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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 60 KB, 1084x1042, mybank.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9707897 No.9707897[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I know this is against the rules and I apologize to the mods and the anons on this board that this offends. My family is suffering financially and I feel like a failure. I work a wage slave job and don't have time to go to school working 65 hour work weeks to try and keep us afloat. We recently had to fix our only care, which we couldn't avoid because it's my only way to work. We were able to pay most of our bills after paying to fix it, some we were able to put off. the big problem is we can't afford groceries. I have a three year old that is our world and I don't want him to go hungry. We regularly eat less/go hungry so he can eat, but the problem is we can't afford food at all. I created a coinbase account because after browsing boards I see this is an easy way to transfer money and I have tried mining with my GPU.

Sorry for the long story. Could some kind anons send me a little bit of grocery money? I will link my wallets on here. If you don't, it's okay and I'm sorry to bother you. I can always stand at an interstate off ramp with a sign.

BTC: 328X5M8QfM3yPLqvGudK1R65XjYojXipnt

Eth: 0x1cf360f1943D68119c36f74A4FA6352E0935000A

>> No.9707908

Hi Andrew

>> No.9707918
File: 73 KB, 1871x1042, coinbase.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My coinbase

>> No.9707938

Hi, I forgot to cross that out lol

>> No.9707943

Most churches have food for situations like this. Go visit one.

>> No.9707947
File: 157 KB, 563x542, 1525995903967.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go to a foodbank/church nigger

>> No.9707969

I live in a rural area with two churches, they do not participate in this

>> No.9707996

Hopefully our gas doesn't get shut off it's been put off for two months now, along with electric for one month,but I think that will be ok right? they wont shut them off that fast will they?

>> No.9708049


Sharpie in the pooper and I'll give you 100$

>> No.9708055

You realize in all the time it took you to browse the boards, make those wallets, write this post and overall be a shitstain, you could've gone out in to the real world, like tons of other people do, and work or beg there. At least then you'd have to look them in the face when you lied to them.

Get your priorities straight man. Begging is just going to enable you to continue being a failure. There are online Universities and night classes. You just gotta stop feeling sorry for yourself.

>> No.9708067

I'm sorry you feel that way but I'm lying to nobody

>> No.9708074

Glad that's the one part you decided to reply to.

>> No.9708082


You won't even put a sharpie in your pooper? You don't care about your family at all.

>> No.9708083

Show a selfie of the pastor with a sign that says "we don't help the needy" while standing in the church and maybe we'll believe you.

>> No.9708121


>> No.9708125
File: 2.75 MB, 4032x2268, proom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

proof of our child

>> No.9708144

Why haven’t you taken this deal? I’d sharpie my pooper for a quick hundy shit some poorfags do that shut for free for fun

>> No.9708145

I know I am

>> No.9708150


You're a bitch, I'd pay a crackhead 100$ just to rob you of what little you have left.

>> No.9708154

I doubt its real and I dont own a sharpie. This is a hair mary so we dont go hungry and I can hopefully pay gas/electric if an anon is nice enough

>> No.9708160


>> No.9708163

why does he have so many nice toys but no food?

If they were gifts from senpai/friends, can't you ask for help from them?

>> No.9708164

>0 funds
>no history
lmao you made an account just to beg didn't you? that's beyond pathetic.

>> No.9708165

Yepp. Sharpie in pooper with timestamp and I will send you 0.1 ETH

>> No.9708169

Food bank.


>> No.9708174

Your posting on this board asking for money and never heard of a smart contract you homophobe

>> No.9708179

christmas and birthday gifts. My mother helped pay to keep the roof over our head but that's all she could afford

>> No.9708180
File: 31 KB, 566x512, rip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unfortunately the wrong place on the internet to come begging.

>> No.9708183

yes sir the pastor only helps the needful

>> No.9708205

People on this board won't help you.

