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9687294 No.9687294 [Reply] [Original]

Day 7 nofap

>> No.9687434

Just wank you retard.

>> No.9687447

nofap is for guys that have the T of women. Just switch genders and get it over with, faggot

>> No.9687451

Day 7 is the day you fap for maximum test gains.

Do it, you have my blessing. Just no porn.

>> No.9687459

enjoy your prostatitis

>> No.9687484

Stay strong, it'll be even harder later.

Brainwashed weaklings.

>> No.9687500

>nofap cuck from plebbit

>> No.9687541

Keep going, you will notice the gains easy enough, no worries!

Stay strong, and don't listen to these know it all cuckboys that are probably fedora tippin incel virgins acting big on an anon forum.

>> No.9687601

You do realize that by not fapping you’re training your body to reduce its semen and testosterone production in response to it no longer needing to continually replenish the semen and testorone lost through sex or masturbation, right? Our bodies work on a use it or lose basis and if your body is told that it no longer needs something, you bet that it’s going to put less resources into maintaining it when it has other places resources can go. You exercise your muscles to use them so that your body doesn’t let you lose your gains by not using them afterall.

>> No.9687637

Penis isn't a muscle. Testosterone and libido can be raised through diet and exercise.

>> No.9687665

>You do realize that by not fapping you’re training your body to reduce its semen and testosterone production

even if i'm a 20+ virgin I confirm that my voice has become thicker like a 30 year old man after regular masturbation

>> No.9687668

>Penis is not a muscle
What is it then doc?

>> No.9687708
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>> No.9687715
File: 39 KB, 220x244, CB509A97-8E97-498D-9E68-52CE9FFF3956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fapping creates muscular imbalance which throws your whole body off and eventually causes you to be sick and die. Not fapping leads to misery because you're a kissless virgin that's hated by women because you're unwilling to be her personal toy. Pick your poison, but ultimately understand that the selfishness and hypocrisy of women and society are the root of all problems in the world.

>> No.9687728
File: 199 KB, 530x547, 0ae0e761e0e9345cfc65d86e21e6060d8de4776e0e0a82c4de9374722ddc763d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What relevance does this thread have on /biz/?

>> No.9687731

No fap is for salty virgin fuckboys as a way of denying the fact that they can't get pussy. Like...how many times r u fuckers jerkin off to have to completely give it up because it's affecting your life....are u wankin it 24/7 Jesus christ

>> No.9687738


it's a collection of blood vessels and sacs that inflate or deflate. the muscles are right at the base of the penis, basically the area people call the root chakra/work out with kegels.

>thinking your penis has muscles in it
try and flex your penis flaccid, go ahead

>> No.9687747

>nofap because reasons
>dramatically increase risk for prostate cancer
don't be dumb senpai - just quit porn

>> No.9687756

While you can also raise testorone and libido levels through diet and exercise, your penis and reproductive system is going to suffer if you don’t use it at some regular interval. Regular masturbation isn’t even that hard, and when you combine it with proper diet and exercise, your sex drive will be a lot further than going without masturbation as though it’s some kind of snake oil solution to all your body issues like those on those in on nofap will present it as.

>> No.9687760

That's due to your genes and environment, faggot. I'm 30 and have regularly fapped since 13 but I sound like I'm 15. Look up epigenetics. Genes alter the way they express themselves based on what your body is exposed to. If you have mediocre genes but you're constantly exposed to support, care, love, you'll be a rich chad millionaire while the guy with the best genes in the world dies a painful death and no one attends his funeral because he was a dumb ugly faggot.

>> No.9687761

I wanna do nofap just to see what the fuss is all about. it's out of curiousity more than anything. But of course if I'm gonna do it, I am gonna do it for a while. couple weeks at least. otherwise, i don't think i'll notice any difference at all

>> No.9687767
File: 174 KB, 649x864, F5FDDC0C4F5A4D0EAD05ED21A1769C57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>his penis muscles are so underdeveloped that he can't even flex his dong

Im sorry for you

>> No.9687773

When you've masturbated 3-5 times a day and taken drugs over the years with lack of sleep, it catches up to you. Porn and masturbating is the problem. It's very unnatural and tricks your reward system. It fucked me up and I still suffer from it. Buy some NAC if you can't fight the addiction. One day at a time until you don't think about it and after months your reward system will begin processing like normal.

>> No.9687845

>That's due to your genes and environment, faggot.
this could be one of the reasons but you can't deny that masturbation didn't affected me

>> No.9687884

Wow, good motivation! I am going to keep nofapping and find a girl like her in real life! Thanks, anon!

>> No.9687889

Read all of these

>> No.9688612


>> No.9688643
File: 9 KB, 216x250, Sigil Link.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Change your life and those of your friends and family by loaning your fap dedicated to this sigil.

Wap and stare at the moment of orgasm

>> No.9688655
File: 85 KB, 630x767, _1lXWd_uln9I7kOL37Auf3_DjjczA3pf2DpDW4PwB88.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

day 32 of no fap.

>> No.9688657
File: 101 KB, 725x1024, 1524448903777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9688691

just fucking wank you retard
nofap is a meme
if you feel like you have no energy because of fapping just fap in the evening than take a shower and get comfy

>> No.9688694
File: 33 KB, 856x647, bizplease.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
