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972469 No.972469 [Reply] [Original]

>capitalism is a zero sum game

>> No.972475

I was diagnosed with retardism

>> No.972476

I caught the obesity.

>> No.972479
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>Stockmarket is rigged
>It doesn't matter which school you go to
>The job market is bad right now
>I play videogames
>The rich need to share their wealth
>I play computerized games
>II don't read books
>I engage in leisurely activity via playing on a computer

>> No.972480

>I'm poor and live paycheck to paycheck.
Then proceeds to purchase 2 packs of cigarettes and a handle of vodka.

>> No.972486

and the newest videogame to spend 30+ hours/week playing he could've been earning money during.

>> No.972488

has an iPhone too

>> No.972492


but the money supply is constant anon...

>> No.972497

This describes most of my friends. I studied economics and have a solid understanding of personal finance so they come to me with budget and investing questions for which I offer useful and applicable advice. Yet they seem to ignore every word I say and continue their moans about "poverty" and "capitalist pigs."

They wouldn't be so damn poor if they spent and saved more wisely, but I think some people are helpless because they love their own victim mentality. They're scared to take control of their finances because the only thing they've ever known is playing the goddamn victim.

>> No.972504

>college is stupid
>i hate my job
>I don't have time

>> No.972509

>but I think some people are helpless because they love their own victim mentality


That's why they want to divide up other people's earnings via the government.

Worthless faggots that can't do anything without having their big parents, aka government to take care of them.

>> No.972518

Like oil companies?
>hur plox subsidise muh exploration

>> No.972569

It is a zero sum game op. Hence why poor people need to be used to feed the elite.

I say that not as some faggy left wing homo. I'm a 100% capitalist and I fucking love it. I fully know what I'm doing.

>> No.972571

why do you attempt this bait in every thread possible

>> No.972574
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Mah nigga

>> No.972576

Because it's both funny to me and also true.

So I am enjoying posting it and happen to also be giving quality advice.

>> No.972578

aspiring entrepreneur

>> No.972581

>Like oil companies?

Sure I guess?

I don't see how that's relevant but ok.

>> No.972610

>all it takes to succeed is a little hard work, no help from your parents needed!

>> No.972611

>>all it takes to succeed is a little hard work, no help from your parents needed!

But this is true.

>> No.972709

just like some people complain about other people having victim mentality, some people complain that companies get a lot of money from the government for no good reason

this, top kek

you don't know what it means to have been born poor

startup owner

>> No.972713

>you don't know what it means to have been born poor

Depends what you mean by poor but I was born pretty poor. (living with parents in 1 bedroom apartment as a kid)

>> No.972714

>my social media app will get an angel investment
>I'm going to make a flashlight or calculator app
>valuation is more important than revenue
>My startup has more than two partners
>social entrepreneurship

>> No.972715

and I'm sure you are rich now after a lot of hard work...
and you have also had the same opportunities as your friends, relatives, etc.

>> No.972716

I work for a Public University that is apparently ranked #2 in the country. Retards go to college for a shit degree despite career counselors telling them what job fields are in demand and which degree is best for them, getting student loans not only for tuition and books, but for cost of living, a car, new MacBook, etc. Then they go on and blame the government about their debt and why they can't get employment that pays more than $15/hour with their shit degree. This profile fits at least 30-50% of students.

>> No.972722

Not rich, but in university now and parents have 2 cars(newer models) and a pretty nice house.

It's what you make of it, senpai. If my parents just started complaining and looking to the government for handouts and whining about "rich people are stealing from us" they would be just as poor right now.

>> No.972724

>our economy is healthier when 99% of its particants have no disposable income

>what's good for the banks is good for me!

>wages are too high!

>> No.972728

they were brainwashed into believing that they would get what they paid for
sounds like the market doing its thing, because scamming people is the "hard work" rich people brag about so much

>Not rich, but in university now and parents have 2 cars(newer models) and a pretty nice house.
>It's what you make of it
life isn't that simple anon, but, whatever, you'll learn soon or later.

