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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9702170 No.9702170 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.9702238

Move to jungle or an inhabited island, problem solved.

>> No.9702252
File: 57 KB, 446x384, b.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

taxation is theft
prove me wrong (you can't)

>> No.9702275
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s-stupid goy we need to tax you 50% of your income and then another 20% on everything you buy so YOU can have roads
YOU should be GRATEFUL for us willingly taxing you

>> No.9702341

Heh... remember all those times you “tethered” up? Boom taxable event

>> No.9702348

No, it's not. USDT is not a legal tender, brainlet.
>paying taxes on crypto
top lel

>> No.9702426

LOL wtf
NO ONE is paying that
say what you want that is just simple absolute fact, that nobody will pay that.
>in b4 a million threats
>garnish my celery
doesnt matter, nobody is going to fucking pay that. period. ever. not happening. nobody. you taxfags need to get realistic.

>> No.9702561
File: 84 KB, 1080x724, 34047303_1055975291222414_1569048228647665664_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is in favor of crypto
>Makes rightful gains
>Gives part of them away to a state that doesnt even understand the underlying tech

Oh you uncultured swine

>> No.9702570

pfffffttthahahahaha oh wait you're american..HAHAHAHAHAHAA

>> No.9702571

Why don't we all just agree to not pay taxes?

Wouldn't that completely and utterly BTFO the government and have the scrambling to appease us? Remember they might print the money but their checks come from us. Make em sweat.

>> No.9702622

they only managed to collect crypto taxes on i think 400 people in 2017, just 100 in 2015

basically already nobody is paying

i dont think they even want us to pay. i think they just want to make everything as difficult as possible so they can scare people away from crypto with threats of an impossible to understand tax minefield.

nobody understand these taxes, weve got experts arguing over what they think the taxes mean but nobody can say with any certain, unless theyre arrogant you know how confident people are they always think theyre right. but generally speaking nobody knows how these taxes work and i think thats by design.

>> No.9702679

How often do you use roads anon?

>> No.9702703

Lmao. Maybe 3% of tax revenue goes to infrastructure. The vast vast majority goes to free gibs for blacks and the military. To keep you safe, goy

>> No.9702713


It’s crypto. It’s a crypto to crypto transaction, brainlet. The moment you exchange an asset you have made gains in to tether, that’s a capital gains taxable event. Enjoy your jail time tax evader

>> No.9702716

Remember the tax FUD earlier this year. I hope all of those anons got raped to death.

>> No.9702726

i.e this faggot

>> No.9702743


Lol this kind of arrogance is going to fuck you up big time when the IRS comes knocking. And they will come knocking.

>> No.9702760
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You don't like paying taxes? What're you a banker or something? Jesus Christ. Rich sleazebags like you need to be thrown out a plane. You're stealing from schools when you don't pay your taxes and the American people.
Me Undies! Me Undies. ZIP............................................................. RECRUIT.er.


>> No.9702934

it doesnt matter, you dont understand. you can jail someone for life, every person that doesnt pay taxes on this gets shot instantly. it still wont matter. NOBODY is going to pay taxes on this except for maybe a couple hundred kiss asses every year. nobodies paying now, nobody will pay in the future. because its retarded and everyone agrees. its a complicated comvoluted fucktarded tax system as far as crypto is concerned. charging taxes on tethering? really? nobody is going to pay that. put a fucking gun to their head and they wont pay it, they will just drop out of crypto if anything. but theyre not paying that. i dont think you get it at all

>> No.9702968

Did /biz/ just figure out that government is a protection racket?

>> No.9702973

go ahead, talk more about how the thieves are coming to knock on my door and randomly take my money for stupid reasons like tethering. oh yeah ill totally bend over for that, oh yes please rape me mr taxman. fuck off. nobodies paying, so you tell your boss to make some reasonable easy to understand tax laws or dont even fucking bother. because nobdy is paying taxes on tethering im sorry theyre just not going to do that, you can threaten to kill them and they still wont pay. because everyone understands its retarded and your little threats are just pissing us off.

most of us would be glad to pay taxes if the taxes were simple and easy and straightforward and fair. but no, the tax situation is the exact opposite in every way and no one is inclined to bend over for that. only 400 people paid taxes last year on crypto lol, go ahead and knock on those doors, people would rather die then pay you. for real

>> No.9703149


Your argument “I’m not paying taxes because it’s not easy and not everyone is doing it” and “muh corrupt” tax system is not a good enough excuse. Billions upon billions of dollars in unreported capital gains are going uncollected every year. The government is going to want its share one way or another.

