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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9706681 No.9706681 [Reply] [Original]

Tfw 21 years old and 85k saved.

>> No.9706704

lol that's it?

>> No.9706707
File: 61 KB, 184x184, steam-148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

24 years old and 97.13 saved

>> No.9706711

Ok nick murphy

>> No.9706729

Shit bait. Try harder
Nice. Respect

>> No.9706754

Keep it up, don't get complacent and don't tell any of your family. They will immediately see it as their good fortune.

>> No.9706767

LARPing retards. No one makes that money without having a significant advantage from birth that has nothing to do with your abilities

>> No.9706782

Worked from 15. First year out of college st my job every dime went to bank

>> No.9706902

so you saying you dont have to spend a dime on rent, food, uni?

wow mate

>> No.9706908
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>> No.9706913

i turned 18 last week and im already selfmade multi-millionaire

>> No.9706940

22 year old and 40k in debt. But at least I have a 5 ft tall, double D Asian gf.

>> No.9706956

20 years old, 2.9m saved
Life is fuckn easy plebs lmao

>> No.9706958

pics or GTFO

>> No.9706993


>> No.9707000

13 years old. been working since birth. 5mil saved
kys you shitskin pajeets.

>> No.9707034

minus 4 years old, been working since 1 A.D. 78m saved

>> No.9707056

No, 97 dollars and 13 cents.

>> No.9707060

Live with parents.

>> No.9707071

lol im 10 and have 3 billion saved

>> No.9707074

So... you're parents basically are giving you money every year? Awesome, must be nice.

>> No.9707077

24 years old and 90k saved

Did I do good lads? Its all wage slave money though

>> No.9707090

You said you were 22 in your last post. Kys.

>> No.9707092

Also its like 1.5 years of work

>> No.9707106


So actually getting off your ass and working a few months a year while saving is now considered larping? Fuck some of you guys are truly pathetic losers holy shit.

>19 y/o with 40k€ / $50k saved, excluding low six figures in crypto.

Paid for everything myself since I turned 16 and live by myself since I'm 17. U fuking NEETs

>> No.9707123

You have all that money, but have you had a life?

>> No.9707125

Ah, I wish I were as smart as you,

>tfw 20 years old
>not in college or uni
>1k in savings account

The future is actually looking really bleak for me. I'm also a no coiner.

>> No.9707130

you good. better than me. fucking post communist trash country. glad I left it.

>> No.9707132

Yea it is nice, guess youre loser parents would charge rent like the rest of ghetto scum?

>> No.9707138
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Most savings millenals do during high school years when living at home. Then when they move out to uni and live on their own their savings rate drop

>> No.9707142

Bleak? Ur fucking 20 lol. U can do whatever

>> No.9707144
File: 5 KB, 324x278, jim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you posted about this already in another thread and now you have to shit up the board by making your own fucking thread about it just fuck off SAGED

also 85k isn't even that much at 21, your low tier compared to a lot of /biz/raelis in their early 20s

>> No.9707146

Everyone on here has a billion dollars and a 16" penis. No sense in even trying to have a sensible discussion like this.

>> No.9707147

>30 year old boomer
>110k in cash
>55k crypto
Im failing at life lads

>> No.9707157
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>tfw 23 and $7k saved

>> No.9707161
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>tfw 25 y/o and 100k LINK

>> No.9707170

what an ugly kike

>> No.9707171

90% of the world earns less than 200usd a month. you should consider yourself lucky. there are like 10 countries where you can pull that shit off and you born in one of them.

>> No.9707190

>tfw 42
>$431 net worth (and a rentfag)

Going back to College next year though.

>> No.9707191

>high school

pick one

>> No.9707192

you are a faggot, regardless of your money

>> No.9707196

No I moved out after university because I'm not ghetto trash.

>> No.9707204

does anyone have the webm of this peak onions?

>> No.9707218
File: 9 KB, 183x275, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what have you been doing the past 30 years

>> No.9707231

What have you been doing since your 20s?

>> No.9707245
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Idk what to do with my life, i feel dumb af

>> No.9707258

but unironically, holding assets>saving money.
You should be using 90% of that as leverage to generate income. Why save money when the Fed prints it whenever they want? Even if you don't want to risk your savings or put in the effort to own real estate/business there's investments out there that guarantee 2-3% annual growth virtually risk free.

>> No.9707273

grats on the savings, but holy shit you look 40 with a terminal case of soi

>> No.9707288

>800k net worth
>16 year old
>9,5inch beepis
>6'8" height
guies pls tell me I still have a chance hurr durr. also this 20-30yo boomer is a meme, right?

>> No.9707312

>tfw 27 with 15k in the bank and 630k in crypto.

>> No.9707324
File: 340 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_p7u59fKYb11s2yc47o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cash out like half of that crypto
youre in like a bear market mate

>> No.9707334

this was a clever post, tastefully done LARP

>> No.9707351

It's not about being smart. It never is. It's about work ethic and discipline. Except you're on this board for more than 5 minutes a day. Then it's all about genetics and not taking responsibility for ANYTHING you did or did not do in life.

