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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 57 KB, 598x927, 1527952864765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9717995 No.9717995[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

who /ancientgamer/ here?

>> No.9718022
File: 57 KB, 640x400, command-conquer_17.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What are you if you're still clocking 2 hours a day on pic related.

>> No.9718074

Holy shit I'm so ancient half the games in the ancint list read like newfag games to me

>ut 99
>doom 2
>duke nukem 3d

>> No.9718079
File: 146 KB, 750x545, 046434A5-4428-4590-BD9D-CE340BCFDA63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9718084

>halo 3
lol. must make me a cryptkeeper.

>> No.9718089

It‘s absolutely incredible how cool you are.

>> No.9718099

>ancient gamer
>halo 3
>cod 4
>fallout 3

wtf? not even warcraft 3

>> No.9718109

The hand of nod, classic

>> No.9718110

That ain't being an ancient gamer. I grew up hustling adults in fighting games at arcades as a teen and coming home to 90s consoles and CS 1.6

>> No.9718131

these are ancient gamers

everything on OP list is new school

>> No.9718143

I bought the original Mortal Kombat off the shelf at Radio Shack. What does that make me?

>> No.9718146

>played Halo: Combat Evolved
Bow down mortals

>> No.9718153

Take your /v/ shit elsewhere, kiddo.

>> No.9718155

Ultima Online

>> No.9718172

The only good one.

>> No.9718173

My house was right outside of Vesper.

>> No.9718174
File: 21 KB, 480x360, paperboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone complete pic related?

>> No.9718178

> N64
> Broodwar
What am I?

>> No.9718184
File: 75 KB, 580x317, Tibia-Field2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone still playing?

>> No.9718190

an alright kinda guy in my books

>> No.9718192

Should I be dead if playing fallout 2?

>> No.9718194

what games are y'all playing? im looking for a new game, wondering wether I should buy the remastered dark souls since dark souls series is the only game i seem to enjoy. everything else is normie trash

>> No.9718199
File: 39 KB, 680x543, 1527726545735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>all these jimmies ruslted by an obvious ironic meme

>> No.9718203

sadly the was no AI for single player outside of the missions

>> No.9718206

Like me you would fit into the category of /prehistoricgamer/

>> No.9718214

yeah right

>> No.9718217

ancient gamer should be new school on this chart.

>> No.9718226

2004-7 was golden age of tibia, went downhill from there

>> No.9718229

where's Yar's Revenge?

>> No.9718237

Insert coin to continue. Things we may never see again.

>> No.9718243

baldurs gate I & II, black pits

>> No.9718275

Don't like this kind of games, looking for some multiplayer action or some rpg

>> No.9718278

>brand new games

>> No.9718291

oh for sure
i lost interest for a while after cip completely cucked pvp servers
remember running down mid/high level people in a 15+ group of low/mid level people and murder them for xp on pvp servers?
walkthrough, whenever that was added, ruined the game for me, i havent really played since then i guess
i still occasionally log on but havent actively played since walkthrough was added

>> No.9718296
File: 103 KB, 1053x671, 1527938924474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw when internet and all these dlc ponzis killed arcades.

>> No.9718297
File: 439 KB, 902x767, 1527943276077.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9718326

I picked up ESO recently. It's way better than it was at launch

>> No.9718332

they started making the advantages of paid accounts too much to the point you couldnt even bother with the game without paying, then tons of players left. Never played a pure pvp server, but war and hunting down serial pks was fun

>> No.9718368
File: 2.79 MB, 300x252, madmax.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9718369

Played BG I and II in my early 20s. Now playing through again with my son. Still one of the best games available.

>> No.9718391

i used to buy premium with gold via the elfbot/neobot forums, but yeah you barely got half the game if you played for free
also i used to make decent buck selling scripts for elfbot/neobot and also selling gold, or it was a decent buck for an 18yo neet (around $200 a month)

>> No.9718394

best rpg ever, nothing gets even close. Once you are done go beat icewind dale 1.

there is nothing decent these days, seems like the more money is put into videogame industry, the shittier the titles that come up

>> No.9718402

Don't say that man, there are some gems out there, you just need to look past popular titles.

