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File: 97 KB, 700x934, aeeG7Mq_700b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9713178 No.9713178 [Reply] [Original]

Would you rather have 1 million USD tax free deposited into your bank account, or a 10/10 18 year old loli KHV gf that will never leave you and loves you no matter what?

>> No.9713196
File: 45 KB, 680x383, masterpiece.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

0h gee i don't know what a thread

>> No.9713197

Money over bitches

>> No.9713221

A 10/10 virgin girl isn't a bitch, id choose even 100 dollars over a non virgin girl any day of the week, though. Non-virgin women are pretty worthless as long term partners imo.

>> No.9713235

i have more than that in money and feeling like gonna nail something v-v close to the 2nd soon (7 dates in, tho not khv, but only brainlets think 10/10 khvs exist. not promiscous at all)

>> No.9713290

>not white

>> No.9713334

She can be white, that's just a photo of a legal loli I used. The loli gf can be your perfect 10/10, so any race you want.

>> No.9713342

I’m a male 10/10 khv

>> No.9713344

This desu

But I'd take the girl if she was white. Scandinavian only, not what you Anglos Italians and Slav shits pretend to larp as white

>> No.9713350
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>implying you wouldn't jump at the chance if some qt asian wanted to love you, was a virign, and wanted to raise your children

>> No.9713376

>only brainlets think 10/10 khvs exist. not promiscous at all

I'm dating a girl who's a 10/10 to me and she's a 17 year old KHV. I feel honored that people don't believe girls like her even exist. If I could pay a million dollars to ensure that she never leaves me like in OPs question, I would do it in a heartbeat. She basically ruined relationships for me anyway, I will never be able to genuinely love a non-virgin.

>> No.9713385

The girlfriend. I can always make more money later. Anyone who says differently is a poorfag.

>> No.9713397

I will take the Virgin because I'm already a future millionaire thru link kek

>> No.9713398


I'd take the 1 mil desu. This sounds like something that would've been a hard decision like 5-10 years ago. Feel kinda mindblown actually. Not sure what happened to me.

>> No.9713408
File: 96 KB, 1200x800, 13B0D17C-343A-45C8-B99D-A60D85C22699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Khv gf is worth 10 million cuz parents

>> No.9713409

Ill take the million. Tough choice, banging some gross asian chick who has no idea what shes doing, or 133 Bitcoin.

>> No.9713410

she aint gonna stay 18 forever. I'll take that 1 mil turn it into 10 mil and buy 1000 legal lolis. Any who chooses otherwise is a chump

>> No.9713459

Once you have a mil, you'll realize how little money that really is.

t. Net worth just north of one million

>> No.9713460

why would you want a defective person instead of a nice balanced person who wont be emotionally dependent and has a variety of normal sexual relationships?

>> No.9713474
File: 90 KB, 1106x1012, 1499889575893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first time I've ever seen "KHV" on the entire time I've been on the Internet
>have to use Google to see what it means
>"Kissless Handholdless Virgin"


Is this an anime thing?

Because I have no idea...

>> No.9713483

>no idea what she's doing
It's insane to me that some people are such cucks that they would want other men to have sex with their wife if it means she "knows what she's doing" afterwards. truly disgusting

>> No.9713486

Who the fuck wants a loli gf. Go back to the anime boards faggots. Anime watchers are fucked in the head

>> No.9713580

You're disgusting if you have no issue with your gf/wife being used by other men before you, it's 1 step below a full on cuck fetish imo if you actually seek out/d8 non-virgin "experienced" females

>> No.9713584

God I hope you're memeing

>> No.9713585

Younger looking females are cute, get over it. I can tell you're an old fat 30 year old boomer that can only get 25-30 year old roasties.

>> No.9713594

Who said anything about wife? The whole.point of this exercise is she's 18. If she's a 10/10 kissless virgin at 18 shes completely fucked socially/mentally.

>> No.9713596

>being this insecure in 2018

its like you want to be unhappy forever

old paradigms are dieing grandpa, have you left your room in the past 20 years?

having a variety of sexual experiences pre-18 will become the norm in the next 60 years. its already happening, but it still has a bit of negative connotations attached mostly stemming from the older generations.