>If my parents just started complaining and looking to the government for handouts and whining about "rich people are stealing from us" they would be just as poor right now.
true, but then, the government *is* scamming their own people. you see, those politicians aren't really working for the people...

>> No.972729

>life isn't that simple anon, but, whatever, you'll learn soon or later.

What will I learn? I saw first hand how we went from pretty darn poor to a cozy, comfortable life. They didn't win the lottery or get lucky if that's what your insinuating.

>true, but then, the government *is* scamming their own people. you see, those politicians aren't really working for the people...

They're not, they steal money from hardworking people through taxes and give it to lazy fucks and drug addicts. But how is one suppose to stop them?

The government and politics just comes and goes, nothing to do about it so I'm not sure what your point is.

>> No.972731

At what point do they become accountable for their own actions?
They have no one to blame except themselves.

>> No.972732
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>taxes is theft

>> No.972742

>they were brainwashed into believing that they would get what they paid for
>sounds like the market doing its thing, because scamming people is the "hard work" rich people brag about so much

Which rich people convince morons to major in Women's Studies and Psychology?

No one tricked them, you can easily google and look at how many job openings there are for holders of Arts and Women's Studies degrees, and what the starting salary is. If some imbeciles decided they wanted to spend $50k and 4 years of their life on some baloney piece of paper learning shit that isn't quantitative in the slightest without even doing a hint of research on it that's their fault.

There's winners and losers senpai. Unfortunately nowadays being a loser is socially acceptable and being a winner is a harsh slur that needs to be whispered.

>> No.972748
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>my superior qualities allowed me to inherit financial support from my parents better than you

>I'm just down on my luck right now
>I'll be rich soon!

>> No.972752

>Everyone unsuccessful started with no financial support from their parents

>Everyone successful started with lots of financial support from their parents

I know tons of "rich" kids who work minimum wage jobs so their parents don't get mad and just party all day and do drugs. It helps but it doesn't do everything for you, unless you're literally poverty-tier you can easily finish school, get a merit-based scholorship and do well.

>> No.972764

Funny, because in my experience all the kids who do best in university have never worked a day in their lives, have their parents pay for everything, and go on lavish month-long vacations every summer travelling across the globe.

Meanwhile I'm here in tens of thousands of dollars of debt, busting my ass working and taking 18 credit hours of extremely difficult mechanical engineering classes. Hard work my ass. If I had access to the same resources those spoiled brats do, I would have started at least several successful businesses by now.

>> No.972774

Money can't buy happiness :^)

>> No.972775

>If I had access to the same resources those spoiled brats do, I would have started at least several successful businesses by now

if if if... If I was born 8 feet tall I'd be the best basketball player of this century.

If you happened to have rich parents you would probably have no work ethic and be just as lazy as them. Why are you only looking at the few percent of people richer than you rather than the ones worse off? You could be born with cerebral palsy or a severe heart problem ... Or more likely in a 3rd world country where you would never go to a University.

Besides why are you so bitter? When I see people who are rich I don't get mad at them, it just inspires me to work hard to earn a lot of money as well. Envy isn't healthy senpai.

>> No.972781

Well I thought about all this stuff too guys and it doesn't help. Best thing to do is work hard, complaining won't get you anywhere.
Money problems and "duties" never really stopped a man who really wanted to do something, but they did provide excuses for those who were not upto the challenge.

>> No.972783

>he must be jealous!
Whether or not that's the case is entirely irrelevant. You just admitted that the situation you're born into is more of a factor in success than individual work ethic.

>muh hard work and superior moral character
Such blatant hypocrisy.

>> No.972784

>Whether or not that's the case is entirely irrelevant

I just noticed you had seething anger because someone out there got "lucky" and you didn't.

>You just admitted that the situation you're born into is more of a factor in success than individual work ethic

I said that in all likelihood you were born into the top few percent in the world(presumably you live in a first world country), and yet you're looking at some people who:
>have never worked a day in their lives, have their parents pay for everything, and go on lavish month-long vacations every summer travelling across the globe

which really is quite rare to see, not sure which rich city you're hanging around in.

