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9638577 No.9638577 [Reply] [Original]

Are hapas a good investment?

>> No.9638601

No they are badshit crazy just r/hapas

>> No.9638612

can confirm knew one but she was hot asf tho
why are they so hot

>> No.9638620

Short term cheap speculative pnd only

>> No.9638633

unironically because anime.
hapas are what anime IRL waifus would look like

>> No.9638647
File: 24 KB, 400x400, l6BiMxS3_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

solid thot

>> No.9638661

It depends I think most use TONS of make up.

Eyelashes, conctants, all sorts of make up cover up their true faces. Try googleing asians with no make up...

>> No.9638687

I am a male hapa

Not a good investment. I'm 35 and incel. Life is suffering

>> No.9638695


must see this

>> No.9638711

In the US? F

>> No.9638732

only if you're a mamasan

>> No.9638759


So basically they try to make thenselves look as caucasian as possible.

>> No.9638785
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>> No.9638896

What does hapas short for ? Half Japanese?

>> No.9639477

absolutely not. women are the worst investments you can make and marriage is an ancient scam invented by women whereby legally they can steal half of everything you own. women have a permanent SELL RATING. trade at your own risk.

>> No.9639496


white dad?


half asian

>> No.9639555

female hapas = yes
male hapas = no
my ex gf was hapa and sooo hot. I'd be scared to marry an asian woman though just in case I have a male son

>> No.9640067


>> No.9640078

Kelly baltazaar

>> No.9640085

As opposed to a female son?

>> No.9640110

female hapas are sluts/crazy so enjoy your insane daughter

>> No.9640112

I would never raise my wifes son.

>> No.9640179

Bro, have you been to asia? (Thailand especially)

>> No.9640194

yes they are

>t. white dad of both hapa son and daughter, got both of them into crypto before 2011 and now we all have a paid off house.

>> No.9640199

Listen to this enlightened soul. Plus, be prepared to take your freedoms (career / business) away, when you “settle” down with her.

>> No.9640212


>> No.9640260

All hapas need to die desu

>> No.9640267

that's her best pic t bh (but damn is she hot in it)

>> No.9640468

>pic is more than 10 years old
oh man but still would

>> No.9640479
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>that's her best pic t bh

>> No.9640481

Where can I find porn of her again anon? I forgot

>> No.9640491
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>> No.9640525
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And why wouldn't they be? Their parent's whole relationship is because their dad has a yellowfever fetish and their mom wants money/citizenship.

>> No.9640536
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>> No.9640733

is this a robot

>> No.9640805
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>> No.9641056
File: 49 KB, 500x603, 1507077711203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>damn, she should eat more. put some meat on them bones. bet if she falls sick once, she’ll look like a stick insect. screwing her would be like going to bed with a undernourished underaged girl. gimme a real woman like a MILF anytime.

>> No.9641110

who is this pure virginal beauty?

i must wife her

>> No.9641114

Only type id date

>> No.9641396

kelly balthazar

>> No.9641463

Having fair skin as a beauty standard goes back long before white people you low iq retard.

>> No.9641619
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>> No.9641654

saying the posted pic is her best doesn't imply she's not good-looking. besides i did say she was hot as fuck, really no need to sperg out anon

>> No.9641665

Hapa girls are less crazy than their male counterparts

>> No.9641679

Difference is women can ruin your life worse than any man can.

>> No.9641725


Lol. Why choose the ugliest out of the bunch. You can tell even with their make up on. That thread was a waste of time

>> No.9641736

>Men can kill you
>Women can make you not want to live

>> No.9641739

No, their parents are separated or divorced which means they will probably separate and divorce. Plus coming from a broken family means they don’t know what a good family is like so they will spread their failed western family beliefs to their kids. The only thing worse than a hapa is plastic surgery or hapa with plastic surgery

>> No.9641748

I was quoting a comment from the website

>> No.9641771
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Women can send you to jail and make you labeled a sex offender for the rest of your life and ruin any career you could have had. I'd rather be killed desu.

>> No.9641787
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That's what I meant

>> No.9641873

fair, consider me btfo

>> No.9642111

post Kazahk euroasian grills

>> No.9643082
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>> No.9643183


>> No.9643718

hottest hapa is Rosa Kato


>> No.9643794

Asian girls are unironically hot and so are white girls. So when you mix the two together, you get the ultimate form of beauty.
I'd go all in on a hapa any day of the week.