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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9637194 No.9637194 [Reply] [Original]

At what point did you realize wagecucking is a meme?

You will never get ahead giving head to the man. Self employment is the only way you are not limiting yourself to a self imposed salary

Also, post your favorite wagecuck cope.

"A steady paycheck job is better because it fills up more of your day plus you are constantly meeting new people and on the move"

>> No.9637320


>> No.9637332

>I actually enjoy what I do

>> No.9637349

>You are just seeing numbers on a screen, thats not a real honest job

>> No.9637404

This is why wagecucks stay poor
They think they are owed money not contractually obliged to them, for creating value as a part of a job they are paid for
No one is going to give you something they didn't agree to giving you beforehand

>> No.9637421

This guy can get a 10k raise by putting this achievement on HI resume, and quit bitching to the media

>> No.9637473

>a human doing this job in 20 years

>> No.9637528

>have a pay review every year
>if you don't get what you want leave

>> No.9637540
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network security admin. 25.
i make 6 figures and spend most of my working day on biz or whatever. i might even go downstairs to the gym if things are especially slow.
great benefits, tons of vacation time, low stress
don't blame your failure to thrive in this world and the associated anxiety and stress on anything but yourselves, kids. some people are just genetically designed to be sorted out and tossed in the trash bin of life.
this world is ezpz.
in the long run, it's a very good thing for everyone else that most of you won't be pushing along your lineage. at the very least, if you have nothing else to truly be proud of, take pride in that.

>> No.9637571

>he's concerned with pushing his lineage
why are you such a primitive ape anon? who are you trying to impress?

>> No.9637582

Should say I work for a small company as a programmer and we got big enough that we had to get someone trained in Human Resources to make sure we were ticking all the boxes.

She was genuinely appalled when she learnt that pretty much every programmer in the company got an annual pay rise based on the work they had done in the past year. She told my boss that it was unsustainable and no other company does that.

Suffice to say once she provided all the paperwork the company needed she was gone and last I heard she joined a company that turned out to be a low level backroom sales scam.

>> No.9637583


>> No.9637745

lucky guy

>> No.9637773

The only reason people should work for others is to amass capital and knowledge to one day start being his own boss. Anything else is a failure for a man.

>> No.9637796

best post

>> No.9637845

I wonder how many cocks will be in the mouths of your lineage. If you have a faggot son, each one counts for double, but he's gonna have big shoes to fill if he wants to best his old man.

>> No.9637875
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>> No.9637890
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>> No.9638014
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T. Boomer cope and projecting insecurities the post

>> No.9638097

Almost living thing has done this for the past several billion years.

>> No.9638124

All this guy did was suggest company vans use company petrol. Not that amazing.

>> No.9638131
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keep that chin up and your mouth open, anon.

>> No.9638651

Good god you're a fucking faggot. How about human dignity and honor you "will gobble up all the cum for a contractually agreed upon price" retard faggot

>> No.9638726


This is why incompetent people stay poor. They think they are value to society just because they work hard.

It's not about working hard, some sad fuck will always be there to work hard. It's about working smart.

>> No.9638801

Sysadmin, also spending most of my day on /biz/, kek

>> No.9638828

wrong, you need to work hard and smart, people who only work smart never go far beyond wagies, most of them ends up in some MLM or similar shit, they have the smarts but are afraid to put more effort as they developed this delusion that working hard is doing it wrong, without it they are unable to go beyond being a small fry

>> No.9638841
File: 58 KB, 541x412, wagecuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I worked as a contractor at an oil refinery, made $5000 in a week and the company charged $20,000

>> No.9638857

There are times when you need to do both. Sticking only to one strategy is stupid.