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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9712178 No.9712178 [Reply] [Original]

Hard mode: no crypto & nothing illegal

>> No.9712190

be born rich, inherit shit.

>> No.9712196

This, or be born with a high I.Q/high drive.

>> No.9712206

How's crypto hard mode? Pretty much the easiest way to get JUSTed in 2018

>> No.9712222

Best way to become wealthy: run for office. Politicians are part of the wealthy elite, and most of them at the national level have never worked an honest day in their lives.

Second best way: get a trading license, make bank selling stocks to rich people. You get paid on the sale regardless of how the stock performs.

Third best way: sell drugs. Legally. Big Pharma is raking in trillions selling magic pills to dumb, lazy people. That money train ain't slowing for shit.

Fourth best way: entertainment and sports.

Fifth best way: write books for dumb people telling them how to get rich.

>> No.9712493

The easiest way is always winning at gambling. If you keep winning, you can make millions in a day

>> No.9712516

Quads of Truth

>> No.9712526
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>tfw high IQ/low drive

>> No.9712547


At least your not that try hard low IQ/high drive faggot everyone hates.

>> No.9712549

like anyone here would know.

>> No.9712560

but unknown how much time you got

>> No.9712566
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Quads of fagddit
So i disagree

>> No.9712586

>high IQ/low drive better than low IQ/high drive

Congratulations you’re the smartest person living in your moms basement. While him and his children will be yelling at your children when they mess us his fast food order because you couldn’t afford to send your high IQ children to college.

>> No.9712628


Better than trying to do shit you aren't smart enough to do and fucking everything up making it worse.

>> No.9712629
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6th best way: buy shitcoins and hold them for years

>> No.9712639


>> No.9712789
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>high I.Q
As a +4 standard deviation -fag, I can confirm this is bullshit.

>> No.9712806

Marijuana. Fortunes will be made in states where it’s legal.

>> No.9713065

Every study on correlation with I.Q and academic success and financial success says otherwise. Either you don't actually have a high I.Q or you're incredibly lazy. Did you actually take a test administered by a psychologist? Were you a prepubescent child while taking it?

>> No.9713075

sucking dick

>> No.9713093

I don't care how good you are at deducing the next shape in a sequence, if you're actually smart then you'll figure out how to get what you want in life. Otherwise it's all mental circlejerking and not real, worthwhile intelligence.

>> No.9713165
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>> No.9713180

Buy RBII and sell at .10

Thank me later

>> No.9713190

kneepad salesman for all the autists getting JUSTed in crypto

>> No.9713195

Low iq high drive actually gets shit done. Perhaps they won't earn megabucks but they will bring in decent money and secure their family's future
Drive > iq every time

>> No.9713213
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There is no easy way, anon. But your best bet is to come up with a genuinely profit-generating business idea and get it before venture capitalists, the sort of people who will give you a million if you can convince them your idea will make them a hundred million.

Be prepared not only to sweat bullets coming up with the idea, but also to work out a bulletproof business and marketing plan.

Remember: getting rich means money being transferred from others to you, meaning, you getting people to give you money. You need to give them a very good reason to do that, but if you can come up with one, they will.

>> No.9713222

Shorting weak banks in the EU

>> No.9713229
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Catch ICO's early and sell after a couple pumps.

>> No.9714090

You are an outlier, of course there are high IQ people who fuck up their lives just as there are stupid people who luck out. However statically if you have a high IQ you end up successful.

>> No.9714259

This. Not to mention, no one socially really notices or cares about it.

>> No.9714389
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You buy stock in De Grey Mining.
Its still in exploration phase.

They are on their way to map 2 million+ ounces of gold resources on their plot of land. That is over 2,6 billion dollar. Next to that they have found some lithium as well.

Current market cap is about 50 million usd. If they can get the gold out at just a marginal profit (and its very shallow and h1gh grading gold, so profit margin will be big) this stock is going to double a couple of times. Easiest 10x on the stock market I know about.

>> No.9714417


Serious answer, diversification is key:
Start an e-commerce business - shopify, amazon FBA, p2p selling, arbitrage (whatever floats your boat), the beauty of the internet is the fact that you can sell any shit to almost anyone in the world, make the most of that fact. Always reinvest the majority of the profit

Start a project of your own - The key factor here, is doing what you are passionate about, find some problem that needs to be fixed and find a way to fix it, sounds easy enough... the reason I said the key factor is being passionate about the subject because this shit is hard, but it pays off. The secret for any business as clichê as it sounds is fixing shit with a proper business model.

Learn how to program - program or be programmed, easy enough, low barrier to entry.

Invest in long-term - houses, not cars and useless shit for status (unless that status shit - like a good wristwatch - gets more valuable with time)

Find the right people to hang out with - this shit is the most important one, find people who work hard and are ambitious you will get similar to them. Ditch the negative friends, people who blame everyone but themselves, they will hold you down.

>> No.9714451

he said high drive as well. I use pettiness as motivation.

>> No.9714474

They actually don't. That's the kind of faggot who saves up $5000 working for McDonald's just to give it away to a Nigerian prince.

Even if they make millions, like Mike Tyson, they piss them away. They invest into shit they don't understand and lose their ass.

Being low IQ is basically he worst shit you can wish on someone.

>> No.9714548

actually low iq/high drive has an above average chance at success

>> No.9714554

Agree, drive is the most important factor of success

>> No.9714575

High IQ gives you a shot, there are approx 250k people with a multibillionaire Bill Gates level iq of 160. Only a few of those make it, it ups your chances but chance wise it may as well not matter.

>> No.9714602

I have an idea, a business plan and a marketing strategy on a few hundret pages.
I don't have any capital. How do I get investors?

>> No.9714603
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>tfw beta/high sex drive

>> No.9714606

tfw cant drive

>> No.9714705
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>tfw somewhat Chad but low sex drive

Now that I'm properly /fit/ and confident, getting laid is not that hard but I just cba dealing with women and normies when I can just sit at home and shitpost/play video games. Maybe I'm just childish, idk

>> No.9714745
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kickstarter/crowdfunding is great, you'd be surprised how much actual garbage gets funded and/or gets like 4700x asking

>> No.9714750

Australian mining industry might seem like a good option with all the subsidies and tax cuts by the government, but there's only so much you can mine until diminishing returns catch up to you.

>> No.9714757
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Quads of truth, have a Vitalik

>> No.9714823

A small loan of a million dollarydoos.

>> No.9714870

Yes but were not talking about a run of the mill miner here. They struck gold and lots, billions, of it and it is still under everyone's radar. Company with adjacent lands got so jelly they bought ten% of it for a 15% premium on the stock price.

>> No.9714873


>> No.9714905

>no crypto & nothing illegal
sell research chemicals, they are legal

>> No.9715539
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Ok, but won't somebody just steal my businessmodel?
I need to pay a programmer to make it work but someone who can code could easyly steal my Idea?

>> No.9715586

Buy low sell high