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9670377 No.9670377 [Reply] [Original]

I hired a hitman to permanently paralyze my cheating gf. So hows your day /biz/?

>> No.9670386

good for you. get off this board faggot.

>> No.9670388
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>> No.9670398


God bless ya, anon

>> No.9670420

American women are horrible absolute rotten horrible nigger fucking traitors to humanity

>> No.9670438

I-its not cheating if she tells you about it and you agree to an open relationship because you love her, r-right?

>> No.9670488

OP how much did it cost?

>> No.9670499


>> No.9670508


>> No.9670509

10,000$ anon. It helps to have connections with a drug dealer. They usually know where to reference you. I feel absolutely euphoric with absolutely no remorse right now.

>> No.9670513

>this thread again
why not at least change the image you use?

>> No.9670515

Oh man, so instead of being a man and just leaving her, moving on and never looking back you hire someone (walking talking evidence against you) to attack her and you post about it here, you think this shit is anonymous dummy? You know what inspect element is right? Oh lawd lemme get the popcorn, are you posting from a phone? Get this fren if she’s not loyal to you, YOU are the problem, she just doing what genetics compel her to do

>> No.9670516

How much ripple you have?

>> No.9670525

>being so beta that your gf cheats you
>being such a cuck that you have to hire another man to paralyze your cheating gf

>> No.9670536

>not wife
>not even fiance

>> No.9670559

You were scammed and rightfully so.

Only a true loser can be emotionally ravaged by a female to the point of seeking revenge.

>> No.9670564

This. OP is, and always will be, a faggot

>> No.9670566
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Got any vodka sauce to go with this pasta?

>> No.9670614

Reminder that the FBI has easy access to everyone's up addresses here and I just reported you. Good luck getting fucked by Jamal in jail, cuck.

>> No.9670663

I loved her anon. Thats why i told the hitman to paralyze her. Not kill her. In fact, her family is staying with her in the hospital while im sitting here smiling like an idiot. I have no regrets on what I did. She took my virginity, I took hers and FYI we have been together for 4 years. I even was planning to propose to her and have already bought a wedding ring.

>> No.9670669

>open relationship
I.e. she takes miles of cock and he gets no sex, not even with her. Eventually she will use his bed even while he’s home. Open relationship just fucking kys

>> No.9670711

Also, I still havent told her that i found out she was cheating. Because the police will start investigating me if I do.

>> No.9670742
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>> No.9670763

How he going do it?

Once saw crime scene photo of woman who got limb lopper to back of neck because guy trying paralyze her but she just ended up dead kek

>> No.9670799

>the surveillance state will ignore actually dangerous people like this
makes me wonder why we even live in a surveillance state, i guess theyre looking for something other then criminals

>> No.9670800 [DELETED] 

bullet to the spinal cord.

>> No.9670810
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Mfw op didn't use a VPN to post this and is going to get long dicked by Tyrone in the slammah

>> No.9670812

kek did it work

>> No.9670824


>> No.9670839

So, it's already happened?

This kind of thing will likely be on news, so post source or fuck off larper.

>> No.9670842

spinal cord

>> No.9670853

I support crippling thots, what’s with all the whore enabling goin on here?!

>> No.9670869

There's nothing beta about being cheated on. Happens to alphas all the time bud. It's more poor taste on the man's fault for not seeing the red flags in his choice of woman.

Being cheated on is a rite of passage to help you realize what settling for sub optimal bitches will do to you. I remember working with this young guy who had girls over from tinder every weekend but he was terrified of a relationship. Didn't want to get cheated on he told me. Seen it happen to too many of his friends.

>> No.9670872


>> No.9670878
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>> No.9670887

Stop watching so much cuck porn you fucking incel neet

>> No.9670889

Who did she cheat with? What's the story?

Sorry to hear that man, it's a brutal feeling. Especially if you were each other's first love and all that.

>> No.9670892
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>> No.9670898
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leave 4chan

>> No.9670902

Based frogposter

>> No.9670904


>> No.9670905

I'm all for maiming sluts, but OP is larping.

Prove us wrong OP, show the local news report of a woman getting assaulted in such a horrific and specific manner. Show hospital records, something.

>> No.9670917 [DELETED] 

I will not risk showing my location or country.

>> No.9670957

From which Hispanic shithole are you from?

>> No.9671003

If you hired him over the 'deep web', it's almost certainly
a) a scam, they'll take your crypto and do nothing
b) FBI sting, you'll go to prison

>> No.9671007
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>> No.9671008

I will not risk showing my country or location.

>> No.9671059

oh shit, OP really did it. the absolute mad man.

>> No.9671193

Lmao, what a scaried faggot, no wonder your gf cheated on you.

>> No.9671231
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I understand him trying to be safe

But if you are stupid enough to say you hired a hit mon without showing any piece of evidence

kids just living a fantasy

stop feeding him

>> No.9671234

You did nothing wrong.
Smart move.

I like you.

>> No.9671254

>2018 - As if this manual step is even necessary anymore

>> No.9671287

open relationships are degenerate
I turned down one when my then gf got on some pills that dropped her libido to nothing and she wanted me to fuck other people
wh*te people...

>> No.9671322


No bro that means she was cheating and wanted you to fuck someone else so she could justify it


>> No.9671396

Yes. I cant wait until the sexbots replace them.

>> No.9671412

>inspect element

What did he mean by this?

>> No.9671447

Nah. She just wanted to keep him but realized it would be hard if their monogamy prevented him from having a sex life.

I have a gf that wants me to have a side gf for other reasons. I'm pretty blackpilled myself, but women don't all have the same psychology

>> No.9671459

>he isnt even american

Well played. All those FBI tips mean nothing now.

>> No.9671473

She is already in the hospital according to the larper.

>> No.9671521

No you're retarded

>> No.9671635

she really did have incredible knockers, I'll give that crazy bitch that much.

>> No.9671683
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Those tabs

>> No.9671697
