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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 162 KB, 1255x381, 1516472512130.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9681725 No.9681725 [Reply] [Original]

The ascendancy of Chainlink on /biz/ has been likened to the ascendancy of Trump on /pol/ in past threads, but I'm beginning to notice even more similarities, specifically, Chainlink FUD on /biz/ post simplified mainnet is beginning to remind me of the CTR attacks on /pol/ after the primaries.

During the primaries there were tons of great Trump memes, the LARPs were entertaining / occasionally convincing, and the discussions were always interesting. However, once Trump won the primaries and the general election began, everything suddenly turned to shit. Every thread would get derailed, CTR would spam garbage, and overall it made the whole shitposting experience far less enjoyable. Inevitably and unsurprisingly, Trump of course won.

Ever since Chainlink's simplified mainnet went live I've noticed the same trend. Chainlink threads are constantly derailed, there's rampant FUD, and the quality of memes have taken a nose dive. You can't just have a discussion about Chainlink. Being here isn't fun anymore, it's a constant struggle to counter misinformation.

This push back against Chainlink on /biz/ is happening for the same reason it happened to Trump on /pol/: we're clearly going to win. This is a final push to demoralize you and to get you to sell your bags.

Do not give in.

>> No.9681737

What’s up with the new mainnet 2019 FUD? Haven’t been on biz in a week.

>> No.9681753

Link has meme power

>> No.9681782
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>> No.9681868


Someone made up figures from the pivotal tracker and "calculated" that at the rate items are being completed/added we should expect mainnet to be out in 2019. It's effective because the figures are made up and it isn't saying that Chainlink will fail, just that you're going to have to wait another year (so you should probably sell).

However, if you actually go on the pivotal tracker they're clearly completing far more items per week than what was cited. OP cites five items on average per week, but it's actually more like 12-20 per week.

>> No.9681932
File: 468 KB, 730x860, 1525071306205.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is the hurry ?
You don't want the mainnet launched in a bear market.

>> No.9682140


The success of Chainlink isn't dependent on regular people buying it, it's dependent on large industries adopting it and staking their holdings on nodes. This won't happen until mainnet launch, so yes, I'd like it to happen sooner rather than later.

>> No.9682220

>Where is the hurry ?


>> No.9682223
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Chainlink = Trump?

So then Chainlink is a jewish scam?


>> No.9682237
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Based on calculations I came up with March 19 for main net.

>> No.9682255

>haven't been on in a week
Betcha go outside too huh faggot?

>> No.9682260

In the last month biz has completely collapsed into shit. None of the threads are funny or interesting. The shitty LINK threads are a symptom

>> No.9682283

CIA physop or by some other (((Them))) entity to get us to sell our linkies

>> No.9682317

I hardly visit biz these days
Hold a small stack of link, but at this point Im generally apathetic to crypto. I dont have the urge tp trade or buy.
All the money Ive invested is already lost in my mind

>> No.9682329


>> No.9682331

We actually had a decent one today discussing token economics. Which I think is pretty good for this board.

>> No.9682334

Spare me your diary entries, Rebecca.

>> No.9682362
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Only took 3 months from alpha node to test node.
They work very fast.
Mainnet should be out before eoy 2018 at least.

>> No.9682369

test net i meant.

>> No.9682379

are you new?
literally all the fud is holders here fucking with each other to pass the time
there are 100-250 total regular and semi regular bizraelis
nobody cares about here

>> No.9682382


>> No.9682400

link it pls

>> No.9682401

what link means for the smartcontract use case will be what brings about the next bull, so this is irrelevant

>> No.9682406

Stop profiling me pajeet.

>> No.9682407
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Simplest math - 125 pivotal tasks / 10 tasks a week = 12.5 weeks at best or 3 months for main net....that is if they don't add any new tasks to icebox

>> No.9682470

Which takes us to September - which several anons (and possibly Assblaster) indicated a while ago was a significant month. Whether the European Financial/Banking Directive thing PS2D-whatever plays a part in that I don't know, but that kicks off then too.

>> No.9682514

Agreed. The singularity will be good for everyone, even the stupid nolinkies.

>> No.9682568


>> No.9682587

Around half the thread is when it starts getting a bit more serious.

>> No.9682687

using drumpf to shill to retard newfags
keep trying but no one is buying your bags

>> No.9682760

I have around 13k Linkies that I picked up above 1 dollar usd. I'm hyper depressed and unsure about it all.

>> No.9682780

FAT FAT FAT you faggots trust a FAT fuck with your money? enjoy your bags. i'd trust a pajeet over a FAT fuck

>> No.9682798
File: 401 KB, 582x960, 59EE7B14-6E47-412C-AFC6-54235FAEB37B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m not fucking selling!

>> No.9682824

Nothing wrong with holding for a year anyway, it’s an honour to hold link.

>> No.9682902

I'd hit that so harddddd

>> No.9682965
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>> No.9683309
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>> No.9683341

10/10 bong woman. That picture is so sexy for some reason.

>> No.9683354


>> No.9683506
File: 241 KB, 599x456, C1rCKrE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've already won. Many people will sell and continue to sell the longer they read the FUD that is constantly posted on here. Even if you don't visit here often or read these threads anymore, you still won't make it as your subconcious is back there telling you are poor and deserve to be as such.

But, I'm hear to tell you guys that if you can walk alongside your subconscious and persuade it that you are wealthy, you are financially abundant, you are affluent, you deserved your wealth, your oppurtunities. you deserved all of it and you are living with it for the rest of your life. You're subconscious will agree.