>Such blatant hypocrisy
You're sitting on 4chan posting "If I had ________, I would be ______!!!", what is even the point of that? Who cares stop being jealous of others success and get your own.

>> No.972788

Look man, you don't seem to understand how this works. I'm slowly killing myself with this job and these classes, and best case scenario I'll probably land some HVAC job installing air conditioning systems for a salary that will let me live by myself in an apartment. Meanwhile these other kids are getting straight into the high end aerospace jobs, bypassing the six month long public interview process everyone else has to go through, thanks to the business connections from their parents.

You can believe in whatever you want about achieving success through hard work, but it is not even remotely based in reality.

>> No.972789

>Meanwhile these other kids are getting straight into the high end aerospace jobs, bypassing the six month long public interview process everyone else has to go through, thanks to the business connections from their parents

So what's your solution?

What is the conclusion of this incredible revelation that some people have life easier than others?

>> No.972790

Whether you succeed or fail is entirely up to you.

>> No.972793

My solution is for people like you to stop spouting mindlessly spouting feel-good memes like this >>972790

>> No.972795

>My solution is for people like you to stop spouting mindlessly spouting feel-good memes like this

It's not a "feel good meme", it's an actionable piece of advice. What you're saying is just "boo hoo im so poor everything is so unlucky for me, others are lucky i wish i had what they have".

Maybe you should focus on working on yourself. The posts make absolute sense, work hard no matter how much you have... Working hard -> Fixes your problem, Complaining and looking what others have - > Doesn't advance you in any way and will just make you bitter and angry.

You know the saying, "If you're born poor, it's not your fault. If you die poor, it's your fault".

>> No.972798

Because I'm clearly sitting on my ass right now while my more wealthy counterparts are working their asses off. What you're experiencing right now is called cognitive dissonance.

>> No.972800

>the 2008 financial crisis was caused by too much capitalism

I just can't get enough of this meme

>> No.972801

>Because I'm clearly sitting on my ass right now while my more wealthy counterparts are working their asses off

So focus on yourself.

If you had $5,000,000 and your neighbor just inherited $50,000,000 would you be mad and feel as though your money is now insignificant because you worked your entire life and he just scratched off a lottery ticket?

We all have our own path in life, some are born taller, richer, smarter, more creative, etc. Life is unfair cry to your gay dad you stupid retard or kill yourself you pathetic /r9k/ piece of shit

>> No.972805

>We all have our own path in life, some are born taller, richer, smarter, more creative, etc. Life is unfair cry to your gay dad you stupid retard or kill yourself you pathetic /r9k/ piece of shit
There, you just admitted that it's not hard work again. You know you're wrong, so quit shitposting with these self-determinatiom memes. That's literally the only reason why I brought this up in the first place.

>> No.972806

>There, you just admitted that it's not hard work again

It is hard work but it helps to have financial support and be enrolled in Private School where you get one on one help from teachers and your parents buy you the best everything including top-tier tutors, no surprise about that.

But if you're born 5'0, shitskin with a small dick and 95 IQ you don't just stop working hard and kill yourself because "ah fuck it I lost the genetic lottery I'll never be able to compare to some Nordic 6'2 130 iq engineer".

>> No.972810

After all this brainwashing, you don't seem to be able to wrap your head around the notion that someone can work themselves to death and still not succeed.

>muh races
>implying I'm not from pure German ancestry
You're absolutely retarded and your post only tenuously makes sense. You're clearly not worth arguing with, so I'm going to bed.

>> No.972813

>After all this brainwashing, you don't seem to be able to wrap your head around the notion that someone can work themselves to death and still not succeed.


In a first world country if you use all available financial aid, merit-based scholarships AND major in something that isn't absolutely retarded you are pretty much guaranteed a middle class lifestyle.

Stay mad and stay poor

>> No.972815

Define success?
Define work to death?

Pretty subjective man.. Some village farmers are happier than you fucking goats and eating hay compared to your miserable thought of oh fuck this I'm never gonna make it attitude. You sound like a depressing piece of shit to have around. Negative toxic piece of shit. Rather hang with goat fucked.

