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9685823 No.9685823 [Reply] [Original]

is solar power a good long term investment?
seems like the earlier you get it the better, of course there could be better panel effeciency later.
maybe even starting out small around the yard and just adding more panels.
maybe even mine.

>> No.9686236

does anyone here HAVE solar power?

>> No.9686278

It really isn't an investment. Best you can hope for is a lot of tax breaks that make your electric bill cheaper every month.

>> No.9686293
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>> No.9686303

full solar here. its totally fucking awesome you can get great panels cheap, low cost inverters, and go off grid with batteries if you got an extra few g or go grid tie if you want always full power. Im off grid and whole system paid for itself in less than a year using my neighbors monthly bill as reference. BUT BUT BUT when it rains for a month and batteries are low it SUCKS gotta have a bu generator or hook up your truck to charge the batteries. All in all Ive been full solar for years and it is beyond fantastic, but the 4th week of month long rain is rough. Get AGM batteries not lead acid or lithium.

>> No.9686331

did you go all in at the start?
how much initial investment, where do you live and where did the panels go?

>> No.9686338


AGM batteries are lead acid.

>> No.9686356

Alol whatever dude you buy lead acid and ill buy AGM. when I say lead acid I mean golf cart/trojan style deep cycle add distilled water. when I say AGM I mean absorbed glass mat batteries.

>> No.9686380
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Just because they are sealed and have glass mats doesn't change that they are lead acid.

I personally would build a diy Lithium powerwall if I was going the battery route. But what I said is true, this is not an investment. But for freedom from the utility and power whenever, I think the cost is worth it.

>> No.9686389

cowoker told me this story and I was holding in the biggest laugh

>wanted solar panels to save on energy cost
>The only solar panel dealers in my city require a credit score above a certain level to even consider selling some to you
>she did not meet the criteria but thought maybe there was one thing she could do...
>decides to write Elon Musk a letter telling him about her situation and begging for a chance to buy solar panels
>mails out the letter and is patiently waiting for her reply

>> No.9686401

Start out with a grid tie and micro inverters , do not spend too much on mounting. If I could do it over I would get 325w panels , start with 4 panels and work your way up, with the micro inverters setup it allows you to build from there.

You'll be able to track your output and run the numbers to see what your ROI will be in xyears for x panels. Most of the time it takes about 8 years to break even.

>> No.9686410

my first setup was small 500 watts 2kwh of batts for a cabin. Now I run 2500 watts up to 80 amps at 24volts with 16kwh of batteries. I got great deals from sunelec for the panels and an old freind for the batts cheap All in under 3k for my current setup. neighbors bill is 250-300 a month from local pwer co. You could do an even bigger grid tie setup for the same budget cause you dont need batteries. check your power bill for kwh to calc panels needed then look up sunelec to source the best deals on panels

>> No.9686430

alot of getting solar to work fantastic for me was powering down my kwh burn rate simple things like efficient appliances fans and light bulbs

>> No.9686460

if it fuckiong makes money its an investment. from the way you talk you have never had any solar system let alone years of actual usage experience. Ignore the 8 year payback fools who buy from tesla they are actual retards. Look up sunelec, they are the best supplier in the world. Thats how I build solar systems that MAKE money

>> No.9686481

Solar is like a sending a probe to Proxima Centauri - you always have the choice between sending one now and sending a faster one later.

>> No.9686513

>>968648in the real world of actually running solar the panels are still monocrystal like they have been for years and the best deal are still at sunelec like its been for years. Dont beleive the tesla powerwall ripoffs and solar roof guys they are full of shit money grubs. Its so easy to install and so cheap to buy I dont get why anyone pays a power bill unless they live in the far north. grid tie is a good way to start but you will still have a small bill. if you want no bill ever again go off grid with batts