And where there is a willing conscious AND subconscious, there is reality.

>> No.9683520

This may not actually be FUD, the consensus and reputation systems the team wants to implement for ChainLink are pretty complex, and a lot of components haven't been done before. They might be able to pull it off this year, but Mainnet 2019 may be a reality :/

>> No.9683526

2022, it’s been confirmed already

>> No.9683534


>> No.9683573
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>> No.9683602
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Last Price
0.00004560 $0.34
24h Change
-0.00000216 -4.52%
24h High
24h Low
24h Volume
59.50 BTC

>> No.9683606
File: 2.27 MB, 1440x1127, Screenshot_20180516-215811~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're all gonna make it

>> No.9683745

1000 anons EOY

>> No.9683793
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>> No.9683796

Its not about accumulation at this point. Something is triggered in their brain that makes them want to FUD. Its a fetish. While they type out the most ridiculous, low-tier FUD with one hand, the other hand is slowly pulling at their small penis. They will spend hours doing this, continually bringing themselves to the edge numerous times. They are the textbook definition of basement dwelling NEETs, so they could do this for days on end, fueled only by Monster, and nobody will question where they are or what they are doing, because nobody loves them or cares about them.

They have gotten to the point that the FUD isn't even as good as it once was. They don't take the time to think hard about it anymore, because they just want to hurry up and post anything to make their little dicks hard.

>> No.9683856

I remember /pol/ in 2016. Images like this posted every hour on the hour, coordinated waves of slide threads - I distinctly remember when that Spirit Cooking video was first posted on /pol/, within an hour at least a dozen threads popped all saying "omg guys Spirit Cooking is just a shill red herring, stop looking into it you fucking idiots". Then there was that "You should just go to sleep..." shit.

That level of aggressive, undisguised psyops wasn't like anything I'd ever seen before - and the shill/fud psyops of /biz/ is a joke in comparison.

>> No.9683993
File: 26 KB, 382x382, 1512105305550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very nice graduation on this meme

>> No.9684020

Like I've said(>>9683506), we've already won.

>> No.9684261

Weren't they scheduled for mainnet Q3?

>> No.9684333

Retard detected

>> No.9684361

ummm we're looking at a 100x here so shut the fuck up

>> No.9684390

More FUD

>> No.9684489


>> No.9684611

the sleepy shareblue/ctr shit was so much more obvious and in your face. the majority of fudders are link holders, fud is getting poor because they are all so bored and have been doing this for months now

>> No.9685049
File: 521 KB, 1080x1524, Screenshot_20180530-214420_CM Browser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad to see this being used. This card was not chosen on accident

>> No.9685061

idk i never expected shit to happen in 2018 though. we went from 700 to 20k...i almost hope mainnet is in 2019 coinciding with a raging bull market. imho they should take their sweet time. i mean please because i got 30 thousand USD into link so id prefer they get it right and ignore you fucks.

>> No.9685072

I've seen you before. I have 30k usd in link as well. We brothers.

>> No.9685080


>the sleepy shareblue/ctr shit was so much more obvious and in your face.

Which is why the Chainlink FUD is that much more pernicious. CTR was easy to spot because they weren't from 4chan- they didn't "get it" and stuck out like sore thumbs as a result. They had to rely on sheer volume. People who FUD Chainlink understand it well (generally) and they blend in here, so it isn't easy to discern what is or isn't FUD if you haven't DYOR.

I agree the quality of FUD has dropped off significantly. Regardless, hearing over and over again that it's a failed project will have a demoralizing effect, even if you know it's nonsense.

>> No.9685195

But yeah CTR trying to keep /biz/ down.

Link is a shitcoin that outlived its five minute pump and dump fame. Now people like you preform crazy mental gymnastics trying to justify your bags. Just in this thread alone someone said they had 30 FUCKING THOUSAND in this. What the fuck is wrong with you retards?

>> No.9685235

They were right though, you were pretty tired.

>> No.9685243

God your life must be pathetic

>> No.9685293

it was speculated to be so, but the team never gave a goal date. I'm a lot more optimistic now that I know they've been working in private repos which is why the number of commits has decreased and they've been working less on the pivotaltracker

>> No.9685308


>Just in this thread alone someone said they had 30 FUCKING THOUSAND in this.

you are poor


lmao teenage girl tier put down

>> No.9685443

I want to believe

>> No.9685531

>OP cites five items on average per week, but it's actually more like 12-20 per week.
So when would this put the mainnet launch? I have a feeling it will be September

>> No.9685556
File: 410 KB, 900x900, 1523916622278.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I had 30 thousand in it

>> No.9685655
File: 65 KB, 506x395, 67A0D1F5-8F89-4552-9114-0A3468A7BB18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My guess is August-September based on the work that still needs to be done and the testing of it. Thanks to the testnet working, it appears as if the hard stuff is done and the main focus now will be front end UIs and some backend to clean it up. I also have no idea if any of this is true and I imagine Rory, Thomas, or Sergey will read this and chuckle at how wrong it is. I also get the github emails that provide updates and they’re constantly working on it. I would bet real money that the mainnet will at least be out before EOY, and all that 2019-2023 FUD is probably nonsense.

>> No.9685692 [DELETED] 


neck urself shlomo

>> No.9685733


There are 117 items left on the tracker. I'm not sure at what rate items are being added but if you assume 15 items per week are completed that puts us at a little under two months until total completion from today, so the beginning of August. September would be a conservative bet if you're assuming more stuff is added along the way, but it isn't even clear that all 117 items will need to be completed to release mainnet so August is still a pretty good bet.

