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9684639 No.9684639 [Reply] [Original]

Hi guys just lookin for a bit of advice. I work in construction and just started on a new site with over 100 other guys. Last week my boss referred to me as FUCKY, hoping it was just his humor I let it slide until the day after he said it again catching me off guard. Now everyone onsite is calling me FUCKY. I'm not a Manlet but I also don't like confrontation. How do I stop people calling me FUCKY without coming across as a baby or getting aggressive as I need my job and to be honest I'm quite intimidated by the other guys onsite.
Help Me Plz

>> No.9684654


Harrassment only applies to blacks and women

>> No.9684678

You're being accept as one of the worksite bros. Enjoy it. Its when they start talking behind your back like women do that you need to worry. This is how men bond, its like hazing. Call him a name back and report back to us.

>> No.9684685

manrape him in front of the crew

>> No.9684690

You work on site, stop being a fucking bitch and take the banter. Fucky isn't even a bad name.

>> No.9684721

easy peasy just make up new insulting names for them that are a lil out of their zone or in their face if they are dumb. do a good one for your boss that is a double blade like cap or money. call him money and then get him used to it and you can bust his balls for a raise easy. Find the smallest dude and call him giant shit like that. call the fat guy 'bones' call the poorest guy ritchie and get others to use YOUR made names. shortly enough your names for them become used if they are funny and FUCKY starts to run shit in the heads and that means runs shit for rills

>> No.9684734

Record it on phone audio once. Then ask him to stop it. And also record this request and his response. Don’t do anything yet... then ask again. Record it again. Based on what material you have assess a lawsuit or just threaten that you have the recording and he better shape up or he will be fucked. (He will change trust me)

>> No.9684753


>This guy records

>> No.9684771

Probably fake but

I know the feel. Even tho they are just jokes some of us take it personally. That and when I was high I wouldn't be able to come up with a name or diss back fast enough. So I would look lame

The only way to stop it is banter back. Make names for them now so you have ammo for work. If you say pls stop you'll come off as an uptight bitch.

>> No.9684780

That's a good way to get beat up

>> No.9684789

I've worked in construction for years (framing, drywall, glazing mostly). I've heard "FUCKY" before and it's sort of like a Fuckhead + Baby i guess, so they're calling you a whiny bitch basically, did you say or do something that could have been seen as pathetic? or complain unnecessarily? or ask too many stupid questions?

You have to remember that most guys on construction sites are not very intelligent or introspective, they're mostly just simple men who are there to earn a paycheck and then go home and eat a big meal, spend time with their family, fuck their wife, go to bed, and repeat it all the next day for the next 30 years.

Just keep your mouth shut, don't whine, don't complain, don't ask dumb/pathetic questions. Sometimes it's better to learn by observing or just google something if you don't know. Asking too many "innocent questions" on a construction site will get you labled as a fucky right quick.

Toughen up, do your job, try to "one of the guys" as much as possible. If you can't cut it then quit but don't cause any trouble. Personally I've never had a problem and when i first started in the industry I was a meek little bitch but I learned fast that if I wanted to make the big bucks I'd have to get my shit together so thats what i did.

>> No.9684815

call everyone faggot.
even if they dont call you fucky.
even if they like you and respect you.
call them faggot.
never fails.
in the end, you're not the one being called faggot.
you still might be called fucky.

>> No.9684818

Miss, this must be the first time you've worked with men. Crude nicknames are just a form of male bonding. Pick the guys that call you fucky and come up with offensive knicknames for them too. That's how this works.

"Hey fucky..."
"Whatcha need faggot?"

That's how men work.

>> No.9684821

i rest my case.

>> No.9684823
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You're not a fucking woman. Take it like a man and come up with a comeback you fucking pussy. God fucking damnit, I swear there must be estrogen in the water nowadays.

>> No.9684855

See? This faggot knows what's up.
Now we're friends, and we go get a beer and go watch sportsball while bitching about our cunt wifes.

>> No.9684864

like the true faggots we are
sup faggot!

>> No.9684877

You look like shit, bro. You catch the negroball game last weekend?


