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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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963892 No.963892 [Reply] [Original]

Yo /biz/, you guys are probably some of the more successful people on 4chan along with /fit/izens and /fa/ggots. So my question to you is: how do you keep pushing yourself towards success? What motivates you?

I'm finishing up my fifth year of highschool and I'm having a pretty hard time, with math. I used to do really well in school but now I need to work my ass off even get a %75. I've got a 78 so I'm achieving my goal but sometimes the studying and lack of sleep makes me want to give up. How do you guys keep trucking?

Pic probably unrelated

>> No.963895

we dont, its all a meme

>> No.963904

>i used to do really well in school
>Gets lack of sleep and wants to give up WITH A 78% AVERAGE IN HIS 5TH YEAR OF HS

Yeah I don't think you will become successful.

Highschool is easy as fuck and you're struggling to get a terrible average with an extra year of school. If you even get into university you will probably drop out of STEM.

>> No.963906

It's a 78 in one class. I have a 90 and a 99 I my other two but I expect that 99 to drop to a 95. I'm not asking whether you think I'll be successful because I don't really care what you think about me. All I'm asking is how you guys stay motivated

>> No.963908

What the fuck kind of answer do you expect to that?

You just do what you need to do to achieve your goals, nothing more to motivation than that.

>> No.963940


I just finished high school and I really regret not putting in more effort

I really dropped off from my early years where I was dux potential but now I was only about top 3rd.

Just do the fucking work, you have so much time. Start your assessments the day you get them and revise what you learnt in class every day. It's not hard. It's 80% more effective if you do it that way.

Just put in the effort every single time, get 85% and above in every exam and 90% and above in every assignment and you will succeed. Just think about how little time you are actually putting in to this.

>> No.963942

>Just put in the effort every single time, get 85% and above in every exam and 90% and above in every assignment and you will succeed. Just think about how little time you are actually putting in to this.

This. You are taking 3 HIGHSCHOOL classes and you're taking an additional year of HS. There is literally no reason to not be getting 100% in every class

>> No.963976

My key motivator is progress. I was a slacker that barely got by with Bs and mediocre work until I hit 25 and finally paid off my debts. Then I started getting actual success and actual progress, and that motivated me to work on more side projects.

Now if only I could stop coming to 4chan.