Of course this is just speculation and no one can say for certain, but nothing about progression on the pivotal tracker indicates a 2019 release.

>> No.9685757

This whole 2019 fud has been retarded. Am I imagining things or did the team not previously mention that Q3/4 is the target for mainnet?

>> No.9685783

Brilliant conclusion, you retard. Have you considered burning your money instead? 30 thousand is 30 thousand that could've literally doubled if not tripled with anything not fucking CHAIN LINK lmao.

>> No.9685824

>hurrr some shitcoin mooned while you were holding LINK, thereby making LINK a bad investment

>> No.9685887

>hurrr my shitcoin I'm holding that just keeps going down is a good investment because it isn't a shit coin like those other ones
That's nice and all but LINK is a shit coin too. A shit coin with nothing to prove otherwise. You retards even think it having absolutely no marketing is some 54D chess.

>> No.9685949


I don't recall them ever mentioning a target mainnet release. Sergey mentioned in the December announcement that they were planning on releasing the simplified Go implementation in Q1 2018 and from that a lot of people estimated Q3-4 mainnet.


Was this supposed to really make me think? Because it did.

>> No.9685962

you are a


>> No.9685973
File: 501 KB, 1102x967, bLeQFl1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its really great reading up on these threads. Its a sort of calmness that is unmatched in any other investment opportunity I've seen. I can remember /biz/ 2+ years ago and I can say not even Ethereum really had this sort of serenity, because at the time the only thing we had to base a bull run off of was bitcoins climb to $1000. No other Alt had managed even a small percentage of bitcoins bull run so the FUD then seemed some what legitimate.

Link is really another beast. Those that believe in this tech and that really understand it know that the gem is really here. We all have a decent grasp on the direction of this market, we all know this is the strongest choice for an oracle provider. Its funny because people all around us in this game are looking for the next Ethereum, the next NEO, but us.... We just have our hands up saying "welp, this is it boys. Now we just have to wait."

Never have I seen something like this before. Remember these times anon. Always remember what the sentiment of Link was like before it blew up. Crazy. Absolutely crazy.

>> No.9686009
File: 609 KB, 1387x1020, 1514541142601.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never been more comfy

>> No.9686018

Chainlink shilling is futile. The chainlink shilling has been the worst infestation on this board. The memes are unfunny and gross. I mean we seriously had a bunch of autists ejaculating to a magic sigil the other day. Chainlink is disgusting.

>> No.9686107


Holding Chainlink feels like Christmas Eve night as a child. It's comfy but the feeling of anticipation is tremendous.


If this isn't pasta already it should be.

>> No.9686128

I think part of the reason LINK has such a unique community, is that honestly its actually pretty hard to understand. Even supply chain coins are hard to explain in laymans terms. LINK is solving a philosophical problem in smartcontracts and blockchain. You have to explain the problem and then how LINK fixes it. The people that understand LINK communicate in memes and it all sounds like crazy talk to people around them. Once you realize what LINK does and how crucial it is not much legit fud exists.

>> No.9686147
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>> No.9686207

well, think of it like this.

Someone is into crypto and they hear about /biz/. They already have their portfolio into things they believe are great tech, like NANO or Vechain. They visit the threads about those coins and see people talking about how crypto needs instant transactions, RFID technology to bring physical objects onto the blockchain and they seemed even more enamored with their investments.

Then they keep seeing this blue cube as they refresh their page. First they just ignore it. Eventually they keep seeing all these threads about this blue cube and finally they decide to see what the hype is about and they click on the thread and view it.

Its filled with people spamming ridiculous memes, no talk in sight about the technology aspect of the platform, and people just replying ridiculous things like "1k EOY check these digits."

Now, it would actually be very very dumb for someone to see that and not instantly think "Wow, these people are retarded." So its only logical for them to come up with the conclusion that LINK investors are a cult and the community is cancer. But what they missed was months and months before this stage where the technicals were talked about constantly, the ideas went through a social Darwinism, and people argued and eventually agreed about smart contracts needing a network of decentralized oracles in order to properly facilitate large scale transactions.

They are just viewing that stage where LINK investors are bored out of their minds, spamming shit the pass the time, and FUDding for fun because they already went through the trouble of explaining everything about it. And to a person viewing just that aspect of it, we seem like absolutely crazy fucking schizos.

>> No.9686217
File: 1.86 MB, 330x278, 1074.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh shit, i think im feeling it!
that moment when all the states were turning red.
i still dont know what link does, but im all in

>> No.9686238

i just bought 1k link, what can i expect 3 years from now?

>> No.9686239

Nah there's more. At least 8-10k judging by the amount of LINK wallets

>> No.9686259

realistically about 50,000 to 100k

>> No.9686268

Price speculation is inherently worthless but if you plan on holding onto this token for 3 years I can promise you that you will not be disappointed.

Although faith in your investment cannot be brought onto you by some random Anon on /biz/, it can only come from you, you should without a doubt do yourself a big favor and:
>research smart contracts
>have a good understanding about the oracle problem that Ethereum smart contracts face
>read up on chainlinks whitepaper
>if chainlinks whitepaper bores you, watch videos on Sergey Nazarov talking about Chainlink.

>> No.9686274

You're basically a link historian anon

>> No.9686276

I love this shit cause some absolute ridiculous trolly post comes up, and next thing you know people are citing it as fact. Every single time. It's like, everything is relevant, everything is connected, and we're creating our own stinky reality here. I love all the frens we have gathered together on this thin raft. We have constructed pyramids in honor of our escaping. This is the land where the pharaoh died

>> No.9686300

I'm in a mood to type tonight. Not sure what it is but every once in awhile I get into these moods when I have some free time browsing /biz/.

