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File: 198 KB, 891x877, Screenshot_20180601-190610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9723539 No.9723539 [Reply] [Original]

Do you treat Crypto as if it's a video game?

>> No.9723671

i treat life like a video game and since crypto is my life you know what's up

>> No.9723832

Eve online v.2

>> No.9723898
File: 7 KB, 236x132, auctionhouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*checks auction house*

>> No.9724169

How do you do that? I'm really interested.

I have to make 100 trades a day with my tiny stack to even make bits of profit, so it's in my best interest to gamify it. I build little tools to keep me motivated an engaged throughout the day.

>> No.9724234

Yes, and I don't play video games. They're for children.

t. 20mm+ net worth from real investment and real work, not worthless tokens that anyone can create at any time

>> No.9724245

shut the fuck up nigger faggot i'm trying to talk to cool people here

>> No.9724380

Yes. I initially got in to trading in part because I had become bored of vidya. There was a necessary change of approach that had to take place, mainly shifting towards playing for consistency rather than my vidya based instinct to try to min/max. I imagine a lot of new traders who came from vidya try to go for the precise bottom and precise top, rather than adjusting for the uncertainty of the market and trading more from a statistically advantageous position in whatever scenario.

>> No.9724409

Why do you think it's video gamers specifically that would do this? Because it's more challenging?

>> No.9724527


Playing for optimal results is an innately vidya thing, especially so if a person's background is with mostly single player games rather than multiplayer. Vidya is designed for those goals to be achievable for everyone given enough time. The markets, on the other hand, have no such design. You 'win' at the markets by consistently making profitable trades and not by trying to go for the bleeding edge of maximum possible profit a trade could technically yield if you entered and exited perfectly. Trying to do the latter involves a higher risk and puts you at a statistical disadvantage.

>> No.9724636

yeah and i spend all my time in the leverage battleground pvping against other 100xers

>> No.9724653

i develop video games on ethereum
it's amusing to see casuals talk about smart contracts being overrated
their mind will be blown come 2020
seamless use of crypto in video games will be the next metatrend
it offers so many opportunities for developers you have no idea

>> No.9724740

Exactly. But no more P2W until I can recover my own loot.

>> No.9724759

Yeah. But I've done so many psyches I feel like everything is a video game

>> No.9725098

i was billioner in WOW

>> No.9726141

what makes trading fun for you guys