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9665955 No.9665955 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.9665970


>> No.9665978

>listening to some retard named parabolic trav

>> No.9665988

>super stinky
>1k eoy

>> No.9665998

$5000 EOY

>> No.9666004

>super stinky
>1k eoy

>> No.9666007

So some shilled lobbed a ball to a marketer who "miraculously" managed to hit it? What am I missing here?

>> No.9666011


>> No.9666017

You should see everything with those Satan Bond digits

>> No.9666027

Trav is no ordinary shill...

>> No.9666042

The reply you brainlet

>> No.9666044

68K follwers

>> No.9666091

its not fucking relevant who he is. for fuck sake. he explains the problem clearly and how the oracle service is absolutely necessary. This is NOT a blockchain problem. Decentralized oracles going to be a fucking massive thing and you all are invested in the first big massive enterprise solution. this shit will be bigger than eth after a while.

>> No.9666169
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another based comment

>> No.9666188

I’m going to kiss the tip of Rory’s penis after we hit $1000

>> No.9666224


LINK $1000 EOY

>> No.9666266

>the hacker that goes by the name 4chang labels others as retards

>> No.9666296

I'm gonna throat the whole thing and give him the best blowjob he ever had
no homo though

>> No.9666297

i cant wait until smart contracts are part of daily life, where if some faggots talking shit you can literally just be like "ok sign the smart contract and when i prove you wrong you'll be forced to pay me $10,000"

it makes my dick hard just thinking about it. every time i see someone say something like "HURR DURR it's so OBVIOUS he's lying! oh boy there's no way he isn't lying!!!" and then you offer up irrefutable proof you weren't lying, like video evidence or whatever, and the person who was talking mad shit just gets to carry on as if they never said it to begin with. Smart contracts will hold these fuckers accountable. I'd honestly welcome Suicide Smart Contracts as well but I imagine the implementation would be more difficult so I'll sell for financial ones for now.

>> No.9666313

if only everyone listened to trav :(

>> No.9666321

I have 3000 link will I make it?

>> No.9666325

>Buzzword Trav

I hate the internet.

>> No.9666342

I have 3000 link will I make it?

Answer me dammit!

>> No.9666357

I'll use my gains to dress up so cute for him too
just as a goof

>> No.9666362

If you have the ballz to hodl till $1k which will arrive in few years almost guaranteed.

>> No.9666370

Eventually, you're going to have to hang on for a while.

>> No.9666646

Based chad Rory

>> No.9666727

rory is ascending

>> No.9666770


>> No.9666860
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bitcoin COULD be used to buy both coffee plus whatever the hell they are talking about. no reason what so ever why 1 MB blocks are needed for this.

besides, sounds like Rory is describing something that could be done on-chain with opcodes anyway.

wait a minute, this isn't even a BCH vs BTC thread is it?

>> No.9666884

No, go home now plis, only stinly linkies allowed here

>> No.9666892
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based Rory

>> No.9666945

it's amazing how we went from a random cuck 6 months ago that couldn't say or do jackshit but now he actually seems fairly knowledgeable

>> No.9667017

i have 1k link and 10eth on linkpool, will i make it?

>> No.9667126

Wtf 10 eth on Link pool? Should have put like two eth Max there and the rest in link

>> No.9667284
File: 50 KB, 621x1024, 380b43a8f55a90c3ec667c60e1c88d1f8c62f7f4_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People with bags filled with shitcoins like NEO, IOTA or LINK would do well to let go of them before they are dragged down to the bottom by those anchorous bags

I went all in on EOS. I think it has a better chance of actually becoming something you can use every day than BTC or ETH, if only because of how much money they have behind them for developing apps.

>> No.9667390

you're a faggot

>> No.9668142


>> No.9668238

made that comment right did i, only downside is that he didn't really answered my question. I wanted to know more of we are on the right track of finding all the connections

>> No.9668540

All in on western neo made by a libertarian so that despots won't adopt it.

>> No.9668694

Damn, Sergey has lost weight.

>> No.9668726


this is exactly how chainlink should be shilled: you shill the use case and don't even mention chainlink itself

>> No.9668903

We still have a serious issue....what color should my first lambo be? I mean the second one will probably be blue, third black, fourth red, but what color should my first lambo be?

>> No.9668965

Two words: Sergey’s shirt.

>> No.9668973

You need at least 3k to make it so you're set pal, just hold on and don't let go

>> No.9668997

Aka. the oracle problem

>> No.9669224
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but seriously, to really make it you need at least 30k chainlink tokens by now.

>> No.9669248

plaid, good call bro

>> No.9669261

>migrate to /biz/ from /pol/
>get rich
>leave /biz/ for discord with similar and like minded anons
>fund subversive groups, political campaigns and actions
>become der juden
How common will this be in a few years? What if ChainLink is our means to ensure it does? They know we're here, what we're receptive to, and what we'd like to see of the world. It could be made manifest through ChainLink. We're being groomed.

>> No.9669358



>> No.9669540

Could somebody mock this up please. I want to see how a plaid Lambo looks.

>> No.9669591
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>> No.9669632


>> No.9669650

lol Sergey was ordered to shadowfork right before SBIOS.

You're holding glorified testnet tokens

>> No.9669743

It is on many of our minds an it is already happening. Imagine a joint stock pool of very moneyed crypto millionaires, running ngo's and other organizations for the next century and breeding red pilled kids... We are going to shut the fucking door on the globalists so hard that they are going yo have to kill all of us to stop it. Stay safe brothers.

>> No.9669792


I unironically want to sell the other alts Im holding and just funnel it all into Chainlink. I dont see any other point of holding something for a long period of time besides Chainlink.

>> No.9669815

>I need expertise
>then I'm going to explain why you're right
What a fucking tool trav is. Rory came through tho

>> No.9669817

Can't wait for thousands of plaid coloured lambos. I'm getting one.

>> No.9669859
File: 281 KB, 1280x720, IMG_1631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk man I got 60k link and I ask myself the same question everyday. Answer is you need 100k link to really make it but you should be able to get a used civic.

>> No.9670595

Man...I have sub 100. My goal was to somehow make it to 10k. I even considered kneepads for real, so even if I did, I wouldn't make it. fml

>> No.9670611

thats like 36 dollar, how fucking poor are you?

>> No.9670626

fuck serge just enjoy your endless stream of bigmacs and stop posting on biz. you got your millions so fuck off

>> No.9670641

that was 100 usd. I got fucked and bought at 1usd. fucking praying it the prices go lower so I can put another 100usd.

>> No.9670672

Try to get at least 1,000

>> No.9670681

so it took you 6 months to make 100 bucks?