>> No.9686340

Ohh my sweet summer Rebecca, it's night's like these that make me glad to be your diary.

>> No.9686345


>> No.9686350

I bought in because everyone who is extremely bullish on it has exceptional grammar.

>> No.9686386

This unironically.

>> No.9686390

Very much this.

>> No.9686392

stop it with the schizo shit

>> No.9686395

Is there any economic reason LINK needs a token more than any random protocol? Ie zrx.
I hold way too much LINK but this question bothers me. Why not pay node operators in ETH/monero/BTC/whatever? Why not stake any arbitrary currency choice? Why does it need a token? I get every project has one. But 'because they need it for ICO money' doesn't feel like a satisfying answer

>> No.9686443

comfy af 1k EOY

>> No.9686480


>> No.9686502

It would make sense for the Chainlink team to stick with the token as an economic incentive to keep raising money for their work.

For a personal investor like you or me, the token acts as your access to the network. Its like asking why an arcade uses arcade tokens when they can just accept Fiat. Well, its a bit easier for a costumer to just exchange their fiat for arcade tokens and have the ability to use the arcade machines.

>> No.9686574
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Clever is not a sentence. Drop the period, zeldatard.

>> No.9686612

You should cap your post and post it here for documentation purposes. You know, for the future.

>> No.9686625

Berry inteligent anus

>> No.9686653

Link has a special function called transferAndCall needed for the system to trigger contract logic. Beside that, every contract creator that needs secure data fetched by node operators must pay them with Link, no way around it. You can't use fiat or any other token.

>> No.9686689

you stupid, stupid fucks...

>> No.9686728
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>> No.9686747
File: 13 KB, 240x196, wewe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking hell hahaha

>> No.9686775
File: 70 KB, 500x380, yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking nice
lets make it together

>> No.9686870


At this point I'm just about on the same page as Rebecca

>> No.9686938


This blew my mind, the most accurate post I've seen in months

>> No.9687043

Using the native token to the network allows your network to be immune to the price fluctuations of other crypto.

LINK is a utility token for staking in escrow as an insurance. Paying in cyrpto other than LINK is also subject to other overhead like Gas expenses, transaction fees etc

Also, 30% allocated to the team for R&D allows the Chainlink network to be free of transaction cost as compared to traditional payment processor or data feed system like Visa etc

>> No.9687088

So basically, visualize as often as possible.

>> No.9687191
File: 207 KB, 960x960, E3182AF5-8C6D-4961-934D-DDDA0F2FE54B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kinda bums me out, knowing this is the last great crypto investment before the moons are gone and crypto stabilizes and slowly eats the world.

>> No.9687218

Nice summary of the LINK's history thanks anon upboated

>> No.9687268

I’m balls deep in LINK and still wonder about LINKs price fluctuations during a staking period. Anyone have insight?

>> No.9687287

101k linkies here as well.

>> No.9687402

Lads how much LINK for 5M GDP 2020?

>> No.9687453

Are you baiting? I can't even tell if you people are just pretending to be retarded at this point. By all means, keep posting your mindless drivel - but try to answer my question please.

>> No.9687463

This this this, i have mentioned LINK in a reddit in a couple of sentences and everyone there were replying to me : Explain me this, explain me that, how does it work, how can you reccomend buying something without explaining it to us ? REEEEEEE

Everyone want to have an explanantion, normies cannot DYOR, they just want to hear "hurr partnerships" "hurr next ethereum" "hurr lambos" "mooning"

80% of normies in crypto doesnt even care about the tech and its function and possibilities, all they seek is lambos and moons. They wont get them, because they are chasing PnD. Of course they can make 50x 100x but not 1000x like we are going to make.


>> No.9687618

I'm an almost 100% lurker since /b/ years ago

>> No.9687976

This seriously frightens me. So they will never break out of this no-hype strategy, because its not their plan?!

>> No.9687986

Then please kys and stop bothering us..

>> No.9687996
File: 276 KB, 1066x600, 1489348855725.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

124 delusional replies, JUST

Linkies on their way out to top 300 :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

>> No.9687998

>So they will never break out of this no-hype strategy
They will, once they release the mainnet.

>> No.9688056

They've stated the marketing director hiring will coincide with mainnet launch. So yes, once they have a working product, it will be marketed however the new hire sees fit.

>> No.9688116
File: 9 KB, 216x250, Sigil Link.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone fap to this powerful Chainlink Sigil and at the point of climax/orgasm imagine Chainlink and its associated LINK token exponentially rising at a level that's sustainable for even further growth.

Warning, this is a VERY powerful visualization and collective thought projection technique.

You have been warned but you will feel a great deal different afterwards. Report back your experiences.

>> No.9688141

what do you think of bicoin cash

>> No.9688344


>> No.9688373

Lads serious
how many link for $7M in 5 years?

>> No.9688411

At least 14K LINK

>> No.9688416

And funny enough, I charged the sigil earlier.


>> No.9688427

so... u have 14k

>> No.9688472

more,,, much more

>> No.9688496

well, think of it like this.

Someone is into crypto and they hear about /biz/. They already have their portfolio into things they believe are great tech, like NANO or Vechain. They visit the threads about those coins and see people talking about how crypto needs instant transactions, RFID technology to bring physical objects onto the blockchain and they seemed even more enamored with their investments.