>> No.9718405

Medal of honour frontline boies where we at

>> No.9718414

Mario Kart (snes version only)

Anything later is newfag tier

>> No.9718423

nice. Yeah free accounts could barely get to lvl 60. It wasnt really that expensive to buy premium, considering WoW was charging monthly, but they shouldve given free accs more places to explore

>> No.9718442

yeah there probably are, maybe im just getting old and dont enjoy it as before. Everytime i try new games its like meh, havent gotten a pleasant surprise in like a decade. Last real fun multiplayer i played was Savage 2 and now its dead

>> No.9718482

As you get older with more responsibilities, your brain gets in a permanent restless state. You will find yourself hardly enjoying anything like before. I recommend meditation every day, even if its 10 minutes.

>> No.9718492
File: 16 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a modern-era game
t. prehistrioric nigga

>> No.9718498

True ancients played BBS door games like Legend of the Red Dragon or Trade Wars. Can't forget Rise of the Triad either.

>> No.9718525
File: 47 KB, 594x476, psx-396-11311957528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a modern game right around the threshold

>> No.9718548
File: 45 KB, 576x448, hyper-duel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is an old-school game right around the threshold

>> No.9718553
File: 89 KB, 654x510, ancient.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related. Is ancient.

>> No.9718566

Th-this has to be a troll image.

>> No.9718605
File: 9 KB, 256x224, 3171-super-mario-bros-n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

old school game near the ancient threshold

>> No.9718624
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ancient game near the old school threshold

>> No.9718636
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>> No.9718652
File: 7 KB, 653x400, Pong-653x400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

late prehistoric

>> No.9718662
File: 336 KB, 705x626, Tennis_For_Two_on_a_DuMont_Lab_Oscilloscope_Type_304-A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

middle prehistoric

>> No.9718683
File: 109 KB, 768x950, chopper1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

early prehistoric

>> No.9718703
File: 25 KB, 300x200, qfgi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My jam right here

>> No.9718990

Lmao op is like 18 yr old newfag

>> No.9719251

These are still old games.

>> No.9719305


mfw literally none of you faggots played gears of war, goat online game.

>> No.9719349

>3d sonic
Nice try kid, I played 2d on my Sega megadrive

>> No.9719362

If you’re familiar with autoexec.bat and config.sys files does that make you a primordial gamer?

>> No.9719809

get your glasses, grandpa. He clearly said it was a modern-era game

>> No.9719814
File: 80 KB, 367x960, 1527600739516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these serious posts ITT

>> No.9719876

Literally mark of the shitskin, are you Brazilian?

>> No.9719935

A couple of facts:

There are only two fallouts.

Planescape: Torment >> BGI & BGII
Avellone <3

rpgcodex.net - gentlemen and trannies welcome

>> No.9719960

Does anyone still play age of empire 2?

>> No.9719965


Counter strike 1.0 retail box on a 600mhz pentium 3 reporting in

>> No.9719974

This board is for the discussion of topics related to business, economics, financial markets, securities, currencies (including cryptocurrencies), commodities, etc -- as well as topics relating to starting and running a business.

>> No.9719995

Ps: torment is the trenscendent one among infinity engine games

>> No.9720001


Let us have fun for a minute u butthole

>> No.9720005

>cannot comply building in progress
>unit ready
>cannot comply building in progress
>unit ready
>ion cannon ready

>> No.9720006

>not playing tarkov

I stopped playing games 5 days ago which is why I'm here, I've legit wasted 10 years of my life playing games, It wasn't all bad but It's still 10 years, and I'm only including those after I turned 18

>> No.9720037

ye,, fallout new vegas and fallout 4

>> No.9720082
File: 28 KB, 465x264, 1527631343931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9720119

The only thing about c&c i remember besides kane

>> No.9720215

Fuck you Veronica

>> No.9720227

>streets of rage
>Rocket knight adventures

Do kids who started on ps4 really think they are old?

>> No.9720228

Thanks Josh.

Vegas is actually good, despite the horrible engine.

>> No.9720257

Baldurs Gate
Tecmo Super Bowl
The Adventures of Bayou Billy
Top Gun
Captain Skyhawk

Yea... I feel old.

>> No.9720288

The only game that matters is World of Warcraft Classic
I hope to retire by the time it launches.

>> No.9721415

mods confirmed for not giving a fuck again

congrats on that, srsly

>> No.9721435

Boomer cope

>> No.9721837
File: 11 KB, 480x360, hqdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha, this is a cute thread.

