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File: 127 KB, 679x480, j2e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9711236 No.9711236 [Reply] [Original]

As I'm sure you're all aware, crypto is dominated by cis white males and cis Asian males. Especially the cis white males are problematic for obvious reasons. How can we fix the gender/race inequality in crypto and encourage more people who identify as women and people who identify as non-whites to get into crypto? Is crypto inherently sexist/racist?

Would anyone be interested in making a working group on discord to brainstorm these issues?

>> No.9711252

Look at these faggots. Gas them all. Jewish drones who can’t think for themselves

>> No.9711283

0/10 bait

>> No.9711292

I am a lefty in a lot of ways but this irritates the hell out of me. The stuff guys do for pussy. And probably won't even get it.

>> No.9711301

Go fuck yourself with a feminist trap.

>> No.9711307
File: 576 KB, 960x889, 1489629950518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Terrible bait, no (you)s

>> No.9711313

I'm serious guys.

>> No.9711345
File: 211 KB, 1700x1069, 1513814485688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what prevents them from buying crypto? lack of an ergonomic UI?

>> No.9711389

What prevents them from buying crypto is their inherent inability to manage money.

>> No.9711407

god I want to just impregnate her asshole

>> No.9711421


I wish you luck in your quest, anon

>> No.9711446

Shitty b8

>> No.9711453

Sexist white beta males like these guys are EXACTLY what is wrong with crypto.

>> No.9711467
File: 13 KB, 400x400, NUTFACE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks man I'm not really going to try too hard to find her but like if she were right here... y'know?

>> No.9711482

Haha what exactly is sexist about wanting to get up in them buttcheeks? He could get it too desu fampai

>> No.9711534

SJW beta cucks are what's wrong with everything.
Most women aren't interested in being plumbers either, why aren't you sperging out over that?

>> No.9711618

Don't worry, you will be sold into slavery for 0.00001732 Bitcoin Cash

>> No.9711745 [DELETED] 

These pictures are memes. I walk that street every single day and I haven't seen any of the basedboy faggots.

King's college, Cambridge for those of you wondering.

>> No.9711895

That's because society brainwashes women into not wanting to get into "male jobs".

>> No.9712202

[citation needed]

>> No.9712256
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>> No.9712300

Example one, in india compsci is 50/50 male/female. Specific genders working specific jobs is environmental. We teach our daughters that trucks/lego/building/hacking/programming are boys' activities and they should play with dolls, go shopping, and other "female" activities.

>> No.9712320

i hope he at least got pegged for this shocking display of cuckery

>> No.9712340

We should just figure out how to make the cicswhitemen identify differently. The people are don't have to change; they just have to reconceptualize themselves.

>> No.9712362

no retard, it's because women aren't good at doing those jobs NOR do they want to. The only place screaming about equality is white collar, and surprise women and minorities aren't as good at that as white and asian men on average.

>> No.9712432
File: 277 KB, 469x452, 1519505280829.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


People who advocate for equal wage for equal work are actually hurting the women's movement.

If someone is truly an absolute sexist pig and they have to pay the same for a man or a woman you'll end up with either all women or all men workforces.

This means that the employer faces no expense for their sexism, if the woman offered work for less pay this means that there is a real economic loss felt by the employer, rather than none.

>> No.9712600

Holy shit, are there more of these edits?

>> No.9712626

Each and every great culture in history came to a point where women and fags started ruling the place. It just means we went beyond our own peak of glory.

>> No.9712943

people shouldn't get more money just because they won the lottery and were born smart. dumb bitch