Although sometimes shit happens and you can end up in OP's position legit, these faggots all live with their parents and don't understand that things can go wrong sometimes.

You'll get a thousand "Get a job" responses even if you have a job already.

This is ignoring the fact you're breaking the rules, etc

>> No.9708218

They can’t shut off utilities with a child in the house. You probably already know that though. No one believes that going to biz to beg for crypto is a way to save your family from dying, pathetic faggot.

“If ya can’t feed the baby (yeah yeah)
Then don’t have the baby (yeah yeah)”



>> No.9708220

I know I'm breaking the rules and I'm sorry if I'm offending anyone by begging but this was my first option before standing on an off ramp

>> No.9708234

I had a good job when we got pregnant, I got laid off, I have been a wageslave since trying to keep us afloat and I'm just too behind right now I have nothing

>> No.9708240

Point is:

Retards on this board value anime toys more than other people. I'm not exaggerating. Faggots ITT have probably spent thousands on anime toys, or even porn, but they would refuse to help another person (ASSUMING THIS WAS LEGIT)

Not that they have a duty to help or anything, but realistically, they literally value worthless toys and porn more than other people. And they'll use their autism and lifelong societal rejection to justify it in their mind.

>> No.9708251

I tried to show my sons room as proof this is legit I don't know how else I could. I promise it is

>> No.9708267

I'm none of this, and if he was at the grocery store with his kid when he realized he didn't have enough money I'd gladly help. As it is this is some scammer, and I can't fucking stand liars.

>> No.9708273

Begging thread, plz ban

>> No.9708283

post pics of wife

>> No.9708294

I swear to god I'm not lying I wish I could prove it without doxing myself

>> No.9708295

That doesn't prove shit. You are 90% probably larping.

Even if you're not, you're still clearly retarded for not seeking help locally.

Begging on here should be last resort after you've exhausted other avenues (which you haven't)

A food bank would never reject a family. Failing that, you could literally steal and the police would sympathise with you.

You're just larping.

Yup 100% same here

>> No.9708301

I work more hours than you pussy bitch I earned mines.... go and earn yours

>> No.9708303

I cant post a pic of her without being doxxed and I don't think I can post below the neck nudes here because it's SFW

>> No.9708321

I live in an extremely rural area. "food banks' aren't just around the corner or easily accessible, I tried to explain this :/

>> No.9708322

Post proof of your bills faggot. No one believes you and you won’t even offer to put something else in your pooper for $100

>> No.9708323

>nobody will help you even though they should
>BUT you are breaking the rules
>these fags have spend thousands on anime instead of helping you
>BUT they have no duty to do so
how about you fuck off back to redd*t with your buts and howevers, either help him or shut the fuck up.
or maybe you are op samefagging. he was dumb enough to beg here, so it wouldn't be surprising.

>> No.9708324
File: 127 KB, 1536x2048, Screenshot_20180601-020201.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stick something long and cylindrical up your ass and I will send you $100. Sharpie, spoon, whatever dude. But you better do it quick before b&

>> No.9708327

Begging is banned too, and nobody would offer up naked pics of his wife before dragging his ass out to beg for money on the street. Fuck off larper.

>> No.9708337

We're all poorfags here you fucking faggot. Kys and sage.

>> No.9708338

Learn how to hunt, OP, if you haven't already. Just be sure to cook the meat all the way through.

>> No.9708341

So where is you're wife's son? Did he already became an adult and followed his mother's biological dad steps?

>> No.9708343

since when did you start caring about following the forum rules

>> No.9708346

I can't, this is a safe for work board
I wish I was larping, then I wouldn't be in this situation

>> No.9708350

I'd shove a cactus up my ass just for a grand, though.

>> No.9708353

In the U.S. they can and do. They give zero fucks if kids are there.

>> No.9708356

You're getting banned anyway. What difference does it make?