>> No.9713598


It's a brainlet thing. So, yes.

>> No.9713614

I'm not, if a female has had previous sexual partners you should not have a long term relationship with her, or even a short term one. Statistically they're likely to fail, and morally it's disgusting, similar to having a cuck fetish.

>> No.9713618

Im 19 faggot.
>10/10 18 year old loli KHV gf + op pic
Is obviously a weeb fantasy, who wants a gf that looks like 12. Right, only fucked in the head weebs

>> No.9713622

Or maybe she is Asian and doesn't feel attracted to Asian guys. I've met so many Korean girls that are only about the white dick. They literally don't want anything else. Koreans have small dicks and they hate niggers.

>> No.9713623

>18 year old loli
kek, i'd rather have a bf
whole purpose of crypto for me is get out of my shithole and find a bf tbdesu

>> No.9713625

Virgins are more intelligent and have better relationships/marriages.

>> No.9713636


Don't worry, he'll just end up with a girl who tells him she's never had sex (they all do, or change their "definition" of sex to make it so they're virgins still). At the most extreme, she'll just get the hymen reconstruction surgery that girls in Asia get to appease guys like him so he'll be none-the-wiser thinking his is the first dick that's been inside her.

>> No.9713641

All incels need to be gassed

>> No.9713654


>> No.9713719

Alright this smells like b8 but if it's not you seriously need to get laid anon

>> No.9713733

I'm already a millionaire so I'd take the loli

>> No.9713742

Lol yeah I'm a 23 year old grandpa. It has nothing to do with insecurity. I just don't want other men's cocks all over my belongings.

>> No.9713771

> The whole.point of this exercise is she's 18. If she's a 10/10 kissless virgin at 18 shes completely fucked socially/mentally.
That's completely not true from my experiences. Girls who lose their virginity early seem to have extreme self esteem issues and act like whores for validation and to get popular. My virgin gf has significantly better self-esteem and priorities than every non-virgin girl I've been with.

>> No.9713788

Holy shit gas yourself

>> No.9713794


40% of women in japan between the ages of 18 and 35 are virgins

>> No.9713807

if I remember right, it's 40% of unmarried. So really like 20% ages 18-35. Still surprisingly high.

>> No.9713823

Damn, Japan seems like a paradise. No niggers, no crime, don't need to own a car, virgin qts everywhere, amazing food. The only downside is their shitty economy, and you will need to wageslave for peanuts 60 hours a week.

>> No.9713845

but realistically you are also a virgin so you can learn together and bond over that

>> No.9713918

no, you're just a fucking baby yourself. I'm 30 and there is rarely a noticeable difference between 15 and 19 year old girls. other than the simple fact that the younger one will stay that way longer....

teenagers define each other by the span of a year or two. once you actually mature (>25), it's five or ten years. I consider 25-35 as "my age, little bit younger/older". I imagine that trend keeps increasing as you get older

>> No.9713929

I would rather have the former so I can buy the latter and spend the change on cool shit

>> No.9713936

this guy gets it

bunch of gutter trash on here though

>> No.9713937

This. 25 should be the entry barrier to this place. Would improve by orders of magnitude.

>> No.9713946

Money. I'm gay

>> No.9713956

>projecting this hard
Yes, I agree that you are completely fucked socially/mentally. God be with you, an0n.

>> No.9713999
File: 13 KB, 399x400, 1513205211825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cucks itt unironically defending relationships with used up thots

>> No.9714079

Why would I do that? I'm not a kike. In fact, I'm not even circumsized.

>> No.9714100

>Itt incels who haven't been sexually used trying to justify their failure

>> No.9714116

Unironically this.

>> No.9714138

>that will never leave you and loves you no matter what?
I suppose since this is an unrealistic and magical option that doesn't exist in real life, I'd take it.

>> No.9714148

Enjoy your incel life

>inb4 you're some chad tough guy
You aren't.

