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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 128 KB, 560x457, Amerifat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9679327 No.9679327 [Reply] [Original]

Amerifat logic = Me, me, me, me culture.... step on everyone to get ahead...tons of inequality, tons of homeless, no such thing as middle class anymore

East-chink logic = working together as a well-oiled machine, barely any homeless, majority of ppl are middle-class

And your trying to tell me amerifats are better? don't make me laugh

Only the wealthy ppl in aierifat are going anywhere the rest of u are literal garbage.

don't believe me? head down to Los Angeles.

>> No.9679350

>yuropoor logic
Durka durka Allahu jihad!

>> No.9679365

What's the point in even posting this. Get a job, brother. Or a life, either-or.

No one cares.

>> No.9679379

Lmao relax chink America will always be #1 keep feeling sorry for yourself that’s why you’re bitching about middle class pajeets

>> No.9679434

You obviously do not live in East Asia or East China.

Homelessness is rampant and I have never seen a culture in Thailand/China/Philippines that valued human life so little. Those people would dump 10k poor people in a river so they could cross it once.

Where you getting majority of people are middle class bullshit?

>> No.9679454

>East Asia

brainlet detected

>> No.9679484

if you lived in USA you would know we have a problem with jews that bought every corporation using federal reserve money and taking over the legal system and all media the same way corruption and a monopoly on money. Until the jewish mennace is stopped in USA USA is an empty vessel of jewish crime

>> No.9679636

Yeah so name your countries .

Are you just centered on Korea and Japan? That's only 170 million people in a ground up economy after being bombed to rubble. Kind of corner cases in the economic field.