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9719012 No.9719012 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone got a zero-stress job where they literally do nothing and get paid decently for it? Make me jealous. Bonus points if the job didn't require a degree.

>> No.9719022

Twitch streamer

>> No.9719036

Security guard

Literally sit and browse biz and trade shitcoins and do a perimeter walk every so often when I go for a smoke.

$40 per hour because I require security clearance to work where I do

>> No.9719057 [DELETED] 
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I'm doin' pretty well hitting airdropz like https://www.theaccountingblockchain.io/?aId=7543845-2892534

>> No.9719075

I am a machine operator (Production).... the machines i learned to run are specialized for oil and gas products. I have 3 years experience and i now get payed 25 an hour for the first 8 and 37 an hour for the last 4 of my shift. My job entails slapping hands of junior operators.... literally sitting in a chair and listening to podcasts. High school drop out. All money is in Canadian.

>> No.9719089

how do I get this job?

>> No.9719094

Self taught fullstack developer. Getting 4k USD a month. Also im 18 with no degree. So fuck yeah.

>> No.9719142

I used to be a video game tester, that was low stress but shit pay. Every job since then has been high stress, and now I'm NEETing for a while to relax. Finally got my blood pressure down into a normal range, screw high stress jobs.

>> No.9719179

>>9719089 >>9719036
He's full of shit. An entry level SOFTWARE ENGINEER makes $40/hour in defense WITH secret clearance. Classic faggot larping nice $15 an hour there peasant security guard hahahahaha

>> No.9719213

Yeah but can a SOFTWARE ENGINEER ride a scooter while swinging a 5lb Maglight like he's in a medieval infantry charge? I don't think so.
Real talk though, if he works for a military contract firm they charge absolutely insane rates for everything, I wouldn't be surprised if he was really making that much.

>> No.9719217

glory hole attendant
just let them fuck your mouth and make girl sounds. Super easy

>> No.9719518

i work at meijers

>> No.9719545

>fucked around through middle school and high school making 3d art
>dropped out of college to make 3d art
>now i sell 3d art and it generates passive income while i day trade

>> No.9719649

they charge $93 after my hours and i get $14 in the private sector. i don't think that sounds bad.

>> No.9719659
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warehouse forklift driver
>$26 hr
>Do nothing but play vidya on laptop and shitpost for 4-6 hours out of the day waiting on trucks
>small vapes allowed
>doesn't test for pot in a non legal state
>constantly get to leave early
started this job as a temporary thing til I found something better but it's too good to leave now

>> No.9719670

best paid security guard in the whole world by far

>> No.9719671


>> No.9719704

you don't get to paid for that there are people lining up to do it for free.

>> No.9719715

I got a degree in engineering and started a job in a laboratory. Most of the time I sit around and do nothing because the tests take a lot of time to show results.

>> No.9719723

i run shitcoin bots

>> No.9719772

Vfx artist, its pretty lax if you arent a faggot who is afraid to say no to production staff. Also the pay is ok, would like more though.

>> No.9719929

Working at a gas station. Easiest shit ever, get free food, crazy shit always happens. Managers make 50k doing nothing of value.

>> No.9719978

I do Project Support. No degree required. I visit 2 to 3 apartment complexes a day and just measure and count items for renovations. Someone else gets deliveries and mistakes, I just do counts. I get leads fed to me by Account Managers and get a base salary, $600 a month for gas (I use $200), 2% commission, and bonuses. Also have a company card that I'm required to take people to lunch on.

If you can be social it's an amazing job. I work from home if I'm not out on the road that day.

>> No.9720038

Implementation specialist fo a SaaS comapny. Slacked off in Uni amd got a communications degree. Make 65k, 22 pto days, 7 sick days which i cam use as pto at the end of the year, 9 holidays, and i basically do 3 calls a day and chill

>> No.9720306

Right here anon
>wake up
>switch laptop on from home
>manage a handful of publisher accounts. 2hrs/day max
>3k/month plus another 3k in work related passive income
>trade during the day
>no debt. Negligible overheads
No degree either anon. May not seem like much but I've never been happier

>> No.9720350

I used to walk and play with puppies at a dog boarding place. It was an awesome job as a teenager

>> No.9720353

I have a high stress job that pays very badly. 60h+ work week

>> No.9720367

I also want to add that I went to uni for 8 years

>> No.9720377

can you describe more what you mean by managing publisher accounts? what training do you have or software do you use

>> No.9720501

Sure, I was a programmer but my current job does't require that. I mainly work through a specialized admin panel, doing client support, fraud management and other things. It's repetitive but non-demanding at the same time

>> No.9720621

zero stress jobs make you depressed. you need a balance of stress and peace.

