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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 15 KB, 688x292, cad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
968403 No.968403 [Reply] [Original]

why is my dollar sucking dick?

>> No.968406

What the fuck? How long have I been asleep?

>> No.968413

Your largest export is Oil and the US buys all of it. Crude is low 40s. When oil is priced in US dollars and we are your sole trade partner, falling oil is a direct pairs comparison of your currency to USD.

If you really want to have fun, overlay a CAD/USD graph with the price of oil.

>> No.968414
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Because we elected a fucking retarded drama teacher faggot with no knowledge of economics.

pic related lmao

>> No.968423

uhhhh don't you know it's 2015?

>> No.968424


its all the fucking pakis and chinks who voted for him

>> No.968428
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>its all the fucking pakis and chinks who voted for him

More like the liberalkuks who thought he was going to legalize weed immediately and hand it out to everyone.

>> No.968429

why is the price of oil sucking dick?

>> No.968433

>blames a guy who literally was elected a few weeks ago for problems that started 2 years ago.
Let me guess, you're still holding big oil stocks? Kekkekek...commodity cycles are 10-15 years, enjoy the ride. The last best time to reorganize economy towards more knowledge based areas was 15 years ago. The 2nd next time is NOW.

>> No.968436

Oversupply caused by American shale.
Slowdown in global trade.
Saudis and OPEC keeping production steady.

Its on the margin what matters.

>> No.968440
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>>blames a guy who literally was elected a few weeks ago for problems that started 2 years ago

>Huge unemployment in Canada overall, getting worse and worse
>We need to bring more people who don't speak the language, have no skills and will produce nothing to our country, as quickly as possible, 25k within 35 days MUST be here

>Cabinet dedicated to being as diverse as possible rather than the most qualified people in the country

>Literally got into his position because of nepotism and because of "le weed and cute hair"

>Sucks Chinese's dick as much as possible

>> No.968447
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If you want to talk in memes, you belong on

>> No.968449
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What memes did I say?

They are all legitimate concerns... Bringing in a bunch of refugees as fast as humanly possible even when a majority of the country thinks we should slow down is a good way to not get re-elected.

Diversifying cabinet over meritocracy is ridiculous.

>Literally a highschool Drama teacher
Gee I wonder how he got in if not for nepotism, I'm not sure being a teacher qualifies you to run a g7/8 country.

>> No.968472

You completely side stepped the fact that the economy is heavily dependent on oil exports, and weed man had nothing to do with the way its organized. There were some attempts to reform - e.g. turn Ontario towards solar energy and become a leader in that field but it was too little too late. The politicians made an all in bet on big oil and it all unraveled now. Oops.

Its easy to say "the economys shit and there are no good jobs", but its a bit harder to understand why its like that without spouting memes out of your ass.

The other things you mentioned are non-issues. 25k refugees will cost money and I'd rather get 25k PhDs and entrepreneurs, but its a drop in the bucket. The real concern here is properly screening them for terrorists/etc.. The fact that Trudeau was not in politics before is a good thing - same types of people got elected in Iceland and they managed to clear a lot of corruption and shit up.

>> No.968473

Same reason ours is.
Commodities, energy.
Even New Zealand has a higher DV than Australia now.
Like Tyrion said there must be a lot of money in cheese?

>> No.968507


>> No.968513

I feel it's in a better position than the AUD. Our welfare state doesn't pay out as much, wages are lower, so more opportunities for business, and we're actually close to the rest of the developed world,so people don't have to pay up their ass for travel to an isolated shithole. Our proximity to the US should steal business from the US.

>> No.968529
File: 399 KB, 1440x1080, UofT students.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The fact that Trudeau was not in politics before is a good thing - same types of people got elected in Iceland and they managed to clear a lot of corruption and shit up

>Literally electing someone without any formal education or experience related to one of the most important positions in government
>A good idea
Nigga what?

>The politicians made an all in bet on big oil and it all unraveled now. Oops.

I know but the retarded things he keeps making commitments to implement every week are only making it worse and worse. Canada is completely fucked in a few years, this meme man has no plan and no idea on how to fix it.

>25k refugees will cost money and I'd rather get 25k PhDs and entrepreneurs, but its a drop in the bucket. The real concern here is properly screening them for terrorists/etc

Yes and it's impossible to properly screen 25k people in a little over a month, especially when some of them say "Opps i lost my ID but trust me bro I'm not ISIS", in addition to all the other screenings of immigrants they have to do.
These will 90% be permanent people leeching social security money and never contributing anything back.