These were my first games:

t. 31 year old 'boomer'

>> No.9721932
File: 87 KB, 620x345, Ultima-Online-screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasn't on the original sadly but ipy was one of my most memorable gaming experiences.

Ultima is still one of the best

>> No.9721954


>> No.9722145

I met Kane before years back at the old Westwood Studios building.

I'm friends with a guy who works where a lot of ex-Westwood employees work at called Petroglyph.

Dude who created Dune 2, the first RTS, works at Petroglyph too.

Also, 1990 Sim City on a 286 7/13 Mhz (turbo) checking in. Game ran too fast in turno mode.

Brb, running mouse.bat and sound.bat so I can initialize my mouse and sound drivers.

>> No.9722320
File: 129 KB, 900x729, young mind growing up in western civilization dot jaypeg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your sound card works perfectly.
Your sound card works perfectly.
Your sound card works perfectly.

>> No.9722383

JEJ at that infographic. Good LARP poster for the wall of cringe. Please tell me you're a larper. Right?

>> No.9722401

Mario always sucked, bro

>> No.9722601
File: 15 KB, 284x177, ck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good shit right here

>> No.9722769
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>> No.9722814
File: 79 KB, 296x350, Master_of_Magic_boxcover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9722834

The cole train runs on whole grain

>> No.9722976
File: 112 KB, 990x1024, brn02062018210200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a cryptogamer now apparently. Most of the games coming out are pretty simple but some are pretty good. CryptoRome, CryptoDungeons, and CryptoBarons are the ones I'm getting into now.

CryptoRome only has minigames and the landsale going on right now, but it's already a fun one. I've already made almost an ETH playing it (got a city at the start of the landsale, so price went up. Also made some money off the early wineries and grape market, though I'm hodling my grapes for after launch of the battle system to see how much wine will improve my troops. Either it will be a big gain from having a stockpile, or I'll unload once the price goes up.)

CryptoBarons though is the game I'm looking forward to the most, as it's been fucking years since I've played an RTS, and with the MMO style and the rpg features, it should take off pretty heavy. I strongly suggest subscribing to them now on their website cryptobarons.io as they're airdropping 2.5million tokens EVENLY between the people who've subscribed to the mailing list. The ICO price of the token is going to be 10cens USD.

CryptoDungeons though is what I'm waiting for to cure my nostalgia though... Fucking oldschool 2dsprites with real tactical combat, but not enough people have heard about it.

>> No.9723067

Literally less than 10 people actually care about anything other than crypto in this board. Hell, stock market has its own general.

>> No.9723108

Fuck this 9gag post. Diablo 1, aoe2, RA 1&2 and tiberian sun

>> No.9723142
File: 434 KB, 3440x1440, 9W3GBBj[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A-anybody here play The Sims?

>> No.9723157

Quake world TF

Get on my level

>> No.9723192

>Halo 3 instead of Halo 2
>No counterstrike
>No battlefield

Trash taste

>> No.9723201

Anon, that's not fucking true. We care about crypto AND other things... so we merge them together. Shit, how many of us got into /biz/ because of /vg/? Many of my favorite games had economies more complex than the cryptomarket, and now they're being merged. The price of fucking digital GRAPES in CryptoRome, is eventually going to influence the price of ETH! Shit, I don't even know what will happen when CryptoBarons hits their ICO goal and we wind up with another million people in crypto. Realize that only 0.4% of the population has the slightest cue about crypto, so what happens when we start getting millions of newbs from cryptogames?

>> No.9723247

but it is true.

>> No.9723291

I'd reccomend these new cryptogames, as theyre rather primitive now, but after ypu get started you can get an income from playing them. CryptoBarons is freetoplay and hands out it's ERC20 shitcoin, BRN that is used to buy resources and pay for building upgrades and land via airdrop.
CryptoRome is paytostart in buying land first, but after the initial sale there will be wars over neutral territory and the best warriors will get a cut of all income generated for a day.
Imagine if in playing WoW you got paid for grinding in real money.... Thats what these are going for.

