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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9725511 No.9725511 [Reply] [Original]

not begging for cryptostuff

> be me
> be 29
> no car
> 25k in school loans
> dropped out and didnt finish
> work in IT and hate it because im a wage slave
> need to switch things around

what would you do? help an anon out. i want to make money but school isnt for me. im not interested in crypto, just businesses or working online

>> No.9725526


>> No.9725612

Find a second job or a money making hobby. You need to increase your earnings to pay down the debt. Once your debt if paid off build up an emergency fund and then start investing I guess.

>> No.9725629

Financial advisor here. How much do you make per year?

I can help you with a plan

>> No.9725648

I too have listened to 5 minutes of Dave ramsey

>> No.9725662

If OP did he wouldn't be a fucking loser.

>> No.9725666

I made 33k last year.
800 of rent a month.

>> No.9725667

>not interested in crypto

killing yourself is a good start

>> No.9725670

Jesus guys, relax. The dude came for help. He's obviously saying he wants to change shit, loser or not

>> No.9725690

Holy shit lad. Thats bad. But you are still young so you can still turn your life into what you want and not be a wage slave. Lets talk through this.

Do you have any savings?

>> No.9725718
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>Takes school loans and then proceeds to drop out
Amerimutts lmao, btw what's your REAL job?

>> No.9725749


1. learn to code
2. start company
3. sell company for 34m

>> No.9725751

no savings at all. just $500 weekly.

>> No.9725781

what are you expenses besides rent? Do you spend everything you make?

>> No.9725802

$50 on food
$60 on internet
$90 on cell phone (1 more year on contract)
$30-60 on electricity

>> No.9725833

You can literally buy a good smartphone for $90 why the fuck are you paying so much per month? Wtf kind of shit did you buy?

>> No.9725835

Sell weed to high school kids. Or alternatively, you can hop onto my scheme.
>buy cheap brewing equipment
>buy honey, water, and yeast
>make mead
>sell it to underageb&s and idiots while its still young, so they think its way stronger than it really is
>reserve a bottle for myself from each batch, to be properly aged
You anons have any irl side hustles, or just online shit?

>> No.9725847

I assume $50 a week on food and everything else monthly?
So you make $2000 a month after taxes, and spend $1200. What are you doing with the rest?

What you need to do is save like $5k, then start making moves. The 5k will give you a cushion in case something goes wrong (it will, at first) and you have to go back to working a shitty job for a while.

What area of the country/world do you live in?

>> No.9725854

I live in Massachusetts. I was going to get myself in more debt to lease a car and drive uber or get a part time job on top of my regular car until I can pay it off.

>> No.9725879


Great, you live in America, the land of opportunity.

Do not buy more stupid shit and get into more debt.

What are you doing with the $800 left over after bills? I get it if you dont want to get so personal but it's the only way to figure your shit out.

>> No.9725925

honestly...stupid shit. going out, treating friends, movies (even though I have netflix and 30000+ to watch).

>> No.9725988

ok bro, good to be honest with yourself. Sounds like you already know what you need to do but here is the course of action I would suggest.

1. Cut your dumbass spending to $100-200 a month and save the rest. Should be AT LEAST $500 a month you can save.

2. Do this for a few months and save a few thousand so you don't risk going fucking homeless.

3. Find a better job that pays more ASAP. $33k a year or whatever is just pathetic dude. Think about whether you respect yourself or not, and decide if you are worth $15 an hour or whatever it is. (shit is what it is)

4. Get better job but continue to live frugally. Don't celebrate too early.

5. Once you are in a fairly comfortable financial situation, start making bigger moves, like investing some of you income and using the rest to fund a side hustle or your own business. Or use the money to learn a trade you like.

6. Congrats, you are no longer a pathetic wagecuck by 35

Any questions?

>> No.9726005

Think about it, 35 doesn't sound bad at all right? Now you have 6 years, 6 FUCKING YEARS to change your life. Stop being a pussy and take control.

>> No.9726012

Just go do some hard labor with some Mexicans and realize how happy and content they are with almost nothing

>> No.9726014

Let's hear it OP, why did you fuck up in the first place?

>> No.9726028
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Not very often that I see actual advice here, listen to this guy op. You can do this

>> No.9726044

Well at least you know the cryptostuff is a scam. That's a good start.

