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File: 13 KB, 696x449, KYScoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9664895 No.9664895 [Reply] [Original]

>decentralised internet
>all of your web-sites are still hosted on Amazon AWS and other PaaS
>your stupid Wi-Fi antennas can't reach another continent
>can't connect to any node if you don't live in a city
>in the end you just borrow bandwidth from your ISP

How is this shit not a scam relying on tech illiterate brainlets?

>> No.9664906

How does this differ from Substratum? Genuine question.

>> No.9664915
File: 28 KB, 641x729, dumb19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what are long range antennas
>what are fiber optic wires on the ocean floor

>> No.9664936
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>> No.9664934

watch videos of synth interviews on youtube and you'll find out. he comes off like a quirkier elon musk

>> No.9664941

If you don't like it, you don't buy it. It really is that simple, OP.

>> No.9665015

>what are long range antennas
What is SNR, what is interference, what are shared frequency bands with multiple other retards.
>what are fiber optic wires on the ocean floor
Who do you think owns them, brainlet?

inb4 synth wil lay down his own submarine communications cables

>> No.9665036
File: 41 KB, 800x450, brainlettttt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dark fiber
>muh decentralized internet

>> No.9665092

- CX can handle http and other webapp protocols
- Satellites and ocean cables are privately owned and thusly can be hooked up to skywire
- Incentivizes rural areas to build their own infrastructure
- Will eventually wean itself off of direct ISP use

I take it you haven't spent much time thinking about this.

>> No.9665094
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>> No.9665113

This is a stupid fucking project, their scope is way too broad, their competitive advantage is pretty much non existent. Too many things need to go right at the same time for it to work. No successful project has ever worked like that.

>> No.9665174

1 step at a time. The VPN network pretty much works already, I can connect my node to over 3000 other nodes from all over the world and use them as encrypted VPN. Literally 0 need for slow TOR already.

>> No.9665272
File: 205 KB, 643x486, Screen Shot 2018-05-08 at 11.36.02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I take it you haven't spent much time thinking about this.
LOL I am sure a lot more than youre 5 minute thinking.

The amount of retardation in this thread amazes me. Skycoin is one of the few projects with actual revolutionary tech together with ARK and some other project. Mike Doty co-founder of ARK is one of their key advisors just check out their team page

>> No.9665329
File: 107 KB, 570x570, hajimeasaoka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This project isn't so bad, but the goals over ambitious. Why aim to decentralize the entire world on a mesh when it is a lot more interesting to connect rural regions, small villages and cities. Skycoin could even right the charity train here connecting small impoverished countries. But no, they want to decentralize the ENTIRE internet. It is pretty unreasonable. Would they go small they'd be in the top 50 permanently.

Matter of fact I might just fork this thing.
Thanks for the inspiration anon.

>> No.9665364

How much does the VPN cost?
What are its advantages over I2P and Tor apart from speed?

>> No.9665795 [DELETED] 

I live in a midsized city in the US and I have two ISPs that I can choose from.

Fuck that, I'm more than happy to tell Comcast and AT&T to go fuck themselves.

>> No.9665830

I live in a midsized city in the US and I have two ISPs that I can choose from.

Fuck that, I'm more than happy to tell Comcast and AT&T to go fuck themselves.

>> No.9666144

You can ask this and more to the legend himself:


(But in all seriousness, don't ask that specific question 'cause that will show you have no clue:

Substratum is an ERC-20 token without its own blockchain, they straight up admit that their first version of the sub node was a "dummy" DNS rerouter. All it does is whenever you go to any site in the browser, it redirects you to a different IP address (always the same IP), and that IP address redirects you to whatever site you wanted to go to. And they added a red banner saying "powered by substratum" or some shit.
They identify nodes by IP address!!!! This is retarded. Anybody can connect to the substratum network and collect all the IP addresses that run substratum. They can be trivially blocked or even worse maliciously attacked.
They route the data between nodes using fixed open ports. As far as I know, this is a pretty serious attack vector.
Also, most of it is not actually written yet, as evidenced by their barren github)

>> No.9666229

You do know that they're in talks with the World Bank to help rid Africa of the insane internet data costs over there? Connecting poor rural regions at a fraction of the current prices is exactly what's going on.

>> No.9666273

VPN is free

>> No.9666619

substratum is a cheap imitation of skywire. not even shilling. plus, skywire is only one component of the skycoin platform. the decentralized BBS backbone is already created, messaging, distributed file storage, blockchain programming language and more things are already further along than any individual coins doing the same things.

skycoin coded its own coin and consensus algorithm, and token platform. oh and they are nearing completion of point of sale wallets and personal hardware wallets with integrated decentralized exchange backbone.

its a better bitcoin, a better ethereum, and a future competitor to coins like 0x (as well as all the standard exchanges)

>> No.9666662

uh, skycoin IS doing all the shit you suggested. They have a fucking UN partnership going, many university partnerships, and quite a few regional investors doing exactly what you're talking about.

Beyond that, the skywire protocol was created for autonomous satellite communication networks, i'm pretty sure the "/skycoin_darpa_partnership" meme is not a fucking meme.

>> No.9666674

LINK $0.15 EOY

>> No.9666687

how would someone "decentralize" "the entire internet" other than piece by piece? Doesn't it have to happen organically, by definition? You can't stop the centralized portions from existing on their own . . .