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File: 174 KB, 645x729, 0D3471BE-73A0-4D81-AECD-8EA8C41E0AD0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9718926 No.9718926 [Reply] [Original]

Looks like Linkys are slowly starting to back off.... at least a little which is good. I'll be here saving anons who don't know better and fall for the shills

Linkys on suicide watch
>52 btc volume
amongst the lowest on binanace for a few weeks now with absolute pajeet shitcoins that no one has heard about.
>Duhhhhhrrr volume doesn't mean anything
the state of link cope

DAILYYYYY reminder this coin is shilled by pajeets selling a dream and hope of 1000x gains

>Pajeet buys snake oil $1 for 1ml
>Pajeet offers to sell at amazing price $20 for 1 ml
>Pajeet says $1000 EOY for 1 ml of snake oil
>Mfw Link bag holders are first in line to buy
this is a perfect analogy of what you are buying into when you go all in Link

Daily reminder
Biz said link would be $10 after SIBOS. Assblaster said $3 by May. The whale larper said $1000 EOY (all in the archives)

The only person who predicts correctly is the oldfag who always posts that black Amex saying it will keep falling until 0 (so far he is more accurate)

I refuse to let more of my biz brothers be pulled into the crab bucket. Do not waste your money on a pipe dream. You have better odds else where, play your cards right.
Linkys will call me a CIA Psyop and anything else to cope.

They eagerly want to pull you back in the bucket
>52 btc volume

>> No.9719031

I really feel bad for the linkies. Sergey turned off the bots as soon as he finished dumping hundreds of millions of link. He left his bagholders fucked and with cum dripping out the ass in one instant. Brainlets deserve to get scammed

>> No.9719035

Sage goes in the option field.

>> No.9719224
File: 310 KB, 750x543, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9719236
File: 84 KB, 900x900, 1522556766267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP literally wrote all that

>> No.9719247

This copypasta is old now

>> No.9719248
File: 444 KB, 725x467, 7A89A941-B450-4A35-885C-2C58EDFFDEC7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Link will be remembered as the Bitconnect of 2018.

>> No.9719254

Chainlink shilling is futile. The chainlink shilling has been the worst infestation on this board. The memes are unfunny and gross. I mean we seriously had a bunch of autists ejaculating to a magic sigil the other day. Chainlink is disgusting.

>> No.9719261

It’s a copypasta of a few days ago, OP is just a mongoloid retard

>> No.9719339

pity reply