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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9722793 No.9722793 [Reply] [Original]

>>fed has inflated everything with massive amounts of QE
>>Everything from student loans to the US government to the EU is in massive debt
>>Petrodollar system weakening due to Russian stockpiling of gold
>>Fed owned by globalists

Trump keeps taking credit for economy like a massive brainlet, when it's all just the result of direct FED manipulation. Trump is the perfect fall guy and they CANNOT afford another populist term for him. Unfortunately when the economy collapses (winter/fall of 2019) most alts will go down with it. Gold, silver, zcash, monero, and bit will survive. Everything else just'd

You have been warned anons. Screenshot this you autists it may save your life

>> No.9722819
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Nice larp faggot

>> No.9722833

fuck off commie

>> No.9722865

Larpy larp larp larp

>> No.9722875

good goyim, keep buying those shitcoins, your future is sealed either way.

>> No.9722882

Lol @ all the brainlet posting. Haven't seen this much cope since I last scrolled through r/redpill

How the fk am I larping if I'm.not rpoviding insider info? This is all based on public info. How the fk am I a commie if I'm blaming the fed? Fuck off you teenage basement autists and gl with your shitcoins. I'm liquidating my link after the end of this year. The.macro pic of the economy is looking catastrophic

>> No.9722940

fuck off commie, you arent fooling anyone

SP500 will go up, and theres nothing you fags can do about it :)

>> No.9722981

I just put a timer on my phone for 1.25 year. I'll send my Alyssa before then

>> No.9722996


>> No.9723014

This highly possible crisis has been spoken actively since 2008, faggot. Stock market rising because of inflated money, it's doesn't based on any value and it's makes the market more unstable. Stock Market will get rekt when the crisis began. And you'll understand Ron "The Happening" Paul was not a meme.

>> No.9723078
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OP you are right but most of the people here literally have an IQ below 80. I am also expecting it but it is so hard to tell when it will be. It could easily be this year or in two years. I am already liquidated most of my stock exposure and holding it in cash and precious metals, ready to buy the biggest fucking dip the stock market has seen in the last 50 years. Its the end of a big debt cycle, asset prices and real estate prices will be really cheap. It is tempting to try to short the market but I think you wont catch the right time, thats why I am staying at the sidelines since 0% return is better than -40%. Just be prepared and you will make the trade of your lifetime when you buy in cheap.

t. trader at one of the biggest investment banks (Not GS)

>> No.9723094


>> No.9723107

when will you start laddering in and what's the bottom where you'll be %100 in.

>> No.9723128

sage and ignore these commie propaganda threads

>> No.9723130

No need to short. Just buy gold and silver and hodl. These are guaranteed to moon once the banks lose control. Probably btc as well.

Also have a math degree from Caltech and am currently an altcoin dev who reads a lot of history so we are some of the few confirmed non brainlets on this shit forum full of autistic teenage hentai lovers

>> No.9723155

Kek hf begging for my shitcoins a couple years from now

>> No.9723263

People have been getting burned holding cash waiting on the sidelines for a crash for a long time now. I believe it is coming but who can say when?

>> No.9723315
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It will really depend on the circumstances and how the central banks try to handle it. But I probably wont start buying before the SPX dropped more than 30% and then I will dollar cost average down with it. Also buying property at one point of the crash.

It used to be better here but now its /b and /pol infested

>> No.9723337

Take a look at the return on Gold and Silver since 2008 (right before the crash) = PATHETIC

>> No.9723343

Even if you miss 2y S&P returns, you will be better off holding cash than getting sucked down in the crash. You can definitely try to time it but I will be almost impossible.

>> No.9723407

are you planning to rebuy link after the crash? I see it gaining traction post 2020 at best

>> No.9723420

The beginning of the crisis will depend on central banks. They just forwarded the crisis to further date in 2008, they didn't fix any fundamental thing in economics. But they can't do the balancing well because the market is not stable enough to increase hike rates. If they screw this up it could cause the biggest economic crisis in the history of the world. The data shows it's not far away, of course nobody know the exact date. For now, the earliest date the crisis can occur seems like by 2020.

>> No.9723464

You lost me at LINK. Fucking shill larpers, kill yourself.