>> No.9708357

Since I read them

>> No.9708359

Fuck off you fucking bitchniggerfaggot. If you need money then do something about it. Nobody needs to help you. Do it yourself.

>> No.9708364

Fuck you, begging cunt. Have some self respect you fucking maggot

>> No.9708382

thank all of you for the kind words, I just need help.I'm sorry. I'm just hoping someone is nice enough to give a few dollars before I spend the rest of my off day on a freeway offramp with a sign

>> No.9708391

Need more proof. A picture of your room isn't enough.

>> No.9708392

Pajeet confirmed. Fuck off.

>> No.9708403

You’re willing to beg and break the rules and not post something in your ass for $100. KYS faggot and maybe your son will get a father figure who’s willing to go the extra mile for him

>> No.9708408

Nah, I'm saying he's larping but even if he wasn't the faggots on here like you value anime cartoons more than people because they are fucked mentally.

Thanks for proving my point and now go jerk to another cartoon faggot

>> No.9708411

what proof do you need that I can provide without being doxxed?

>> No.9708413

Never come here again you pathetic worm.

>> No.9708417

No, make him dance for us

Dance, monkey. Sharpie in pooper gets you $10 from me. Go!

>> No.9708420

post a pic of your wife nude neck down holding a time stamp.

>> No.9708423

Shoving a sharpie up your ass isn't worth 100 dollars even if you were fucking starving to death

>> No.9708424

Good luck pajeet, this is the best board to try it. They love to believe larpers.

>> No.9708425

I promise I'm not larping, I swear to christ

>> No.9708433

But I'm not either of those.

>> No.9708438

Time stamp with your wife's ass cheek

>> No.9708439

mturk.com try it out for more income. fiverr. uber.

>> No.9708440

Post your real bank account, you're fucked anyways didn't you say that? So no need to put anonymous bullshit crypto as donations thank you very much

>> No.9708444

You're a fucking idiot begging on biz. I'm pretty sure people on this board would be willing to pool in money to hire a crackhead to beat you to a pulp, before giving you a cent.

>> No.9708446

Then go steal
Stealing to survive is legal in some countries

Just fill up a basket and walk out the front door

>> No.9708447

More worried about being doxxed than feeding your son

>> No.9708455

You're a pajeet in spirit for just making this thread.

>> No.9708457

>Thanks for proving my point
lol straight from /r/atheism or debates?
go back and take op with you maybe one of you there will be gullible enough to believe him

>> No.9708458

He's more worried about the "law" than feeding his own son

OP won't even break the law to safeguard his son's health and future. Talk about a bootlicking faggot.

>> No.9708469

Listen faggot, i don't care if youre a hungry normal person or a scammy pajeet, humiliate your wife (no face) with nude pics and time stamp, and get crypto. It's that simple. You beg, fine. Show us that all respect has gone, and I will reward you

>> No.9708473

Waaaah you wank to cartoons you fat virgin faggot
The utter state of you

>Hurr durrr u don't wank to cartoons? U MUST BE FROM PLEBBIT

>> No.9708481

It would be dangerous to post my entire banking information, so I posted my balance. I posted crypto because it's a good way to transfer money without having my account compromised

Not in america

Also, will they shut my gas off after two months and electric after one?

>> No.9708482

Why does he have to show you all respect has gone? Are you a sadist?

OP is a faggot, but you're an even bigger one in all honesty

>> No.9708484

Fuck off pajeet. Nobody believes you.

>> No.9708485

Most US grocery stores have fruit at the front kids can eat for free too.

>> No.9708491

If I go to jail then there's no income at all from me.

>> No.9708498

If u havent already, report this fag

>> No.9708499

>I'm gonna get 25 years to life for stealing some food

>> No.9708502

You keep asking how to show proof. You could start by showing a time stamped sheet of paper in the room you claim is your kids. Otherwise you probably just googled kid's room.