Dozens of memes say that "Young Canadians struggling to find jobs after graduation, high costs of living, housing market is fucked and no one except millionaires can afford houses", yet plopping people from an entirely different part of the world who can't speak English well if at all will somehow be able to get jobs.

Canada is really fucked and it's best to pack up things and leave this memeland

>> No.968533

It's just a return to the natural order

>> No.968537

commodity economy

>> No.968556

>Canada is really fucked and it's best to pack up things and leave this memeland
Literally what country isn't a fucked up memeland in 2015?

>> No.968561


All countries are fucked up memelands ;-;

I just hope I can get a good job offer in Switzerland when I graduate and hopefully live there for the rest of my life.

>> No.968565
File: 41 KB, 660x367, euro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally meme-tier currency

>> No.968614

Oil prices are down and our country doesnt make anything cool.

We dont have any home grown car companies, we dont have any huge tech companies. We are completely reliant on oil and agriculture.

>> No.968620

Dude, Trudeau is garbage, but he's not the cause of the shitty dollar.

>> No.968635
File: 16 KB, 500x450, 1402356560582.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Canada is rapidly heading towards economic disaster, it pretty fucking embarrassing how bad it is when you compare it the USA. You know shit is fucked when engineering grads and nurses can't even find jobs

>> No.968656

But the entertainment business is booming

>> No.968660

>You know shit is fucked when engineering grads and nurses can't even find jobs

It's really not that bad. Almost every engineer major I know had a pretty decent internship during university and a job offer or two upon graduation.

But really staying in Canada is dumb when you could live a much better life(living expenses and salary wise) in pretty much any other country.

The ratio of Salaries:Living expenses in Canada is absolute shit. You'd be better off living in Peru or something, at least you'd afford more things.

>> No.968706

>at least you'd afford more things.
subjective since almost all the good shit is imported from outside the continent and taxed out the ass.

>> No.968764

>turn Ontario towards solar energy and become a leader in that field

It was a stupid fucking idea from the start. Solar is not competitive, generating solar power loses money, you then must charge more for electricity or tax the fuck out of people to subsidize it because all industry will run the fuck away from your overpriced power killing your economy.

The fact that you even consider the clusterfuck that has been green energy in every district it has been tried as even possibly successful shows how fucking stupid you are.

The 25k refugees are slated to cost 1.2 billion btw, with 500k of that spent in ads to sway public opinion.

>> No.968776

>The 25k refugees are slated to cost 1.2 billion btw, with 500k of that spent in ads to sway public opinion.

Will probably cost more knowing Canada, and that's not including the costs of the inevitable suicidebombings they're going to commit.

>> No.968783

Just curious, how much were their salaries ?

I find what is really killing me is the housing market, unless you got in early it just makes more sense to rent instead of stretching yourself out too thin.

>people buying tiny shitty condos with hundreds of dollars in monthly maintenance fees

>> No.968786

>Just curious, how much were their salaries ?

~50-60k/yr is pretty much average depending on school and how well you networked/internships, etc.

Just go to a decent school, study hard for a major that isn't retarded, try to do co-op/workstudy whatever as much as you can and you'll make great money. Nothing really much more to it.

>> No.968794

>solar is not competitive
The Chinese and the Koreans especially are making a ton of money selling solar panels all over the world.
>implying gas/coal/nuclear did not require massive subsidies at the start

Kid you can just say "I'm angry with foreigners and feel neglected by my government since its not providing me neetbux" and I'll understand.

>> No.968796

I can't speak for engineering

But if you go to a college/university you will find the majority of women are studying for teaching or nursing , or something closely related to those two.

is it any wonder why there is a glut of people looking for those jobs ?
Seems like every year thousands of students are ready to be RN's for only a few hundred positions.

I work FT in retail, and there are lots of PT workers there too. I know of at least 3 girls that are looking for teaching jobs

>my gf wants to be a teacher too
but she is willing to move practically anywhere for it

>> No.968798

Shit, I make 50k a year in northern minnesota with no education at all. Machine shop.

>> No.968799

The real cost will be incalculable but even the govt estimate should be enough to make people realize this has a cost and it will be paid from their taxes.

It's flawless logic until I remember socialists pay no or next to no taxes because their mostly comprised of students, children, or liberal arts graduates.

If I had not been drinking I wouldn't have bothered with any of this.

>> No.968800
File: 46 KB, 620x513, Antonio-Lopez-Chaj_1756453a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I find what is really killing me is the housing market, unless you got in early it just makes more sense to rent instead of stretching yourself out too thin.

Renting, ESPECIALLY IN CANADA is a MUCH better choice in terms of comfort, financially and well anything really.