>> No.9723317
File: 313 KB, 506x518, 1527896901041.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there will come a time when people unironically look back on Fortnite as oldfag shit

>> No.9723369


>> No.9723397
File: 81 KB, 220x150, Kirby_Super_Star_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first game
>pic related
>based as fuck

>> No.9723401

Not the "ONLY" part....
You don't actually have to pay anything to start playing CryptoRomes, as you get a free plot and some free grape vines, so you can at least get started in the game without paying anything. Just don't expect to become a senator or Caesar (leading players who get a percentage of the transaction fees.) without having a few cities and maybe a wonder card. Still, now is already halfway through the landsale, and no more will be issued after that point, which will make the costs of entry to the higher levels a bit more difficult. (Everyone's going to jack the prices of any cities and towns for sale after launch, rofl.)

>> No.9723425
File: 57 KB, 640x480, 2Gorillas Deluxe + qbasic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't know what this is, you're a newfag.

>> No.9723452

The fallout 2 reclamation project has fixed all the old issues and bugs, and added back a ton of cut content and rebalanced the weapons and armor. Also added in a bunch of quests.
Two words friend. Darkest Dungeon. Its like turnbased Dark Souls style dungeon crawler with rougelike elements of random generated dungeons and permadeath. Its brutal. Its randomized and it makes twitchcucks smash their keyboards. I'd reccomend it, and its DLC.

>> No.9723487

So how does one get started in Cryptorome?

>> No.9723511
File: 27 KB, 250x179, 0436746F-B891-4EFC-BE0A-FBB7836A7AC1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>halo 3 ancient

If you’re putting a Number after the name of the game you’re not ancient.

Pic related-shitty “screen shot” and all. If you can’t tell the game, you weren’t there.

>> No.9723556
File: 11 KB, 225x225, images(10).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you forgot
>Mario 3

>> No.9723581
File: 47 KB, 640x480, childhood.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about this one

>> No.9723589


I played UO in high school, it was really fun. There are some free shards (uo renaissance or something) with a good playerbase and classic mechanics, but it's not the same now that everyone knows how and where to do everything.

>tfw MMOs as a genre are dead and no amount of crypto gains will bring back the glory days

>> No.9723623


guys I'm playing throught BG 1 for the first time and i'm so stuck.
how the FUCK do I beat the demon fucker and his acolytes in the basement at Ulgoth's Beard
I've tried everything and he just destroys me within 20 seconds it's ridiculous

>> No.9723650

I played darkest dungeon a long time ago, fun game but it gets fucking ridiculous at some point.

>> No.9723714
File: 35 KB, 810x505, Tank-Wars-810x505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember that one, but played pic related more.

>> No.9723718

cant remember, whats your party? maybe you need more levels. Can you damage it at least?

>> No.9723740
File: 43 KB, 493x449, 1526618378103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Halo 3 ect..
Bitch, I play UT 1999 and Supreme Commander

>> No.9723756

damn didnt know that existed. Looks basically like the same game but made earlier. Did scorched copy that game or were the companies related?

>> No.9723776

you younglings... fossil gamer checking in here: oil well on some tape based system, hardball on an early apple, pitfall, intellivision games and the king of fossil games, king's quest

>> No.9723829

berserker MC
Imoen Thief/mage dual

My melee dudes occasionally hit it but my magic users can't do a thing

I can kill all the cultists but then he reks me

im lvl 5 - 6 ish

>> No.9723884

You need to install Metamask and go onto their website, then click Get Land. The "Plot" is the free piece of land, it will be in the bottom right. If you have trouble, their discord channel is always active. They were giving away land and even some actual eth, as prizes for people making memes. CryptoBarons is doing that now too actually, $200 worth of their coin for the best 5 memes... I think they're doing bounties on translating their whitepaper and some advertising stuff too.

>> No.9723910

Yeah that's ancient... I miss Neverwitner Nights though. It had the best online RP servers of any game I've ever played. Fuck though if we want to talk oldschool, anyone remember Dransik?

>> No.9723919


>> No.9723922
File: 49 KB, 350x692, j1527218157188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9723923

check out how this guy beats em starting at 6:50


>> No.9723943

Why are we getting spammed with off topic shit?

>> No.9723994

cheers... I finally did it... chugged 9 potions of invulnerability and giant strength, sent my berserker in alone. Job done lol

>> No.9724013
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>> No.9724014
File: 432 KB, 1024x768, SHOT0002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Playing the inferior RTS

>> No.9724037

good job man
cause market is being boring af