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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 290 KB, 600x542, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9636357 No.9636357 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder.

>> No.9636387

they buy the shittiest of coins. Daily reminder.

>> No.9636396

Kek, sold my entire stack of about 80k yesterday

>> No.9636497

Turtlemarines mine, fag.

Big mistake.

>> No.9636668

Anything new for trtl this week? Wallets still in beta?

>> No.9636715

Yeah I can't wait to shell my 100MM at 20sats

>> No.9636729

Devs still work on it. Besides that there seems to be some drama about the new Simple Wallet release. The Turtlecoin devs weren't mentioned as contributors or something like that. Rocksteady called his Turtlemarines for duty.

>> No.9636748


>muh devs are pedos
> muh mods are cunts
> muh key loggers
> muh 10 sat wall eaten


>> No.9636846

go eat a dick, cunt

>> No.9636930

u mad.

>> No.9637149
File: 21 KB, 248x189, laughing pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reason for buy?
>cant get any shittier

>> No.9637177

Don't buy it. Mine it.

>> No.9637270

Ah OK. Well, things will get much better once that finally is done with and even maybe a mobile wallet.

>> No.9637292

A mobile wallet for TRTL would make me nut.

>> No.9637310

I just feel that coins with mobile wallets do a lot better when it comes to normies coming back in. When they buy it, they.like to feel like they physically have it. Even if it's just on a phone.

>> No.9637725

ive got about 70k. i have been watching the sell and buy orders the last few days. i thought about selling at 2 sats and buying back in at 1 but honestly it doesnt even look like movement right now. any one else try this to increase their stack

>> No.9637775

How long have you bag held?

>> No.9637795


mined it. i still mine from time to time but my internet is cranky now so i dont as much

>> No.9637799

That's a tortoise and you guys keep using tortoises in your memes you're all retarded I just sold 100k

>> No.9637930

Very true....... Hmmmmm..... How to fix this...

>> No.9637937

What do you use as mining rig? I use a $500 laptop. When I go to bed, I shut it down because the fan's noise is a bit annoying and I can't place it anywhere else.

>> No.9637948
File: 91 KB, 682x300, alligator-snapping-turtle-banner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's use an alligator snapping turtle as our mascot now...

>> No.9637990
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Mined over 25 million and dumped from 35 sats down to 15. Then dumped the entire order book when it listed on tradesatoshi just so it wouldn't rise again.

>> No.9637991

das a bretty mean thingy

>> No.9638509


i got a good deal on a pc on black friday last november. it has a gtx1060.

my internet is so crap right now. since i last posted ive lost connection twice. the support line is always like "uhh wifi isnt guaranteed", im like, good thing im not on wifi, it would be a shame if i lost connection on a hard wire

>> No.9638518

Thinking about buying 3 hatchlings this summer. I have a few names in mind on what to name them. ROCKSTEAD, BEBOP, TOKKA, SPIKE, SHREDDER...... I think those were it..

>> No.9638545

Forgot the "Y" my bad.

>> No.9639437

Bumping for great nostalgia for my Boomer youth

>> No.9639494
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>> No.9639500

This will never increase in price.

People like me mined millions at the start. I dumped mine already but I’m sure there’s a lot of people that will dump when it gets to 2/3/4/5 sats.

I remember seeing TRTL at 30 sats thinking id made it and saw it drop all the way to 1. I dumped some at 8 sats and some at 2.

Do not invest any money into this or waste your time/money mining it. There are plenty of better coins out there.

>> No.9639509
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>> No.9639527
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>> No.9639535

Other coins you say, do go on

>> No.9639574
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>> No.9639617
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>> No.9639643

Just treat TRTL as 1TRTL=100000TRTL

>> No.9639687
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>> No.9639701
File: 412 KB, 964x995, PONZI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do read avalable information:
as it:
total supply
current supply
mining schedule
with price 1sat PAJEET-PANSUN market cap is 1000000BTC, its to many!
the logic: coin for money laundring but you can buy it for 2sat and sell only for 1sat
it will be denominated or delisted

>> No.9639730
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>> No.9639760
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>> No.9639775
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>> No.9639821
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>> No.9639831

Oh, hell... that reminded me, I had my last 250k of this shitcoin (after dumping about 2.5MM between 20-25 sat) listed to sell at 2 sats. Some madman actually bought it!

Just put that all back into a 1 sat buy, which will be filled. Now I just need to do this 10 more times.

>> No.9639836
File: 607 KB, 800x792, safe pepe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, believe this guy Anon.

>> No.9639907
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>> No.9639953

We need some Darkweb transactions. TRTL power

>> No.9639961
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>> No.9640004
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>> No.9640100
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>> No.9640251
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>> No.9640425
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>> No.9640505

Is this scam still going? Wow

>> No.9640556
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>> No.9641170

Why use memes from 2010? Holy shit pajeets step up your PR. Backchods.

>> No.9641343
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>> No.9641821

man these memes are cringe, but they are endearing in a weird way. It's like they are a revolt against the new biz type try hard memes. there is something lax about them, i will buy turtle now

>> No.9642585

>whenever a coin drops significantly in price the project is over
How dumb you think we are?

>> No.9643067
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>> No.9643133

>they don't sell because they can't

>> No.9643180
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Can't believe that this thread isn't in the archive, yet.

>> No.9643187

Literal worthless shitcoin with mining bagholders with millions. Pro-tip, nobody wants a shitcoin shilled by a Discord every 5 fucking minites. At least cool it with the unfunny memes clearly made in Discord yo spam every fucking day.

>> No.9643197

TRTL is dank

>> No.9643212

Cringe. The absolute state of this shitcoin.

>> No.9643234
File: 128 KB, 953x627, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, TurtleCoin memes aren't exactly the slickest.

>> No.9643288

> trtl coin, the biggest experiment in crypto since btc itself.
> 1 SAT, can't even crash and burn.
> soon
> Install the shittiest wallet out there, le keylogger commence

And people are still shilling this? JUST LMAO

>> No.9643636


>> No.9644123

I'm creating a video sharing platform that will use TRTL as it's main payment system. I just need your opinion on one thing. Should the service be subscription based where users pay monthly/annually or users can choose a certain amount of TRTL to access their video?

>> No.9644174

Why not both?

>> No.9644227

Slows down development. The minimum viable product should be released asap

>> No.9644262
File: 161 KB, 471x468, TurtleCoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monthly/annually pay then.

>> No.9644287

The discord has over 10000 users.
A troll army

>> No.9644293

Thanks turtle bro

>> No.9644315
File: 32 KB, 429x500, Turtle Marine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9644323

>fyi web wallet will be enabled for desktop and mobile usable.
tested the beta. discord people can just ask and get 50k on the testnet to spend with the web wallet.

>> No.9644377

Are they going to be cam girls? If so it’s better if users splash shells one at a time to give it that sleazy strip club feel.

>> No.9644431
File: 71 KB, 610x458, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TurtleChicks kek

>> No.9644679

Streaming isn't in the MVP, but in the future I might include this feature. The MVP is video uploads, comments, TRTL integration. I'm only one person right now, when the MVP launches I'll open it to the discord community.

>> No.9644688
File: 18 KB, 443x332, images (13).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy wall building on tradesatoshi

>> No.9645032
File: 125 KB, 733x464, imbestors.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>selling anything for less than $1000

>> No.9645493

Big if true

>> No.9646113

When turtlegram?

>> No.9646552
File: 56 KB, 494x659, TRTL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this real? Are you on the discord?