Then they keep seeing this blue cube as they refresh their page. First they just ignore it. Eventually they keep seeing all these threads about this blue cube and finally they decide to see what the hype is about and they click on the thread and view it.

Its filled with people spamming ridiculous memes, no talk in sight about the technology aspect of the platform, and people just replying ridiculous things like "1k EOY check these digits."

Now, it would actually be very very dumb for someone to see that and not instantly think "Wow, these people are retarded." So its only logical for them to come up with the conclusion that LINK investors are a cult and the community is cancer. But what they missed was months and months before this stage where the technicals were talked about constantly, the ideas went through a social Darwinism, and people argued and eventually agreed about smart contracts needing a network of decentralized oracles in order to properly facilitate large scale transactions.

They are just viewing that stage where LINK investors are bored out of their minds, spamming shit the pass the time, and FUDding for fun because they already went through the trouble of explaining everything about it. And to a person viewing just that aspect of it, we seem like absolutely crazy fucking schizos.

>> No.9688599


>> No.9688723

I’ve ignored these threads for 7 or 8 months now. Someone link me to a non meme explanation of exactly what link does.

>> No.9688736

Didn’t read this before I posted above, this is exactly me

>> No.9688749

It’s purposeful. I like to FUD to make sure that any r*dditors miss the opportunity. It’s not enough that we will make it, I’d like to ensure r*ddit misses this.

What is best in life Conan?

>> No.9688764

What an amazing reply. More brainlets will begin to see the light.

>> No.9688780


>> No.9688795

basically this:

Go finding someone on here who will spoon feed you information.

>> No.9688818

poorfag here 2000 link hodl until the end of time

>> No.9688835

we are link marines

we sold never

>> No.9688865

>But what they missed was months and months before this stage where the technicals were talked about constantly, the ideas went through a social Darwinism, and people argued and eventually agreed about smart contracts needing a network of decentralized oracles in order to properly facilitate large scale transa


$1K EOY!!!

>> No.9688910

This makes no sense as far as chainlink goes....

Let's say we have a huge bull market starting tomorrow and BTC is at 50k by August. Sure... this would effect links price and it would go up but it would go up alongside the rest of the market.

So bitcoin at 50k means link at what? 3$??? 5$??? That's not why we are investing in link to get 10 or 20 times gains. Sure it would be very nice but again not the reason we are investing.

When I'm hoping for Link to get to super high prices... I'm not thinking at all that I hope it's in a bull market because my gut feeling is chainlink will cause that bull market that leads to the coins with fundamentals coming along for the ride.

If chainlink is going to do what we think it will do bull market or bear market shouldn't matter

>> No.9688937

We will make it. 2000k it's enough.

>> No.9688943

What's wrong with have 30 grand into LINK? I'm sure some people have a lot more than that in this

>> No.9688948
File: 277 KB, 516x279, 1527455309279.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ive got 25k since december and im not selling either im not buying more

>> No.9688985

>chainlink is going to do what we think it will do bull market or bear market shouldn't matter
Feel like this as well but bull market wouldn't hurt

>> No.9689007
File: 1.91 MB, 1242x1232, 1522594335901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crypto and investigating link is probably a big portion of your life so it feels easy, but think of average normie, average boomer, average wagecuck, those poor fucks have barely heard about bitcoin, let alone some underground obscure boring-looking project that they wouldn't be able to understand without even knowing the basics about crypto/smart contracts etc.

Making it with link will be surreal for you but objectively for the outside world it will be another one of those stories where some nerds "got lucky"

>> No.9689013

Every bit of this.

>> No.9689024

2 mil

>> No.9689036

Unironically, not sure if this makes me a genius or completely stuoid but I started viewing 4chan in like feb and I INSTANTLY knew the 1k EOY crazy memes was real... whereas someone who's probably smarter than me would think it's horseshit.

I then literally went all in before reading more posts about it. And still haven't read the whitepaper. I'll admit tho I did get cold feet somewhat right after when I saw the immense amount of fudding cuz I wasn't used to this board. But I instinctively knew that the memes meant something initially.

It's weird too... because we had the suicide thing in the threads from yesterday where there's supposed to be some psyops against us. And even tho I KNOW chainlink is a sure thing pretty much.... I've literally actually had a few legit thoughts of suicide the last couple months. Not that I would... just that I've never had thoughts about it before. This board has truly fucked up my brain chemistry.

>> No.9689143

Smart contracts just sounds so..... right.

I actually think normies get smart contracts more than bitcoin when you explain it to them as far as getting the real life data on and off the Blockchain or between them.

I'm not technical at all but I get the gist of it out to a few people that I've shilled and they get it... whereas they don't really get bitcoin. Normies understand there's this Blockchain that holds all the data they just don't get what the tokens do. So they would actually understand that there needs something to bind all this shit together that they don't really understand but understand is somewhat relevant.

I actually got a "normie" poker dealer to invest in it who was thinking of getting into XRP because some other player shilled him on it. I helped him with getting set up and he still got a small bag of XRP but he went mostly into link.

>> No.9689162

Sure.. of course it wouldn't hurt. But to be honest.... i wouldn't have invested in chainlink if it relied on bitcoins price. I think that's the reason we are so calm about investing in chainlink

>> No.9689255

holy shit dude do not get emotionally invested in your investments
and don't buy into retarded ass memes
you'll never make it

>> No.9689369

That's what makes it fun and worth it. What fun is it becoming rich without pain and delusions and potentially suicidal thoughts? And going through the pain of knowing it's real but holding out until it is real? And investing at the ground floor that nobody has heard about

If you gave me the option to win powerball tomorrow for 30 million or get 15 million from link later this year. I'd take the 15 million from investing in link

>> No.9689377


A lot of these new threads really remind me of how Ethereum started to feel in late 2015 before the bull run. No Larp.

