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9696895 No.9696895 [Reply] [Original]

The fact that so many shills still claim ChainLink as “the greatest or most significant or most influential” cryptocurrency ever only tells you how far oracles still are from becoming serious tech. Traditional investors have long recognized that the greatest investments of all time are mutual funds and stock indexes, which may not pump the most or moon at times, let alone any time. Crypto investors rank the highly controversial Bitcoin Cash over coins that are highly popular with normies on Reddit. ChainLink shills are still blinded by their own delusion. ChainLink solves the oracle problem (not true, by the way), therefore it must be the greatest. Traditional investors grow up learning about lots of financial instruments of the past, crypto investors grow up learning about blockchain technology of the past. ChainLink shills are often totally deluded with their investment, they barely know what a smart contract is. No wonder they think that ChainLink is anything worthy of being invested in.

>> No.9696908

>(not true, by the way)
Very glad to see scruffy made it here

>> No.9696916

this was one of the more incoherent rants I've come across.

>> No.9696923
File: 90 KB, 328x1024, 1 reality2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

time is gonna rek u fag

>> No.9696926

I just want you to know I didn't read past the first sentence.

>> No.9696929


>> No.9696937

>No wonder they think that ChainLink is anything worthy of being invested in
Stopped reading here

>> No.9696950

Is this part of the psychop? Fudders writing like a retard everytime so that we become more convinced that link holders are right?

>> No.9696952

Wtf are you even talking about?

>> No.9696976


>> No.9697046


>> No.9697265

This smells of poor European-tier larp. If your strained English grammar wasn't so good, I'd day you're a Pajeet.

>> No.9697271


Pick one

>> No.9697279
File: 97 KB, 659x729, FADE107C-B52A-4F3B-A33E-63E403EEEE14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chain link? More like chadlink amirite bois?

>> No.9697301

hahahahhhahahahahaha you fucking loser

>> No.9697416
File: 369 KB, 775x646, 1516284933191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone tell me in brianlet terms how the Link nodes perform their jobs

Do they just perform anonymous data readings as instructed by your "employer", so is there some kind of coding mumbo jumbo involved

>> No.9698052

the nodes take data from centralised apis

>> No.9698056

honestly i pray this is what happens
i need to buy so much more and i literally work at mcdonalds (not joking)

>> No.9698072

Thanks for starting this thread OP. We really needed another Chainlink thread.

>> No.9698090
File: 30 KB, 419x480, 1523370922811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>greatest investments
>mutual funds.
enjoy your wealth when you're in a nursing home faggot.

>> No.9698147

>hey barely know what a smart contract is.
Whew almost got me, then I remembered I knew what a smart contract is and the possibilities.

I'm Gonna make it.

>> No.9698169

link will never moon you delusional faggots

>> No.9698189

Can’t tell if you’re joking cuz it’s the last sentence or if you’re fucking retarded.