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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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9648401 No.9648401 [Reply] [Original]

Memorial Day weekend--the highlight of Spring for wagecucks.

I'm a South Florida neet living off of crpyto gains and inheritance. I usually spend my free time going to the gym, reading, kayaking, fishing, and diving. But right now I feel so bad for wagecucks and 9-to-5 cubicle slaves. It has been raining non-stop this weekend so all the wagies who were looking forward to taking their boats out this weekend and barbecuing on over-crowded beaches have been absolutely BTFO'd. Even then, this morning I went out to run some errands and I saw that the causeways out to the beaches were just swarmed with traffic (just to deal with shitty weather too). This is what wagecucks have to deal with. They work 40+ hours a week to make their boss richer, then on the weekends and holidays when they think they can finally relax and unwind, they have to deal with all the other wagecucks over-crowing places of leisure. The traffic is bad, parking is horribly impossible to find, and the beach if full of filthy spics blasting their reggaeton with the same annoying, repetitive beat that can be heard from a mile away. I really feel bad for them.

As a NEET in SoFlo, I've learned to never do any of my hobbies over the weekend or holidays because the wagies clog things up. But don't forget to go to bed early tonight, wagies, you have work tomorrow morning.

>> No.9648776 [DELETED] 
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