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File: 3.52 MB, 4032x3024, 20180531_101442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9693563 No.9693563 [Reply] [Original]

Like my new used Q7 biz? I owe it to you for the subtle legit tips in the midst of an ocean of pajeet shit that helped me succeed bitch

>> No.9693595

nice, how much

>> No.9693606


>> No.9693621

Auction for 25k, only 37k miles

>> No.9693627
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>not buying the classier and better looking pre-2015 Q7 for half the price

Nice accomplishment, and nice SUV. But damn if they butchered the front-end.

>> No.9693631

Uhhhh wheres ur car fag

>> No.9693655 [DELETED] 

new used for decent price got into minor wreck no engine damage cant complain minimal cosmetic repairs

>> No.9693660

Yeah I agree, 25k is a good snag for the mileage and year.

Enjoy bro

>> No.9693819

soccer mom car, you also drive your purse around in this?

>> No.9693835

Thx pham

Want some toast with that jelly pham?

>> No.9693838

this, but unironically

and you haven't suceeded in anything if you buy anything thats used, bet you will settle with a gf thats been with other men aswell?

>> No.9693850

for 25k you can get way better cars than soccer mom cars.

>> No.9693852

>Didn't get the premium package with foglights

>> No.9693864

2bh virgin would be nice but at the same time i want someone whos close to as open minded and cultured as i already am, as long as shes not a roastie whore with a tight body and low miles, im fine with that

>> No.9693886

you will not last in biz and you will also not make it in this world

you have to be Hispanic or black

do some fucken research you stupid fuck

invest in something long term worth your money

german maintenance = $1 mil

japan Maintenance (acura nsx/tlx) = $100

you are dirty and it shows with the trash you purchased

its a fake VW Passat lol...…..look under the hood


think next time do some research same way you do it with investing

oh wait you dont know how to

becuase my audi is german and I can afford to have it sitting at a dealer since the parts have to be flown in ……..dumbassses

>> No.9693889

>implying you don't lose 11% on a new car as soon as it leaves the lot

>> No.9693907

lol @ all the buttblasted fags in this thread mad that OP bought something tangible with his money instead of leaving it in worthless shitcoins that continue to bleed.

>> No.9693909

Lets see your audi big boy, tits or gtfo

>> No.9693915

>Reddit dat way

duh...everyone knows Audi's are the luxury line of VW

>> No.9693920

Audi is a shit tier car, especially their SUVs

>> No.9693927

Your Quattro logo is crooked

>> No.9693955

Tell me bout it, apparently some retard who owed money wrecked ut while intoxicated, ran into a bunch of trees and bushes in a rich area fuck it his loss

>> No.9694000

and yet people forget the electrical nightmares

fuck why are smart people so stupid

they make the best calls and drive a car that has the worst track record

for what ? to sit on the side of the road becuase no one within 150miles knows how to service your german piece of shit

those cars are made for dirty people

unless you have a motorcade then I have nothing to say . you are wealthy

but seriously average joe that has money and needs to get around in luxury . KEY WORD (NEEDS TO GET AROUND) not sit at a dealership or side of the road waiting for a tow

think you dumbassses

lexus, lotus , acura toyota etc. so many fucken choices.

stay poor beaner/ ape

next time think and research your trash before you show it off. its slow and breaks down every month ......do your own research .......dyor

>> No.9694005

audi is perhaps the single worst resale brand there is. it means audi is an economic loser, they charge rolls royce price for volkswagen style

>> No.9694016

>new used
hmmm... still, highly impressive anon. any tips for how to wade through the shit and pajeets of /biz/, or is it all experience and not being a brainlet?

>> No.9694028
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great car, but since 2016 they just look like crap, should have gotten an rs6 avant instead man
pic related the last decent looking q7

>> No.9694037

seething like always, based op

>> No.9694045

The worst is bmw. Seeing a person trying to floss in a beemer is just plain cringy

>> No.9694168
File: 3.29 MB, 4032x3024, 20180531_120117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The absolute state of biz

>> No.9694196
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>used car with scratches

>> No.9694213
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>buying used
>buying a cr*ssover
>buying Audi

im fucking lmfaoing @ your LIFE my man

>> No.9694215

At least 95% of you didnt realize the obvious red flags

R i p biz

>> No.9694229

Point and case this retard still doesnt know

If i dont hit 2 mil next year im moving to r9k and playing sudoku live

>> No.9694239

Obviously have never been in one? What Asian garbage do you think is "nice"

>> No.9694245
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we all seen your obvious manlet car, we are not impressed.