>> No.972816

Last reply:

Scholarships are a meme and effectively don't exist unless you're a gay, one-legged, transgendered horsekin. For financial aid they offered me a loan, which ironically was capped at $6K for the year so I had to go out to some private lender with exorbitant interest rates for the rest of it.

I already went over the nepotism, so you'll have to practice your reading comprehension a bit more.

>> No.972820

>stop raining on my randian fantasy with your reality
Work to death as in sleeping four hours a night, losing your hair at 20 years old, and profusely vomiting a few times a day because your body can't take the stress.

>> No.972823


This guy seems like the most depressing fucking guy. Just whining and whining, excuse after excuse.

The whole world is against him! Everything is unfair! Everyone else has it better!

>> No.972824

>Sleeping for hours a night
>Hair falling out

WHAT LOL. That did not happen to you, because if it did you wouldn't waste your time posting back and forth for 2 hours on 4chan.

And before you say it, it did NOT happen to anyone you know either.
>B-but I heard of someone who had to work 60hrs/wk while in school because his parents died and he was born in a garbage can
No you didn't.

>> No.972880
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Rich kids are just genetically smarter than u and our parents taught us better and we went to better schools. That is why we do the best in uni without busting our asses. You don't work harder than us. You just think you do because it is harder for you. If you were born a "spoiled brat" that would make no sense family because then your parents would magically have to be rich and their parents etc. Also spoiled doesn't make sense. Spoiled means ruined for food so how can u say that about people who are succeeding more at life than you? It just makes no sense.

>> No.972881
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You're posting on 4chan. Of course you are sitting on your ass and not working hard. And you are claiming that he is the one with cognitive dissonance?

>> No.972893

Being "spoiled" when referring to a person doesn't have anything to do with food. I guess that high end uni education didnt teach you that. One things for sure the "rich" kids at school cant get as good of drugs as the "poor". So instead of being proud you where taught to look down on people maybe it would benefit you to humble yourself a bit.....maybe we can get you the good shit if your nice....but I doubt it

>> No.972895

Genetically...I think maybe your confusing biology and money..its ok your parents where just to busy makin money to teach you that. If your gonna see yourself superior to everyone maybe dont prove everyone right by being a retard..oh yea....u wish nigger..my parents taught me that

>> No.972919
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jesus christ this guy drops some reality to you theoretical pseudointellectuals and all you can do is repeat some shit you read in fucking Fountainhead

coming back to this board and this is the first thing I read, it's safe to say you are cancerous

pic related

>> No.972974

ITT: rich kids, being BTFO by real workers, keep denying reality and vomiting the bullshit they were taught in school or something

>> No.972975

err, didn't mean to link to that post

>> No.972994


It takes generations of hardwork to get to the top. You bust your ass now and then invest it in your kids to get them through college and maybe they will be an accountant. Then maybe their kids will become a doctor. Or maybe your grandson will just be a victim NEET and bitch about how unfair capitalism is on a business image board.

I came from a small town in wisconsin, joined the air force, and now i work at a hedge fund

>> No.973034

>It takes generations of hardwork to get to the top
your mom could have made it to the top by whoring herself to some rich fucks, or by stealing all the money of some old rich people. you dad could have scammed tons of people with some random bullshit about magic and shit

>I came from a small town in wisconsin, joined the air force, and now i work at a hedge fund
just because you were lucky (were you really? let time pass and see by yourself, I guess), doesn't mean everyone can.
and I doubt you worked hard for this. military and hard work? you are basically useless welfare queens, top kek

>> No.973038

which small town?

>> No.973186

>The rich kids can't get as good drugs

What? Why would that be a positive?

Enjoy your drugs, and your poverty faggot.

>> No.973190

Maybe not now, but soon enough there's going to be a revolution coming your way m8's. We'll see who's genetically superior then, though my money isn't on you.

>> No.973193

What if the "revolution" comes to you as well because you have a computer with internet and (most likely) time and a house to shitpost in?