>> No.9708508
File: 77 KB, 768x605, 1516870402895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>humiliating beggars
i see you're a man of culture as well

>> No.9708510

Put the kid up for adoption. You're not supposed to procreate when you can't even take care of yourself.

>> No.9708511

Probably better without your worthless ass.

>> No.9708520

Yes. If OP wants coin, he's going to pay for it with his wife's body. Let's see her respect him after making her beg for it. I will legit drop crypto to this cunt if he shows me that he has hit rock bottom and has nothing left to give except his and his wife's (18+) humiliation

>> No.9708522

see >>9708491

also can someone answer >>9708481

>> No.9708524

I can't give you money but why haven't you:

1.Pawned off your computor
2.Stopped paying for an internet connection , the most wasteful shit if you can't feed a 3yo
3. Sold literally anything you have
4. Asked for a mcdonalds gift card instead
5. shoved something up your booty

>> No.9708526

nudes of wife neck down with a time stamp lets go pajeet. do waht ever it takes for your child

>> No.9708530

Because it's fun watching another man lose all his dignity in exchange for money. I would personally give OP 500 in ETH is he posts a video of him eating his own shit.

>> No.9708538

no you're clearly the greatest fag in the thread. even op isn't as trash as you.

>> No.9708541


hope your family dies faggot

your wife is already fucking niggers due to your failure

>> No.9708543

i recommend 5, click, upload, post, crypto in account. Job done

>> No.9708547

Worse than OP and he is blatantly larping anyway

t. Plebbbitor upset he jerks to cartoons

>> No.9708555

This anon gets it. 100 from me for wife bobs and vagine

>> No.9708569
File: 2.34 MB, 4032x2268, 20180601_162432 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.9708587

post pic with timestamp of you and your son

>> No.9708595

Nobody gives a shit. Sell his toy, sell the device you used to take the photo, steal do some shit. You feel entitled to our money without getting you hands dirty. What the fuck do any of us get from giving you money?

>> No.9708598

Oh, wow. He's white.

Listen faggot, wife bobs and vagin and your kid will eat like a king. I swear it. He will have a nice full belly and will sleep sound never knowing the depths that mommy sank to in order to feed him

>> No.9708600

OMG guys I have 1 arm and was born with only 1 ball
I need to get testicle and arm surgery otherwise I will DIE

PLEASE donate me anything you have I'm not lying I totally promise why would someone do that? No no
I swear I'm not larping guys! I also am an amputee please


Karma will repay you

>> No.9708606

he is with his grandma right now

>> No.9708616

Looks like a pretty nice room m8, I live in a shithole in the uk but I don't make begging threads

>> No.9708618

i work hard and get my hands dirty.

>> No.9708622

listen to this man OPie i am ready to donate once you humiliate yourself thats how you get money from /Biz/

>> No.9708624

I still don't believe you. How about this Andrew. Google my little pony. Save an image of Pinkie Pie. Post it here. Then I will believe you.

>> No.9708634

That handwriting

>> No.9708637

Post pics of wife's nudes with time stamp, you faggot.

>> No.9708654

no im sorry

>> No.9708658

OMG guys I have 1 arm and was born with only 1 ball
I need to get testicle and arm surgery otherwise I will DIE

PLEASE donate me anything you have I'm not lying I totally promise why would someone do that? No no
I swear I'm not larping guys! I also am an amputee please


Karma will repay yo

>> No.9708664

Same here faggot. You don't make it by giving peasants freebies. There's No Such Thing As a Free Lunch

>> No.9708674
File: 3.31 MB, 821x447, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9708678

Get a skycoin wallet and I will send you 2 SKY. It's not much but you have to promise that you will use it only to feed your child.

>> No.9708679


>> No.9708685
File: 85 KB, 603x603, mel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a broke ass nigga wants high fee BCore instead of low fee BCash

>> No.9708688

Someone sage this piece of shit beggar. Fucking entitled piece of shit thinks he could get free money and give nothing in return.