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File: 120 KB, 486x264, comfy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9699423 No.9699423 [Reply] [Original]

we made it. tomorrows the day we start making that sweet sweet skycoin for running our miners.

pretty sure we will be getting paid monthly. how much do you think we'll make?

ps - have fun at work tomorrow wagies

>> No.9699622

How do I know if I got accepted?

>> No.9700139
File: 170 KB, 1876x1144, Screenshot 2018-06-01 at 12.31.35 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, so I'm connected to another node, I have apps running, is there anything else I'm missing?

>> No.9700178

Try actually using the VPN

>> No.9700192

Was having trouble with it just because I'm retarded and don't know much about VPNs, will have to try later.

Hopefully this is enough to have me forwarding traffic along.

>> No.9700193

i make more on peepcoin than you do on your scambox

>> No.9700222

>Was having trouble with it just because I'm retarded and don't know much about VPNs
It's actually pretty easy and takes like a minute
>Install FoxyProxy addon
>Add new Proxy
>Proxy Type:Socks5
>IP Address: your miner IP
>Port 9443
Press connect, you now have a VPN

>> No.9700298

jesus christ, they are probably just using these to datamine everyone

>> No.9700333

Thanks anon, that's much easier than the shit I was trying to do.

I can't seem to load anything once I have it turned on but I'm sure I just need to do some basic troubleshooting.

>> No.9700355

Aaah, I got it now, look at me, posting from other places.

>> No.9700356

Setting up my hardware when it arrives, after I flash my pis what do I need to do on my pc? What is that window in the screenshot ?

>> No.9700404

i'm waiting my turn in line for a miner... FUCK

>> No.9700421

You don't need to do anything to your PC, you'll be able to remotely access your skyminer from other computers is all. It's just typing a local IP into your browser.

I used Net Analyzer to get a list of all the devices on my wifi network, so the address for you will be something similar to, where 8000 is the default port for the manager. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.techet.netanalyzerlite.an&hl=en_US

>> No.9700443

Thanks. Any way to see how much traffic a node is getting ?

>> No.9700463

I just noted this down after successfully connecting to a VPN today. Hope it helps you

Skywire VPN
- Make sure your Skyminer is up and running
- Open Skywire Manager
- Connect to a node
- MAYBE have to do Port Forwarding
- Install FoxyProxy add-on for Firefox
- Select "Use Enabled Proxies By Patterns and Priority"
- Go to PoxyProxy’s Preferences > Add:
Proxy Type: SOCKS5
IP address, DNS name, server name:
Port: 9443
- Go to https://getfoxyproxy.org/geoip/ to check if your IP has changed now

>> No.9700474

I spent 14 fucking hours today trying to install and couldn't get it working...

>> No.9700483

Pepecoin or peecoin?

>> No.9700516

Thanks for the clarification anon. I'm connected and now I'm working on port forwarding so I can vpn wherever I want to.

>> No.9700549

cheers. No more Netflix restrictions babyyy

>> No.9700550

I take it you don't understand the nature of VPN.

>> No.9700559

git gud m80

>> No.9700589

I'm a god damn software engineer, it shouldn't have been this hard. I hit problems at every turn. 2 out of 3 images I tried couldn't even get ethernet working consistently.

>> No.9700983

Lol. Babbys first challenge.

>> No.9701008

Clear your mind and do it all again. So many non-tech people have made it work

>> No.9701021

>software engineer,
that has nothing to do with networking, took me an hour
t. sysadmin