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9669250 No.9669250[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Poorfag here

What are you mining, anon? Any CPU mining coin? I want to be part of something from the beginning...

>> No.9669332

you give me the source first

>> No.9669333

TRTL is pretty easy to mine. Not worth shit but 1 Sat right now.

>> No.9669352

Im interested also in a coin easy to mine with potential

>> No.9669406

Lola Naymark - Au Fil D'Ariane (2014)

>> No.9669511

jesus christ. you saved the thumbnail of a fucking webm. some how I know you either live in the midwest or the south.

>> No.9669535


>> No.9669546

Im running a couple wagerr masternodes

>> No.9669555

Midwest but he moved here

>> No.9669671

Jkcrypto forums are mining rvn and reef

>> No.9669696

source. obviously

>> No.9669708

Lola Naymark - Au Fil D'Ariane (2014)

>> No.9669775
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>> No.9670044

I mine gridcoin, not because i want to make money or anything, but because i'm literally helping the advancement of science... Also their mining platform/pools are the easiest and most organized i could find so far

>> No.9670173

Do you recommend solo or pool mining?

>> No.9670214

allah have mercy
this is why i will do whatever i can to enter europe inshallah

>> No.9670459
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not gonna make it

>> No.9670494

shouldn't be too hard with your UK passport

>> No.9670847
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>I want to be part of something from the beginning...

>> No.9671050

I have a couple of mining rigs mining Ethereum. I also do some CPU Monero mining with some old laptops I have lying around. I'm surprised there aren't more mining threads on this board.

>> No.9671174

I can't figure out how to mine desu. it's too autistic

t. king normie

>> No.9671334

lmao underrated post

>> No.9671499

You literally just build a computer with multiple GPU's and install mining software. Pretty simple.

>> No.9671625
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Well, everyone else is shitting on you, but I guess I'll contribute.

Unironically look into Gladius. Their net isn't up yet, but the gestalt of it is that you generate it by letting the company use your bandwidth when you aren't using it. Now for the average American, bandwidth is about 5mbps, which won't get you shit for a payout - but Google fiber is capable of generating 1gbps, which according to the calculator on their website will give you a payout of approximately $150/day.

My plan is to go to a fiber-connected city (probably San Antonio) and buy as many fiber connections as I can. Set up a few apartments, and suddenly you're making thousands per month, the only overhead being the rent of the apartment, electricity and bandwidth, which is only advertised as about $50/month per line by Google.

I really do believe Gladius is the next Top 10 coin, and it's in the 600s now I believe.

Look into it.

>> No.9671627

I’m CPU mining Nimiq. Not many people have heard of it yet. Very early days but very big project.

>> No.9671647


>> No.9671670

what software are you using? ive converted an old pc into a miner and its just running nicehash. working on reformatting some old laptops I fixed and would like to mine on them. Learning as I go with the intention of building out an actual multiple gpu rig once all my old hardware is setup.

>> No.9671726

right in the brappper it goes

>> No.9671861

I'm using Claymore miner and Ethermine mining pool. I've have no experience with Nicehash, but I've heard bad things. I can give a quick run down of my setups if any anon's are interested.

>> No.9671882
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i like you

>> No.9671910

in general solo mining will never break the electricity costs and take forever to mine a block
just pool for small consistent gains

>> No.9671992


>> No.9671998

I wouldnt mind a run down.

>> No.9672006

I mine foldingcoin for the same reason. I like gridcoin but I'm too stupid to figure out how to stake it.

>> No.9672221

It's pretty simple anon. The goal of mining is to spend as little money on hardware as possible, so you want to put as many GPU's (8 seems to be the sweet spot) on a single motherboard and power them efficiently, but there are a few options available in terms of motherboards and PSU's.

>motherboards and risers
You can buy a regular board with 8 or more PCI-e slots, but you'll also need to buy risers since you can't directly fit 8 GPU's onto a single motherboard since the slots aren't spaced out far enough. This is a worse way of building a mining rig because of this imo.

>riserless motherboard
Alternatively, you could buy an Octominer board (https://octominer.com/shop/octominer_b8plus/)), which has the slots spaced out far enough so that you can connect the GPU's straight into the board. This setup is cheaper, because the board I linked comes with a CPU, doesn't need risers, and the laptop ram it needs is cheaper than desktop ram.