>> No.9714172

Aren't you projecting a bit? I've had my fair share of one night stands. Call me a hypocrite if you will, but I'm not an incel, you faggot. But whatever helps you cope with being a willing cuckold.

>> No.9714314

>Having standards is for faggots.
Enjoy divorce court.

>> No.9714320

Don't worry about me incel.

>> No.9714335

I won't.

>> No.9714393
File: 38 KB, 381x353, 1525213422834.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's it like being a 30 year old boomer, gramps?

>> No.9714640

I've come to realise that anybody this obsessed with virgins, is a fucking pedo. You're a ticking timebomb. Kys before you try to fuck a 5th grader.

>> No.9714720

T. Amerimut that is only able to fuck used up roasties fucked by Chad, Jamal and Thyrone because most women in his country are indoctrinated by cultural Marxism.

Reminder that the successfull marriages that were the base of the occidental civilication were unions between virgin teenage girls and young men at it should be.

Being fucked by countess men rob women their inocence, their loyalty, and and is a dishonor to their partners. I cant believe that people are such cucks that will marry a woman that fucked other men before them.

And of course sex with teenage girls is nothing bad if she is having it with the one man that will be their lifetime partner, because that lifelong strong bond is normally forged at that age.

>> No.9714758

You're conflating virginity with age. I would take a virgin 30 year old over a whore teenager. It's just the chances of finding middle aged virgin women is basically impossible. I don't think it's all that unusual. I would prefer to avoid driving used cars or finishing people's meals, why would I want to go for used women when I can avoid them?

>> No.9714763

Yes, but investing that 1mil will leave you with close to 130-220 mill, in 80 years if you re-invest every single time you can. So...

>> No.9714768

imagine unironically being a 23 year old boomer still living by ideals thousands of years old when we have access to a near infinite amount of knowledge at our fingertips

its literally like wanting to stone homosexuals for their sins

friendly reminder that you have 5-10 years before you're treated like grandparents who simply dont understand the modern world and lack all ability to change because their neuroplasticity is used up

but dont worry, you can just turn off the internet and create your own insular communities. we wont miss you from the global conversation

>> No.9714770

Op is obviously a virgin.

If you ever been in a relationship you'll know it's money over bitches

>> No.9714772

is she honest? can I shop around for 10/10's that don't fit a specific mold? Are we morally aligned? Is the sex the best in my life? So many questions op, and here's the million dollar question. If I don't want her anymore does she still never leave?

>> No.9714774

>justifying fucking naive teenagers with Stockholm syndrome
Thanks for proving my point you fucking incel. Did a 20 year old leave you for a normal guy who know's how to fuck, or did you just realise your dick feels normal sized in 13 year olds?

>> No.9714778

I always thought it was kissless hugless virgin

>> No.9714788

>imagine being disrespected by kids because you prefer to marry a virgin over a whore
>isn't that like the worst thing ever?
>you might as well be killing gays
I think you're just trolling at this point, no one defends sluts this much

>> No.9714789

My wife wouldn't like the gf too much, but at least I'd get half of the cool million.

>> No.9714803
File: 47 KB, 633x360, Heritage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy your used up old roasty and the divorce court that will take half of your shit so she can live with thyrone in your house while you have to go live under a bridge or come back to your parents house :^)

>> No.9714814

>girls that drink beer.


>> No.9714818

Tyrone and chad hurt you, didn't they?

>> No.9714821

yup just keep judging people, that always works out really well. surely you are an impeccable beam of pure wisdom, able to observe situations from all possible angles and pass absolute moral(or even practical) appraisal

like why even think for ourselves when we can just look up to impeccable geniuses like yourself to guide us miserly folk.

stay unhappy and never change your thoughts. its working out real well i can tell

>> No.9714840

>stay unhappy and never change your thoughts. its working out real well i can tell
Did you reply to the wrong person or something? literally nothing you said applies to me. my life is genuinely amazing, I have a 10/10 genius virgin gf and I cashed out some crypto profits and will be buying a 600k house soon despite being only 23. You assume my life sucks just because I slut-shame but it really couldn't be much better.

>> No.9714901

GF but I would prefer a White one. Not that I have anything against Asians but I am not attracted to them.

