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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9638077 No.9638077 [Reply] [Original]

I accidentally let out how much I make to my girlfriend. How do I stop her from getting a huge ego now? I was hiding the exact dollar figure on purpose.

pic entirely unrelated

>> No.9638091

also some important extra info:
>im very young(19) and do ecommerce and digital media
>I don't make a lot but it's SUBSTANTIALLY more than anyone I know my age
>I am in college and live way below my means
>I'm not american but I live in America for university - I'm also white from a predominantly nonwhite country if that means anything

>> No.9638093

Dump her before she makes you go bankrupt

>> No.9638154

well she's a really sweet girl and I'd rather keep her around - we've been dating for well over a year now but I don't want her ego to explode now. She knows I run a business and I've taken her to do some really nice things as well as bought her some nice things, but for the most part I have kind of hid just how much I really make.

So the perfect scenario would be to stay with her and not have to dump her, but worst case scenario would be me attempting to stay with her while my savings are bled dry.

>> No.9638199


help me out /biz/

>> No.9638202

Give her a reason not to leave then. Get her addicted to narcotics or put a baby in her if you're that paranoid.

>> No.9638245

she is going to bleed you dry regardless. I know this is probably a larp since we have this thread on a weekly basis but on the odd chance this one is legit just wait for her to comment "But ~we~ can afford it!" when she wants something relatively luxurious and pointless.

>> No.9638254

dont come to biz for help for this good god

>> No.9638263
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oh look, it's another "cuck can't handle a woman" episode.

>> No.9638286
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Don't be a fucking pussy and marry her.

She knows how much money you have/make. This will inherently make her more bias to stay with you...not because she genuinely loves you, but to drain you of your resources.

I'm not saying getup and leave this bitch, there's not really a reason to just yet. I say you just draw the line between YOU having money and it being yours, not "ours". Why would her ego go up? It's not her money lmfao...

Make her earn rewards as you like, and treat her accordingly...but as soon as she feels entitled to any of it or uses her pussy as a weapon to get any of your money, directly or indirectly....drop that bitch.

Basically this knowledge doesn't necesarily change anything alone, it's her preceeding actions that really define what you should do next. You're playing with fire here.

This goes to you and any other anons here....don't fucking talk business or money to women.

If you're winning, they want to drain you and instantly feel entitled to all your earned money. Bias ensues and they will do anything to spend that money at one point.

If you're not doing so hot, they will leave you in a heartbeat. Even if it's under control. In that case it's only "your" loss, instead of when you were winning and it was "our" money.

Leave bitches guessing when it comes to business and finance. Divert and change the convo, there's a million reasons not to talk to them about it.

>> No.9638312

>Don't be a fucking pussy and marry her.
Mate...thank you for the reddit-spaced blog post, but I'm 19. Besides a wedding would literally be just the same as her wasting all my money anyway.

>> No.9638315

If she ever brings up spending money berate her for being an idiot and ghost her for a short time, Also opioids induce oxytocin so getting her on hydros or such with increase her dependence on u
Gud luck boi

>> No.9638328
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This Larp is seriously getting sad

>> No.9638395

Why would I waste my time doing that?
Oh she has no access to my money or anything. Really what I meant was up to this point money has never been an issue(I'm self-sufficient and her parents are paying for her university). How do I make sure it stays that way? I have a pretty good personality and I'm extremely unique(I grew up in a very obscure country and have tons of stories about that + plus still retain the almost extinct colonial british accent) so I just don't want money to become the focus if that makes sense

>> No.9638450
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You are too young for marrige. Can be true, but doesnt have to. Some people who have been raised well are ready to get married young.
That said, get kids before 25. Im not jokeing. You will have kids sooner or later and kids are allways better to have young. This is contrary to what media and leftist will tell you, but if you look at any statistics, getting kids while young have sooo many benefits.
If you are one of those, "I will never have kids" -guys, reality will hit you so hard when you gain few more years. Without kids, there is literally no purpose in makeing money beyond certain point. Its meaningless. Once you have kids, you suddenly understand that anything you do is future generations and your life goes from being center of the universe and wishing only happyiness and freedom for yourself, to accualy stand outside of universe and looking into it, your kid, and thinking how can you make it better.