>> No.9694251

this was me btw
i messed up the same fag here which is why i delet

>> No.9694264

stfu u had no clue eat shit and die stinky linky

>> No.9694268

>used Audi

Bwahaha! You're not doing anything, kiddo. 6/10 for making me reply

>> No.9694286



>> No.9694316

Take these upvotes now

>> No.9694333


the laptop is the size of the car engine?

>> No.9694353
File: 901 KB, 1080x2220, 20180531_121500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The overall quality onced zoomed in should have been enough but no dealer puts audi q7 on the front plate like that esp one that supposed to be used and at an auction, i used the lights and the open door as main distractions, about to enroll in magician school not even joking

>> No.9694370

it was obvious, manlet

>> No.9694371

Its this new mega mac book by dead scuffed steve jobs, limited supply only, 40 inch screen edition

>> No.9694383

This is probably, unironically, destiny replying

>> No.9694677

it's a toy car you dumb fucks
hood looks liek plastic

>> No.9694698

le epic troll by OP, go back to plebbit than kys

>> No.9694748

Should have got an sQ5

>> No.9694929
File: 76 KB, 668x1024, japanese cake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone look at this post. This is called acting like new money. This is an example of what not to do.

For the record, I have a lot to thank /biz/ for as well. I happened to catch a thread about EOS at the end of March, where someone mentioned something that to me I immediately recognized was a sign to go all in on, and I haven't looked back since. I went all in on EOS when it was $5.99 just before the big pumps. I haven't heard anything else like it anywhere else, so this means that with 100% certainty, if it wasn't for /biz/, my portfolio would be five digits right now instead of six.

Thank you, /biz/rael. תודה

>> No.9695031
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>> No.9695173

you fat cunts can't be bothered to read a few posts lol you are the epitome of retarded

the car isn't even real

>> No.9695195

i am op you dumb fucking retard eat shit cock sucking leddit0r

>> No.9695212

Congratz man!! Life won't last forever, hodling crypto is good but enjoy it while you can

>> No.9695350
File: 281 KB, 1280x720, IMG_1631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy a Jag F type SVR

>> No.9695456


>> No.9695520

I don't care if it's real or not, my story is.

>> No.9695539
File: 182 KB, 420x420, 1524445385111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not buy a car that doesn't live in the repair shop? Audis are pajeet quality, as are most german cars.

>> No.9695888

what do you recommend?

>> No.9695903

eh, I was being overly trolly, but german manufacturers are kind of a fraud in general (although they do have the best interiors after Bentley).
I'd personally go for a Lexus RX or an Acura instead of a Q7

>> No.9695963

I thought German cars BMW, Mercedes, ... were the best

>German engineering

>> No.9696003

So its safe to assume you probably drive like a cunt because your heads so far up your fucking ass you cant see anything? Fucking audi drivers are worse than bmw fags

>> No.9696030

>not purchasing a superior BMW x5
Enjoy your constant repairs and flawed (((German engineering)))

>> No.9696054

BMW is german too

>> No.9696066

fucking kek

>> No.9696068

It's the only good German worth cashing out on desu

>> No.9696078

kek thats what they want you to think,

>> No.9696915

Superior shop skills

>> No.9696938

I have a TT and have paid $1200 in maintenance in the last 12 months. People don't know what the fuck they are talking about.

>> No.9696959

Your laptop size wtf nigger

>> No.9696986

Now go get a stage 1 tune. Very impressive power gain out of 3.0 TDI due to north ameri faggot emmission laws

>> No.9697034

yeah GVT gonna be $200 EOY if we trading sideways for the rest of the year. this shit gonna absolutly lift off during bull