That makes you among the top percent richest, senpai. Are you sure the commies won't also take away your things?

At what networth do you think is fair to redistribute their wealth to the others?

>> No.973199

There's an upper limit to how much you can assfuck the general public. If you don't want to lose it all, I suggest you cunts ease up a bit.

>> No.973203

But what do you define as that? And how do you decide who's guilty and not guilty?

There's plenty of wealthy people who didn't "ass fuck" anyone, they earned it through bring a hardworking entrepreneur, will you take it from them as well in your hypothetical revolution?

>> No.973232

>playing video games is a waste of time
>reading sci fi, watching tv, lurking on 4chan is not
That list is incomplete and/or retarded.

>x in it's definiton (which i completely butcher or make up) means that y (something that only supports my point of view)

>> No.973238

Look man, you don't seem to understand how this works. I'm slowly killing myself with this panhandle hustle and best case scenario i might get hired under the table and be able to live in a box alone. Meanwhile these other kids get to take classes and get jobs like HVAC and afford their own apartments, bypassing the welfare and repatriation process everyone else has to go through, thanks to the business connections from their parents.

You can believe in whatever you want about achieving success through hard work, but it is not even remotely based in reality.

>> No.973241

I love these videogayme-defenfenders.

>B-b-but videogames are just like watching TV, reading books and watching movies!

>> No.973253

You didn't do anything to disprove what I said.

>> No.973265

There is nothing to disprove.

You said that watching TV(and other shit) is just as bad, as if I disagreed with it. Which I don't, I think both are bad.

>x in its definition blahblahblah
Not sure where you got that from. I literally just posted a "things retards say", it's not a comprehensive list by any means. I think your videogames are rotting your brain too much to understand simple things.

>> No.973275

>Disprove that my full-blown video game addiction is not the cause of all of my life's failures

>> No.973288

Then you agree with me that your list is incomplete. Not sure where your problem is. You seem rather butthurt and upset, mate.
Last part was about the "shit retards say" on topic thing.
>12 hours in 2 weeks
>full blown addiction, not just common sense
>projecting this hard
Probably spent more time within the last week to educate myself than you guys in the whole last year.

Fuck this board is retarded at times.

>> No.973291

>Probably spent more time within the last week to educate myself than you guys in the whole last year.

>> No.973301

No shit the list is incomplete. I listed 6 things off the top of my head...

Here's another one for the thread,
>Try to desperately convince others videogames aren't bad for you, and art similar to fine art or movies

>> No.973317

>videogames aren't bad for you,
it's getting better and better.
You're welcome to elaborate where they are harmful.

>> No.973324

>You're welcome to elaborate where they are harmful

Where do I start...

>Addictive, many videogamers play for many hours a day and tend to play longer than anticipated which messes with other commitments in their life
>Constant dopamine release messes up the brain's rewardcenter and makes it seek things with short-term gratification versus long-term gratification from things such as School, work, physical exercise, reading, etc.
>Most videogames(nearly all popular ones) take up a huge amount of time to progress in, games such as WoW, LoL, Counterstrike, Dota take up a large amount of time to get to an acceptable skill-level and actually "experience" the game, this time could have been used to accomplish things that actually matter
>Videogames also negatively affect social skills because people now spend more time at their computer for leisurely activities instead of face to face, typing in a chat or using voicechat is a lot different from actual communication

It's basically a waste of time at its best and negatively impacts your life at the worst(and more common).

>> No.973325

>Video games have not destroyed my masculinity and capacity to be a rational, mature adult

>> No.973392
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>Unfortunately nowadays being a loser is socially acceptable and being a winner is a harsh slur that needs to be whispered.

Fucking exactly. I grew up in a poor area of Oakland. Pretty much you worked scrapping old navy ships/warehouses or you sold drugs growing up. While my high school's funding is/was complete shit, we still had after school programs where we could go on computers and learn how to program, whatever etc.

Of course, did any other students take part in these on their off days? No of course not, they went to go line up for new JAWWWDINS or to go play video games or some useless shit.