Read through some of the old threads and see for yourself.

>> No.9689396

People will call you and us "lucky"

But do they have any idea how many hours we've spent shifting through pie-in-the-sky ideas on decentralizing my hinter-regions.

The truth of the matter is that I am probably one of the biggest fudders of LINK and I have been for some time. It's mainly out of boredom. I know LINK is the real deal and certainly know its day is coming.

>> No.9689410


>> No.9689421

This is a larp no one is this deluded

>> No.9689462
File: 115 KB, 600x600, 1527181568440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oldfags, please post pre mooning eth threads, as a newfag, i want to know how eth felt compared with chainlink.

>> No.9689468

No delusion, I was around here when Ethereum was shilled non-stop and I was annoyed.

>> No.9689477

>But do they have any idea how many hours we've spent shifting through pie-in-the-sky ideas on decentralizing my hinter-regions.

This. I'm slowly building my LINK and OMG holdings and if/when I make it, to friends and family it will seem like easy gains without doing a shred of work. I'l then explain the sleepless nights spent wading through the /biz posts, sifting the good from the bad; reading, reading and more reading so you know what's right, what is legit criticism and what is outright FUD (which is getting easier to spot as it's getting weaker). The anguish over 'have I done the right thing?'; the sitting tight as you watch your initial investment plummet through crash after crash; the patient explaining about what exactly this invisible internet token does that you've spunked your very-real money on. Physically it's been a breeze; mentally it's been fucking hard work.

>> No.9689485

You are wrong. In the past with Bitcoin I can see people thinking that asshole got lucky. With chainlink it's actual adoption of all this crap... and people will see that.

People still don't know what bitcoin is or what it does. The smart contract thing they get if you explain it to them. Like I said... I shilled a normie poker dealer who was going to invest in XRP cuz some other poker player shilled him on it. The guy was probably like 50/50 on even doing it. Once I shilled him on chainlink he was like wow yeah I get it and was testing me 2 days later to help get him on binance.

This guy didn't know shit about anything crypto related 2 weeks ago and now he's texting me on how he's following all the shit on github... and it's actually kind of annoying because I don't even know what github is.

People will understand you were brilliant to invest in this because they will see the adoption, since that's the whole point of this shit.

>> No.9689496

Fuck off back to /pol/, it's supposed to be a containment board for you LARPing stormniggers.

>> No.9689552
File: 31 KB, 1242x351, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was already posted above. Do people not fucking read threads anymore or are you all just memeing?

>> No.9689556


>> No.9689580

I missed it honestly. But what should be remembered is the message of the image. I can speak for a lot of us and it explains nearly 70% of the FUD on Chainlink.

We know its special, we know it has massive potential, and we shitpost to entertain ourselves.

>> No.9689605

>poker dealer: following the project on github
>you shilled link and explained smartcontracts: don't know what github is
larp: 54%
general retardation:17%
grammar retardation: 29%

>> No.9689625
File: 44 KB, 1236x227, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fair enough. Here's the other good post he made, for posterity's sake.

>> No.9689654

I told my girlfriend I bought a million LINK tokens and she then told her multi-millionaire brother because I told her it could be fucking huge in a few years.

I didn't allow her to tell him but she told me anyway. I was mad that I didn't get a cut of when this token takes off but oh well fuck it at least I have of the tokens. They think I am Mr. Genius because I got in on REP, OMG, QTUM, XRP.

The only reason I was able to hear about Ethereum and Antshares was because of 4chan.

Chainlink as you can imagine will be the trinity of the crypto-currency world.

>> No.9689717 [DELETED] 

Since you liked my post...and have a million... ship me 5k linkes.

This is AK-47 ran out of gas fag. Someone told me they'd send me some eth for sticking a pen up my ass but I never got my cut. And I need as many linkies as possible so I never run out of gas again.


That's my link binance deposit address.
Don't be a Jew. Send 5k linkies.

>> No.9689745

Lol fucking bagger

>> No.9689799


>> No.9689801
File: 1.91 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_1617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of you jagoffs should donate 1% of your link stacks to me.

>> No.9689817

I don't give a fuck. I'm about to go hunting elk this weekend in central Arizona. So I won't even be on here

>> No.9689843

It was more for the funny post I made anyway. My stinkies don't want to mingle with any of your stinkies anyway

>> No.9689858

we need to see the actual anus to verify
brb building anal dilation chainlink adapter

>> No.9689881
File: 1.15 MB, 890x1333, 1526965328413.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Link will change everything.

>> No.9689884

Rofl the dude who went to a rest stop and stuck a sharpie in his anus

>> No.9689889
File: 23 KB, 227x222, IMG_0538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember those times. There was plenty of fud but the people shilling it had a serious vision. Link is the same way, but with more evolved fud and shilling.

I begged mommy to let me dump my 10k college fund into eth at $5... she only gave me $200 instead. JUST

>> No.9689949

the absolute state of discordniggers

>> No.9689966

With Chainlink, you have the chance to change your life once more.

>> No.9690016
File: 83 KB, 1000x541, 1050019045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ohhh...it's still warm

>> No.9690105
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>> No.9690146

I'm saving this post for future generations.

>> No.9690179

>Enter a year-long contract that has the requestee pay you 0.01 ETH for every succesful job every 24 hours
>Suddenly Vitalik gets arrested for child rape
>ETH drops 80%
>every existing smart contract is now fucked

>> No.9690251


That fucking moon!