When you take into account how much money that nice downpayment could be earning you in an index fund, how much you'll save on maintenance(both money AND time), flexibility to just leave when lease is over, not having to pay property taxes it is much better to rent than to purchase a house.

Goyim say "If you're paying rent you're throwing money away!" And yes that's true but so is your opportunity cost and interest on your mortgage.

>> No.968801

>Shit, I make 50k a year in northern minnesota with no education at all. Machine shop.

Yes but you don't have much growth from there.

Whereas they will grow to ~100k and possibly exceed it in a few years.

>> No.968802

Does it make sense to be planning on moving to America at this point or is there even a slight chance that things may turn around?

I have family there and my Dad has American citizenship after marrying an American.

>> No.968808

I'm honestly more uspet about how much teachers get paid..

Such a whiny group of people.
They beat the drum about "for the children!" and "smaller class sizes"
Even though for the last decade enrollement has pretty much stayed flat, if anything its down slightly.
Number of teachers or FTE has pretty much stayed the same too

Yet the budget over the same period has BALLOONED

>Goyim say "If you're paying rent you're throwing money away!" And yes that's true but so is your opportunity cost and interest on your mortgage.
Yeah I hear this all the time too.

>b-b-b-but equity!
Yeah but you're spending nearly 1,000+ more per month over renting to build this equity

Maybe if you have a family I can understand the idea of having a house, but if you're single or its just your and your gf/wife then keep renting and save that money.

>> No.968812

>selling solar panels

Yea selling them to retarded jurisdictions like Ontario that guarantee 20 year rates above market value for green electricity generation. I would be buying solar panels too if the govt was guaranteeing me a 20% return on my investment.

Coal and nuke took money to get off the ground, as in to build the first plant and prove it worked and could be done economically. We aren't building fucking solar panels here, we know the economics of them and we know it's fucking stupid to put them up.

Let's do a test here. How much does power cost in Ontario compared to every other comparable province or state 6 years after their green energy act?

>> No.968815

>The real cost will be incalculable but even the govt estimate should be enough to make people realize this has a cost and it will be paid from their taxes.


I really don't understand why people wake up thinking "Hmmm ok we have a bit of a homeless problem, actual Canadians are kind of struggling, we're shoveling in trillions of immigrants every month, our young graduates are struggling to find decent employment and are actually leaving our country because it's so fucking shit... but you know what, why don't we help some poor Syrian men, brilliant Trudeau Jr!"

Fuck this shithole man, I can't wait until Canada crumbles and these faggots try to cover up that Little Ahmed and Muhammed-aladir blew up half of Toronto

>> No.968819

>I'm honestly more uspet about how much teachers get paid..
>Such a whiny group of people.
>They beat the drum about "for the children!" and "smaller class sizes"

Teachers should be gassed. Worthless, stupid faggots.

>> No.968826

nah, I just feel they already get paid enough as it is.

Sure they put in close to 60 hours a week during the school year, but they get all that time off.
After 10 years if you do your personal development stuff you can reach 90K and then of course your retirement can last longer than your actual teaching career too.

Nah man, when you as an individual make much more than a typical family, I think thats more than enough.
>every school boards budget is gobbled up by teacher compensation/benefits/pensions

>> No.968828

>Nah man, when you as an individual make much more than a typical family, I think thats more than enough.

They don't do shit though...

Photocopying pre-made worksheets, giving textbook questions and using an answerkey isn't hard work that deserves whatever amount they earn of our taxmoney.

We might as well just use websites to learn instead of highschool, at least our shekels can go to something useful like helping Syrian refugees start an ISIS sect in Toronto to kill all of the infidels.

>> No.968830

>I'm honestly more uspet about how much teachers get paid..

It shows the power of votes.

They have enough un and under employed teachers to replace all of them twice over but don't dare. Imagine if someone could mobilize and unite the people who don't bother to vote. They could shape the country.

>> No.968841

Machine shop supervisors make about 80K a year. I am guessing the boss pulls in about 150k a year. They just moved up through the company.

>> No.968843

Don't know why my ID changed.

>> No.968845

your mom's pussy changed after i fucked it hard

>> No.968851

Enjoy your aids.

>> No.968853

i already had it faam, outplayed once again my good goy.

>> No.968866
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Mom wants to see you again. She loves the way u eat her pussy.

>> No.968872
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ayye ee baby im coming rn

>> No.968926


You should go for a gated community in Turkey.

>> No.968927

>Unironically CHOOSING to live anywhere near Turks

No thanks phaaam

>> No.969013
File: 10 KB, 571x247, whydidnt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.969107

So were the coliseums during the end of the west roman empire.