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File: 180 KB, 960x960, https _blogs-images.forbes.com_ksamani_files_2018_04_eos-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9644951 No.9644951 [Reply] [Original]

Why the fuck is EOS dumping? Mainnet launch is just a few days away ffs. Help me make some sense out of this situation. EOS should be mooning past ATH right now.

>> No.9644958

priced in nigger. expect a massive dump on release

>> No.9644968


Everything is dumping

>> No.9644970

moon on mainnet then dump

>> No.9644975
File: 6 KB, 211x239, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit another deluded biztard. Why some ERC20 token dumping? Oh I don't know, miracle maybe?

>muh next eth

>> No.9644989

Ok, here is a trading guide for you sub 100 IQ brainlets:

>news get announced as planned: DUMP
>new get announced but are underwhelming EXTREME DUMP
>new get announced but better than expected PUMP
>news get announced on surprise: PUMP AND DUMP

EOS is dumping because the news are getting released as planned.
Also, EOS is the biggest shitcoin in the top 20 right now.

>> No.9644997

>mainnet launch
Let me tell you the story of a little coin called ICX...

>> No.9645065
File: 169 KB, 1000x1000, 1527264466584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone in this thread is stupid.

EOS will dump a little.

But come June 25th, EOS will be above $30

>> No.9645085

>Everyone in this thread is stupid.
you seem to fit in here nicely

>> No.9645113

EOS has lost less than all the other projects. Having your money in EOS, regardless if you think it's a good project or not, is safer. It's down way less than others.

>> No.9645193

Should have bought link you EOSniggerkike