>> No.9720978

Can find that outside of work. It's called adventure

>> No.9721046

I trade shitcoins like BTC. It's pretty low stress, I only risk up to $50,000 5% at a time, so I don't stress much.

>> No.9721321

same. my bots have made me a fortune over the last 3 years. im literally a millionaire but i always buy in early with all the best projects.

>> No.9721341

anon tell me where you work and how i get this job. I'm overqualified for it but its better than my job now where i'm barely qualified

>> No.9721970

I work on a production line

Its the most mindless, unskilled, stress-free, easy job there is. I put a piece of cardboard on a pack of tiles for 12 hours. Its pure shit, but at least its stress free

its good for now, will try to move up to something with more social interaction

I know it seems unbelieavable someone can be this retarded, but I am a porn addict ex-neet and I need to get up to 30 days of nofap to be able to function in the real world

so far I failed

>> No.9722197

Gas station will be transforming into a convenience store and coffee shop within 5 years I guarantee it. EV sales will be starting to moon by then.

>> No.9722210

vancouver? if so I want that job

>> No.9722322

Software engineer. I make $135,000 at a medium-sized, failing “startup” that’s been around for a decade. After a recent layoff, the company has been scrambling to get its shit together. I got placed a new team but nobody knows that I’m on it and nobody checks in on me. I don’t have a direct manager anymore either. I guess I just kind of fell through the cracks.

I go into the office three days a week from 10am-4pm just to make an appearance, but I spend all day shitposting on biz. The other two days a week I “work” remotely, meaning I sleep in, stay home, and do whatever the fuck I want. Some times I go to the beach or go sailing - it really just depends on the weather.

It’s a pretty sweet gig but I know I’m going to be found out eventually. I’ve done so little work over the past six months that I barely know how to code anymore.

>> No.9722440
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Download some booty free OFFLINE games (small list: Dark Souls, Rain World, Risk of Rain, Payday 2 with bots, terraria, portal 1 and 2, enter the gungeon). Doesn't matter if you've played them before. You can also download some manga or anime to read (Jojo will take you days to get through).

Delete all your porn. If you're not ready to do this, you're not ready to heal.

Trash your router. Soak it in water, this thing must be literally unusable. You can just buy a next one/ask your ISP to send you another one for a fee once you're done, it's a small price to pay. Change your mobile data plan if you have one, pick one with no internet.

You are now locked off from porn. You have enough entertainment to get you a month or so without being so bored your brain goes back to sex for distraction.

It'll still be hard, but you can do it if you really want to. Good luck brother.

>> No.9722488

My experience working at a production line was everything but stress-free.

>> No.9722503

Whats your job plsss.... Pls dont say making icos

>> No.9722510

well my job is working like a robot, you just need to get into the flow of it and then your mind can wander off. You dont have to do anything, its a bit similar to meditation or just, literally selling your time. You dont advance, you dont learn nothing, you dont have any challenges. Its just one task, repeated all day.

>> No.9722540

its hard to dig yourself a hole this deep by the way, the porn addiction, the mistakes, failures, the drugs, mental and physical issues, the procrastination, the image boards, the change of locations, the parent neglect. Its tough shit

you should be grateful you're not in shit as deep as some people out there

>> No.9722561

Yea i worked at amazon doing the same task for 10hrs and wanted to kill myself by the third month. It sounds good now but you'll eventually go insane.

>> No.9722610

dude how the fuck do normans do that shit
i'm serious
i've tried and it's seriously not about perserverence, i've done other jobs where there's variety/things i'm passionate about, and it's totally different. it's so much easier to get motivated for and so much more stimulating.
how the fuck can a man do line work or retail for decades and not be dead inside

>> No.9722650

its just a job to them. they have other shit like they go out with their mates for a beer or relationships with the opposite sex, distractions

people in general dont really have a "calling" or passion for nothing, they are happy with the basic set

some job
some bitch
some city
some hobby

>> No.9722704

it is perplexing. but after talking to a lot of them i often find that they have some sort of vice to numb the pain whether its smoking, drugs, alcohol or pussy its something that takes the edge off. also a lot of them have families so they can't just up and quit a job it's their livelihood.