>> No.9703202
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how do i avoid paying taxes

>> No.9703268

vote with your feet -> move away from that shithole 3rd world kike country and renounce citizenship

>> No.9703306

Don't be a sexist and racist. Single mothers and immigrants desperately need your money.

>> No.9703366
File: 380 KB, 2595x3069, notevenremotelysorry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you will never ever EVER be american
>tfw if someone gave you an American citizenship you would outright reject it
>tfw you don't have THE citizenship with the most legal liabilities in the planet
>tfw the US ZOG doesn't own your ass
Feels fantastically wonderful to be honest famiglia.

>> No.9703373

life is unfair, bitch.
it's not fair you weren't born during the plague or in a utopia in the far future.

fuckin deal with it or try to change it, kiddo.

oh wait, that's what you're doing by trying to make people feel like it's unfair to pump sentiment against taxes nvm lol

>> No.9703390

who is going to pay for jamal's sons? we need taxes

>> No.9703398

the state wants its citizens to be financially transparent and accountable while the state is not financially transparent and accountable

and finances wars, covert operations, drug cartels, and obvious corruption

if you chose to not pay taxes, dont get caught. the states of this world are the biggest force wielding organizations on the planet.

>> No.9703420

Taxes are what makes you hate lazy poors. Living of my labor. I think it was one reason why our fellow Führer got so many excited about the concept of finally getting rid of leeches.

>> No.9703442

>be British
>pays 93.73 per month in NI and 92.4 in tax
>literally work to death to earn fuck all
>tax goes out of my hands before I even see it
>into a pensioners and into my weed smoking neet dole friends hand with no change.

>> No.9703446

Theft is unfair, yes.

>> No.9703498

Private property is a construct that I don't have to respect
Prove me wrong (you can't)

>> No.9703531

Yeah, except private property’s natural counterpart is called territory and if you fuck with somebody’s territory you are gonna get fucked up physically. Good luck.

>> No.9703572
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>muh land of the free
>gubbermint has to protect you for your own good oy vey
>have to bend over backwards for all kinds of shit and fuckery

>> No.9703576

once the whole world economy is based on privacy coins, and all commerce is out of reach of the state for taxation,

who will finance the state, and how?

state as in roads, hospitals, schools

>> No.9703588

theres a tax for that, and there there are taxes for a long period after you do this

>> No.9703761

Private sector will handle those much more efficiently. Take a look at public roads vs road toll roads.

>> No.9704258

>state as in roads, hospitals, schools
always this same argument when even in some of the best value for tax countries like scandinavia less than 20% of taxes collected goes towards these things

>> No.9704343

And you're on your country's territory.

>> No.9704352

u are a fucking retard. Personal income tax does none of those things, you realize personal income tax is one tiny slice of the pie and corporate tax, property tax, sales tax, is going nowhere any time soon, that's what funds your stupid fucking roads and fuck sakes man private industry would do it bettery anyway

>> No.9704354

No they aren't.
Stop being such a child anon.
Surely the US is not that much worse than Australia.

>> No.9704365

Mutt detected!!! Ahaha

>> No.9704456

lol being this retarded

taxation of capital gains has nothing to do with legal tenders status -- all personal property is taxed as capital gains. Even fucking furniture. Bitcoin, Tether, gold, anything/everything is personal property.

>> No.9704464

i share the opinion that we pay waaay too much income tax in developed nations
who came up with that shit anyway? im willing to buy tax when i buy a house or smth like that
or when i hold property for long, unproductively. i get that. but deciding ther eis a minimum wage and then siphoning off 40% of that wage seems ricidulous

>> No.9704521

Did my taxes two days ago and felt damn good about making a contribution to society!

>> No.9704560


>> No.9704572

Living in a society costs money.
You are paying to be a part of a society.

Taxes are your fee for living in a society.

>> No.9704582

Coinbase reports sending to other exchanges as a “sell” > taxable event

>> No.9704600

>live in a 3rd world country
>laugh at a 1st world country

Land of the free ladies & gents

>> No.9704605
File: 407 KB, 4535x3780, 1526473129007 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yuros from the land of 56% effective tax rates think they're better off then Americans

or are there actual subhuman thirdies ITT?

>> No.9704624

>tfw only 1% cryptotax

>> No.9704872

Your hard earned money went to shaniqua so she can buy fresh Js and get her weave did. How do you feel?

>> No.9704886

Why don't the nigs have to pay? Why doesn't Amazon have to pay? Seems like it's only the good goyim...

>> No.9705037
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>> No.9705170

crowdfunding using REQ

>> No.9705204

Living in a plantation costs money.
You are paying to be part of the plantation.