>ATX vs Server PSU
If you're running 8 GPU's on one board, you'll need about a 1500W PSU, but 1500W ATX PSU's are pretty pricey. You could also buy two cheaper 750W PSU's and chain them together using add2psu, but it'll still be more expensive than just using two server PSU's chained together, and will probably have a worse efficiency rating. Additionally, ATX PSU's aren't designed to run 24/7 like server PSU's are. If you get server PSU's, you'll also need to buy breakout boards and PCI cables.

Once you decide how you want to build your rig (motherboard + risers vs riserless board and atx vs server psu), you then just have to buy your GPU's. If you're mining ETH, you'll want to go with AMD cards. You'll also need to install Windows 10 or a linux distro, since those get better hashrates, you'll want to install AMD blockchain drivers, flash your BIOS, and then overclock your GPU. Doing this, you can get about 28-30Mh/s per card.

>> No.9672222
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i'll help you chief, what's the issue? just fire up the wallet and send some coins to it. as long as you have more than a few thousand in there, it should stake fairly regularly. if you're unable/unwilling to grab that many from the market, use the pool to mine until you're staking regularly.
you can think of the staking like a hidden score (your coin weight) that gradually builds up as you leave coins in an address. when you open the wallet, it stakes those coins and processes transactions for the network. your likelihood of hitting a payment is your own coin weight divided by the network weight. with a few thousand coins you should leave the wallet open for a week or so if you want a good chance. many people will use VPSes or shitty old laptops/pis for this, and there is a proposed solution in the works to manually claim

>> No.9672254

All of my rigs now are essentially this:
>Octominer board
>Server PSU's I buy off of ebay for like $20 each
>breakout boards + PCI cables that you can get from ebay or amazon

That's basically it. The only thing left to determine is what you're mining and find the best GPU for it. I'm mining ethereum, so I use 4GB rx 570's since they have similar hashrates to RX 580's and a lower power draw.

>> No.9672487
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Thanks anon, Ive been to the octominer site while researching but didnt realize its benefit. Ill start figuring out exactly what parts Ill buy and start ordering as I want to have it built by the end of next month. Will start with less GPUs and work my way up filling in the slots. Got windows 10 installation on a usb im using for my old laptops. I wish I would have started this much earlier but can only afford it now with some gains. Thanks for the detailed info

>> No.9672601


Remove my mom's pic and video immediately!

>> No.9672793

Just make sure you've calculated electrical costs so you know what to expect in terms of ROI. Given todays prices for both cryptos and hardware, as well as rising difficulty, breaking even will take a bit longer, but cryptos can always do another moon mission, especially since we're still early in this space. But overall, mining is a good hedge, since if a coin dumps you can change what you mine, and if this shit all goes to zero you can still sell your hardware for at least 50% of what you bought it for.

>> No.9673003
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I wrote a beginner's guide here- https://unorthodoxmining.wordpress.com

>> No.9673376

what's the minimum fiat needed to set a mining rig up? 3k? 5k?

>> No.9673657

Depends on your electricity cost. If electricity cheap, you can get older or less efficient cards cheaper. It also depends on what you want to mine and how many gpu.

>> No.9674081

I can mine without paying electricity so I don't mind..I was thinking of getting something around 50/100 usd per month to have free beers and play money, and I can put apart around 3k by the end of the summer, but haven't diven deep into the best solution for me yet

>> No.9674252


>> No.9674843


>> No.9674958

I think, to be eaely you gotta start your own coin.
Im making my own crypto right now. 21 million supply, POS and POW. Pos is like 11 percent a year.
Not enough funds right now to pay for nodes. Got the website, presale etc finished. Discord, telegram, subreddit all that crap.
I was thinking of using walletbuilder premium but that stuff is like $120 bucks to get started, which would be the easiest way to launch a new coin. Im technology inept, sucks im only good at building websites and shops. Literally all that is holding it down is funds.
If someone is interested I can post the site, you cant buy anything right now tho because I didnt launch the presale yet, and I need a good domain name and hosting first.

>> No.9674962


lmao what a moron

>> No.9675316

Some interesting coins there. Thanks.

Anyone knows projects starting like Amoveo?