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9718704 No.9718704 [Reply] [Original]

Where can I buy it and still withdraw no exchange letting me withdraw right now

>> No.9718749
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ahm never today at 22UTC the ERC20 will get destroyed, if you dont registered your EOS tokens you didnt get EOS mainnet coins

>> No.9718762

Reeee I need 400 more coins on my own priv key now!!!!

>> No.9718768

When do the EOS coins get rolled out?

>> No.9718771

Doesn't binance handle all the shit for the swap if you just leave it there?

>> No.9718800

They handle the swap. But you dont get any airdrops.

>> No.9718833

What does that mean? My EOS is on my Trezor at home. I cannot access it for the next three weeks.

>> No.9718838


probably around 1-2weeks

>> No.9718856


Oh, ok. Still dunno if I should buy some lol.

>> No.9718865 [DELETED] 


EOS will replace ETH

>> No.9718890

I hope you registered.

Other wise, good luck

>> No.9718900


>Within 23 hours after the end of the final period on June 1, 2018 at 22:59:59 UTC, all EOS Tokens will become fixed (ie. frozen) and will become non-transferrable on the Ethereum blockchain. At this point the EOS Token distribution will be complete and any person who wishes to launch a public blockchain platform adopting the open source EOS.IO Software (an “EOS Platform”) will be able to generate a file or “snapshot” showing the fixed balances of the EOS Tokens from the state of the Ethereum blockchain (the “Snapshot”). As block.one will not configure and/or launch any EOS Platform, block.one will have no control over when, how or whether the EOS.IO


register your tokens!!

to your luck they developed a fallback registration method, where you can claim your EOS afterwards, but you dont get all you had.

>> No.9718945

I have 165 eos. Will i make it?

>> No.9718969

no but youll get airdrops at least

>> No.9718994
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What the actual fuck? I went all in at $0.56, hodled like a maniac, never sold a token and now I will loose everything? I got 82k tokens, never took any profit.

>> No.9719003


LOL thank you for reducing the supply for us m8.

>> No.9719018

Just register u doombass
Go on eos.io they literally tell you what to do.

>> No.9719020

as funny as this would be if it was true, if this was actually the case you'd be hanging from a rope not posting about it

>> No.9719029

You better get on the first plane right now and get them tokens registered

>> No.9719041

Oops i didnt see ur first post. Rip in peace

>> No.9719046


>> No.9719054

THANKS BIZ! I just called by brother. He will register my tokens now. Whoaaah..FUCK that was close...I am shaking. Thanks for all.

>> No.9719073

Ask your bro to sell me 300 eos on etherdelta plz I’ll pay premium over binance price.

>> No.9719077
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Remember how hard Cardano mooned when they had withdrawals disabled for weeks? This will be that on steriods, because a huge amount of the EOS cannot be moved to exchanges for trading.

>> No.9719082

I just need to join to 1000 eos club before 6pm really badly

>> No.9719103

Again, thanks biz. I will give away some EOS when I am home. I LOVE YOU ALL.

>> No.9719159

Why cant u just buy on binance? Withdrawals are still good

>> No.9719180

I just noticed that now too

They canceled at 12pm so I dumped a bag like an idiot and now ya open again reeee

>> No.9719191


>> No.9719201
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>> No.9719941
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