On the gf note, she likes you or your money. Either way, get a prenup (or whatever its called) before putting a ring on anything. You she is getting too big of an ego because she is with an ambitious and rich guy, for me that would be a red flag that she has nothing going for her and she is looking outside herself for validations.

You are young. Just fuck her and enjoy yourself until problems pop up. Then deal with problems or dump and get next one. That might be worse.

Best advide I can give you is that there is no such thing as perfect girl. They all come with so much shit. But we look for things that are essentially neccessery for good marrige and life. Things like, does she cook? Is she clean person? Does she holds good values and morals to teach to my kids? Is she a good person? You have to remember that we dont pick women just based on their tits, ass and face. Once you are past that fuck any girl stadium, you really start looking for ones that will raise your kids right way.

>inb4 reddit spacing
>also never on reddit

>> No.9638457

how about you don't share your money with her, done. Stop whining about stupid problems here; this is a "business" board retard.

>> No.9638475

dump her

>> No.9638513

>this is a "business" board retard.
Funny you say that - I've tried to start threads about actual businesses here all the time yet these are the only ones people tend to care about. That's why I came here with this. That and I'm autistic and don't know who else to ask.

>> No.9638618
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A lot of wisdom in this post...

I don't know if I agree with 25 being the perfect age for kids, but after reading more I do agree that younger tends to be better. I would argue that the 25-30 age range is the perfect time to have kids.

>get a prenup (or whatever its called) before putting a ring on anything
In the U.S. most prenups get thrown out in court, no matter how rock solid they're written.

>Best advide I can give you is that there is no such thing as perfect girl. They all come with so much shit. But we look for things that are essentially neccessery for good marrige and life. Things like, does she cook? Is she clean person? Does she holds good values and morals to teach to my kids? Is she a good person? You have to remember that we dont pick women just based on their tits, ass and face. Once you are past that fuck any girl stadium, you really start looking for ones that will raise your kids right way.

This is actual gold. I feel everyone should have a point in their life where they're single and get with as many women as possible, because with that experience you would know what you like and dont like in a woman, and know what to look for. Also you'd have the experience to actually get the girl when you do find her, and be able to keep her.

>> No.9638628

Most prenup do not get tossed out, what kind of mgtow bullshit you been reading?

>> No.9638634

fuck off normalshit

>> No.9638650

>or put a baby in her
That would be the biggest mistake ever

>> No.9638657

>In the U.S. most prenups get thrown out in court, no matter how rock solid they're written.
Interesting - any stats on that? I'm not american so getting married here isn't exactly critical.

That said, getting married back home may not be the best idea either - we have a pretty anti-white government at the moment.

>> No.9638677
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"A divorce judge will first look at whether the prenuptial agreement is unfair as compared to what the court would do without the agreement. For example, has one of the spouses given up property or alimony rights that would have been available during a divorce without the existence of a prenuptial agreement? If there is a significant difference in what the court would do with and without the existence of the agreement, then the court can determine that the agreement is unfair."

An article in Forbes also said that a prenuptial agreement can be thrown out because it's "lopsided."

From my perspective as a man, the only point of a damned prenuptial agreement is that there is SUPPOSED to be a "significant difference in what the court would do with and without the existence of the agreement."

If I was going to get married I'd like to have alimony out of the question and clearly limit the amount of child support I'd be liable for. But apparently asking my potential wife to agree not to come after me for alimony is unfair?

Also, "common law marriage in Florida no longer exists as an option for cohabiting couples

I refuse to put myself in a position where I am liable to pay a woman I despise a bunch of money.

>> No.9638686

90% are legally upheld if done correctly in a non batshit crazy state ( California)

There’s a thousand reasons to not get married, especially in America, but a prenup, done correctly will hold up almost all the time

>> No.9638779
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In general terms what kind of business do you do or how do you make money online?

>> No.9638819

How much do you make OP? If its like 70k a year she’s gonna be entitled until you hit about 25 then alot of people are gonna be making that much 60-85k range.

If you make like 700k its game over

>> No.9638962

>plus still retain the almost extinct colonial british accent
What's that sound link? Give a vid link

>> No.9639098

Tell her the majority of your funds are tied up in investment vehicles and aren't readily available.

>> No.9639145

if shes from whatever third world country you came from shes going to bleed you dry