Every idiot that buys Chainink deserves everything that is coming to him.

>> No.9723521

Kek sold everything in Feb.

My biggest sell signal was the commercials on television targeting normies to start buying stocks. I saw the same commercials just before the crash in 2008 & 2013.

I hope for a crash, but to be honest I don't know how long it would take

>> No.9723535


It's being manipulated idiot

>> No.9723548
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Thank you for your reply

>> No.9723615

I buy this, but what I don't necessarily follow is the Fall '19 timing. Show your work.

>> No.9723643

Unironically, Ron Paul was right.

>> No.9723657

What makes you think 2020 is the earliest?

>> No.9723685

biz is infested with illiterate mouth breathing retards.
Maybe you can understand it better in stand up comedy form https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ne__pTRAenc

>> No.9723688

Except this time they aren't able to lower the rates. They're setting up the biggest bubble in history and they don't have any more tools to keep it from popping.

>> No.9723810

>the biggest fucking dip the stock market has seen in the last 50 years. Its the end of a big debt cycle

are you saying it'll be bigger than 2008?

>> No.9723828

Central Banks are trying to forward it to further date, what they say and what they do is different. FED will probably do a controlled collapse on a convenient date but they need to make the economy more stable first or this could cause the crisis out of control. We'll see a similar scenario that happened in 2008 if they pull this off according to their plans. If not, their extreme greed will bite back their asses.

I wonder if this is their objective from the beginning. Because on contrary, these crises make top banks more powerful thanks to their financial capabilities. They may buy the dip so hard that middle class soon will be destroyed.

>> No.9723853

>they don't have any more tools
its always the same tools, crash and then reinflate, ofcourse the money is always hoarded and bottlenecked at the top 1% while the peons get genocided

>housing scam resulting in the 2007 bubble

the depressed economy was propped up by a housing bubble. the govt and financial institutions provided a "bail out" to the people in the form of low interest rates and lax regulations. the lack of job opportunities in the depressed economy forced people to exploit new career incentives created by financial institutions and govt focused on real estate speculation. with everyone speculating in real estate through "free money", the bubble burst.

>> No.9723866

2019 seems early for making the economy more stable. For now, the 2018-2022 date range is the most possible.

>> No.9723946


hope your right anon

>> No.9723982

>free trade, open borders goes full swing
>transfer jobs/industries/wealth overseas
>no domestic jobs results in depressed economy
>govt and financial institutions provide a "bail out" in the form of low interest rates and lax regulations
>depressed domestic economy propped up by a housing bubble
>lack of opportunities (due to free trade) forces entire country to exploit and speculate housing market thanks "free money"
>bubble burst
>great recession
>bubble reinflates with "free money" Quantitative Easing to recover from previous bubble caused by Free Trade and Open borders

free trade and open borders DOOMED the west
QE is a direct result of free trade and open border migration.

millions of immigrants have been flooding the west and are a net loss to the economy, QE is used to prop up the economy and feed the invaders.

>before 2000, no housing problem
>globalists push for "housing for everyone"
>import millions of locusts from asia/mexico
>hyperinflated housing bubble happens
>housing now a problem
>homeless epidemic
>millions of native homeless die from opioid epidemic

it seems like the globalists preemptively planned and pushed for "housing for everyone" in advance of open borders.
it was a stealth plan to house every locust invader while millions of natives go homeless
there was never a housing problem in the US before their NWO globalism

>> No.9724102

>more tools to keep it from popping.

Domestic production/inland development is the ONLY tool that ever worked. QE/Bailouts are all results of free trade transferring industry to Asia/Mexico

we need to:
1) close the border (Iron Curtain style, muh nigga)
2) reduce the population thru deportation of locusts
3) develop our own domestic industries
4) deport the globalist traitors to china

this will return this nation to 50s level prosperity

1800s america opened chinkland trade to get tea, spices, and porcelain. US got flooded with useless shit and unemployment surged. Millions were jobless and business went broke.
The 1819 panic further contributed to Americans’ resentment of trade with China due to fears that vast quantities of specie exports threatened the stability of the domestic economy.
By the 1830s, Americans no longer viewed trade with China as favorable to the US and talk of the trade became peripheral as Americans focused on inland development.