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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9670670 No.9670670 [Reply] [Original]

>mom forcing me to go to jjob orientation tomoroww
is there anything i cna do to get out of this biz?

>> No.9670678

Plant drugs on her and call the cops

>> No.9670691

Job orientation? As in, for your job? Do you want to work or not?

>> No.9670700

Stop being a weak faggot and delaying your miserable life of wagecucking

>> No.9670725

dude, you are lucky, consider it an opportunity.
even if it seems like shit.
you'll get some grands out of it, fuck it. do it.

>> No.9670766

if i had stayed at home for a couple years while working i could have built up some money to invest in something. instead of going paycheque to paycheque with almost nothing left to save. working for a couple years while you still live at home and dont need the money is a great idea op, just dont blow it all on overpriced drinks at the bars every weekend like most do.

>> No.9670863
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Get to work you fuckin faggot

>> No.9670885

If you have had decent education, where you learn grammar and such stuff, maybe you wouldn't have had to do this now.

>> No.9671057

>mom forcing me

how fucking old are you?

>> No.9671129
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Get out your basement you fucking degenerate and contribute to the economy.

>> No.9671137

Killing yourself will resolve the issue

>> No.9671230

Nigga there's never been a better time to get employed.

>> No.9671240

Is it like some job fair bullshit or is it a legit job with benefits, etc?

>> No.9671665

Try to find something like delivering auto parts for places using their vehicle. Spend most time just driving and listening to music. Very little interaction with customers needed.

>> No.9672292

Call the police and say shes molesting you

>> No.9672299

Don't do it. It is god awful working a minimum wage job. They make you do so much for work for little pay. Go to school or learn a trade. You'll be better off.