I just don't understand how people can have entitlement to leisure time. When I went to university the only work ethic the "rich" kids knew was to do the minimum to get decent 3.5+ grades, then party their asses off. And these are the people who the losers are COMPLAINING ABOUT.

Laughed out loud at that, homie. If you seriously think there's any amount of college nepotism so grand it makes YOU THE PERFECT HARDWORKING MULTITASKING ENDURING SOLDIER incapable of getting a job...

>> No.973408
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>zero sum game
>ignore the billions of dollars of funny money the fed printed to make us rich

wew lad

>> No.973415

>Of course, did any other students take part in these on their off days? No of course not, they went to go line up for new JAWWWDINS or to go play video games or some useless shit.

As expected.

If "poorfags" saw all the opportunities around them they wouldn't be poorfags anymore. Especially blacks, they love to say "amerika doesn't care bout us" while not seeing all the affirmative action, dozens of grants and scholorships for blacks, etc.

It's the age of information man. Even if you're fucking homeless you can go to a library to use a computer to go on khanacademy and learn a bunch of shit so you can get your GED and maybe get a job. But of course begging on the street is easier money. No mental fatigue there.

>> No.973444

well, I'm pretty sure you could concentrate on your studies while being homeless
do you even know what it means to have some social safety instead of having to depend on the gubmint?
I don't excuse lazy people, but, seriously, not everyone can profit from the same opportunities, even if they are right in front of them. it requires education and preparation to know what are opportunities and how to use them... and education and preparation need some economic/emotional stability in the first place

>> No.973448

>I don't excuse lazy people, but, seriously, not everyone can profit from the same opportunities, even if they are right in front of them. it requires education and preparation to know what are opportunities and how to use them.

>What is foodstamps, medicare, those free cellphones, tons of programs to go to college for low-income families, libraries, charities, churches that give you free food, farms that feed you/give you shelter if you work for them, etc etc.

THere really is no reason to be homeless in a 1st world country. If you work hard you can easily get a pretty OK quality of life.

>> No.973509

>I go clubbing
>I play videogames
>I dont have a budget
>I excessively consume alchol or drugs
>I believe in technical analysis
>I invest in cryptocurrencies

>> No.973571

>Retards go to college for a shit degree despite career counselors telling them what job fields are in demand and which degree is best for them
I should've studied architecture instead of psychology. I even have the aptitude for it, above average spatial and artistic intelligence and shit.
Now I don't have the money to pay for it and feel like a retard for not trying.

>tfw country is currently having a construction fever

>> No.974015


>implying value isn't subjective

>> No.974017


>or IS it?

>> No.974021

taxes are theft though...

>> No.974022

>Rich kids are just genetically smarter
but how?

>> No.974028

Their parents passed on genes that are more successful than some plebian bluecollar retard worker with 70 iq.

>> No.974034

Things retards say:

>I fully know what i'm doing

>> No.974040
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>but this is true

So when you were 2 days old you were getting your own food and living by yourself?

what about 3 years old? what about 8?

Fuck off. Without mama's titty you'd literally be roadkill.

>> No.974044

>Fuck off. Without mama's titty you'd literally be roadkill.

So would you? What's your point?

>> No.974047

It's not a zero sum game. We produce ressources that increase the total wealth of humanity. It's the reason 1000000 common people today enjoy the same standard of living of a king 500y ago. I know it's hard to believe but it's possible for everyone to get richer, it's just easier to see over long periods of time.

>> No.974049
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Well, people like that are usually average to slightly below average intelligence.

So, what else are they going to do.

Stimulate themselves intellectually?

>> No.974051


Stimulating your mind is for the bourgeoisie.

>> No.974322


You need parental assistance to some degree to succeed. Thought that was evident from my post.

>> No.974399

What is funny is ppl talking about genetic lottery, like thousands of ancestors doing the right things and improving the situation for their heirs is luck... it shows clearly a weak victim mentality. You can start now to improve your heirs situation but you choose not to.

>> No.974530

Well fuck