>> No.9714998

Congrats, anon, you made it. Genuinely happy for you.

>> No.9715044

Thanks anon. I haven't married her yet and I'm afraid that she'll leave me for some chad in college but I avoid thinking about that. I try not to brag but I got triggered when he was acting like I'm a judgmental asshole with a shitty life. It's completely not true, I'm a judgmental asshole with an above-average life.

>> No.9715132

> All of the men throughout history were insecure for preferring pure virgins over used-up whores
> I'm better than that coz I don't mind my wife, mother of my children, getting fucked by other guys, if that makes her happy + more experienced
The absolute state of "men" today...

>> No.9715156

This is the most southern post i have seen all week.

>> No.9715239

>being attracted to a girl that looks 12yo

>> No.9715241


That doesnt work.
In japan i think you can fuck 13 year olds. In other places 14 and most places 16.
Why would i want to fuck a disgusting 18 year old hag? Women cant into age

>> No.9715243

People also thought the earth was flat and got their advice from fairy tales too. You're probably one of those anyways. With your intelligence, something tells me that you would fit in just fine in those archaic times.

>> No.9715251

>being on biz
>critizising asian girls
Fucking leave newfag

>> No.9715255

>People also thought the earth was flat
No, they didn't. Not any more than they do now. Good job exposing yourself for a brainlet you are.

>> No.9715265

1 million

>> No.9715267

>In japan i think you can fuck 13 year olds.
No you can't. While the federal law has a minimum AoC of 13, every single prefecture raises it to 16 or 18.

>> No.9715290

Alright theere are some 13 places.
But its not like pedo japan cares anyway.

>> No.9715304

>b-but I don't want some inexperienced virgin, I want other men to train and use the girl first
fucking cucks lmao

>> No.9715305

Just answer me this: Would you be OK with the love of your life fucking other guys on the regular basis?

>> No.9715357

obviously the girls. Having ten people love you no matter what is worth 10 million, regardless if they're girls, 10/10 or virgins (personally not bothered).

We could all get job and pull in an insane amount of money, plus cutting down costs via group cooking and only needing one massive bedroom.

It would pay for the 10 million very rapidly.

Plus I could have a genetically diversified portfolio of kids, from a pool of 10 different people's genetics.

>> No.9715360

What the fuck am I going to do with all that money when I'm over 100 years old?

>> No.9715361

>My virgin gf
Where the fuck did you find a virgin gf at 23? Is she white?

>> No.9715383
File: 37 KB, 430x645, sono-thumb-430xauto-28382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that Sion Sono behind her?

>> No.9715394

Kek. Unlike you virgin incels, I don't lose sleep at night thinking a girl is gonna automatically cheat on me for some chad. I don't get in long term relationships anyways. I have fun fucking roasties who fuck like pornstars, because I can and no my dick hasn't fallen off from stds, because I know that's the next meme you'll bust out. Stay miserable incels. I'm sure you'll find your magical unicorn some day if you hang around playgrounds long enough.

>> No.9715416

Not him but they exist too
Im 24 and got a 16 year old girl virgin that wants to get fucked by me

>> No.9715422

You sound extremely butthurt and mentally immature. Are you at least 18? The fact that you defend your degenerated cuckoldry so aggressively speaks volumes about you.

>> No.9715435

Hi, brainlet here, what's khv?

>> No.9715438

>waffling without answering a simple question
Are you dead-end to your bloodline by choice? Do you intend to start a family at some point?

>> No.9715454

stop fucking coping
I'm prettt sure Ive fucked more girls than you yet the only thing I ever wanted was a pure gf. Not a single one of the girls I fucked was a virgin

>> No.9715458

Marry her

>> No.9715482
File: 495 KB, 1280x720, 1481584935298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Have a meme, you worthless cucks

>> No.9715517

Goddamn, that drop off from 0 previous partners to 1 partner is absolutely BRUTAL.

>> No.9715532

Girls have tried, but they'll never trap me with kids.

>> No.9715588

Shame your father got trapped with you, amirite?

