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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 123 KB, 1350x740, burger bot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9671962 No.9671962 [Reply] [Original]

RIP McDonald' jobs.


>> No.9671975

The technology isn't there yet, I doubt these will replace manpower in the job market.

>> No.9671993

>300 burgers a day
Nigga that's not even an hour on the lunch rush.

>> No.9672038

>meat still raw
>meat frozen in middle
>tastes like microwaved
>doesn’t notice hair inside

I’d rather make the burger myself

>> No.9672051

They can help people out though.
>Rebecca: Oh shit! The drive thru's pilling up!
>Robot boi: I got site 2, you just focus on keeping those 10:1's coming.

Am I the only one to see the future?

>> No.9672084

>meat still raw
>meat frozen in middle
>tastes like microwaved
>doesn’t notice hair inside
>he thinks the same thing wouldn't be the case with most human McDonalds workers

>> No.9672085

that would be pretty cool to have around the house.

>> No.9672091

>"what do you mean my burger's not cooked yet?! faster you fucking faggot!"

>> No.9672262

That's a scalability problem.

>> No.9672330
File: 39 KB, 530x297, hamburger-machine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this one better. This line cooks the burger and puts the whole thing together.

>> No.9672348

found the wagie

>> No.9672389


>> No.9672475
File: 90 KB, 500x496, 1444231728455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the most important technological advance since the printing press.

>> No.9672545

The entire idea of an economy is to eliminate jobs.

>> No.9672795

>scalability problem
except its cooked food and scalability is fucking hard

>> No.9673866

i don't know how I feel about this

one on hand, i'd rather eat a burger made by a robot just to know a teen didn't spit it in or cum in it for keks

on the other hand, i'm the type of person who deliberately goes to a small family owned retaurant knowing i'm directly benefiting someone instead of giving money to a megacorp

>> No.9673922

human-augmented automation will be a very long transition phase

>> No.9673942


Yeah fuck lower tier nigger jobs. The new poor can fuck off to Africa and work M-turk jobs while we get fucked off by our robots chefs.

>> No.9674185

>Time to clean employees hands: 50 seconds.
>Time to clean hitech burgerbot: 5 hours.

>> No.9674224

You guys are hypocrites. If there was a burgercoin to go along with the robot, promising decentralized burger fabrication on a trustless meshnet, you'd be all over it.

>> No.9674247

decentralization is core

>> No.9674266

It's both more expensive and less reliable than the same amount of humans on first world wages.
Well done robots.

>> No.9674309

im all about this

less minorities getting paid and less spit in my burgers

>> No.9674315

>trustless burgers
Could be the future of fastfood

>> No.9674514

You won't see anything like this in a chain franchise in your lifetime. It's just a marketing tool for one store in LA. McDonald's and the other chain restaurants won't be requiring this for their franchisees in your lifetime - there's too little quality control, too much opportunity for contamination, and that kind of tech isn't even stable enough to run in that one store. You'd need real AI, and that doesn't exist yet, most "AI" is skip logic, and that's not good enough for food prep - and you'd need workers to load, maintain, and monitor them, even if they did get them working reliably enough to manufacture and install in franchises. Not in your lifetime.

>> No.9674684

>You'd need real AI
Nah, not even, you could totally do it with classical programming, or the kind of feedback loops you can see in high-end manufacturing.
But the robots themselves are too expensive. Robots are fine when you make very high markup products (electronics), or very simple products (moulded plastic shit) because they raise the reliability and/or the troughput of your chain.
And even then, they only use robots that do one action, on repeat. AI won't make the machine more stable.

>> No.9674694


>> No.9674777

We already have pizza vending machines.

>> No.9674796
File: 73 KB, 511x559, 1495259198044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone here unironically eating at Mc'Donalds? Like, how much of a fucking plebian can you be?

>> No.9675526

haven't had McD for years now, I never enjoyed it much, after 1,5 years of no McD I was stoned and hungry so I got some since it was the only place open. Was sick for the next 3 days, since then I just starve myself whenever I'm high and hungry.

>> No.9675797


>> No.9676197


>not in your lifetime

Yeah, I've heard that one before kek. Obviously there's 0 demand for workers that cost nothing beyond the initial purchase and never stop working.

>still need a human, so it won't work

Yeah, 1 human, instead of a dozen employees. So fucking what, that still means x12 fewer McDonald's employees.

>> No.9677116

Robots can't replace humans in any kind of chaotic environment, they break down too easily and require service workers.

>> No.9677405
File: 25 KB, 512x288, 66326A5C-1586-4688-9B6B-4AD5ED72FD03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are people who still think everything won’t be automated by robots and smart contracts

I really hope those who live pay check to pay check get absolutely rekt when all the jobs go.

You really think rich are just going to give you their new found profits?

Just look at what is happening now with big business, soon the government will be begging corporations for gibs as their main source of theft (income tax) will be gone.

I’ll be sure to buy some good shit from national museums and archives for my personal collection.

>> No.9678201
File: 16 KB, 275x183, Download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All these buttmad wagies ITT arguing against the viability of this obviously superior worker lmao. Are you scared for your job wagie? You should lose your job if simple machinery can do it.

>> No.9678493

the tech isnt there for complicated food production, and wont be for a long time.
there is automation in food, but only for simple actions and conveyor belt style service.

>> No.9678550

>BurgerBot's won't work! The technology isn't there and won't be for centuries.

Tell that to the self service tills.

>> No.9678556

self service is neither a robot nor automation

>> No.9678626

I've seen this and similar shit before. it's a way away from being practical i think.

i also think the warehouse robots that sort materials and pack them into boxes are very impressive.