>> No.9684883

Respect to you, Anon, for taking the time to help out OP

>> No.9684890

Go to HR anon. No one should be treated like that

>> No.9684891

Say hey fuckface eat my dick
No lie had a employee blow smoke in my face today he omost died

>> No.9684906

What if you don't like hurting other people's feelings guys?

>> No.9684925

get a load of these faggots

>> No.9684930

Op sounds like a pathetic bitch

Just KYS bro

Another limp wristed beta


Nice Larp, clearly a women

>> No.9684939

HR on a construction site? Nice one Fucky junior

>> No.9684941

That means they don't respect you.

>> No.9684954

Nice one gaylord

>> No.9684956

Your life is going to be pretty terrible, sorry. Learn to take a punch, or learn to stay miserable. Everything costs something.

>> No.9685001

I know how this goes.

First, off don't take it personally. This is how some people bond. And "fucky" doesn't even sound like that bad of an insult to me.

But yeah, this really comes down to developing better social skills and a bit more confidence. Banter is a skill, and you will only get better with practice. Right now, you probably have a somewhat autistic personality and have no clue how to respond to any sort of conversation that isn't very straightforward. I'm much the same way.

You don't have to engage in as much banter as the other guys do. But every once in a while, you should throw something back, even if it's a simple "fuck you".

>> No.9685023

It's construction with men,I don't think taking it further to HR or anything like that is the answer. The last thing I want is to be a whining bitch and I'm not proud of having to ask an anonymous board for advice.
Calling other people names isn't my style, I know I can fight better than majority of guys but I seriously hate confrontation. Should I just laugh it off or turn on someone and risk it all, look like a baby and possibly lose my job. I'm stuck, I'm not happy with either outcome.
Maybe I'm not cut out for construction.

>> No.9685026

This guy gets the banter

>> No.9685063

I'd wait for some new guy to ask so why do they call you fucky anyway?

Then just reply in an asian accent, "Cuz I Fucky yo mom last night"

>> No.9685077

don't freak out and dont take it personal. its just normal blue collar banter. Learn to laugh at your self and make sure to give your boss shit when you get the chance

>> No.9685116

Thanks I'll try, this environment is just a little out of my comfort zone.

>> No.9685134

thats the only way to grow my man
only way to learn to be confrontational is to put your self in an environment where you must

>> No.9685149

It's hard for us to say if the problem is you or the environment.

Maybe your best option is to find a different job in a different environment. If you fit in better in a different setting, then maybe blue collar work isn't the right fit for you.

But if you find yourself also getting mistreated in a completely different setting, then there is a high probability that something is off with your personality.

>> No.9685164

This is so true.

In my late teens I worked a job with a bunch of deadbeat assholes. I took their shit for a long time, then I finally learned how to put them in their place. Taught me some good lessons about how to stand up to bullies.

>> No.9685172

I'd say this, def don't take it personally they're basically testing you to see if they can get to you so don't let it get to you and eventually you'll get a better nickname

>> No.9685193

Yeah like fuckboy or dicknose.
“Hey dicknose, pass me that drill” and then you reply “No worries cuntlips”

>> No.9685216
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>Asking too many "innocent questions" on a construction site will get you labled as a fucky right quick.
well maybe if they could explain themselves intelligibly I wouldn't ask so many questions, fukcing construction monkeys I swear, I hated every single minute I work framing. that was years ago and I'm still salty, fucking pricks.

>> No.9685227

Maybe you should have stuck with making gay porns instead of trying to talk to actual non poofters

>> No.9685262

yeah anon, call him a nigger faggot and report back to us ;^)

>> No.9685269
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enjoy breaking your back loser. I made more in crypto than you'll ever do nailing studs.

>> No.9685302

>he got paid to “Nail Studs”
Gay boy detected

>> No.9685321

Not to mention you’re probably lacking vitamin d (not the dick kind obviously) and built like a 16 year old transgender. What’s the point of having money if you’re still just a gaylord?

>> No.9685353
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>> No.9685437

He obviously missed out of the CoinMetro ico and is salty as fuck looking to make a quick million from a lawsuit..
Salty burgers..