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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 53 KB, 480x480, CB983147-8C73-4C77-8120-D1FCB4D87EF4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9679142 No.9679142[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Last thread no one helped me
Im serious and need help making money
Idk how to invest
My bank bans buying crypto so I cant use my credit card or bank on coinbase or any site like that
I ask where to invest but no one answers me on discord
Sorry im not born into a rich family that has access to rare sites to invest, not everyone gets the opportunity but im willing to learn from you guys.
How do I get started making money
I cant go to the bank to open a new bank I have social problems and freak out when I talk to people irl or phone.
I need a way to do it online, and what sites to use and what to invest in to get lots of money

>> No.9679163
File: 33 KB, 480x480, 16110271_1567915063233485_1654911797490089984_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Send the money to me I'll throw it into shitcoins for you

>> No.9679166
File: 405 KB, 667x598, ferris.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ferris is the perfect girl he is cute and i wish he was my wife (husband)

>> No.9679187
File: 9 KB, 225x225, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute pic

>> No.9679198

No I want to do it myself
I love her too
But that’s not the point
I need make some money

>> No.9679236
File: 959 KB, 1300x1708, Felix.Argyle.full.2078124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If your bank doesn't accept it and you're too much of a fuckup to open an account at another bank, you're shit out of luck. You can try buying amazon coupons with $ and slowly sell them off for crypto, but considering you'd have to talk to your buyers... There's loads of ways really, you just have to man up a bit for most.

Also, the biggest elephant in the room, you won't get rich just by throwing money into crypto. That train has left the station.

>> No.9679280

Ok but what can I invest in right now to make money?
I really want to make lots of money and understand

>> No.9679320
File: 61 KB, 507x395, ss+(2018-02-11+at+05.40.59).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can make money on any shitcoin if you want to trade, it's just a matter of buying low and selling high.

I'm not going to give you specific investment advice for free though. I already gave you plenty of lovely felix pics.

>> No.9679342

What do you mean can you just tell me what coin to invest in idk about it
And how to I invest if my bank wont allow coinbase I need help I do not understand

>> No.9679353
File: 19 KB, 308x326, 1507025704042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stock up on maybe xlm

>> No.9679412

How do I do that? How do I invest in it

>> No.9679448

Kill yourself tripfag. You come to this board having done no research yourself, then when someone tells you what to do, instead of doing the research on how to do it, you ask to be spoonfed. You will never make money because you lack the ability to take initiative and learn and act for yourself. Its best to just end yourself now.

>> No.9679450

okay what is your location? That might narrow down options.

>> No.9679451

>Sorry im not born into a rich family that has access to rare sites to invest


>> No.9679499

Open an interactive brokers account and just invest in passive ETF's with as low expense ratios as possible. This is more or less all you'll need. Don't fall for the stock picking meme unless you have a professional background in finance (I'm sure you don't). Good luck.

>> No.9679548

get your furry basedboy faggot shit out of here back to /loli. christ the state of self delusion these days -muh-internet-is-all-that-exists-fags

>> No.9679805

hey now ferris is the white mans wife

>> No.9679831

I came here to know what to invest in
Im not going to read some 100 page book for a week to learn what “in the red” means
The internet is for sharing and I want to know what site to use and how to use it. And what to invest in

I live in Washington state, Northwest corner
I have no idea what that means
Can you tell me how to do that

>> No.9679877

Also what app can I use on my iOS device to use stocks
And what stock to I invest in to make money

>> No.9679898
File: 185 KB, 1508x892, 1522855962982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I came here to know what to invest in
Not gonna make it.