>> No.9715635

No he got trapped with my brother. I also didn't asked to be here, but I might as well enjoy my time here instead of carrying a cross for some ungrateful little shits in the hopes that they become my retirement plan some day.

>> No.9715740

I can makr more money of her, so why not have both things at once

>> No.9715750

>another edgy-teen tier post
The point is, assuming preservation of human kind and society is objectively highly important - then your "value system" (or lack thereof) is simply wrong and damaging. Therefore all the virgin-incels, you're sperging about, have the moral high ground.

>> No.9716024

It's not though. The world is overpopulated as is, yet everybody's ego takes over and feels the world needs more parasites in it as long as those parasites look like them. There's plenty of people having kids like jack rabbits. People in my family included, so I'm under no pressure to sacrifice my life, to keep my bloodline going. I used to think just like you guys when I was young and I was miserable. Then I grew up and was actually able to enjoy my life.

>> No.9716069

You know you could have a new one every weekend for a million

>> No.9716164

She will fuck college Tyrone chad, divorce you and take half your cash. Nah, jokes aside, if you're lucky you will be together for life. That's what I wish for myself.

>> No.9716167

Actually the vast majority of people didn't think the earth was flat, there was a semi popular theory called the small earth theory, though. People just thought the earth was much smaller and the Americas didn't exist.

>> No.9716190

No you can't, maybe just used up women/hookers.

>> No.9716191

All this bloodline preservation shit is bullshit anyway. In a couple thousand years mankind will be wiped out anyway. So why bother about if your bloodline will exist couple more years after you.

>> No.9716225

>The world is overpopulated as is
Nope, almost all non-shithole parts of the world struggle with maintaining replacement levels. If the smart/valuable people don't procreate, they'll get replaced by worthless humanoid parasites and all the efforts of past generations go down the drain and you have civilisation collapse.

To simplify, If everyone adopted the point of view, you presented in this thread - the world goes to shit. Ergo - your point of view is wrong.

>> No.9716267

I just have a strange feeling that this is gonna turn into a "future of the white race" /pol/ tier argument, so I'm exiting. You should take great pleasure in finding out that I am not white and have no interest in reproducing. Good day.

>> No.9716290


>Nope, almost all non-shithole parts of the world struggle with maintaining replacement levels.

A place can be overpopulated with a low birth rate. If I airdropped 500 million sterile people into New Zealand it would be massively overpopulated.

>To simplify, If everyone adopted the point of view, you presented in this thread - the world goes to shit. Ergo - your point of view is wrong.

An individual is only responsible for the things within their control, this "if everyone did the thing you're doing, bad stuff would happen" is retarded.

>> No.9716294

> In a couple thousand years mankind will be wiped out anyway
How so? We existed for ~200,000 years, why would you think we're just about to die out?

>> No.9716319

its not about race, it's about worth. it just happens that overwhelmingly in the first world, which is all that matters for human progression, its migrants and refugees, which are all shitskins, that are trying to pull humanity backwards.

its not about savin the white race, its about limiting the damage being done to the first world by permanently shuttering borders to those that represent a drop in the average population of a country.

>> No.9716320
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It will go to shit. Problem is the lack of Eugenics which the Jews have outlawed because some guy from Germany with a mustache got a little too overboard. Nonetheless, in a human world where natural selection is not prevalent (anymore), eugenics SHOULD take over or sub 80 pajeets and chinks will rule the world

>> No.9716345

>You should take great pleasure in finding out that I am not white and have no interest in reproducing. Good day.
I would take more pleasure from you manning-up and getting your life goals in order, disregard of your race.
Good luck in life, no sarcasm.

>> No.9716346


having someone to be a real extension of yourself will let you make 2x the money
loyal companion > any sum of money > anything else

>> No.9716373

virgin women >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> roastie
>but muh dick
I want a pure hearted woman to raise my children instead of a literal whore.

>> No.9716472

>A place can be overpopulated with a low birth rate.
Sure, but if we know that country/region can easily cope with its current number of residents - then why would you say it's 'overpopulated'. It's simply not. And we know for a fact that low birthrates will cause societal/economical collapse, so that's the real problem.