I have a business, doing my Bachelor right now (graduating in about a month), do marketing for startups and crypto trading/investing (mostly ICOs). You don't have to be smart do to any of those, you just have to invest the time. That's it. If you're "dumb" you'll need more time, but every hour you spend learning will accumulate and reduce the following hours you have to spend learning by a small percentage. One year down the line you'll need 30 mins to learn things you would have taken an hour to get only a year ago.

>>9707123 Did you miss the point were I mentioned I'm 19? Not gonna lie, the past year was extremely stressful, but I pick five years of serious hustle over 50 years of slavery 60% of the time all the time.

>> No.9707352

Are you me? I had to get gas and now I have 46 whole dollars to my name. Meanwhile, about 700 in crypto.

>> No.9707399

Little do you realize you're already a slave to your money, it'll never end fren.

>> No.9707403

Eeeh no, were at/near the bottom of the bear market. My ATH was 930k. The upside potential is much greater than the downside right now.

>> No.9707418

dude thats mentally ill just cash out

thats a shit load of money

youre chasing your all time high and youre going to lose more

>> No.9707431
File: 332 KB, 1000x1500, tumblr_p7uiqwjt6Y1s2yc47o9_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

7500 is a decent price for bitcoin
thats not a bad cash out imo

thats like the middle ground imo thats the median its gonna be

>> No.9707447

Pff i started with 3k a little over a year ago. Not gonna cash out when I hit my ATH again. Not chasin nothin.

>> No.9707456
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and thats why i only said cash out half
so you have more ratio in your real bank account then you can do whatever with the rest of your coins

its a smart idea if you only have 15k vs 600k

if i was you i would just cash out all 600k but you want to play with coins even though you already made it

>> No.9707458

You think bitcoin will hit 1k again?

>> No.9707469

Absolutely nothing to suggest this, no one knows where this will bottom out and convincing yourself otherwise is already a red flag.

>> No.9707470

I'll be set for life before I turn 25. I will aim for an exit business wise within the next 4 years and learn enough in the remaining 2 to be 99% sure my money is well invested. I'll diversify so much yet smart that I'm done no matter what.

I don't care about money nor do I care about materialistic stuff. I care about freedom and not getting cucked by a system made to enslave the ignorant.

Thanks for looking out for me though

>> No.9707482

>actually thinks the thumbnail is him
holy fuck, are you for real?

>> No.9707489


>> No.9707497

maybe not 1k but it can definitely go to 2k or 3k
i think you have more downside and 7500 is extremely good for you still to cash out

youre not getting a good upside bitcoin bubble is gone

>> No.9707511

>5 ft tall, double D Asian gf
...so shes fat

>> No.9707528

I'm good at limiting my losses. I'm up 130k since the start of the year. I'm only down just over 30% from ATH when at the same time the market is down over 60%.

I understand it's a lot of money but Its not money I need right now. Not interested in owning property yet. The gains are too slow for the amount I can out in, stocks are a no and I don't have enough to be comfortable quitting my job.

If on the other hand I stumble into some amazing business opportunity I will surely take out what I need.

>> No.9707539

18 years old, £285k saved, am I good?

>> No.9707543

If it goes back to 2k I'll buy another 5btc.

>> No.9707552

See everything you do either as an asset or liability for your future. It's really as simple as this. The best things in life will be a direct result out of a compounding effect in a certain area. So are the worst things in life. (excluding tragedies/accidents).

You don't end up being a successful entrepreneur and millonaire by the age of 25 by accident, neither will you end up as a friendless salty NEET without a reason.

Brick by brick.

>> No.9707554
File: 282 KB, 1184x1088, שונא אותם כל כך הרבה.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you mean my 85 Thousand Shekels You Own me, fellow gentile

>> No.9707555

with what money dude if it goes down to 2k your entire net worth is wiped out

thats why you need real cash

doesnt matter if you need it right now your future self needs it

>> No.9707566

noted senpai, i too do not care much for material things, i just want out of the wagecuck cycle

>> No.9707587

I'll still have near 200k actually.

>> No.9707591

>24 45k saved
>Turning 25 in a couple months

I'm not gonna make it, I should have all in on amd. Instead I pussy toed around and only made 1.8k on it.

>> No.9707603

27 and 1000 euros in savings account. Invested 1500 into crypto which is now 600. That's it.

I do have a masters degree in architecture and just got a new job with twice the salary though. Should improve my prospects.

>> No.9707607

then why did you say you had 15k in the bank and 600k in crypto

>> No.9707621

Cos that's true. And I currently have 86btc. If btc falls back to 2k I'll have roughly 180k in crypto

>> No.9707645

there's that "significant advantage" I was talking about, blind dipshit

>> No.9707648

alright well thats retarded dude thats why im suggesting you sell half of it

you dont keep that much percentage of your wealth in cryptocurrency

>> No.9707655

24, around 10k saved, 100k in crypto, keep in mind average monthly income here is 1k

>> No.9707673
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You’re scaring me anon. Too close.