Enslavement is your fee for living in a plantation.

>> No.9705261
File: 985 KB, 245x184, The Sopranos Hbo GIF-source.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The concept of homicide is a legal typification that I don't have to respect.
Therefore if I put a bullet through the back of your head it's not homicide.

Prove me wrong (pic related)

>> No.9705264

Shaqueesha needs gibs for her kids anon

>> No.9705542

>illegals in USA
>dont pay taxes

So what you're saying is the beaners got it all figured out?

>> No.9705555

Not really. Without taxes you would get buttfucked by anybody.

>> No.9705657

The same people that increase police presence in his ghetto shithole while overcrowding and underfunding the public schools he attends which do nothing but prepare him for a factory job in a future without factories.

>> No.9705767

I have been talking to people and I have been looking around all over the place in the scene looking for signs that people are actually paying crypto taxes. I dont think anyone actually is. You can argue if we should or not. You can argue the importance of paying taxes. You can argue that the IRS will come for you. Sure. Go for it guys.

Literally nobody is paying it. I don't think it has to do with wanting to overthrow the government or because taxation is theft. Nope, nothing. Its just a giant blank slate and nobody is bothering to do shit. The number of people on /biz/ is fucking insanely tiney and the number of people talking about crypto in general is too. steemit just got 1 million subscribers. They don't even know that its taxed at all.

People who play video games don't pay taxes. nobody is taking the idea that digital goods are taxed seriously. Its just not happening. Look at all of the big names in crypto. They are not paying taxes. They never bring the topic up at all on their twitters. Is Dan Larimer talking about the massive taxes for 4 billion eth he accumulated? Nope. crickets.

These threads are worthless. Nobody is taking this shit seriously. NOBODY.

>> No.9706127
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>>9705767There is a silent revolution going on. People are not going to fight their governments, they are just going to ignore them, to keep their stuff out of their reach.No revolts, no protests, no shooting at government officials. This is how things actually are going to come crashing down. Governments at some point are going to be so bankrupt that they won't even be able to afford goons anyone can shoot at. This is how they will actually dissolve, though it'll happen very slowly.

>> No.9706258

I am definitely observing this. And I don't even think its a "movement" its just people not really giving a shit. And soon a growing number of people wont even have bank accounts or even phone numbers. If they do have have numbers it might not even be attached to a phone. It might literally be just a number so you can tell people you have one.

I am seeing mass ambivalence. And then maybe a few tax threads crop up on /biz/. I don't even think the topic would be discussed at all if it wasn't for /biz/. It comes up on reddit but reddit is a shit hole filled with larpers and salty nocoiners. Its 2018 and most tax professionals are still inexperienced with crypto taxes.

It feels like a huge amount of talk with pretty much zero action. On all sides.

>> No.9706277


without taxes i could be a cryptowarlord with a harem of 256 virgins and a PMC running an ethnostate

>> No.9706341
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I paid all most $35K in cyrpto taxes this year. The onerous to report is on the individual. IDk about other countries but the IRS will track your social media and then seize your assets if your returns dont match your spending. People not reporting must not like spending money or they aren't really making any.

>> No.9706383

Sure, and you literally didnt have to because the ratio is 10000/1
The funny part is, you claim to be 10000/1 AND YOU ARE PROBABLY LARPING!! hahahaha

Even the one guy who claimed he paid is full of shit HAHAHAHA

>> No.9706386

>the IRS will track your social media and then seize your assets if your returns dont match your spending
>your social media

>> No.9706429

Roads are 5% of ~7% sales tax. If you spend $15,000 in a year, that's $63 dollars per year for your roads.
school is 25%, around $260/year.
Medical bills and health insurance (scams) already exist. Hospitals aren't funded by the state.

>> No.9706431


According to some stats I've seen I think it was like 5-10% of people who own crypto actually pay taxes on it lol.

>> No.9706452

But then again if like <1% of the population owns crypto it's not that big of a deal yet I guess.

>> No.9706453

they dont want your tax money
they want to make it as complicated and weird and difficult as possible with everybody arguimg about how the taxes are paid and what you owe because nobody is able to know for sure.

they dont want your money. they just want to be difficult. they just want to drag their feet and try to scare away investors with complicated taxing schemes nobody understands.

but instead of scaring people, theyre just not getting paid and nobody cares. good game fiat fucks, but you lose.

now admit your loss, make the taxes simpler, or get nothing. fuck all. no matter what punishments you send out nobodies going to bend over backwards to try and figure this shit out. the crypto investors are not boomer faggots that automatically bend over backwards to suck government oppressor dick.

