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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 34 KB, 272x204, woe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9688023 No.9688023 [Reply] [Original]

and what is this fucked up psy-op crap?
what happened to this board?

some months ago this was a very serious business related platform. now it turned into some weird occult meme magic board. I don't get it. thinking about unregistering from /biz.

>> No.9688279

Many community members noticed some of the mods have been censoring mentions of the psychological manipulations and online campaigns to destroy the will and morale of Chainlink HODLERS.

So they have united in joining forces to overpower the enemy with spiritual forces. It is working and is VERY powerful energy to charge and tap into.

>> No.9688331

>Many community members
it was one autistic schizo

>> No.9688381

No, you ignorant fuckup. Most of the LINK threads are getting reported to high hell and back.
People are using whatever means possible to fight the retardation encrusting this board, e.g.
>saged and reported

>> No.9688482
File: 703 KB, 500x374, cf71b1a6a265685240f6eb6bb29cd072.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Desperation and cognitive dissonance anon. Maybe I'm just bluepilled but I prefer to go occums razor with this kind of stuff, they were promised a moon mission that never came and got so invested in the memes that it went full-Poe's Law and now you got a few anons jerking off on entry-level Crowley magick symbols as if that's mean to make more people by this cryptocoin instead of... like I dunno... building oracles for the Chain platform and creating actual demand for coins.

It's simply denial going into full blown delusion.

>> No.9688505


>> No.9688538

You speak of the Sigil Link in a similar manner many people who read 2 articles on Chainlink and feel they are subject-matter experts and they're not.

One must immerse himself in the Sigil Link rather than intellectualizing and postulating on an experience that have not tried, much less dare to swim in.

It challenges the modality of one's everyday experience and leads to moments where one does question their old way.

The best way to understand that which is spoken of is to dare and join the quest yourself.

1. Clear your mind
2. Have the sigil in clear view
3. Think of thoughts of peace, joy, and love as these are the key frequencies of the universe
4. Open your favorite medium for arousal
5. At the moment of climax, stare into Sigil Chink and imagine its token and platform exponentially growing in value.
6. Forget the act and go about your day
7. Note and report your experiences to 4chan

>> No.9688542
File: 9 KB, 216x250, Sigil Link.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In case anyone wants to join and the experience and enjoy a life of wealth.


>> No.9688610
File: 6 KB, 262x192, Zoso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't fucking lecture me about sigils you fucking daytripper. Fuck off with your faux-arcane bullshit and your sophistic vaguery. How dare you sully Magick with your casual toe-dipping you disingenuous cunt.
You're damn fucking lucky that I'm not an alchemist because if my will be done unto the whole of the law I'D KICK YOUR FUCKING PUNK ASS!!

>> No.9688637


linkholders are doomed


AND most importantly


>> No.9688650

why did you (you) me? I'm not a stinky!

>> No.9688660

wrong click

>> No.9688787
File: 146 KB, 447x701, B1C3909B-0846-4928-B83B-E33355057FD3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s goblin types who fancy themselves as master of the universe types but really they’re just druggie weirdos in some weird druggie cult having their strings pulled by an evil pedo cult


>> No.9688919

Mods are in on things.
I got a message saying I was banned when i tried to post, turned out I was just given a warning and there was a message within that warning which just said topkek keep it up.

>> No.9688993

Amazed at the delusion of Linkys
You would think by now some price action would resemble what's in store for the future????

But no, they will have an excuse and reason for every single negative thing about this useless coin. Just admit it, you guys got conned by a professional snake oil salesman

>> No.9689083
File: 566 KB, 1440x2045, 20180531_034104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9689104

Those numbers you see on the posts were used to create the sigil with a kameas square. The numbers are used to translate the name of something into a pattern (sigil).
I'll give you a clue, that sigil doesn't say chainlink in the pattern...

>> No.9689232

How do I join the order of Delphi?

>> No.9689273

Linkies get funnier every month
seriously though you guys need to stfu and gtfo with this retarded bullshit

>> No.9689329
File: 744 KB, 1020x1020, 988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to call myself a wizard.

>> No.9689438

Somehow nothing on /biz makes me cringe except this HODL shit.
Now I see you as a faggot until proven otherwise.

>> No.9689531

hey, uhhh

>> No.9689586


>> No.9689826


More than one. Time to fap to the sigil again soon

>> No.9689902


Kameas = Magic squares, special ones with astrological significance. You use some method to determine which points to use as nodes, then connect them with lines. The whole convoluted process basically just creates a kind of program in the collective consciousness of everything (to grossly over simplify), which is then charged with energy or life force via something like meditation or sex magic.

Non sorcerers aren't gonna make it.

>> No.9689929

That shit doesn't say chainlink. I posted it on paranormal and they redpilled me.
Take your sigil out of biz.

>> No.9689938
File: 8 KB, 243x208, 7081B57C-9547-4C8A-A590-8E1A8807D912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I have never bought link but enjoy memes
Keep it up frens

>> No.9690320
File: 143 KB, 1252x1252, 1524655981861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


get off my board shill