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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9719096 No.9719096[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What coins did they hold?

>> No.9719107

naked guy: req
chads: link

>> No.9719113

Ban this retard please

>> No.9719119

Did he deaded?

>> No.9719122

>clubbing a guy with his own leg

okay thats kind of funny but still ban op

>> No.9719123
File: 1.00 MB, 1145x1080, 1523480696939.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hits him with his own leg
not bad jointing too

>> No.9719124

"we need to let more of these people into our country"

>> No.9719129

Invest in prosthetics

>> No.9719130

can someone explains what happens.

>> No.9719132

ban thiss fucker wtf

>> No.9719135

>not cutting his dick

>> No.9719136

is he ok

>> No.9719145
File: 420 KB, 1051x745, 1510256774619.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nuggets dont need for be defended

>> No.9719146
File: 481 KB, 425x545, zockster.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop hitting yourself.

>> No.9719147

south america

>> No.9719152

Dude prolly snitched. Nothing of value was lost

>> No.9719154

Spotted the Redditors. Gore is an essential part of 4chan.

>> No.9719155


>> No.9719169

call me soft but you ruined my day

>> No.9719174


>> No.9719177

top kek!

>> No.9719184

> this has been up for ten minutes
lmao mods just dont give a shit

he's fine, anon

>> No.9719185

Yes anon he's fine, they put his leg back on. They were just pranking him for likes.

>> No.9719189


>> No.9719192
File: 111 KB, 1280x905, 13116522_1234138263264712_4024356379946293146_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All these fags "ban OP please" wtf. Grow some balls and realize this is the world of the south. And protect your first world countries besides crying and thinking this shit doesn't exist.

>> No.9719204

I can't believe there are so many faggots on here now

>> No.9719207

>implying mods come anywhere near /biz/
fucking pajeet discord groups spam worthless shitcoins every day. a fucking discord for some shit ETH game raided us, we posted the discord screencaps telling the users to raid and nothing happened. there are no mods on this board whatsoever.

>> No.9719231

lol. then alert the serial /sp/ cheese pizza poster. might as well set this thing on fire and watch it burn down.

>> No.9719239

>descentralized body parts

>> No.9719249

this is /biz/ not /b/ yoou gay ass brony faggot

>> No.9719255


Just an advice: Don't watch shit like this, it's interesting at first but it gets under your skin quickly and makes your life miserable. I used to be a hardcore "liveleak" watcher but it ruins your soul.

>> No.9719259

I hope the mods leave this up and we have 10 gore threads a day to weed out the redditors trying to piggyback off biz

>> No.9719260

Wonder if he was dead by the end of the vid or not

>> No.9719266


>> No.9719269

Ah fuck I'm going to hell for laughing at this

>> No.9719270


no, they cut his arms off afterwards in the full vid. he's alive after it all kek

>> No.9719272


>> No.9719280


LL is pretty soft tho

>> No.9719281

posting gore is great way to weed out discordjeets who only come hear to shill and reddit tourists

>> No.9719283


its just healthy to see a few and be aware this happens in the world.

otherwise you get frucking retarded people in our age group of 20-30 doing retard shit in dangerous countries not realizing reality. maybe thats just natural selection for this kinda shit to happen to them.

>> No.9719288


>> No.9719290

Really? Brutal

Sucks he didn't pass out from the pain

>> No.9719294

>faggot lost his money and now wants a ban

>> No.9719296
File: 136 KB, 294x256, oBtfiG3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9719307

I agree desu

>> No.9719311


>> No.9719317

hahahaha fuck

>> No.9719319

Ok, that's true!
I live in a safe European country and saw some shit on video that happened only a few years ago in a neighboring country. Be aware how easily can shit hit the fan but don't let it prevent you to enjoy life.

>> No.9719324

its not like anyone here is enjoying their lives as it is though

>> No.9719336


of course not, but living in ignorance is what get those fucking retards in trouble. like that stupid kunt college kid that got the death sentence in north korea from USA for stealing their flag.
they need to wake up and see reality, not the bubble they live in. a couple videos like these is enough to buck their ideas up in these places.

>> No.9719343

>and you think had a bad day until you saw this
fuck i'm so happy now

>> No.9719346

White man wants heroin and meth
This is the free market in action

>> No.9719348

Fucking idiot.