>muh streets, muh hospituls
you can get your tax money, but not when you act like big babies throwing a tantrum and making it as difficult as possible to pay you

>> No.9706465

Its much less. Nobody can quantify who has crypto right now. so its 10-15% of the people who are on some kind of record.

>> No.9706486


True, the stats were from Finland only I think it was only 3000 people who paid taxes on crypto lol.

>> No.9706535

> tfw owe 45k to irs

>> No.9706544

actually, it might already be too late for that
people have gotten used to the tax situation being retarded and incomprehensible and theyve gotten used to the idea of just giving up on even trying to figure it out. so, its too late. everyones already gievn up on taxes, even the people who wanted to pay. its over. people will switch to crypto, they will stop using banks, they will stop paying taxes, governments will crumble. oh well, its the future they chose.

>> No.9706559

Also guys, how does one even reckon taxes for Poss staking rewards?

>> No.9706564

who knows, who cares
people talk about taxes but nobody is paying
so, fuck it.

>> No.9706574


>> No.9706582

Think about it like this. Crypto is pretty debilitating when it comes to taxes. We know that its very easy to end up in a situation where you owe more than you even have post a sizable correction.

When is the last time a project had to be canceled or was shutdown due to taxes? When is the last time a big name in the crypto sphere was effected by taxes? When did taxes ever come up in any actual conversations other than /biz/ fud posts?

Ripple has a massive escrow of xrp they gain access to every month. Icos are just cropping up like wildfire all over the place. EOSDAC just get 45 million in fund raising.

Not a peep. Only place you even see this discussed is /biz/
Nobody is paying. Literally nobody is paying. Ripple would be shut down instantly the moment they began to even look at the topic seriously. Roger Veer would be in prison for tax evasion.

This entire topic is a fucking joke.

>> No.9706586

I didn't consent to living in a society that doesn't let you make fun of Muslims and Planet of the apes.

>> No.9706596

Fuck off FBI I pay all my taxes :^)

>> No.9706600

>the IRS will track your social media

>> No.9706610
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How high are the taxes in europe?

>> No.9706661
File: 14 KB, 1204x149, Fuck taxes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9706673

thing is she was making fun of someone with radical islam policies, like the muslim brotherhood, which is basically a terrorist organization. and this woman, who looks white and roseanne thought she was white, not that it matters, was compared to a chareacter from planet of the apes because she has a horrible deformed face that looks like central casting for planet of the apes and not even because shes apparantly black, but because shes ugly as fuck.

so it wasnt even racist. but the show was cancelled in hours and the mainstream media, every news show, every newspaper, is treating this random tweet from a comedian as top story news. everyone calling it racist.

it doesnt make any sense unless you accept the fact that the msm is trying to turn the races against each other. as part of a divide and conquer race baiting strategy to keep the people down. make whites feel guilty, make coloureds have eternal victim mentality, make whites resent coloureds for resenting whites, make coloureds resent whites for shit that barely happened centuries ago (less then 2% of whites in the south ever owned slaves, most of the slaves owners were jews actually, im not even anti semitic, im just saying).

meanwhile nobody talks about the fact that every race has done slavery. even whites were enslaved in north africa for centuries, hundreds of times bigger then the american slave trade. the barbary slave trade that isnt taught in schools because it doesnt fit the political agenda of the divide and conquer establishment that wants victim mentality for all coloureds.

>> No.9706985

>imagine being this autistic

>> No.9707746

i see the same happening
friends of mine who have crypto always discuss how to file their tax returns (germany) and i keep telling them that if they actually ever plan to cash out to fiat again then theyre too late to the party because those gains were made by people who bought in 2013/2015

this is now about exiting toxic fiat, and staying in crypto indefinitely

>> No.9707770

they want you not knowing that you can claim taxes back from them, and how to do it without losing one or two days a year doing so

>> No.9707847

you don't have to respect it but the armed individual who's property you're trying to invade might

>> No.9708092

>And I don't even think its a "movement" its just people not really giving a shit.
That's exactly how it works. People pay taxes because it's convenient. They are already subtracted from their wages even before the money is in their hands. Arguing with salaried people about taxation being bad always results with a "so what?" attitude from them, because they can't do anything, so it's no use for them to even think about it.

But here happens the opposite. Paying taxes on crypto is now the complicated thing, and gov's haven't proven to have realistic means to track everyone's crypto AND enforce the taxation.

>> No.9708276


podcast about chainanalysis, company that helps fbi sec and whazever orwellian organ to track exchanges money laundry activity

unfortunately, chainanalysis didnt have an ico