros, future seems bright

>> No.9734060

That's great anon, very surprising. How much experience did the job listing ask for?

>> No.9734135

its because manual labor jobs are boring and tedious...we live in a society with on demand entertainment

truth is companies need people to do boring tasks and just show up

i was lucky i got a union manufacturing job in california....boring as all fuck but my only comfort is knowing that i have a paycheck coming every friday so if i lose all my money i out in investments id still be able to live

ultimately i plan to go back to school and get a degree in math to be either a math teacher or statistician just gotta pay off old school loans and credit cards and cars off id day one more year

>> No.9734197

There's no real work to be done, in or outside an office. I'd prefer much less if everything we think of as "progress".

>> No.9734678

Because manual labor makes you dumber. They got heart though.

>> No.9734684


>> No.9735195

fifth post best post, ya moron. Yes hes including the OP.

>> No.9735923

They wanted someone with education in economy or experience in management, i dont have neither of. Im studying finance tho, currently done with my first year. Worked a few years as a cashier in high school, thats all.

>> No.9736430

I'm Portuguese and unless you live abroad, you are full of bullshit. There's no way you can do much money in Portugal by having a labour job.

>> No.9736471

My father shoveled chicken shit when i was born and always told me about the smell