>> No.9690261

was here before ico, you guys never talked about the tech. proof: you will not link a single archived topic to support your claim, because no such topic exists. it was empty hype from the start

>> No.9690380


>> No.9690475


>> No.9690532

>I hold way too much LINK
the "i hold LINK too" has become the "fellow white people" of crypto

>> No.9690556

Larp of the year lmao. Pathetic linkies

>> No.9690565
File: 39 KB, 360x506, Screenshot from 2018-05-31 08-58-26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Regarding the recent FUD about how far away mainnet is because of all of the items in the pivitol tracker icebox see pic related.

>> No.9690622 [DELETED] 

Which is why you would adjust for usd value on the fly though decentralized oracles. Problem solved.

>> No.9690638
File: 387 KB, 2420x1104, 1519129429701.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9690652

Or ya know, not rape children.

>> No.9690654

I have not and never will hold LINK.

We're moving into the stage of crypto where working products are going to be the coins that succeed in the end.

Don't be fooled by the highcap meme and thinking it won't meme.

If you're investing into a mid-to-late stage project in terms of development and it's top 30 you're going to be amazed when this market is well over a trillion dollars.

We're going to see a shitcoin apocalypse. The SEC has claimed that every ICO they've examined are considered securities. Securities that they didn't register as such.

Most ICO's are what? ERC-20. Do you really want to have your almighty "BLOCKCHAIN AGNOSTIC" project to fail to even scale on the Ethereum platform? We both know Sergey didn't register as a security, either.

If you're primarily in LINK I feel genuinely sad for you. This isn't to be insulting or "FUD."

It may pump in price when the market turns primarily bullish again, but the project will never really come to fruition. There are technological barriers that simply cannot be met under their current circumstances

>> No.9690682
File: 216 KB, 1830x349, 1519674983299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9690698

I have not and never will hold LINK.

We're moving into the stage of crypto where working products are going to be the coins that succeed in the end.

Don't be fooled by the highcap meme and thinking it won't meme.

If you're investing into a mid-to-late stage project in terms of development and it's top 30 you're going to be amazed when this market is well over a trillion dollars.

We're going to see a shitcoin apocalypse. The SEC has claimed that every ICO they've examined are considered securities. Securities that they didn't register as such.

Most ICO's are what? ERC-20. Do you really want to have your almighty "BLOCKCHAIN AGNOSTIC" project to fail to even scale on the Ethereum platform? We both know Sergey didn't register as a security, either.

If you're primarily in LINK I feel genuinely sad for you. This isn't to be insulting or "FUD."

It may pump in price when the market turns primarily bullish again, but the project will never really come to fruition. There are technological barriers that simply cannot be met under their current circumstances

>> No.9690702

>I don't hold any LINK, but I wanted to post in this thread because /biz/ is a board of peace and I just want to help you. Also I'm a faggot.
Anon we all know you're holding.

>> No.9690711
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>> No.9690723
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>> No.9690757

You didnt see their reply where they stated that not everything on there will be complete at mainnet launch?

>> No.9690774
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>> No.9690782

Nothing you say follows from anything else you say such that even if your core claims were true it still wouldn’t mean chainlink would fail

Have you even read the white paper? And if top 30 is going to be all there is how do you propose we get off-chain data into the blockchain ecosystem? Which coin or token currently in the top 30 is going to fulfill this need?

Why would you arbitrarily designate this “shitcoin apocalypse” to coins outside the top 30? You think Tron and bytecoin are gonna do better than chain link in the long term?

>> No.9690790


fudsters please read.

>> No.9690859


>> No.9690885

I love the doors too anon.

>> No.9690908
File: 13 KB, 232x162, IMG_0529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUDers: rekt

>> No.9690975

source on this book?

>> No.9690999

Well, iota have its own oracles being released in a couple of days, this + huge industry partners = no 1000eoy, and its a fact

>> No.9691024

It's just a website that gives an overview of Tarot. Download this if you want to learn Tarot.


>> No.9691185


Not reddit spacing, fags.

>> No.9691250
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>> No.9691323

Incredible, it's like the history repeats itself. Faggots, how is to know that this will feel how it was with Eth?
Feels good to be a future millionaire, anon?
I will wait and even If my stack is around 1500 links, i will hold them trough everything.

>> No.9691347

Get a grip. There's no guarantees the fact you're unaware of how much of a Hail Mary this is should scare you if you had anything more than pocket change into this project.

>> No.9691358
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>> No.9691394

Mr. Bond nailed it right here.

>> No.9691420


No, ETH was the hail mary. No one knew if smart-contracts would catch on with businesses and be popular.

Now we know smart-contracts are going to be big. We know businesses want to use them. And guess what else we know? The oracle problem needs to be fixed otherwise smart-contracts will still be useless to businesses.

LINK is a thousand times less of a hail mary than ETH.

>> No.9691421

Hail Mary, kek. You deserve to stay poor. You’re joining the suicide cap.

>> No.9691449

>he doesn't know about enterprise blockchain for development
>he doesn't know about consumer products on the blockchain
It may not be a protocol moon, but you can get in early to make up for it.

>> No.9691475

Never thought of it like this. Anons, you should look at his digits and relax and be comfy with your Link stash.

>> No.9691501
File: 1.99 MB, 300x225, 1505225559886.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not this "my toaster can charge your refrigerator" bullshit again.

>> No.9691616

Oh My! What do we have here? Literally the same fucking FUD arguments currently used against LINK.