>> No.9722754

Exactly. They also have fell for "work hard, play hard" meme. They either haven't realized or care that the 40, sometimes 50 hours a week honestly does go unnoticed. The reason people get "promoted" is not because of them putting themselves out there, but because some realize that there is much more to life than working for blood suckers that are feeding you pebbles while your body and mind are worth skyscrapers.

>> No.9722894

Did QA, now I'm doing this babby tier programming at the same company for a slightly above-QA pay (at least our QA gets paid way above industry average). I watch youtube all day on microlsd/phenibut while shifting some numbers around in a text file. Anyone who claims that vidyo gaem QA is comfy needs to get my previous job so he can see how stressful can it get for a pay that would make a supermarket shelf stocker laugh at you.

>> No.9723209

CryptoKing here. Retired for life, no degree.

>> No.9723271

Gas station cashier. Our gas is so expensive nobody comes here, I just lock the door and have my own little private office with snacks, wifi, a decent PC. I'm actually the manager of the gas station & 2 repair shops, I just cant be assed to find a decent cashier.

I'm thinking about buying the place from the owner.

>> No.9723312

Lucky. I wish my shitty company would fall apart already so I can get laid off or end up in a similar situation as you.

I don't make nearly as much either. Clearly I'm doing something wrong...

>> No.9723381

Coal sampler on the weekends isnt too bad. Like $64/hr to drive back and forth picking up samples from ships at the port being loaded with coal

>> No.9723431

assembly line, 25 an hour. rare to work 8 hours. but get topped up to 8 hours. also, i'm on my phone 95% of the time.

>> No.9723440

Sounds like an oil field job. Everyone makers 100k but u have to work with ppl with high school education dropouts and live in fort mac

>> No.9723777

You will be automated out of a job soon.

>> No.9723800

thats why Im on this board and also planning for my next job

>> No.9724180

I was a network engineer on about 150k / year. Came into work at 9:30am and home by 4pm. "Worked" from home 2-3 days a week. I was effectively part time. Had the role for 4 years.

It all depends on the company. I've been in a couple of other companies doing the same role stressed as fuck doing 70 hours a week. Changed company and my whole work heavily reduced, I found it out of sheer luck.

I've moved on since - in a moderate stress job (same company) now but a slightly better pay again.

>> No.9724201

I make 80k USD bartending

>> No.9724214

nic man. is it mostly tips? Im thinking waiter or bartender as my next gig

>> No.9724237

but.. you have to live with the knowledge that, statistically speaking, one day your place of work WILL be hit and probably suddenly murdered

>> No.9724258

until you accidentally drive over a coworker and get blood tested, discovered having had marijuana in your system during the accident, and prosecuted for reckless homicide. 15-25 years for you

>> No.9724314

Yeah but I've been doing it for 7 years now, it takes years to get into a good bar and then it takes a couple years there to get the best shifts. Plus you pretty much have to live in a major city. I live in philly where I pay 1.4k for a studio but it ends up working out, for instance I made $900 alone last Sunday working 4p-1am. I have a business degree that I don't think I'll ever use (other than applying what I learned to every day life and investing). I don't want to work in the industry forever though so I'm learning programming and going try to slowly switch into that (hopefully get a job in that and then keep bartending like 1 or 2 days a week).

>> No.9724319

I too am a security guard. I make shit pay, only 13$ an hour, but all i do is sleep in a brand new truck so i enjoy it.

>> No.9724327

yeah smoking pot before or at work lol

I remember being this stupid. Thankfully I evolved since those days

>> No.9724362
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>Uni IT
>Maybe have to do 30 minutes of actual work a day or like 1 or two problems a day
>Half the time there is no work.
>Rarely is the work beyond turning it on and off
>Medical/vision/dental/life insurance
>paid vacations/sick days/holidays(including bullshit school ones)
>Get to leave and "work from home" usually after lunch
>Hell I usually just go right home after lunch and take a nap
>Still get paid for 8 hours a day no matter what
>Browse internet including 4chan/watch movies/tv because I'm in 2nd in command with my boss teaching me all this
>Boss is complete bro
>Everyone loves me because they're all tech retarded

This job is greater than younger me could of ever hoped for.

>> No.9724383

Literally the biggest downside to this is I don't like talking to anyone about my work because it's to cushy.
My friends get jealous so a lot of the times I just save up the silly IT stories you hear about for when they are like "How's work going anon?"
Especially my hard worker friends. I wish I could get them all on board with this, but I lucked out getting this job

>> No.9724384

I'm a jnight staff support worker in the UK. Mainly browsing /biz/ and sleeping for 11 hours.