>> No.9726060

Massachusetts... it's time to probably go up to maine or something... and just live on carrots and potato, and the steeps mountain minerals.

>> No.9726074

I appreciate the advice. I'm gonna get my ass in gear. THANK YOU!!! d---T___T---b

>> No.9726079

definitely do what these guys said. saving up extra cash and cutting "fun" spending is the only way to get to a better place than where you are.

you might want to think about going back to school and finishing your degree. i'm not saying to go back immediately, but think about whether or not you'd be able to get a degree that would make you some money over the next several decades.

don't make any hasty decisions. have a good reason for doing anything you do.

i wish you the best, OP

>> No.9726160

Bruh, you gotta pay that fucking debt down as fast as you can. Suck it up at your job, or maybe be more productive, and try to get a raise? Maybe get a higher paying job somewhere else? Get rid of that fucking debt. Oh yeah, and buy some gold and silver.

>> No.9726179

>>9725511 (OP)
go all in on link
thank me later

>> No.9726180

You guys have any advice for a 20-yr old? I finished economics high school but didn't go to college. I got busted with half a kilo of weed at 19 (charged with distribution) and I moved to czech republic from croatia to restart my life. Currently working a repetitive low paying job. What would you do in my position?

>> No.9726188

>ucking debt. Oh yeah, and buy some gold and silver.
> Anonymous (ID: bH01y8tN) 06/02/18(Sat)22:34:17 No.9726179▶
>>>9725511 (OP) (OP)
>go all in on link
>thank me later

>> No.9726193

Start distributing again.

>> No.9726392

Not worth it. People clearing wholesale amounts are the only ones making crazy returns on their investments. Everyone else is just scrapping for peaunts

>> No.9726486

I wagekek for 20/hr in a low stress job currently. Can get up to 26/hr in a year's time by doing a 2-month certification.

I can go down this path, live relatively stress-free & frugally (I live in a low COL area & live with my family. I'm 21 and have 28k cash & 15k in meme coins from doing this).

Other option is, I've been considering going to school for computer science. I figure programming & IT is the way of the future. My current path is driving boats in the tourism industry. It's a trade skill, sure, but there isn't a very high skill ceiling, & I'm dubious of international opportunity since most shipping jobs go to southeast Asians.

Any of you smart anons of /biz/ got any thoughts on the comp sci pathway? I've told myself for years that it's a sector dominated by pajeets but I'm starting to doubt that.

>> No.9726535


One thing that makes me doubt whether I'd fit in comp sci, I can't be fucked keeping up with the latest bugman basedboy trends like marvel movies, phones & gadgets, shitty MMOs and battle Royale shooters, the latest gaming PC components, etc. I was big into gaming during my teens but now it makes me feel like I'm pissing my youth away.

>> No.9726627

OP if it makes you feel any better, i'm worse off than you:
>30 years old
>got fed up with fag-shitlib work enviro, quit job years ago
>neet living with parents since then
>approx $30K in school debt + $5K in credit card debt + $3K in overdue taxes
>waste all day shitposting on 4chan
>no car
>no gf
>no friends
>finished college with humanities degree
>living with depression, bipolar mood swings, alcoholism
>blew $15K back when i had savings through gambling addiction

things could be worse. get your shit together. i would recommend getting a cheaper apt with lower rent, and buy a used bike if you really feel a need to get around instead of getting a car. uber drivers don't make much, look it up, they make ridiculously low amounts. a lot of uber drivers who make more do so through referral bonuses and shit like that.

>> No.9726656

Like you're not spending your days on social media checking out exactly those topics. Adapt to the crowd and don't be yourself if you want to fit in

>> No.9726664

I actually like this strategy. Seems like it comes down to having a solid business plan. Which type of companies are most eligible to be purchased?

>> No.9726710

Penalty for breaking a contract? You didn't fall for the payment plan to buy your phone, did you? If you're really strapped for cash, you can park your phone number for $2 per month and activate it later without losing your number. It still has voicemail. I'm sure you can figure out a way to return calls either through VOIP or using a land line at work or something.

>> No.9726734

Alcohol fuels depression. Stop drinking the liquid Jew.

>> No.9727282

Dude seriously.

Make it a goal to stop drinking. There's a medication that my friend's doctor prescribed him that basically makes him not drink alcohol. It makes you nauseous when you drink it.