>> No.9691652

who the fuck is going to buy a coffee maker that costs 4,000$ and orders 10$ refill cups? 5 rich jews and thats it. People cant even afford clothing and food in USA let alone samsmug fridges that have drone delivery of milk buitl in

>> No.9691653
File: 1.22 MB, 360x202, 1526511358424.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never compare /biz/ to /pol/ again. I like to think that the people who talk about money here aren't completely retarded.

>> No.9691722

For the brainlets who fail to put 2 and 2 together they will look back on these threads in 2017 and 2018 and curse their existence. We're so kind to point out to them the signs of an exponential moon mission before it even commences and they are too busy arguing with the systems support team and the engineers who designed the rocketship that it wont get off the ground.

The nerve of these pompous fools.

>> No.9691743

/biz/ was created because of discussions on /pol/, but you're too young to know that.

>> No.9691775

I mean, we compete amongst ourselves on a coin we know will have a moon mission on who has the best quality FUD.

Imagine the quality-tier shilling we'll do once the moon mission is due for blast-off? Kek, we're only opening up your eyes to the potential of LINK before the blast-off in the off-chance you'll re-evaluate all the FUD and realize we were only entertaining ourselves prior to making the payments on our yachts.

>> No.9691862

Link will never reach more than $10 simply because i will be millionaire if that happens and for me i have never been that lucky in life. Universe willl conspire for that to not happen. I need hard work to succeed in life rather than a mere luck. This might be true for most of the NEETs out here.

>> No.9691910

It was created to get bitcoin discussions off /g/

>> No.9691958

Hey you, i was the biggest fudder. Now shut the fuck up.

>> No.9691970

you wont make it because of your attitude anon. staying strong through the times of drops, fud and cultist memery until you actually make it is the hard work you are gonna have to do.
just be happy and fuggn anticipate your life changing significantly

>> No.9692123

Bitch, my FUD was far more erudite, verbose, and elaborate to sow doubts in the eyes of even a Mensa chainlink supporter.

A better way of putting my abilities are like this: If you had a doubt on LINK ever succeeeding, ever wonder who planted those thoughts in your mind? It's me. Think back to all the FUD threads, the sideways price action, and the confusion which stems from attempting to make sense of hundreds of shitposts?

The desperation you felt was engineered. The frustration you had whenever you felt intellectually inferior is because we want you to feel the same way about Chainlink at when its less than $.40 as you will feel then its over $400 and you try so desperately to make a profit while knowing in your mind and heart of hearts of shitposting when it was a mere pence.

We own you, dummy. Along with anyone who cannot see past our elaborate psy-ops campaign against Chainlink.

>> No.9692143


>> No.9692383

have you jacked it to the squiggly lines yet?

>> No.9692406

I have and I have had more energy, a better sense of humor, and more people all-around friendly to me than ever before. It's a work of magick indeed.

>> No.9692525

Damn, it's EXACTLU like a link thread

>> No.9692611

And /g/ said take it to /pol/.

>> No.9692741


very nice anon

>> No.9692870
File: 8 KB, 213x255, 1522293596651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw first post in 18 months

>> No.9692886
File: 389 KB, 1000x576, being-john-malkovich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw too shy for posting on anonymous soap rolling board

>> No.9692971

Current levels of /pol/ retardation happened in the late and after stages of the whole Trump debacle.
4chan was always about doing it for the lulz, and /pol/ has served it's ultimate purpose: play the fattest joke you could to the political scene.
Now its fame attracted retards gullible enough to absorb anything Alex Jones or what those literally-who news blogs say.

>> No.9692994

get over yourself faggot.
you are probably beyond autistic and don't notice when people are trying to avoid eye contact with you.
Just so they don't have to listen to you talk.

>> No.9692997 [DELETED] 

Trump is 100% owned by Jewry.

>> No.9693011
File: 193 KB, 1240x410, memeshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9693025

And how to you explain 4chan's ability to find:
1. Bitcoin
2. Ethereum
3. Antshares
4. Digibyte

of the current coins yet to moon from the collective of wisdom is Chainlink for the time being...I have a feeling we are right yet again. Only this after this moon mission, 4chan won't be the secret it once was in forecasting the future.

>> No.9693054

o fuck off to pol everyone is bored of your tin foil hat jew shit

>> No.9693084

its not just /biz they are shiiting up they are shitting up /k to every thread they touch winds up with some 2016 edgelord retard drooling on about niggers and jews

>> No.9693101


>> No.9693105

Maybe I'm a brainlet but I just wanted to make the point that /pol/ wasn't always this retarded, it just seems so because retards flooded it the past year.

>> No.9693248
File: 143 KB, 1600x732, skynetlink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Invest in your self-destruction

>> No.9694206

It solves your lambo problem

>> No.9694377


>> No.9694736

Nice post, was really relevant and informative

>> No.9694791

>he doesn’t sleepypost every happening thread larp or not

>> No.9694810


>> No.9695396
File: 910 KB, 2048x2048, Charged1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In time you may be allowed in. Hold your stinky links.

Go to youtube and watch anything related to:
Zecharia Sitchin
Joseph Farrell

This should prepare you.

>> No.9695796
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>> No.9696049
File: 22 KB, 618x480, FB_IMG_1527668607824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> working products will be the coins that succeed in the end
> so why would anyone buy a product with a working testnet and upcoming mainnet which will give the few legitimate tokens a much wider array of usecases and smartcontract applications?

>> No.9696597
File: 111 KB, 800x1000, chain-link-chain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9697043
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