>> No.9724400

what do you actually do in your job

support for what

>> No.9724424

Supporting literal brainlets (disfuctional adults) in a remote carehome. I also do basic shit like handing out medication, making breakfast and listen to their deluded shittalk

>> No.9724436

how are they disfunctional? I consider myself to be a brainlet. I mean maybe Im not stupid but I am retarded

>> No.9724450

can you describe some of those people? how are they like, what they do, why, and how

>> No.9724501

Okay for obvious reasons I can't say too much but some of them went through some sort of trauma which led them to live in a place like this.
They can't sustain themselves anymore.
Some of them can't even read/write.
They are also emotionally unstable and stuff like that..

>> No.9724515

mentally ill like schizophrenia and severe trauma like rape or something?

>> No.9724516

how did you obtain this job? Or what I'm more interested in, what certs do you have? I'm thinking about trying to get into IT. Already have a couple certs but don't know how to get my foot into the door. Should I just go for the first one I see? I'm in college now but not even that interested in the classes I'm taking.
I have common sense and not completely retarded so IT might be for me.

>> No.9724518

Both is possible

>> No.9724530
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Account manager here. Getting paid $70,000 to do LITERALLY nothing for about 8 hours a day. Seriously, I do about 40 minutes of real work per day. The rest is spent watching youtube & browsing 4chan - and even trading crypto.

I have an Economics B.A. - thinking of going back to school because I want to get a better job. Its not really about the pay, I just dont want to keep rotting away. This type of job is fun AT FIRST, but after a few years you just want to kill yourself.

>> No.9724547

This. I make 60k working for old people that don't understand tech so I do maybe ten hours of real work a week. I sometimes do real webdev stuff but lazy mode is Wordpress sites and gluing together code libraries.

The rest of my time is shitposting here, daytrading, and reading or watching movies. I'm also the IT guy so none of my activity on the internal network is logged.

>> No.9724571

My friend just recently signed up for an Amazon fulfillment center and I'm not expecting them to last long

>> No.9724583

"Signed up" as in paperwork is done and should be starting soon

>> No.9724659

i teach gooks english. 3 classes each morning, 45 minutes a class. about 50% of the time nobody shows up and i just shit post on biz and get paid. comfy as fuck.

>> No.9724719

What tools do you use? By full stack do you mean you develop full stack applications or you just put together a wordpress site in a server?

How many clients do you have? Are they many small clients with small projects or few/one larger one?

>> No.9725021

I managed to go 63 days one time. It just gets worse and worse and worse. At the end sex was all I was thinking about every waking moment. I would just walk around with a boner 24 hours a day. Rape made perfect sense to me (not that I raped anyone, but I could see how someone might do that.)

>> No.9725052

Imo it's okay to masturbate, just not to porn.

>> No.9725076

its called nofap for a reason, otherwise they would just call it noporn

noporn is easy.

>> No.9725105

working a job where you have to do nothing is worse than being unemployed, its so fucking boring it makes you depressed

>> No.9725150
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I have a BA in computer science, but it wasn't a requirement for the job.
The certs will help you a lot because that's literally the only other way to get an IT job.
Also luck
I got very lucky. This isn't typical of every IT job as even some of my collegues in other divisions have it much less relaxed. Although it could be a little bit of show too because no matter what you want to look more busy than you actually are to the people in control of the money.

>Should I just go for the first one I see?
Yes. Experience is everything in the IT field. It gets you more money, better prospects, everything.

>I have common sense and not completely retarded so IT might be for me.
That's all you need my man unless you want to get into the higher securities, but you have time to build experience and certs for that. Especially if you're in your 20s

>> No.9725169

>how did you obtain this job?
I applied of course. Forgot to mention that.
Can't get the job if you don't apply.
Also luck. Can't forget that. Now is a good time to look for IT jobs at any university around you. Students leave so you can pick up the slack jobs and work up.
All IT jobs even the lowest ones are easier than lifting boxes or any retail my dude.
Beware of call centers, but they will give you experience.

>> No.9725183

whats an example of a lowest tier IT job? like doing what?

>> No.9725198

Freelance photographer

Charge between 1-3k an event/shoot. I average about 3 shoots a week. Sometimes i need to be there all day, sometimes im only there for a half hr. The most important part of my job is social skills because if people like you , by word of mouth and positive reviews you get more gigs.

