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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9659150 No.9659150 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.9659167


>> No.9659192

>needs to use Chainlink Logo to get any attention
How to spot a shitcoin.

>> No.9659195
File: 39 KB, 396x385, iexec - copie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw iexecutives are the new oil barons

>> No.9659200
File: 170 KB, 800x800, 1526500601112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i knew it would trigger you that's why

>> No.9659204

>Hey boss, should contact a render farm and pay them $500 for our new PR animation, or should we use this weird decentralized computing farm which may or may not render our animation correctly, and for which we have to buy creepy "ERC20" tokens for?
>I'm on the phone with ChadRendering™ already, those iExec guys seems pretty weird and creepy to me.

>> No.9659227
File: 33 KB, 642x362, 1526344316015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever worked in a business setting before? The chad render team uses the render farm you chicken brained faggot.

>> No.9659233

Hey boss, should contact a horse stable and pay them $500 for our new cart, or should we use this weird automobile which may or may not cart our goods correctly and for which we have to buy this 'gas' for.
>I'm on the phone with Chadstable™ already, those Ford guys seems pretty weird and creepy to me.

>> No.9659246

>Ford analogy

>> No.9659254

>which may or may not render our animation correctly
>he doesn't know what PoCo is
kys faggot please never buy rlc

>> No.9659259

>Hey boss, should we contact a render farm and pay them $15 millions for our new movie animation, or should we use this whole new decentralized computing marketplace which only costs half of the price, and for which we have to buy this ecosystem token with a lot of big companies backing it for?

>> No.9659261

Does it have a working product and will it work with miners?
why is it better than golem or DBC?

>> No.9659266

yes, mainnet in mid june
it's better than golem because golem is simply a rendering coin while rlc is a general cloud computing coin that can do much more overall

>> No.9659281

Golem is just a dapp for iexec.

>> No.9659289

pretty much lmao
iexec shits all over every other computing coin

>> No.9659322

Guys, did you realise iExec has shitloads of customers already on their platform ready to use it once the marketplace moves from testchain to mainnet in few weeks?

Think about it, they are partnered with China's biggest cloud provider TFCloud. Now think, who are the customers of TFCloud? Here is the list:

China Telecom, Bank of Shanghai, Oppo, Protruly, China Citi Bank, Wanda Group, Henfeng Bank, China Minsheng bank, China Union Pay, Tsinghua University.

And this is jut one of their partners lol, look at the full list:

>> No.9659323

TFC was confirmed. Chinks incoming. Julien on slack said the medium post will be out at 4pm Germanistan time

>> No.9659335

Thats why you go to the public pool for the sweet airdrops and sit comfy in your rlc stacks.

>> No.9659341
File: 56 KB, 1280x538, photo_2018-05-29_12-40-28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9659359


Medium is out

>> No.9659372
File: 35 KB, 817x477, photo_2018-05-29_12-47-07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

marketplace will be on mainnet June 18

>> No.9659391

jesus christ we're gonna be fucking rich

>> No.9659451

how much rlc to make it in 2020 ?

>> No.9659458

at least 3k

>> No.9659569

June 18 is my wedding anniversary
RLC confirmed $10 eom

>> No.9659629


>> No.9659955

don't spread fake news

iExec is with TFCloud, bigger than Alibaba

>> No.9659972

it's a golem fudder trying to sow discord. we have a couple of people who went all into GNT and realize iexec is better

instead of cutting their losses to make a profit they are trying to shit on it on4chan like that makes a difference.

>> No.9660275

Comfy 100$ EOY

>> No.9660294

god look at the fucking beautiful cup and handle forming
is this it?
is RLC going to be the leader of the 2018 bullrun?

>> No.9660305


Don't be silly biz, they've have you a glimpse of the companies they're working with

>> No.9660607
File: 5 KB, 255x198, brainlet1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I've been telling this board since last year. None listened until now.

>> No.9661679

how would you do that?