>An individual is only responsible for the things within their control, this "if everyone did the thing you're doing, bad stuff would happen" is retarded.
What's really retarded is "I'll live meaningless life and avoid responsibilities, hoping others will get shit sorted out".
Plus, you have much more influence on the world that you think you have.

>> No.9716503

>t-this time it's different
I bet he's a bearfag as well. Makes you think.

>> No.9716548
File: 35 KB, 600x342, dont look at the sun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The loli won't get me Bitcoin Cash so I'll take the 1 million USD.

>calling an 18 year old "loli"

>> No.9716584

I'm no bear fag. Stinky linkie $10000 EOY.
With couple K years I mean like 50k. Technology progress advances exponentially. Big things in the advantage of the human race will be made. Everything will flourish. All linkies will be billionaires flying in moonlambos. BUT: In those 50k years there will be for sure a massive nuclear war which will wipe out 99,9% humans. The rest will restart evolution and progress from caves again.

>> No.9716713

>In those 50k years there will be for sure a massive nuclear war which will wipe out 99,9% humans.
>implying we won't be a multiplanetary species with sustainable space habitats within a century

>> No.9716819

Last foot placed on the moon more than 45 years ago. What happened since then?
I'm not convinced that we will have such sustainable habitats on other planets in the near future. First you have to find planets which may be suitable. They will be many light-years far away. Even if there was a way to reach them, the people would die on their way because of lack of resources (water, oxygen, food).

>> No.9716868

>What happened since then?
>First you have to find planets which may be suitable.
Our neighboring planet is good enough.
>Even if there was a way to reach them, the people would die on their way because of lack of resources (water, oxygen, food).
You realize you can build sustainable generational ships, right?

>> No.9716898

you can get an asian girlfriend who will do all that for free very easily if you're white

>> No.9716949

million dollar
got the gf already with literally all the perks mentioned

>> No.9716969

1MN$ so that i can buy myself a 10/10 slavic trophy wife for 100K and invest 900K into chainlink

>> No.9716984

the gf

>> No.9717001

If that bitch exists in the world I can use a small amount of the money and buy her.

>> No.9717011

only 2 options
>you must be 18 to use this board
>statutory rape

enjoy your ban

>> No.9717043

It's funny how women are either pure innocent virgins or mean roastie whores. Jesus people, how many girls have you actually met?
Also have fun when your precious unicorn starts wondering how other dicks would feel. Also
>thinking about marriage in 2018
Just lol. No wonder this is the bottom of the genetic pool.

>> No.9717044


>> No.9717074

I'm getting the million either way so I'll take the gf.

>> No.9717135
File: 355 KB, 2142x1633, fat chair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really, really hope I don't die within the next 50 years just so I get to see if SpaceX's plans to move people to Mars succeeds. It'll also be interesting to see how governments will deal with mass unemployments due to robots and AI.

>> No.9717172

This. I'm actually surprised that it's not the common opinion.

>> No.9717209

>dating some other man's cum dump


>> No.9717216

Because you're on 4chan and everyone here is a virgin pleb

>> No.9717217
File: 944 KB, 1337x694, 1519739172894.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting times ahead, indeed.
>hope I don't die within the next 50 years
>implying pic related isn't real

>> No.9717245

She would start getting on my nerves after a month or so. I'll take the 1 mill.

>> No.9717255

You remind me of one of those religious nutbags who stands at busy intersections with signs telling people they are going to hell if they don't accept jesus. You should seek therapy or better yet put a glock in your mouth and pull the trigger

>> No.9717294

unless you go to Asia, not really

>> No.9717335

I'm actually not religious at all, and do not believe in any sort of god. You sound really mad, heh has your wife/gf fucked countless chads before you? Must be sad.

>> No.9717510

would be interesting to see more detailed stats.
like those with 20+ partners that still got married at age 22 instead of age 30.

because it could be those that sleep around until 30 just get married at 30 and if they're only 34 years old they wouldn't qualify for a "stable" marriage even if they'd been married for 4 years.

>> No.9717519

Take the money and buy the loli