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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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9665683 No.9665683 [Reply] [Original]

I'm either very good at keeping emotions out of my trades and executing really well or I'm getting lucky.

I sold the peak in two pumps in RLC this week and rebought lower.

Right now I'm taking my ZRX gains and putting them back into RLC, the news dropped today was fantastic and the usual sell the news mentality doesn't realise it, going to pick myself up a nice stack of RLC after it's bled with the ETH pump and sell the news mentality.

I see it pumping back to 0.0038 before going sideways at 0.0036.

>> No.9666335

What would happen if they disclosed the IBM partnership in your opinion during the next week?

>> No.9666772


There's a lot more partnerships than IBM, but it's all about when they disclose them.

But at the moment the downtrend price doesn't reflect the substance of their release, I've been trading the whole way up the last few weeks, but I'm blown away by the news.

I don't it's going to dawn on people until the media cover it

>> No.9667367

What gives value to rlc token? I know what RLC sort of does but the token itself just seems like a currency coin.

>> No.9667468

the workers have to stake certain amount of RLC token in order to prove they don't have bad intentions (without staking, they could just take your mone/RLC for work, but actually never deliver it)

>> No.9667473

what is your entry price on RLC?

>> No.9667545

I've been riding the zrx pumps and thinking of jumping ship since it's my trading stack but what makes you think RLC will pump past 31 soon

>> No.9667708

you also get paid in RLC when you stake and contribute your cpu/gpu to the network. Once staking starts much of the RLC token supply will be locked up reducing the supply.

>> No.9668555
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Should I buy

>> No.9668755

It’s seems like really effective tokenomics desu, it should map market growth very closely + incentives for holders for long term gains until maturity will lower available supply significantly. Once we get some genuine functional velocity this thing will skyrocket towards a rough equilibrium so quickly.

>> No.9668807
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Smart man.
RLC is being heavily manipulated.
Mods on reddit are actively deleting threads relating to RLC.

>> No.9668972

>he cute

>> No.9669276

damn i've been thinking of doing this but coinbase' adoption of 0x makes me wanna keep half and half

>> No.9669454

i would keep it half and half.

>> No.9669494

definitely a less risky option :)