>> No.9725212

what do you actually do? can you write about a task you are asked to do on an average day?

>> No.9725225

Help desk work I would say.
Sit at a desk and people call you basically for password issues mostly. Anything harder you don't know you escalate the problem, and it goes to a higher tier of IT person.
That's how it works at most places.
Universities are bit different cause it could be a lot of things based on the specific place, but most have a help desk also. Ours has one that students take all the time.

I'm basically a assistant system administrator over one of the 5 division at my specific Uni.
It's pretty cash.

>> No.9725234


have degree but dont need for job

delivery driver. think ups/fedex

i dont earn the most but im pushing 40-50k to literally drive around jamming the jack fm and drop off packages at homes.

it is easy but still has hard times. Christmas is no joke

>> No.9725236

Where do you work? I'm an Amazoncuck and forklift drivers get paid shit here, it's exactly the same as every other lowly worker like a picker.

>> No.9725247

I also got to about 60 days. Before this streak, I havent gotten more than 3/4 days without ejaculating since being like 14

the experience was so mind blowing that I could write a book about it. It made me question everything I thought was true before

>> No.9725263

Have you considered becoming a developer at Block.one?

>> No.9725282

Here's a normal day for me
>Come in at 8:30
>browse internet
>boss comes in 15 minutes later
>We talk and get coffee
>Deal with any problems our users emailed us
>Go back to our office.
>Browse internet
>Maybe have to go help someone maybe not
>Boss and I walk around the main building just to stretch our legs
>Joke around with our users
>User has problem they didn't email us and we fix in 2 minutes
>Go back to office and browse internet
>Lunch time'
>Boss says to go work from home or go work from home at 2
>rarely have to stay till 5
And then I get paid for the whole day.

For helpdesk it would be like
>"Yes ma'am we can reset your password quick"
>"Yes ma'am we can reset your password quick"
>"Yes sir we can reset your password quick"
>"Yes ma'am we can reset your password quick"
>"Just turn the computer off and then on and give the helpdesk a call back if you keep experiencing the issue."
>"Sir I am going to escalate this ticket to one of my superiors. Please hold."
>Go home
It's not a bad gig.

>> No.9725284

no degree. 100k work from home. linux systems engineer for large cloud computing company. i literally just run ansible automation playbooks that smarter people than me wrote, when i do anything at all

>> No.9725302


I did ship dock line at Amazon which is the easiest job in the building for 2 years before doing forklift. I literally created a partition in my brain that allows me to talk to another part of myself. My brain is probably fucked because now I am having conversations with things that aren't there when I'm off work. During peak season I did that for 60 hours. Imagine staring at nothing, having no one to talk to, and hearing conveyers for that long, for 2 years.

>> No.9725332

I have been in social isolation for close to 2 years, at most jobs were similar to what you described. I live fantasy scenarios in my head, dream about future, past, just completely drift off

>> No.9725359

went to school for graphic arts
couldn't find work in art (no shit)
fast forward 2 years
work IT job at accounting company that fell in my lap making just under $100k salary
do about 1-2 hours of actual work a day, spend most the day shitposting here or playing games. Nobody checks on me and I'm my own boss pretty much.

>> No.9725387


They really need robots to take over soon humans can't live like that for too long. I begged to become a forklift driver so I had some interaction and so my brain could do something else but drift off. It is a little harder but worth it. Amazon still sucks dick though. Can't wait to get out once my stocks come through.

>> No.9725408

I think those types of jobs like production line like my job are for people with severe issues

>> No.9726108
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how conversy do you get? I'm trying to reach actual conversations that I actually get lost to, last week managed to have a blissful 4 minute moment only realize this was a moment and escaped me. reading dostoyevskys dinner times does help

>> No.9726829

That's when you channel that energy into means of obtaining pussy, if you're desperate even working your crypto hard to make a coupla hundred for hookers is acceptable.

>> No.9726843

If at first you don't succeed, Dust yourself off and try again. Dust yourself and try again.

>> No.9727137

>I'm an Amazoncuck
there's your problem right there

>> No.9727383

programmer. 40hours a week. "real work" maybe 5 hours. the rest of it im working on my own projects do crypto and/or playing video games. love my job. only problem is thats a small company and if everything collapses soon it might close doors. so i have to make it until then because i couldnt work in a real job with 40hours real work. never.