>> No.9707706

I do. And I'm glad I did all the way along. Cos if I hadn't. I'd have nowhere near what I do right now.

>> No.9707726

it doesnt last forever you got lucky one time
many more gamblers have lost by thinking like that

you have exactly a 15k networth until you get some money out and put some away for your future self

youre being irresponsible

>> No.9707860
File: 53 KB, 754x540, Drawing (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

21 years of age, 231$ in my bank account (CAN)

How fucked am I? I really don't see myself getting a house in my twenties, and that to me is heartbreaking.

>> No.9707913

Enjoy your hapa kid faggot

>> No.9707924

I don't think I'm being irresponsible. I have a job(which I like btw). I pay my own way. I don't have a wife to provide for. I'm not in debt.

I could lose all that money and it wouldn't impact my quality of life one bit.

I'm going to leave it in. And I'll take some out if i hit 1m. But as it is now, it's not enough to change my life. So yeah it's gambling money.

>> No.9707942

sell mate. The dimishing returns of money is very large. The more money you get, the less you want more money, and the more you want to conserve your wealth. The difference between having $0 and $100k is much larger than the difference between $100k and $200k.

Just whack that money in index funds and leave some (if you want) in crypto.

Can you imagine the crushing regret you'd have it BTC went below 1k?

>> No.9707949

>it's not enough to change my life.
600k is life changing money
if you want to work at your job and pay your bills your entire life then use it to help other people instead of gambling it

its not gambling money

>> No.9708214


If it goes under 1k I don't think it'll stay there for very long. I would also likely put more money In.
Sure it would hurt like shit to see it drop that low but I don't see it happening really.

>> No.9708235

>make more money
>already have 600k

how much money does he really need
its a pointless waste of time to "invest more in bitcoin after it drops and you already lost 90% of your net worth"

>> No.9708313

Why? People buy bitcoin to sell it on, so the price is very unstable. No one knows what the price will be in a year.

>> No.9708358

And that's why I'll make money and you won't.

Your statement is misleading anyway. I'd still be over 30x my initial investment if it fell to 1k. Lost 90% of my ATH In a highly volatile market

>> No.9708385

he already made money its time to cash out if you have 600k in meme tokens in this market and you only have 15k in youer bank account

theres nothing to make anymore the bubble already happened youre better off being happy with what you got

>Lost 90% of my ATH

nice good job

>> No.9708608

only 18 and 100k saved

>> No.9708639
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28 and -16k saved

>> No.9708777
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>no concept of reality
it's past your bedtime

>> No.9708807

NEET mostly til 40 and my mom passed. Working minimum wage the last two years. 40 is really the new 20 though. I don't regret it at all.

>> No.9708827

>$4K in cash, $11K in crypto

A-at least I am off the parents' payroll right haha

>> No.9709340

Nice larp

>> No.9709755

>guarantee 2-3% annual growth virtually risk free.
Like what?

>> No.9709793

Asians are disgusting. You are a beta male. Alphas date white women. You disgust me

>> No.9709819

lol you didnt have a job at 16?

>> No.9709823

im a beta male and people keep saying asian women date beta white males. do you think you are preventing hapas? or are you encouraging hapa breeding by telling betas they stand a chance if they just go for asians. think about it. you might be doing more harm then good

>> No.9709829

>double D

>> No.9709869

congrats to all the 20 yo privileged faggots that have +70k saved, they are doing better than Warren Buffet... want to see how they keep up without mommy helping...

>> No.9709978

unironically 22 years old, my net worth is about $30,000... over the last year i traded my way up from a $1,000 initial investment using ETH, REQ, LINK, ZRX, and KNC.

just finished college, luckily debt free thanks to my parents, but i'm supporting myself entirely on my own just through trading and part time gigs.

my january ATH was $50k. i was 21 at the time.

>> No.9710977

work harder

>> No.9711055

Quite easy to get rich when you have a few grand and cryptocurrency is in the state it is. All you had to do was put a couple grand in Holo, then ORI, then NEXO, and so on until you made that much. Sure some neets became whales last night when Iotex mooned hard. Easy fucking money. It's seriously not impressive how much money anyone on here has. It's more impressive the work and humbleness someone has.

Faggots on here bragging how they got rich off the easiest lottery game.

>> No.9711061

I'm 35 and have like 50 bucks to my name

>> No.9711070

I am 12 years old and I have 1.5 billion saved.

>> No.9711097

I am the OP from this thread >>9710087

almost 27, $50k, $75k/year salary, I come from a poor country so I it's no bad...

>> No.9711104

The day the internet and hipsters parted;the gif
shit was not funny. how much do you think he made in crypto, 85k?lol die

>> No.9711179


>> No.9711227
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this thread always attracts the worst of larpers