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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9644358 No.9644358 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone else think this old fuck is bullshitting about how he lives like a poorfag? If a billionaire was driving a shitbox car and eating from McDonalds without any personal guards, there's no way they wouldn't be held at gunpoint on a regular basis. Sure most niggers wouldn't recognize him, but that's not to say there's not a bunch of criminals who would recognize him.

>> No.9644816

don't really give a shit about how he lives so haven't put any thoughts into whether or not he lies

>> No.9645083

Maybe he avoids nigger neighbourhoods you retarded shit.

>> No.9645121

Absolutely! This Wall Street cheer leading faggot pretends to be humble because being elite wealthy is not a good look anymore. The inequality today is beyond measure

>> No.9645387

It's kind of bullshit. He does own the same house he's had all these years, and the car, but from what I've heard, he hasn't driven himself in years, he uses car services, and he travels so much, he doesn't drive much anyway. Plus, he sold a big old mansion in Florida.
He's all marketing, like everything else. He's selling himself as a brand. It's nothing unique, or even new.

>> No.9645418

He likes to save every penny, its his personality

>> No.9645450

He is cool

>> No.9645451

If he's selling then who's buying?

>> No.9645465

Mainstream media and their zombie viewers/readers

>> No.9645562
File: 113 KB, 734x414, 1512943135635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck would they steal from him? The $20 in his wallet? You said yourself that he lives like a poorfag. Every penny of his fortune is in BRK stock. Unless you think they'd hold him up and threaten to kill him unless he gives them a few shares.

>> No.9645584

We must cull the old.

>> No.9645587

All old money types live like poorfags, they buy a new car every 30 years. Flashing the cash is for vulgar neaveu riche plebians.