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File: 18 KB, 1000x1000, cotton-white-toto-two-piece-toilets-cst744sl-01-64_1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9718733 No.9718733 [Reply] [Original]

>be at work
>go to the bathroom
>spend 10 minutes on the toilet, only 1 minute actually shitting. Mostly browsing the web on the phone

>> No.9718753

I've done this a few times. However, there were a few occasions where I passed someone in the hall on the way in and out. That looks pretty bad, especially if the same person sees you more than once.

You also risk having to listen to Dan from IT having the noisiest, smelliest, crap of all time.

>> No.9718777 [DELETED] 

Any advice how to do this?

>> No.9718789
File: 86 KB, 390x438, ChainLink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did this during my apprenticeship but it took a bit longer for me to do the needful.

>> No.9718791

Yeah, you dont want to have to hear Dan grunting one out.

>hnnnggg . . .*PLOP*...OH.
>ennnnnnuhhhhh....oh my god....

You really think 10 minutes of "alone" time is worth hearing that?

>> No.9718854
File: 27 KB, 545x505, Disapproval_c2ffc6_1446910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Go to work
>Take a shyte
>Walk around for the rest of the day, with a greasy, shitty asshole, with poo crumbs riding on the hairs, and a streak developing on the underwear and the sweat and fecal residue making their way to the cloth of the pants through capillary action in the fabric

Are people that defecate outside of their private residence absolute trash on the same level as livestock and pajeets?

How is it even remotely acceptable to walk around with a dirty asshole for the rest of your day?

Without actually showering or washing after a poop, it's NEVER possible to get the area clean.

>> No.9718871

> lost job due to crypto anxiety and stress
> whole life is in disarray

>> No.9718886


>Being this weak

Nigger, I held half a million REQ through a $1.20 to 15 cents and barely flinched.

You're not cut out for this.

>> No.9718913

if your bathroom break is lets say 11mins is it really that bad?

i cant shit/wipe/clean up even in 5mins

>> No.9718934

If you eat a healthy diet you take clean swipes and this isnt a problem.

I take huge shits and my asshole is pink and pristinr afterwards.

I can tell youre a fatfuck american who eats mcdonalds all day and blows up the toilet with diarrehea everytime. Youll never know these clean swipe feels, fatfuck.

>> No.9718956
File: 37 KB, 720x468, communism-will-work-this-time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I bet you support Bernie, unions and hate ebul capitalists who are exploiting you.

>> No.9719045

It’s not ideal but I’m not holding it in all day.

>> No.9719070

Baby wipes

>> No.9719088

I'm not some gay person but thanks

>> No.9719172

If you're paranoid about the cleanliness of your asshole like >>9718854 is then baby wipes are pretty much your only option. Since you seem to have a fragile masculinity, they've started marketing masculine wipes to needle dicks like you.

>> No.9719199

Now stfu

>> No.9719220

>he isn‘t sitting on the toilet everyday for hours

You are like a little babby

>> No.9719221

I'm not saying I've never spent that long on the toilet but under normal circumstances I'm out in less than three.

>> No.9719277

>If you eat a healthy diet you take clean swipes and this isnt a problem.

Not true at all.

If you pass a shit, you will inevitably be left with residues and crumbs that wiping will eliminate.

You're a filthy fucking animal, please change your habits.

The people at my office who are known public shitters I avoid being near them physically because of the micro residues of feces they are covered in.

>> No.9719289

>will eliminate.

Will never eliminate.


>> No.9719299
File: 37 KB, 399x385, 1ewdzs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go to the toilet 8-10 times per day for 5-10 minutes. Sometimes even fapping
>Browse on various sites
>Slowly do your work
>Still get salary raises and praises for my excellent work.

>> No.9719315

You're not completely wrong, it's just that never shitting in public is incredibly impractical. Do you avoid social engagements after work to go home and shit properly? I can't imagine you're working a peak efficiency if you're holding in shit all day. The sad fact is that there's microscopic amounts of fecal matter all over the place and not shitting at work really isn't limiting your exposure much.

>> No.9719316


>Being a White-bread Unitedstation

Sorry, I'm of a more distinguished background.

We also season our food and have genuine culture. The only culture Unitedstations have is Negro music, smoking weed on the weekend and apparently walking around with dirty assholes.

>> No.9719391

>not using wet wipes to finish your wipe

you live in a 2nd / 3rd world country, right?

>> No.9719469

Fucking children
>baby wipes
Baby wipes have a scent. Even the ones that say no scent have a scent. Everyone knows. It's almost grosser than smelling like a fart all day. Almost
>walk into bathroom
>grab thick handful of paper towels
>get them wet
>discretely walk into stall
Easy. You shit and you scrub with wet towels. Wipe clean with tp too obv. Learn fucking amateurs.

Also a good shit should kill at least 1 hour of the day. Now you have only 7 more to work you're welcome.

>> No.9719511


> Do you avoid social engagements after work to go home and shit properly?

Absolutely. My discomfort going into a social gathering with the feeling of a greasy asshole would be sheer terror and debilitating paralysis.

>> No.9719512

Just spit on the toilet paper

>> No.9719513

Bro, you can't be flushing paper towels down the toilet lol. Any coworker that sees you doing bringing wet paper towels into the stall with you will think you're a fucking psychopath.

>> No.9719528


A wet wipe will STILL not do the job, because the sphincter takes several minutes after the poop to fully close itself.

In the process, it squeezes out the last crumbs and bits of poo, so even AFTER you wiped, some of it comes up.

Elevate your defecation game m8.

>> No.9719536

Seems like you may be suffering from some OCD bro. You can't let your asshole get in the way of a normal life. Fortunately, I think bidets may become more common in America soon. People have been buying bidet hookups from Amazon and will come to prefer a cleaner asshole.

>> No.9719546


Absolutely trash response from a disgusting sub-human animal.

Read this:>>9719528

>> No.9719561
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>sweat and fecal residue making their way to the cloth of the pants through capillary action in the fabric

lmao'd in real life

>> No.9719563
File: 1.98 MB, 164x275, 1468635620986.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shitposting: the thread