>> No.9727632

I've posted about this on r9k before, I'm a waste water operator at a municipal plant, at work right now. I just passed my test to advance my license, have a grade 6 combined (industrial and municipal) so I got another pay bump. I currently make $46 an hour, but that is due to my license as well as having worked here about 6 years. Two years ago I was at a seminar for my continuing education and met a guy who works in the same city as the head operator at a power plant, offered me better pay to take a job with them. I like my job so I talked to my boss about it, he matched the raise ($4 an hour) and bumped my yearly raise from 2.5% to 3.5%, so I stayed.

I am kind of a commodity in this industry, as I am now in my early 30's. The average age of a waste water operator is in the low to mid 50's, and most of those guys do it as a retirement gig and may not want to work nights. I work 4 12 hour days, 7 PM to 7 am, over time after 40. I do rounds every 2 hours and watch the gauges for alarms. Once a month I take samples every hour for analysis. Besides that I can do whatever I want but sleep. I have a laptop for movies and some simple games, books, and i bought a gamecube to keep at the plant. The plant is self contained so there is no smell, if anything breaks i call the service company. The hours work out well, my gf is a nurse on the night shift so we get the same 3 days off each week and work si.ilar hours. I walked into this with some experience with my previous job (hazmat), and I studied for the combined license test and passed. Just some basic math (flow rates, area and volume, percentages), chemistry (ph, neutrilization, the cyanide destruction process, etc.) and some pertaining laws (how much of certain compounds can you put into the downstream, what code do you follow, etc.) Really good gig if you can get it. Power plant workers get paid more and are u in, but the jobs are also much harder to get. Most factories need operators as well.

>> No.9727662

how do i get a girlfriend

>> No.9727666
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cock doctor

>> No.9727674

howd you get the job?

>> No.9727705

What did you do your PhD in and what are you doing now?

>> No.9727941

im running several pos full nodes. have to 'work' maybe 2hrs per month

quitted wagecucking in 2015 (my god this shit is horrible)

last freelance was setting up racing simulators (mid to high end) at expos and racetracks getting grid walks and grandstand tickets for free

life is good when you arent a wagecuck

>> No.9727944

jus b urself

>> No.9728221

I am a boxing instructor. I haven't felt the feeling of "work" since I quit working at the supermarket (I was 20 when I quite... so about 9 years)
Everyone loves and respects what I do with their kids, and the local restuarants sometimes treat me to free food. Being a "fighting/martial-arts" instructor is a god dam meme. Everyone treats me like I'm some magical sensei (even though I'm only middle weight fighter and stand at just 6ft).. haven't competed in years and only train part time lmao. In fact I routinely tell people that some of the up and coming teenagers in the gym could easily knock me out.
It's not all golden news though, I'll be making the transition into software in the next few years and I'll join you in the grind.

>> No.9728387
File: 79 KB, 640x640, 1527463025177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work as a designer for something in the construction field. I work entirely from home and I went to high school with my boss. He lets me live overseas while I have a blast and live cheaply. No degree. 100k in crypto and 20k in my bank. Just $18 an hour though.

>> No.9728634

Any fool-proof tips on completely bullshitting a resume for a higher tier job than what you're qualified for? I mean, just saying I worked for X company over Y years and having a fake reference wasn't enough for one application I made. They actually called me up and said I wasn't successful because I fucked them around.

>> No.9728880

Can get paid £30 an hour on weekends at our place. Not difficult either a monkey could do what I do.

>> No.9728914

state attorney in europoor country
pretty comfi desu, nothing like american tv shows

>> No.9728934

My job is stressful but I make 100-200k/year working from home and I get to decide when I work. Can't complain.

>> No.9729095

Sec Ops Analyst here.

No degree, they are a meme for 90% of jobs.

Literally trawl through tickets all day that various sensors pick up and mark as false pos false pos false pos false pos... The occasional true pos comes up, escalate it away. Back to clicking false pos.


Probably spend at least half the day doing crypto shit. Last year I made more doing that then my day job. This year once the bull returns I'll probably do the same. Maybe 2020 is when I'll make it.

>> No.9729187


How did you get this job? What are your responsibilities?

>> No.9729934
File: 119 KB, 1229x758, BigHeadSiliconValley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or you'll get an award.

>> No.9729960

Normans are NPCs.

>> No.9730004

>nobody comes here
>thinking about buying the place
How does that end up being profitable?

>> No.9730040
File: 54 KB, 793x786, cry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw entry level EE in defense industry with clearance making $30 an hour
>a literal security guard makes more money than me

>> No.9730187

Fine until your back is rekt.